Days Transcript Monday, September 30, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[gentle music]

Do you have any idea how long I’ve dreamed of this moment?

Me too, darling. And now the moment is here.

It’s even better than I imagined.

No more talking. Just show me. Show me how much you love me, Arrow. Show me how much you want me.

Annnd cut. Great, guys. Very, very believable. Uh, guys? Hey, guys, you can stop now. I said, “Cut.” Guys! Hey!

[thumps nightstand] Hey! I’m the director, and I said, “Cut!” Stop!

[breathing heavily]

[somber music]


Oh, good. I didn’t wake you.

Wake me? I’ve been up for hours. Oh, but, uh, honey, aren’t you starting the soap today?

Yeah, I am, so, uh, I was hoping that I could use your shower.

Why? What’s wrong with yours?

Oh, nothing. It’s what’s wrong with my husband. He, for no good reason, is crazy jealous of Alex Kiriakis, and I am not gonna put up with it.



[gentle stirring music]


[echoing] You and I, we have an amazing chemistry, don’t we?


[echoing] Mm. Off the charts, baby. Which is why we don’t have to act. This heat between us, it’s real.

It’s very real.

Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah. It’s all good. Just felt bad about keeping you up late last night, so I brought you a coffee.

Oh, you didn’t have to do that. But I am grateful for the caffeine boost.



[laughs] So how early did you get up today?

Mm. I feel like I barely slept at all. My predictions were right. I spent the night tossing and turning, stressing about the show.

Mm. I’m sorry to hear that.

Mm. That’s actually why I came by. I need some advice from a communications pro.

Oh. Advice about what?

How to tell my producers they’re making a big mistake.

[pensive music]

Hey, good morning, Kate.

Good morning on this very first day of shooting.

Is it? I–you know, I forgot.

Oh, come on. Don’t even start with me. We have so much riding on today.


[laughs] I’m just trying to lighten the mood. That’s it.

I know. I appreciate it. And actually, we do have some good news this morning.

Oh? What is it?

Yeah. Well, you remember I told you Roman talked to Kayla about using the hospital for a set? She is absolutely on the case.

Oh, great. That’s great. That’s great. Um, you know, before we get over to the set, I have some not-so-good news.

Oh, no. What is it?

One of our lead actors is causing problems. So we have to come up with a solution, soon.

[mysterious jazz music]

Bonnie, in spite of taking the highest recommended dose of melatonin and practically OD’ing on valerian tea–

Where are they?

I was gonna say, I didn’t sleep a wink last night, so this isn’t a good time.

Ugh. Where are they?

Ugh! Where are who?

Not who. What? Where are the pink pages I asked for?

I thought you wanted me to un-pink the original pink pages.

I did. So– so what do you call them?

Well, they’re still pink pages.

Hmm. Confusing. Anyway, I need them right now because there’s no way I’m doing those new Hattie scenes.

Look, there are no new pink pages, only the old pink pages.

What? Why?

Well, because, look, as much as I want my wonderful actors to feel creatively fulfilled and inspired to give their best performances, and more importantly, to leave me be so I can get on with writing the damn show, I didn’t change any of the Hattie scenes– not a one.

Hey, Hattie.


Hey, Roman. Boy, isn’t this excitin’? I mean, look at this. You got–you got lights everywhere. You got–you got cameras. Wow. We’re gonna be doing a-a real television show right here in the pub.

Definitely something I could never have predicted.

Yeah. Well, I guess you can scratch this off your bucket list, huh? ‘Cause we are gonna be putting on a real live soap opera!

[bright funky music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

You didn’t make any of the changes I asked for?

Um, did I not just tell you that I didn’t? So I would suggest being professional, Ms. Kiriakis. Learn the part as written, and think about how lucky you are to be a working actor.


[laughs mockingly] You must think I’m a real idiot.

What does that have to do with anything?

Hattie gotta you, didn’t she? Your little “Drag Race” buddy, she whispered sweet somethings into your ear and convinced you not to make those changes.

That’s not what happened.

Oh, no?

No. Hattie had nothing to do with this.


Abe Carver, our executive producer, is the one who told me not to make the changes. And since he is not only my boss but also the husband of the mayor and the man who signs my paychecks, I do defer to him on all matters related to both “Body & Soul.”


[scoffs] Yeah, right. But not in all matters related to one Hattie Adams. And let me tell you this– that doesn’t work for me, Mr. Head Writer.

Well, you know that Bonnie is not Hattie’s favorite person.

Well, apparently, the feeling is mutual. You should have seen the two of them when they discovered they picked the same dress. I mean, for a minute, I thought I wasn’t producing “Body & Soul.” I was producing “Crazy Ladies of the Wrestling World.”


[chuckles] Well, you know, I did run into Hattie afterwards. And, uh… she gave me an ultimatum. Either Bonnie goes or she goes.

Oh, no. Yeah, I was afraid that was gonna happen. So, I mean, any thoughts about that?

I have no doubts that Hattie was serious. So we have no choice but to lose one or the other.

[pensive music]

So what is it you need to talk to Abe and Kate about?

Ah. Well, last night, Chanel and I got our new pages for the scenes that we’re shooting together this week, including Faith and Arrow’s first sex scene.

And what’s the problem?

The problem is, they’re shooting the first sex scene the first week of the show. It doesn’t even make sense. I mean, Faith and Arrow are supposed to be, like, star-crossed lovers, right?

Yeah, yeah, from what I understand.

Okay, meaning that it has to seem like at first they hate each other and that everything is getting in their way of finally sleeping together.

Enemies to lovers– classic trope.

Exactly. So if it just happens right away, where’s the anticipation? You know, I mean, if they are already together, who’s gonna wanna keep watching?

You–you make an excellent point.


Have you talked to Chanel about it?

Yes, I have. And she actually agrees with me, for once.

And then Johnny has the nerve to suggest that I actually enjoyed putting my hands all over Alex during the photo shoot. And, Mama, that was just so insulting to me.


Yeah. And you know what else he said?

I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.

He said that he bet that it reminded me of the night that Alex and I had spent together.

Oh, Lord.


[sighs] And on top of all of that, he was all freaked out because Alex and I said that we wanted to wait to talk to Kate about not doing the sex scene. And he thought it was because I had changed my mind.

He thought you wanted to do the sex scene?

He said that he thinks that pretending to have sex with Alex for me would be, like, the next best thing to actually doing it. Well, tho–those weren’t his exact words. But still, Mama, he doesn’t trust me. And that’s just hurtful, you know? Uh, and–and why aren’t you saying anything?

Because–no. While I don’t like hearing that Johnny doesn’t trust you, I-I get why he’s jealous. And I sure as hell don’t blame him.

Do you really think it’s possible that Hattie will quit if we don’t fire Bonnie? I mean, isn’t it possible that she’s bluffing?

Well, you were there ringside for the showdown. So you think it was a bluff?

Mm, no. No, I think it was a giant headache.

Hattie is holding all the cards here. I mean, we–we have to face it. Charlemagne is the star of the show.

Is she? Or is she just your favorite character?


[laughs] Well, I have to admit that I do have a special place in my heart for Ms. Delacroix. But have–have you seen the research? I mean, the audiences love her.

Well, I mean, Kassandra is popular also.

Yes, yes. And the fans just love it when Charlemagne and Kassandra are sparring. But… Hattie’s threatening to quit.

So it makes more sense to fire Bonnie.

Yeah. Yeah, it does.

Right. Well, with the mess they made at the photo shoot, can imagine what they could do on the first day of taping.



Yeah, I gotta say, Roman, place looks great. I mean, not exactly like the Pineview Pub, but–

Hattie, you do know the Pineview Pub is not real.

Yeah. I know that. I-I’m just saying that the two places look pretty different, you know.

Okay, well, this new version of “Body & Soul” is, uh, on a tight budget. That’s why I offered the use of the pub as a favor to my wife.

That was real generous of you, Roman. I’m sure they’re glad to save a few beans here and there.

It did. From what I understand, And Kate is gonna use my pub staff as extras so they’re not gonna miss any days of pay.

Well, there you go. It’s a win-win all the way around! And–and I’m getting a-a pretty big win myself, thanks to Abe.

Okay, look, I did make some changes for Hattie, but that was it. Swan song to rewrite. This is a soap opera, Bonnie. We don’t have time to keep reworking scenes. It’s not like a movie, where you have a month to shoot one scene. I heard it took them three years to make “Apocalypse Now.”

You’re kidding.

I’m not. Can you believe that? Okay. Let’s–let’s stay on topic, though. And the topic is that we are under the gun time-wise. We have to produce an entire show in one day.

Okay. I know that. I have a subscription to “Soap Opera Digest,” okay? I know how everything has to go so fast these days.

Great, great.



That’s really great. So let’s keep that in mind and not slow things down. And you may wanna get a subscription to “Soap Opera Digest” for our director.

Johnny’s complaining now too?

Oh, is he ever. I mean, has that man been living under a rock? Does he not know full well that hot young couples on soap operas fall in love, have hot, passionate sex, all while whispering schmaltzy little nothings into each other’s ears? And that is what the audience is tuning in for! Arrow, aka Alex Kiriakis, is gonna ravish Faith, aka Chanel DiMera, and Johnny DiMera is just gonna have to grin and bear it.


“Mother!” What?

You–you don’t blame Johnny for being jealous because what? You think that I actually want to have a sex scene with him? I am a married woman.

Who had, in the not-so-distant past, a fling, if you will, with her costar.

Okay, so what?

So, well, in Johnny’s mind it’s not completely crazy if you still feel some kind of attraction to Alex and saw this as some kind of a hall-pass situation.

Okay, okay. First of all, Mama, that is not what a hall pass is. And second of all, Johnny was the one who urged me to take this job. So he, of all people, should understand that that is exactly what this is– it’s a job and nothing more.

Well, then you need to keep telling him that, because he obviously needs some reassurance.

[knocking on door]



[soft tense music]

So if both you and Chanel have a problem with the scene, sounds like to me, the best way to have it changed would be to work together.

Mm. No, you’re probably right. I’ma send her a text, suggest that we meet over at Kate’s office.

[phone ringing]

Oh, you mind if I take this? It’s Jada.

Yeah, go ahead. I should probably study my lines anyway.

Hey, Jada, what’s going on?

[unsettling music] No, I haven’t seen the news. What is it? What–what do you mean, “We were wrong”? Oh, my God. No, no. Thank you for telling me. Uh, yeah. Yeah, we’ll talk later.

Is everything okay?

I-I can’t believe it.


Jada just told me that Everett didn’t kill himself.

What do you mean?

He was murdered.

What do you say I play devil’s advocate, just for a minute?

Well, go ahead. I’m open to all options.

Okay. And–and trust me, seriously, I am not looking for a redo of the photo shoot at all.


But if we give in to Hattie’s ultimatum and fire Bonnie, I think we’re setting a dangerous precedent. We are effectively letting one actress fire another actress. How long is it gonna be before she demands creative control?

Oh, we can make it clear that this is only for the one time.

Oh, really? And what about when the other actors find out and they start making their requests?

Oh boy. Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. We can’t let that happen. And, um, we can’t let production be derailed by two angry actresses.

That’s right. We need to nip it in the bud before it all gets out of control.

I feel for Johnny. I really do. I have tangled with the green-eyed monster a time or two myself, and I tell you, once that jealousy takes hold, sometimes it’s hard to see straight.

Well, I’m the last person you should talk to about seeing anything straight, so I should get back to work.

Not so fast. We haven’t figured this out.

Figured out what?


What about her?

I need to protect her.

She isn’t real, Bon Bon. You do know that, right?

My job as an actress is to give her dignity and life, and I will not have her humiliated by the likes of Charlemagne.

Okay, I admire and appreciate your dedication to your craft, albeit it is making me want to tear my hair out. Like I told you, you have to take it up with Abe and Kate.

You know what? Fine. I’ll take it up with Abe and Kate. I’ll take it up with them on the set.



Great. That’s wonderful. You do that. And since I don’t wanna lose my job, do you tell them that I support whatever decision they make. I think they are both absolutely marvelous and wonderful people, and I am in awe of their brilliance.

What a suck-up.

Yeah, I am. You oughta try it sometime.


Bye-bye. Bye-bye.


So it wasn’t Everett who stabbed Rafe? And he didn’t die by suicide?

No. According to Jada, it was this Connie woman. She attacked Rafe. She poisoned Everett… Bobby. And then she forged that note.

My God.

To think that I invited that monster to his funeral, and she’s the one who killed him. Every time that I think that I’m starting the healing process, it’s like I’m– it’s like I’m losing him all over again.

[gentle music]


Steph, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.



I’m sorry. It’s okay.

Sorry. You should go. I know you need to talk to Kate.

Are you sure you’re okay?


[sighs] I’ll be fine. Really. I should call Jada back anyway. Good luck with your conversation.

Thank you. If you need me, you call me, whatever you need, okay?

You’ll be– you’ll be working.

It doesn’t matter. You’re more important.

Thank you.

I’ll see you on set.

What are you doing here?

I got your note. We have one fight, and you move out of the house?


What? Moving out? Is–is that what’s happening here?

No, I was not moving out. I just came to take a shower.

Oh, really? ‘Cause the last time I checked, there’s plenty of hot water at the mansion, so I think this is about a little more than a shower, no?

Well, after last night, I thought that we could both use a little space.

Yeah. Well, you were right.

Excuse me?

I said, “You were right.”

About what? Us needing space?

No, uh… last night, everything you said, you were right, okay? I-I-I overreacted.

Mm, yeah. You’re damn straight you did.

Chanel, the man is trying to apologize.

I am. I am. Okay, look. I know that the photo shoot was all just part of the job. All right? It’s just when I saw you with your hands all over Alex, it brought up a lot of stuff that I didn’t even know was there. And I lost it for a second. But I truly am sorry. Can you forgive me?

[soft music]

“You can’t mean this, Charlemagne.”

“But I do, Thrust. “And yes, you being Rhett’s twin brother “might complicate things just a bit. “But what I feel for you transcends “any and all obstacles we face. “So please, take me, Thrust. Take me right now.”

Ha. Damn, Hattie. There’s some pretty, uh, steamy stuff here.

Oh, tell me about it.

[quirky music] Oh, no.

What is it?

What the heck are you doing here?

I work on this set.


I don’t think so. You’re supposed to be fired.

[soft pensive music]

You promise not to get all freaked out like that again?

I promise.

And you’re really okay with me being an actor with a love interest?

I am. I just want you to shine.

Hmm. Well, then I guess I can forgive you.

Thank the Lord.


[chuckles] And just FYI, you are not gonna have to direct me and Alex in a love scene this week.

I’m not?

I told you that we were gonna talk to Kate because we think it’s too soon for Arrow and Faith to have sex.

Okay. If that’s what you want.

Yes, it is. So you don’t have to worry. You won’t be directing us in a love scene. At least not anytime soon.


Kate, you got a minute?

On the first day of shooting, it better be just a minute.

Okay, well, you haven’t seen Chanel around, have you?

No. Why?

Well, we wanted to talk to you about something together, but clearly, she’s not here, so I’ll, uh– I’ll wait.

No, no, there’s not enough time to wait. Just give me the gist.

Okay, well, uh, Chanel and I both feel that the love scene that you added feels a little rushed.

Could you just– could you just grow up, okay? I know the two of you have a history, but you promised us that you could get past that.

Yeah, it’s not that.

Okay, you know something? At the photo shoot the other day, there was a lot of heat going on, ’cause it fogged up the camera lens–

I get that. And that’s great. But–

Okay, so what’s the problem? Just tell me.

The problem is, Faith and Arrow are supposed to be, like, star-crossed lovers, right?


Okay. Well, it’s the beginning of their story, and they’re already having sex?

Yes. Yes. We wanted to start the show with a bang, so to speak.

Yeah. Okay, well, maybe it would be okay and–and better if we held off on the bang part, you know? You know, give the viewers something to look forward to, let it build up, keep the viewers watching.

Oh, make them wait?



So if it is okay with you, Chanel and I would like to not do that scene. – Hello, Leo.

Well, if it isn’t the powerful and endlessly creative executive producer of “Body & Soul.” Shouldn’t you be on set for the first day of shooting?

I am gonna be heading over there soon, but I wanted to talk to you first. It’s about Bonnie and Hattie.

Ugh. I should have known. Bonnie was just here, again.

Well, what did she want this time?

New pink pages.

And what did you tell her?

The truth, that you instructed me not to undo any of Hattie’s changes.

And how’d she take it?

Mm. Kinda like Susie Gooch in “The Blair Witch Project” after she and the rest of the group discovered the effigies of this humanoid stick figure suspended in the trees. And now that she knows it’s your idea…

Damn it. And she’s going to be waiting for me at the set.

What are you gonna tell her?

Kate and I, we talked it over.


And she’s going to get new pink pages, just not the ones she thought she was getting.

[mysterious jazz music]

You went behind my back and demanded the producers fire me?

You bet I did. ‘Cause you make me crazy.

Ha! You were crazy long before I came along!

Hey, have you ever heard of being a team player? Or wait a minute, something really novel for you, a good sport. ‘Cause when the producers tell you to do something, you’re just meant to do it.

Not if those boneheaded changes were made by boneheaded you.

Katie, Katie. Come on, pick up. Pick up.

And let me tell you something else, honey, You may think you’re all that ’cause you have the most lines, but I’ll tell you something. You’re nothing but a big pain in the behind!

I’ll tell you what I am, baby. I am the star of this show.

Not if the fans don’t like your hammy acting!



Hammy? Why don’t you…


Make up a fancy word like “hammy”?

Oh-ho-ho! You know what? I wanna see you make me take this–

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! That’s enough. All right? Drop the egos and be professional. You think you can do that?

Here you go.

Thank you.

Mm-hmm. I made a whole pot before I realized Abraham was already out the house before the crack of dawn.

Yeah, then you got a couple of unexpected early-morning visitors. I’m sorry, by the way, for bringing you into our mess.

Mm. That’s okay. I’m just glad you and Chanel worked it out.

Yeah, me too. I gotta say, I’m–I’m not proud of the way that I acted last night.

Yeah, well, yeah, you– you went too far. But, hey, you know what? I get it. I get it. If I saw Abraham sharing a bed onscreen with someone who he’d shared it with in real life, oh, that would have stirred some strong feelings for me too.

Yeah. You know, I just– those feelings, they–they– they really did take me by surprise. And I’m the one who encouraged Chanel to audition for the show, and I trust her. I do. You know, I–so I really– I thought I was gonna be cool with it… all the way until I wasn’t.


[chuckles] Well, it is a little bit more complicated than the usual on-set situation.

You mean because of… her past with Alex?

Yes, that’s just what I mean. But, Johnny, you’re the one she chose, the one she married. So be secure in that, okay? And just be very proud of your very talented wife who adores you.

So you and Chanel talked about getting rid of the sex scene, did you?

Yes, we did. Last night at the photo shoot.

[knocking on door]

Hey, Kate. Your assistant wasn’t at her– oh. You’re here already.


I thought you were gonna wait for me.

Uh, well, I was. But then Kate called me in.

Then you decided to handle it on your own.


Ugh. Never mind. So, um, what did I miss?

Well, Alex was telling me how both of you decided that the love scene was happening too soon.

Yes. Yes, I totally agree with that. And so can we postpone it?

Wow. I did not see that coming. Are you sure about this?

Kate and I feel this is the best solution, so you’ll just have to get to work on those new pink pages.

If you say so, boss, but I feel like I need to remind you, once you hand out those pages, there is no going back.

I know that.

I mean really no going back.

I-I-I got it, Leo. I’ve got it. This is the hand we’ve been dealt. So we’ll just have to play it.

She’s the one being unprofessional, acting all better than everyone.

I said, “Stop.”

Yeah. You know what? Soon as she got the job, she ran around telling everybody that she’s a– she’s a diva. She’s the best actress that ever lived. What a–

Well, I bet I am better. I’m sure all you’re gonna do is mug it up and chew the scenery.

Okay, stop. Stop right now. Do you realize how foolish you’re being?

There’s only one fool here.

You got that right.

Okay, take a breath. Take a breath, both of you. Okay, do you know how lucky you are? You’re the leads on a TV show. Do you know how many people, how many struggling actors, would give anything to be in your position? Do you know that? And do you know how hard Kate and Abe worked to rescue this show, not to mention all the dedicated writers, directors, cast, and crew?

Yeah, they’re the heroes.

Yes, they are. Yes, they are. And if you keep this up, you’re gonna risk derailing this entire project.

Tell her that.

I’m telling you both, ’cause you both need to stop these ultimatums.

But she’s the one who keeps making the ulti–

I don’t wanna hear it, Bonnie.

You heard him.

Or from you.

He don’t wanna hear it.

Or from you either. And whether you like it or not, you’re in this together. The show needs both of you. So shake hands and figure out a way to make this work.

[tense music]

Aah! Sorry! Pineview’s not big enough for both of us.




Sorry I didn’t call ahead.


I-I hope it’s not too early.

Mm. Believe it or not…

[laughs] You’re not my first unexpected visitor this morning. Not even my second. Uh, what brings you by?

I–uh, I wanted to drop off the bios you asked for on all the members of your new housing task force.

Oh. Thank you. But didn’t I ask for these a while ago?

You did. I am so sorry that I didn’t get it done sooner. It’s been a tough few weeks for me personally. Plus, I’ve been busy with “Body & Soul.”

Mm, well, I would normally chew you out for letting me down, but since it is my husband’s TV show, I suppose I can give you a pass.

Thank you.


It’s been a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.

Mm. You’re telling me.


[laughs] How’s Abe doing?

Oh, no, Abraham? Oh, he’s fine. He’s fine. It’s just that this morning, I refereed my daughter and son-in-law’s argument over some steamy, steamy love scene.

Oh, that. Yeah, I got an earful from Alex about it too.

Oh. Do tell. Well, what is his take?

Well, he doesn’t wanna do it. In fact, he was heading over to Kate’s this morning to talk to her about it. Hopefully, he and Chanel can work something out.

“It doesn’t mean we can just go on as if nothing has changed because…”

Hey. both: Hey.

So did you guys talk to Kate?

We did.

And we explained that we didn’t wanna do the love scene. We believe that it’s just happening too soon for our characters.

Okay, great. So it’s off?

No, uh, she said that our arguing just reminded her of how sparks fly whenever we’re together, and so it’s still on.


[clears throat]

[pensive music]

[gentle music]

Well, good morning, Kate.

Ah, this is perfect timing. I already put out the first fire of the day. Now I’m headed over to the set.

Ah. Do I need to know?

Well, maybe later.



So did you, um, talk to Leo?

I did. I did.

How’d that go?

He was surprised, but there was no pushback. And he’s making the changes we requested.

Good. So it’s done?

Yep, it is. So Bonnie is getting her pink pages as we speak.

All right. I tried. Don’t kill each other in my restaurant. The paperwork would be a nightmare.

Leo, you’re here.

Oh, did you decide to un-pink those pages?

Well, like I told you, it isn’t up to me. But I did have a meeting with Abe, and I do have new pink pages for you.

New pages.

So glad you all decided to come to your senses.

I’m not sure you’ll feel that way after you read them, but please don’t shoot the messenger or even hate him, because this particular messenger, aka the head writer, is a people pleaser and hates being hated, even though you’d never know it from his behavior, at times anyway.

What are you going on about?

[unsettling music]

Oh, no. No. What the? You’re killing me off? [shrilly] You’re killing me off?

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