Y&R Short Recap Thursday, December 19, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Detective Denise Toliver tells Amy and Nate she found Damian in Los Angeles but she advises them to make a decision quickly if they want to go see him because he doesn’t like to stay in one place for too long. Denise doesn’t want to go to Los Angeles with Nate because she thinks Damian will hate her once he finds out Nate Sr. Is his biological father. Nate persuades her to go with him assuring her that he will help her tell Damian the truth.

Daniel and Lucy go through Heather ‘s things and they decide to donate most of it to charity.

Alan hypnotized Sharon and she remembered that Heather got up from the floor twice after she pushed her down twice. Sharon also remembers that Heather ran away from her and was near the front door of the apartment. Sharon then felt weak and dizzy and fell on top of the couch. Sharon then heard Heather scream before she closed her eyes and passed out. Sharon comes out of hypnosis and knows she didn’t kill Heather but she doesn’t know how Heather died or who killed her.

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