Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Eric went to Titan to talk to Xander about being in his parents’ house and standing over Brady. Xander said he was there to let Brady know he was going to pay for what he did to Sarah. Eric wondered how Brady got drunk, to which Xander said the same way anyone else does. Xander said Brady was drunk when he got in the apartment and then the police showed up. Eric said he didn’t believe him because he was with Brady and he said he didn’t drink. He said Brady told him about meeting a stranger who scratched his hand with a ring and then he blacked out. Xander asked if Eric was implying that he hired someone with a poisoned ring to drug Brady. Eric accused Xander of hiring someone to do his dirty work. Xander called him delusional, but Eric said he would prove Xander had something to do with what happened to Brady. Eric said Xander planned on killing Brady, but the police showed up before he could do it. Xander demanded that Eric leave his office. When Eric left, Xander was furious. Tate went to see Brady at the police station. Brady apologized that Tate had to see him the way he was the night before, but he didn’t drink. Tate wondered how Brady could say that. Brady said something knocked him out, but it wasn’t alcohol. He said he promised he wouldn’t drink again after what happened to Sarah. Tate said he believed him. Brady said he hated the fact that both of his parents were in prison. Tate told him he would be okay. Brady said he had his grandparents. Changing the subject, Brady asked about Holly. Tate said she was angry and didn’t understand. He said he couldn’t be with anyone who couldn’t understand that he loved his father and would stand by his side. While he was talking, Tate told him he caught Holly looking in Brady’s room for information. He said he suspected that she’s working with EJ and that he put her up to looking for the information. Brady said EJ was using her anger as a weapon. He told Tate not to be too hard on Holly. Brady said he was proud of Tate. When Tate left, Brady was upset with EJ.
Kristen asked EJ about having Brady arrested again when he didn’t have evidence against him. EJ told her that Sarah remembered that Brady was the one who hit her. He said Brady was going to pay for his crimes. Kristen said they both knew she was lying about Brady. She said Marlena couldn’t trigger Sarah’s memories so this total recall after finding out Brady wouldn’t facing charges was convenient. EJ said Sarah was a Horton and a model citizen. Kristen said Sarah lied about her daughter’s paternity twice. EJ said she was doing this because she loved Brady even though he hated her. Kristen said she and Brady were getting closer and that Rachel would be upset about Brady going to prison. She thought he was doing this to hurt Eric, but Brady wasn’t the reason why Nicole left him. EJ said Brady paralyzed Sarah so he had to pay for what he did. Kristen didn’t think so and left the room. Later on, Kristen went to the police station to check on Brady. She insulted EJ for doing this to Brady, but Brady said he deserved it. Kristen said he needed to fight and she would help him. He said nothing else could be done, but she said she had a plan. She said she could make Sarah disappear again. Brady told her not to do anything and let justice prevail. Kristen said she couldn’t do that because she and Rachel needed him. Before she left, she said she would do whatever it takes to save him. Sarah and Fiona went to the park. Fiona wanted to talk to her about lying to the police about Brady. Sarah wanted to know why Fiona assumed she didn’t remember Brady driving the car. Fiona said she heard her telling Xander that she lied to the police and asked why she lied. Sarah said she didn’t have a choice because Xander was going to kill Brady and make it look like a suicide. Fiona said it was her fault and blamed herself for hurting everyone. Sarah said it wasn’t her fault, but Fiona said she was to blame for everything. She asked why Fiona blamed herself. Fiona said she was with Brady when he was drinking and should have seen the signs since she’s a recovering alcoholic. She said she hoped Sarah could forgive her, but Sarah said there was nothing to forgive. Sarah said she hated lying to the police, but Brady would pay for what he did. Fiona was surprised she felt that way since she never said anything about Brady paying before. Sarah said she didn’t want him to pay at first but anyone who drove drunk should pay. She said Brady hit her and left her there. Fiona said she meant everything to her because she wouldn’t have reconciled with Xander or met her grandchild. When they hugged each other, Fiona wanted what they talked about to stay secret. Eric showed up and overheard them. EJ went to see Brady and told him he knew Kristen was there to see him. He said thanks to Sarah’s statement, Kristen couldn’t keep him out of prison. Kristen talked to Stefano’s painting about helping Brady. Rolf showed up out of the blue. Holly and Sophia got in an argument over Tate at the town square. While they were arguing, Holly slapped Sophia. Tate showed up and wondered what Holly was doing. Holly told him Sophia started the argument. Tate said she didn’t have to hit Sophia. When Tate took Sophia’s side, Holly was shocked. Sophia said she started the argument because she felt bad for him and his father. She said when she called Holly out for what she was doing to him, she slapped her. When Holly tried to explain herself, Tate told her she did enough damage. He said his father told him to give her a chance and that EJ was manipulating her, but he was done. Holly asked if he was breaking up with her. When Tate wouldn’t answer her, Holly called him a coward for not being able to say anything. Holly said they were done and that he and Sophia deserved each other.
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