Days Short Recap Monday, October 14, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

While Chad was at the hospital, he talked to Steve on the phone. Steve said he heard Chad took Abby to Paris. Chad said he hoped it would stir up some memories, but she hasn’t remembered anything concrete yet. He thought Steve was still suspicious of Abby which was why he called. Steve said he was concerned about him. Chad let him know that he was okay and that he and Abby were getting married. While Chad was talking, he said Abby remembered their vows and how happy she was that day. He said she was the one who wanted to get married because it would help her get her memory back. A suspicious Steve said he had questions and thought Chad should have some too. Before Chad got off the phone, he told Steve he was getting married and would give Abby his love. In Paris, Abby was on the phone. Holly walked by. Abby told Mark that she and Chad were getting married. She said she knew what was at stake, but she was doing it for their mother. Mark told her he saw Clyde and wanted him to do something else. While Abby was on the phone, she noticed Holly watching her on the phone. She told Mark she had to get off the phone. When Abby got off the phone, Holly introduced herself and told her she was visiting her mother. Holly said she didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but she thought she heard her say she was getting married. Abby said it was an impulse thing. A confused Holly said she thought she heard her say she was getting married because of her mother. Abby lied and said she was talking to JJ about their mother having a hard time accepting her. She said she hoped getting married would trigger a memory and then her mother would accept it. Abby excused herself to look for a dress, but Holly asked to go with her. She took Holly to the suite to see Chad. Holly told Chad she was in Paris to see her mother. When she said she was going to get a motel, he asked her to stay in their room. He said they needed a witness for the wedding and Abby needed a maid of honor. Mark was glad Abby hung up because he didn’t want to tell her that Clyde wanted him to kill Chad. Steve showed up at the hospital to see Mark. He said Kayla spoke highly of him. Steve asked him to run a DNA test on his niece. He said his family was having trouble accepting the results so a second test would give them peace of mind. When Mark agreed to do the test, Steve gave him samples of Abby and Thomas’ DNA. Mark said he would put a rush on it.

When Mark came back from the lab, he told Steve that the DNA results were conclusive and that Abby and Thomas were a match. Steve thanked Mark. When Mark left, Steve said Kayla would be surprised that they were mother and son. Steve realized Mark faked the tests results and the woman claiming to be Abby wasn’t Abby. Xander told Maggie that Kristen had a cure for Sarah’s paralysis because of Rolf. He said Kristen was willing to give the cure if they got the charges against Brady dropped. Maggie called Kristen delusional because they couldn’t get the charges dropped. Xander said Sarah’s testimony was all EJ had against Brady. He said EJ threatened to have Sarah arrested if she recanted her statement. Xander said EJ was determined to make Brady pay. He blamed himself for why Sarah wouldn’t be able to walk again. Maggie asked how this was his fault. Xander said Sarah didn’t remember Brady hitting her, but she lied to the police to keep him from killing Brady. He said he wanted justice and when she found out what he was doing, she lied to the police. When Xander told Maggie his plan, she told him nothing good could come from revenge. He said it was his fault that Brady would be locked up and Sarah wouldn’t have the cure. Xander asked if Maggie hated him to which she said she could never hate him, but his need for revenge hurts people. She said she would try to talk to Kristen to see if she could change her mind. He said she always fixes the problems he creates. Maggie said she was doing it for Sarah. Eric told Brady they needed to talk about Fiona. Brady swore he didn’t know who Fiona was when he met her. Eric asked if Fiona was drinking that night. Brady told him she was drinking. Eric said Fiona was driving that night and put him in the driver seat. Brady said he was making crazy accusations. Eric wanted him to search his brain. Brady started thinking about the night of the accident and remember Fiona driving. He told Eric he remembered Fiona driving and telling him she hit someone. Brady said he didn’t hit Sarah. Sarah remembered seeing Fiona behind the wheel when she got hit. When Fiona came in the room, Sarah said she was the one who hit her. Fiona asked where she got such a crazy idea. Sarah said Eric told her she was with Brady and drinking. Fiona said she was with Brady but that didn’t mean she had anything to do with the accident. She said she kept it a secret because of the bad blood between Xander and Brady. Fiona said she tried to convince Brady not to drive that night. She said Eric was trying to save Brady by putting ideas in her head. An unconvinced Sarah told her she knew it was her and wanted her to admit it. Fiona asked why she was doing this when she didn’t have a clear memory of what happened before. Sarah said she remembered now. Fiona thought Eric put the idea in her head. Sarah said she was sick of her antics and was going to call Xander. Fiona took the phone out of Sarah’s hand and said she couldn’t lose her son. Sarah didn’t care about that. Fiona said she was lonely and now had her family. She said it was an accident. Fiona said she was drinking, but Brady was worse. Fiona thought she was doing the right thing and never meant to hurt her. She continued to blame herself for what happened. Sarah reminded her that she framed Brady. Fiona said she didn’t want Brady to go to prison, but didn’t realize he would turn himself in. She said she thought Brady would have been in the clear until Sarah identified him. Sarah said she lied to save Xander and now Brady had to go to prison for 10 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. She said she didn’t care if EJ put her in jail for perjury because she was telling everyone what Fiona did. Fiona said she couldn’t let her do that. She pushed Sarah’s chair towards the stairs and apologized to her for the accident she was about to have. Sarah tried to fight her off, but Fiona said Xander would find her at the bottom of the stairs and think she lost control of her chair and no one would be the wiser. Xander showed up and said he would.


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