Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Leo met with Rafe to talk about finding out who leaked his stories to Lady Whistleblower. Rafe asked who had access to the computer if he didn’t let the cast know about the spoilers. Leo said Javi was the only one who saw it. Rafe let him know that he knew about the accusations he made against Javi. He asked Leo if there were any other suspects. Leo thought it might have been Kate to which Rafe thought wouldn’t make sense because she wouldn’t ruin her son. After Leo accused Kate, he thought it could be Abe and Kate together. Rafe didn’t think the accusation was right, but he did have a suspect in mind, but wanted to keep it to himself for now. He thought Leo would accuse the person and he didn’t want the person to know. Javi and Jada talked about Rafe working with Leo. She wondered why he didn’t want Rafe working with Leo. He told her what Leo did to him and how Leo would accuse Rafe if he didn’t find the suspect. While they were talking, he got a text and had to leave. When Rafe came home, Jada told him about what Javi told her and asked about the case. He told her he suspected Hattie was involved. Jada asked if he was tracking her down to which he said he was and wondered if something was wrong with that. Jada said Hattie was a suspect in the poisoned cupcake situation and didn’t want him to get in her way. Rafe said Javi told him his job would come between them. Jada asked him to let her take the lead, but he said he could follow anyone he wanted. They ended up arguing over it. Rafe told her she was afraid that Paulina would think he was doing a better job than she was to which Jada said she wasn’t. The two shook hands.
Javi went to the town square while Leo was reading Lady Whistleblower’s column. He told Leo that he was sorry about the spoilers being leaked. Leo thought he deserved Javi’s attitude after what he did. He said he enjoyed being the head writer and now it was ruined. Javi said he understood and was sorry that he was going through this. Leo thanked him and was excited about the next episode. He invited Javi to watch it with him. While they were talking, Kerry showed up and asked if Javi was ready. Javi and Kerry met on a dating app. Leo was shocked that they were going out together. Kerry reminded Leo that he didn’t think there was anything between them. He and Javi left to get drinks. EJ gave Joy and check and told her to pack and leave. Joy didn’t want to leave because she liked her job. He told her she could go back to school with the money he was giving her. In addition to the money, he said he could introduce her to an agent in L.A. When Joy took the check, Kate showed up and asked what was going on. Kate didn’t think they knew each other. EJ said Joy decided to quit the show. Kate asked Joy why she wanted to leave the show. Joy said it wasn’t a right fit for her and she missed New York. Kate said she couldn’t let her quit while she was under contract because it would be a breach of contract. EJ said he knew Joy had a contract which was why she wanted him to get her out of it. He said Kate could get someone else for the role to which Kate said she didn’t want to. Kate said she and Abe would work with her so she wouldn’t have to break her contract. Joy agreed and said she would stay. Kate was happy she was staying and said she and Abe would make arrangements so she could visit her family. When Kate walked off, EJ wanted to know what Joy was doing. She said she liked being an actress and wondered why she should give it up. He said she interfered in Johnny’s life. She said it took two of them to do that and that Johnny would have to get used to seeing her because she wasn’t leaving. After she was finished talking, she walked off. Alex told Johnny that Joy liked her job and didn’t want to quit. He said he talked her out of quitting. Johnny was upset and told him it was none of his business. Chanel walked in and wondered why they were fighting. Alex said they were fighting over Joy to which Chanel wondered why. Johnny lied and said Alex slept with her. He said Alex admitted to sleeping with Joy and didn’t think it was a good idea after what happened with him and Stephanie. Alex said he and Joy weren’t married so they weren’t hurting anyone to which Chanel said wasn’t true. She said Joy could be hurt because she’s new in town and he wasn’t over Stephanie. Alex said he didn’t want anyone to get hurt either. Chanel went upstairs to learn her lines. Alex asked Johnny why he lied about him sleeping with Joy. Johnny said he had to think fast since Joy was leaving town. Alex said Chanel would blame him for it. Johnny said he panicked but everything would be okay as long as Alex didn’t say anything. Alex agreed not to say anything because he didn’t want to hurt Chanel. Later on, EJ came home and told Johnny that Kate convinced Joy not to leave town. He said Joy wasn’t leaving town. Chanel walked in and wondered why Johnny looked like he was caught doing something. EJ attempted to change the subject by asking her about the show. She said she was connecting with her character and wanted Johnny to help her with her lines. Johnny agreed to help her. When Chanel went upstairs, EJ told him he would have to learn to live with what he did.
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