Days Short Recap Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Melinda showed up in Gabi’s hospital room to check on her and to bring her paperwork to sign. She told Gabi that Stefan wanted her to draw up divorce papers. Melinda told her she would turn Stefan down if she didn’t want to sign the divorce papers. Gabi told her that she and Stefan agreed to the divorce so she could draw up the papers. EJ ran into Stefan and was happy that Brady was getting what was coming to him. They ended up arguing over EJ sleeping with Gabi. EJ said Stefan’s issues didn’t matter since he and Gabi were getting a divorce. He said Gabi told him about it. Stefan said he knew Gabi and she wouldn’t sleep with him since they were getting divorced. A smug EJ asked why he cared if they were getting divorced. Stefan said he wouldn’t want Gabi tied to someone like EJ. EJ said they had to learn to live civilly since they would be living together until she took everything from Stefan. Stefan said that wasn’t going to happen. He said he and Gabi talked and he would be shocked if she came in the house again. Gabi showed up at the house while Stefan was talking. EJ told Gabi he would have picked her up if he knew she was getting out. He said he was late for a meeting and left. Stefan asked how Gabi was. She said she was okay, but didn’t expect him to hire Melinda. Gabi thought it helped his case that Melinda had a crush on him and would do anything to help him win. She said she was right to take the family fortune, but as he said, there was nothing left to fight for. While she was talking, she let him know she was moving out.

At the police station, Eric told Brady that Holly was visiting Nicole in Paris. While they were talking, Brady’s plea deal came up. Brady said he was going to plead guilty. He said EJ offered him a plea deal of 10 years if he pleaded guilty to which he was okay with because he wanted to pay for what he did. Eric said Brady had a future and could make up for what he did. He said he wouldn’t lose the guilt, but he could learn from it. After they finished talking, Eric left to go to the pub. Eric talked to Roman about Brady’s case. He told Roman things didn’t add up. Sarah suddenly remembering Brady was the driver and Xander being in Brady’s room when the police showed up was suspicious. Brady not remembering drinking was suspicious too. Eric said he saw Sarah talking to Fiona about a secret. He wondered if Fiona was connected to the accident. Roman said it was possible that Fiona could have been with Brady that night. Eric said he had an idea. Sarah struggled with doing certain things. Fiona came in and comforted her. Sarah told her that she and Xander were grateful she was there. She thanked Fiona for not telling the police about her lie. It would have never happened if she didn’t think Brady was responsible for hitting her. She said she wished she could remember her. Kristen went to see Xander at Titan to find out when he was getting Brady out of jail. Xander said he would never get him out of jail. Kristen reminded him that Sarah would get out of the chair if he set Brady free. Xander said he didn’t believe her and didn’t want Sarah to be Rolf’s guinea pig in case the experiment didn’t work. Kristen said the drug was almost ready and that Rolf used the same drug on Marlena, Kayla, Kate, and Bo. Xander asked to go to the lab, but Kristen laughed at him. She said Rolf would give him data for Sarah to look over, but he had to get Sarah to recant her statement and help Brady. If Sarah didn’t do it, it would be Xander’s fault she never walked again. When Xander went home he found Sarah who was upset. She told him about the problems she had. Sarah said she shouldn’t have gotten upset when other people are able to handle it. She said there was nothing left to do. Xander said that wasn’t true. He told her about Kristen’s offer. Sarah laughed at the idea of Rolf helping her and wondered why Kristen would help him. When he told her what Kristen wanted, Sarah was floored. Sarah said she had to think about it, but Xander said it had to be done before the hearing. Later on EJ showed up and wanted to know what was going on. He told them about Brady’s plea deal, but Xander stopped him from talking. Xander said Sarah wasn’t confident about her statement. EJ asked if that was true. Sarah said she wasn’t sure to which EJ said she seemed sure before. She said the image wasn’t clear so she could have been wrong. An upset EJ asked what they were telling him. Sarah said she wanted to recant her statement. EJ said she wasn’t doing it. Eric went to the bar and asked the server if he recognized Brady. The server said he recognized Brady because of the way he acted. Eric asked why he let someone drunk leave. The server said the lady said she had it under control. Eric asked who he was talking about and showed him a picture of Fiona. The server said they left together.

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