Days Short Recap Monday, October 7, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ went to Paulina with a signed statement from Stefan recanting his statement about EJ helping Sloan with the baby switch. He said she didn’t have a reason to fire him. Paulina said Melinda didn’t want the job so she didn’t have a replacement for him. EJ said he will keep the job and wasn’t going to hold her up. She said they both knew the statement was a lie and wondered how he got Stefan to sign it. He said it was the truth and that Stefan tried to ruin him so he threatened to sue him for defamation. She asked what they were going to do when they ran out of things to use against each other. Before EJ left, he said that wouldn’t happen. Stefan went to see Gabi at the hospital. She wondered what he was there. He said he talked to his lawyer and was filing for divorce. Stefan said he was surprised she didn’t file first. Gabi said he vowed to fight for their marriage and wondered what made him rush to file for divorce. He said he didn’t rush. They were both miserable together so there was no point in dragging it out. Gabi felt it was still sudden and wondered why he did it now. Stefan told her that EJ told him he would never be able to get the image of her and EJ out of his head. Gabi said she knew what he meant because she kept seeing him with Ava. He said there was no fixing it so there was nothing left to fight for. She said when the bomb ticked off and she thought she was going to die, she found herself wanting to tell him she loved him one more time. When he came to the hospital that night, she was going to forgive him until he said he was going to have sex with Ava. He said he didn’t sleep with Ava, but she tried to sleep with EJ for a second time except he turned her down. Gabi said she wanted to hurt him the way he hurt her. She said hurting someone you’re supposed to love is something you shouldn’t do. Gabi reminded him about the way he treated her when he came back into her life. Stefan said they found their way back to each other and were happy. She said the only thing keeping her going in prison was him waiting for her and then she found out he cheated on her with Ava. He apologized to her and would give anything to erase what he did.

Stefan told Gabi that he never loved anyone the way he loved her. He said she was his everything. While he was talking, he recited what he told her on their anniversary. He said he was a fool who messed up everything. She agreed that he messed up and said she messed up too. They apologized to each other. Gabi told him the damage was done and there was nothing left for them. She told him to file for divorce so they could get it over with. They said goodbye to each other before Stefan left. When he left Gabi cried. Abby met Chad at the Horton House. Chad told her he wanted to tell the kids the truth. Abby said they couldn’t do that. She said they agreed to wait because it was too soon. Chad said the kids needed her and have gone long enough without her. He said the longer they waited, the bigger the chance of them finding out from someone else. Abby said she didn’t want them to find out from a stranger, but she was just starting to remember things. She asked what was wrong with waiting. Chad said the kids were smart and would figure it out. He said they needed their mother. Chad asked if she wanted her old life back. He thought seeing the kids would bring back memories. Abby said she felt like she disappointed him by not remembering and didn’t want to do the same thing to the kids. Julie showed up with the kids. Thomas asked who Abby was. He wondered why Abby was staring at him and why Chad was being quiet. Abby said she heard a lot about them and was a friend of the family. When Julie took the kids out of the room, Chad asked if seeing the kids triggered anything. Abby said it didn’t. He said he didn’t know what to do, but she had an idea. Ava went to the Bistro to see Stefan’s job offer still stood. Stefan asked if she was going to quit again. She said it depended on whether he was getting back together with Gabi. He said they weren’t getting back together. Ava asked if he was sure of what he was doing. He said part of him would always love Gabi but they couldn’t get past the mistakes they made. Ava said she appreciated the job, but she would take the job at the Brady Pub if it would help him get back together with Gabi. EJ went to see Gabi. He said Rafe told him to stay away from her. EJ asked her how they were going to live with each other. Gabi said it was a big house so they would figure it out. She told him Stefan was filing for divorce. While they were talking, she brought up how EJ taunted Stefan about not getting the image of them sleeping together out of his head. EJ admitted to tell Stefan that. She said he wanted to ruin her marriage. He apologized if he ruined her marriage, but he thought their marriage was over when they had sex. She said he was right and that getting upset with him was better than blaming herself. Gabi said she was the one who came on to him and he was a gentleman who turned her down when she wanted to have sex again. EJ suggested she fight for her marriage if she didn’t want it to end, but she thought it was over.

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