Days Short Recap Monday, October 21, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve hit Mark before he could kill Chad. A surprised Chad wanted to know what was going on. Steve told him that the woman posing as Abby wasn’t the real one. He said she was an imposter and said Kayla ran another DNA test that proved she wasn’t Abby. Abby checked on Mark. Steve told Chad that Mark falsified the DNA test results. Chad asked her if it was true, but was able to tell by looking at her that it was. She admitted that she wasn’t Abby. A shocked Chad couldn’t believe it. He asked if Mark was her boyfriend. She said he was her brother. Steve said it was time to get the police involved, but Chad said he wanted answers. When Chad took Abby to another room, he wanted her to start talking. He asked why she pretended to be his wife. She wanted him to know that it wasn’t her idea and that it was Clyde’s plan. Chad wanted to know why Clyde did this. She said she didn’t know but assumed Clyde wanted to torment him and get his money. A furious Chad was shocked that she would pretend to be a dead woman for money and said she didn’t care about him. She said she didn’t expect him to believe her, but she had feelings for him. When he said he didn’t believe her, she said she cared about her and her intentions weren’t malicious. She said she hated lying to him because she fell in love with him. He asked how she knew his and Abby’s wedding vows. She said she looked through a box of mementos in the attic and found Abby’s vows written down. Chad said she was sick for making him feel this way. He said if she cared about him she would have told him the truth before he thought he had his wife back in his life and before her brother tried to kill him. She said she didn’t know her brother was coming to kill him and got in the way to keep Mark from killing him. The plan was for her to marry him and transfer his money over to Clyde and that would have been the end of it. Chad asked how she was going to explain what happened to his money. She said she was going to be gone by then. Chad said her brother or Clyde must have decided that it would have been easier for him to die. She denied knowing anything about that part of the plan.

Chad told “Abby” that a part of him knew something wasn’t right, but he believed it because he wanted it to be true. He wanted to believe Abby was back in his and the kids’ lives. It was the first time since Abby died when he wasn’t in pain. Thanks to her, he had to mourn Abby all over again. He thought Abby’s parents were going to be furious when they found out and was grateful that he didn’t tell the kids the truth. She said that was why she didn’t want him to tell them and why she wanted to go to Paris. Clyde threatened to kill her mother if they didn’t do what he wanted. She said Clyde’s men were holding her hostage and if Clyde didn’t get his money, they would kill her. Chad wanted to know how he was supposed to believe her. She said she didn’t expect him to believe her. He said he didn’t know who she was. She told him her name was Cathrina. Chad didn’t know if she was telling the truth about that and didn’t care. He said what he knew was that she and her brother committed fraud against the people who loved Abby and threatened to make her pay. Steve tied Mark to a chair. JJ walked in and wondered what was going on with the doctor. Steve said the doctor tried to kill Chad and was the brother of the woman pretending to be Abby. JJ realized his mother was right and dreaded having to tell his father the truth. Steve suggested they waited for more information before they told Jack the truth. He was convinced Clyde was involved. When Mark woke up, Steve told him they knew the truth and that his sister and Chad were talking things out. Xander went to see Kristen who told him she wasn’t giving him the serum since Brady was still behind bars. Xander said Brady was free and that his mother was the one who did it and was arrested. He explained what his mother did and how EJ didn’t want to let Brady go free until he and Sarah convinced him to do it. When Xander asked for the serum, Kristen said she had to confirm what he told her first. If Brady was out, she should be able to talk to him. Brady ran into Sarah at the police station. She told him she was glad the right person was behind bars, but she wanted to tell him something. When they went into the conference room, Brady got a call from Kristen. He let her know he was on his way home. Kristen asked him to come see Rachel and wanted to know how he got released. After Brady got off the phone, Sarah said she felt terrible for blaming him for her accident. Brady said thanks to Fiona, he thought he was guilty too. Sarah said she was the one who made a statement to the police and would understand if she never forgave her. Brady said he forgave her and had to learn to forgive himself for being weak which allowed Fiona to frame him. Sarah said he was a good man who knew not to drive so he should give himself credit for that. He asked if she was confused for why she said he was the driver. She said she lied to the police. Brady understood her wanting him to pay but couldn’t understand why she lied. Sarah said she didn’t do it to punish him. He said he had time to think about it and realized she was protecting Xander from killing him. When Sarah started crying, he knew he was right. Brady said he understood Xander wanting to get payback and thought a guilty man going to prison was better than the father of her child. She thanked him for understanding. He said he knew she tried to do the right thing by recanting her statement. Sarah said she did it because there is a serum that could help her walk again. She said the only way she could get it if she recanted her statement. Brady said he knew who made the deal. Kristen told Xander that she talked to Brady and he was released, but she figured out that Eric was the one who figured out Brady was innocent and that neither he nor Sarah had anything to do with Brady getting released. She said she was keeping the serum. Xander told her that he and Sarah convinced EJ to drop the charges against Brady. She said EJ would have dropped the charges. Since she was feeling generous, she was willing to give him the serum in exchange for Titan. Xander asked why she wanted the company when she had her own. Kristen said she wanted to merge Titan and DiMera which would make her unstoppable. She said the board wasn’t happy with the numbers and was losing faith in her. If she had Titan, she would regain their trust. Xander refused to give her his father’s company. He said she didn’t need Titan because she serum would make her a fortune. Kristen said it could take years for the serum to get on the market and by then one of her brothers could take over the company. Xander didn’t want to hand over his father’s company to the daughter of his enemy. Kristen said it was a small price to pay to help Sarah walk again. When Xander went home, he told Sarah that Kristen would give them the serum in exchange for Titan.

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