Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Jennifer, Lucas, and Ciara told Marie about the time capsule. They wanted to show her the necklace, but it wasn’t in there. When they were shocked that the necklace was gone, Marie said they would have known if someone broke in and stole it. Lucas said the person who stole it might not have needed to break in. They realized Steven was in the room when they found the necklace. Marie said it wouldn’t be a surprise if Steven stole it because he used to be mixed up in stolen diamonds. Lucas suggested finding Steven. Ciara offered to go with him. Jennifer said Steven said something about going to visit their grandparents’ plaque so they decided to go there. Jennifer told Marie that she hoped Lucas was wrong about Steven to which Marie said she didn’t think so. She told Marie that Julie would be heartbroken if her brother stole the necklace. Steven went to see Tom and Alice’s plaque and told them he would have stolen it back in the day, but he has changed. Leo was at a table nearby and struck up a conversation with Steven. They talked to each other about their lives and decided to become friends. While they were talking, Lucas and Ciara showed up asking about the necklace. When Steven didn’t know what they were talking about, Lucas told him they were talking about the diamond necklace from the capsule. Steve was appalled that they thought he took it. Lucas said Marie told them about his past. Leo said he didn’t know Steven. Lucas told Steven that he knew he stole and wanted him to give it back. Steven said he didn’t take the necklace but it was his grandmother’s so he had more rights to it than they did. He told them he was leaving.
Ciara asked Leo if Steven said anything about the necklace to which Leo said he didn’t. Leo said he liked Steven and that he could be innocent. He said Lucas and Ciara didn’t have a right to judge when Lucas kidnapped his wife and Ciara married a serial killer. Belle was surprised that Shawn came to see her at the townhouse. She told him Claire was sick and couldn’t make it to the funeral so she came instead so he could have family there. Shawn said he was glad she showed. He thanked her for coming. She said she was glad she did. Shawn said they should talk about their marriage since they were together. Belle agreed to talk about their marriage. She said she knew he was dealing with his guilt over what happened to Bo. He told her Bo grabbed his mother’s hand which was why she didn’t come to the funeral. Belle hoped that Bo would wake up and wondered if it would help him get over his guilt. He said even if he got over his guilt, he still wouldn’t be the man she fell in love with. Shawn said it might be time for them to end their marriage. He said he didn’t deserve her. She said that wasn’t true. He said he felt run down after everything that happened with Talia, Jan, and EJ. Their closeness hasn’t been there for a while. Belle wondered if he thought they couldn’t get it back. He asked if she thought they could. She said she loved him. He said they would always have a connection through Claire but it might be time to let go. Belle said she could send the divorce papers over, but he should have a lawyer look them over. He said he would do that. They told each other to take care and hugged before he left. While Julie was at Doug’s cemetery, a stranger showed up. He said his name was Doug Williams. A shocked Julie told him Doug was dead. Doug said he got out of jail to see her. She asked if he was going to say that his cellmate was Bill to which Doug said his cellmate was named Bill. Julie asked if he took her husband’s name. Doug said he changed his name. He was born Douglas LeClaire after his father. Julie was shocked that he was Doug LeClaire’s son. Doug said his father changed his name to Charles. He said Charles told him Robert wasn’t his father and that he was conceived artificially by Rebecca and Doug. Julie said she knew the history and hugged him. He said he found out about his grandfather and wished he could have met him, but he was glad to have met her. She asked him about his time in jail. He said he got in trouble, but managed to show up. She thought he was tired and invited him to the house. When they got home, Julie introduced Doug to Jennifer and Marie. Marie thought something was going on with Julie until Julie told her about Charles. Jennifer said she heard the story. Julie couldn’t believe how the day turned out. They found the capsule and now Doug’s grandson is back. When Julie wanted to show him the capsule, Jennifer said it was put away for safekeeping. Marie said she had to leave and promised to keep in touch. When Julie left to make up a room for Doug, he asked about the time capsule. He found out the necklace was missing. Steven showed up at the house to let Julie know he was leaving town. He asked her not to believe everything she heard about him and that he would keep in touch. Doug looked at pictures of Alice and pulled the necklace out of his pocket.
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