Days Transcript Friday, August 23, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[seabirds squalling]

[pleasant music]

[knock on door]


[chuckles] Hey, you’re early–

I don’t know, seems like I’m right on time.

[tense music]


In the flesh. Why? You expecting someone else?

Knock, knock.


Hey, Aunt Sarah.

Aw, honey, it’s so good to see you.

Is now an okay time?

Oh, yeah, yeah. Now’s a fine time.

Good, because I brought you donuts from Sweet Bits.


[gasps] Grandma Alice’s famous recipe. If anything’s gonna put me in a good mood, it’s Gran’s donuts.


So how are you doing? I’m sorry. Is that a dumb question?

No, that’s not a dumb question. I’m–I’m, uh– I’m all right, all things considered. It’s, uh–it’s Xander that I’m actually worried about.

Why? What’s going on with Xander?

He’s just–he’s not handling this whole situation very well, the paralysis.

Well, I’m sure he’s just, you know, hurting for you.

Mm, yeah. No, you’re right. It’s just, um, his anger that this happened to me and, uh, his frustration that he can’t do anything about it. I’m a little worried that he might take it out on the wrong person.

And I’m gonna need a list of the potential matches ASAP so I can start running them one by one.


[scoffs] Thought I’d find you in here, wasting time.

Excuse me?

Why are you sat in here behind your desk instead of out there investigating my wife’s hit-and-run?

Fred, I got to go. Get me those addresses ASAP.

[sighs] Listen, Xander, I know that you are very upset about what is happening with Sarah, but that doesn’t give you a right to barge into my office–

Spare me the etiquette lecture, Commissioner. Why don’t you just explain why you haven’t arrested the son of a bitch who mowed down my wife?

Come on, come on. Come on, Brady, think. Think. Oh, my God.

What is it?

Where’s the car? What the hell happened to my car?

[cell phone rings] Maggie, hey. – Hi. I’m sorry I missed your call earlier.

No, no, that’s okay. Um, is there any news on– on Sarah’s condition? – Yeah, there is. And I’m afraid it isn’t good news. Sarah’s paralyzed.



[dramatic music]

Hey, it’s me. Yeah, I don’t think I can do this anymore.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

You don’t need to remind me of what’s at stake. Yes, I’m well aware, but this is a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be. Because I’m living in the house with Chad and his two brothers, both of whom I apparently slept with, by the way. Meanwhile, they’re– they’re all waiting for me to remember my old life– the way Chad looks at me. N-no. No, he’s being completely patient and understanding. But how long is that gonna last?

[knock on door]

Hey, Abby? It’s Chad. You awake?

Not that long, apparently.

[tense music]

Maggie, I-I’m so sorry. Sarah’s p–Sarah’s paralysis, is it, uh, permanent? – The doctors don’t know for sure. They’re saying that she might recover the use of her legs with the help of steroids and physical therapy, but there’s no guarantee.

Uh, what–uh, what can I do? – Just pray, Brady, both for her recovery and that the police find whoever did this to my daughter and bring them to justice.

Have you so much as even lifted a finger? Or are you just content to, uh, cash a paycheck now that you’ve stumbled into this cushy job, thanks to Rafe’s misfortune?

I’ll advise you to watch your tone.

My tone? I want results, Jada. I want a name.

And I assure you that the Salem PD is doing everything in our power to find the driver who hit Sarah.

Like hell you are.


If you or anyone else in this pathetic excuse for a police department could actually do your jobs, then the monster that paralyzed my wife would already be rotting in jail.


[sighs] How’s Sarah doing?

Actually, um, after you left this morning to take over babysitting duties, we had a little bit of bad news, unfortunately.

Oh, no. What happened?

Sarah has no feeling in– in her legs– from the waist down, actually.


[sighing] No. Dear God, what have I done to that poor girl?

Xander was all worked up when he left here. He thinks that the cops aren’t doing enough to catch the person who hit me.

He’s just frustrated, like you said.

Yeah, yeah. You’re right. A-and I’m sure that Jada’s doing everything she can. It’s just, Xander’s not gonna stop until they arrest someone. And I love him for that, but I just hope he doesn’t get himself locked up in the process.

So Xander does this kind of thing often then, huh?

You could say that.

[chuckles] He’s just–he’s– he’s very protective of me, which is great most of the time.

Well, all I know is, I would totally freak if someone hurt the person Ilove.

Oh? And who might that be?

What are you doing here, Sophia?

Well, I know how busy Holly’s been, what with her grueling, menial job at the Bistro and her poor aunt being in the hospital following that awful hit-and-run business.

Sarah could’ve been killed.

Exactly. Totally tragic. The point is, I thought you might be lonely all alone by yourself on this island, so…what do you feel like doing?

[atmospheric music]

Sarah’s paralyzed?

No feeling or movement from the waist down.

Xander, I am so sorry. I didn’t know.

I’m not interested in your apologies, Jada. If you want to show compassion, just do your job.

I promise you, I am. It is my number one priority.

You could’ve fooled me. I mean, it’s been days, and you’re still no closer to knowing who did this to her.

That’s not true.

I haven’t seen an arrest or– or any movement at all.

Well, maybe if you didn’t storm into my office looking for a fight, you would’ve given me a chance to tell you the latest news.

Wait, are you saying you– you found something?

That’s right.

Well, who is it?

It’s not who. It’s what. We have a lead on the car that hit Sarah.

[intriguing music]

[knock on door]


[sighs] Hold on. Coming.

Brady, what are you doing here? Did you find out what happened with your car?

No, I have some more pressing things on my mind right now. I just spoke to Maggie.

Oh, I see.

Why didn’t you tell me that Sarah was paralyzed?

Well, I told you that she’d been having some numbness and some motor difficulties. I mean, yeah, I suppose I did downplay it somewhat. But honestly, that’s because I thought it wasn’t permanent. But not to mention the fact that I am terribly upset about all this. You know, I just found out that the mother of my granddaughter may never walk again. So forgive me if you are not the first person on my mind.

Fiona, I understand. I understand that you have something personal in this. But do you understand, I am dying here?

Brady, take a breath. Calm down.

I’m not taking a breath. I’m not calming down. Do you understand? That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one that may have caused this accident. You’re not the one that may be to blame for her paralysis. – Well?

[singsongy] Is there someone special? Is it who I think it is? Am I being obnoxiously nosy?

No, it’s okay–

Hey. Is this a bad time?

Hi, Mark. No, not at all.

Well, I was just doing my rounds and decided to check on my favorite colleague.

Well, I appreciate that. Uh, Mark, have you ever met my niece Holly? Holly, this is Dr. Greene.

Your niece?

Uh, yeah, it’s my late brother’s daughter.

Small world, huh?

It’s good to see you again, Dr. Greene.

You two know each other?

We do. Holly went to the prom with my kid brother, Aaron…


Only to leave him halfway through the night.

Sorry about that.

Can I ask why? Or am I being obnoxiously nosy again?

Do you want to tell her, Holly, or should I?

Go for it.

Well, apparently, it was all a ruse, her prom date with my brother, because she only has eyes for Tate Black.

Okay, Sophia, why would you think that I would wanna hang out with you?

Well, we’re friends, right?

Uh, I don’t know, no. I mean, would a friend go out of her way to gaslight my girlfriend?

How did I gaslight Holly?

Oh, come on, Sophia. I mean, you know, she told me how you– you know, you tried to make her feel bad that, you know, we hadn’t had sex yet.

Well, I wasn’t trying to make her feel bad. I was just surprised. I mean, the amount of time you two have spent together alone, it’s got to be really… frustrating for you, to put it euphemistically.

I’m fine.

Are you?


‘Cause I’ve talked to a bunch of guys, and they said when someone teases you like that, it can get uncomfortable.

Okay. All right, look, first of all, um, no, Holly’s not teasing me, and second, I hate to tell you, but those guys are just trying to get in your pants.

Okay, so you’re not like other teenage boys? You don’t walk around thinking about sex all the time?


Maybe you should tell that to you-know-who.

Okay, all right, look, I– it’s not because of you. It’s morning, and it–it– you know, it happens sometimes just–

Morning, noon, night– there’s nothing to be ashamed of, nothing at all.

Can you just, I don’t know, stop or…

But I can’t just leave you all alone, not with all that pent-up sexual energy.

I have to go. I’ll talk to you later. Come in.

Hey. Brought you some coffee. Vanilla creamer–I– I’m not sure if you still like it that way or not.


[chuckles softly] Yeah, thank you.

So how’d you sleep?


[sighs] Pretty well.

Yeah? Good. I was a little bit worried about you alone in here, you know, in this room.

In this room… where I was murdered.

[tense music]


It’s okay, Chad. I survived. Is it hard for you… to be in this room?

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Of course. Why wouldn’t it be? For me, I– I was thinking about Clyde coming in with the knife and how…

Abby? Hey, are you okay? Are you okay?

Chad, oh, my God. I think I’m remembering.

You remembered something from that night? What was it?

I–I was– I was on the bed there, and Clyde was coming in. And he–he said, uh– he said, um… “I-I know what you’ve been up to.”

About–he’s talking about the investigation, uh, into the drug ring?

I-I don’t– I don’t know, it’s fuzzy.

Okay, then w-what– what happens next?

He started walking towards me, and then he– he took out a knife and–

[gasps] No, no! No, no, no, no! God, no, no, no, no, no!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey. Stop.

No, no–

Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Stop. No, no, no, no.

Oh, God.

This is too painful. We’re done.

No, no, no.

No, it’s okay.

No, no. It’s gone.

No, listen, it doesn’t matter.

It’s gone. It was right there; it’s gone.

Yeah, I know. It’s fine. It doesn’t matter.

I’m sorry.

No. What do you mean? Are you kidding me?

It’s just, the memories, they’re right there.

I know. It’s fine. This is a huge breakthrough, okay?


This is a huge breakthrough. This is the first thing that you’ve remembered. Yeah? And that means– that means that the Abby I knew, she’s still in there somewhere, okay?


This is huge. Your memories are coming back. Yeah?

Okay, can you just– can you not? I mean–



[chuckles] Why? Am I making you uncomfortable?

Yes. Yes, you are, obviously. I don’t want this. I love Holly.

Who said anything about love?

Can you just please relax?

Now, that sounds like an excellent idea.

[mischievous music]

There. I feel much more relaxed already.

So you only pretended to go to prom with Mark’s brother so that you could spend time with Tate?

Yeah, but it’s not like I dumped Aaron or anything. And he was in on it, by the way. But Tate’s parents busted us anyway.

Which is a big reason the boys are off at lacrosse camp together.

Because Brady and Theresa thought that you guys could do with some distance, right?


Mm. I bet your mom isn’t complaining either.

Speaking of camp, I was looking at their Instagram page at some of the new photos they were posting.

Oh, did you see your brother?

I did. Yeah, it looks like he’s having a really good time. But for some reason, uh, his picture was captioned “Tate Black.” Weird, huh?

Yeah, totally weird.


You found the car that hit Sarah?

Not yet, but we have surveillance video of a partial license plate.

But that’s enough, right, to track it down?

Hopefully. We’re working with Motor Vehicles on a list of matching cars in the surrounding area.

Well, that’s great news. Uh, give me the partial plates. I’ll have the Titan security team start investigating as well.

I am not going to do that.

Why not?

Because this is a police investigation, and I am not about to have you or your team interfere with that.

Interfere? This is my wife. I’m sure you have a dozen other cases that you need to work on, but this is all that matters to me.

I understand how much this matters to you, okay? But you need to let us do our job. The last thing I need is for you to go around scaring possible suspects. Okay, we’re gonna go car by car and rule out the suspects. But it’s gonna take some time.

How much time?

As much time as it takes. And that’s all I’m gonna say. Listen, go to the hospital. Okay? Go be with your wife.

You’ll call me as soon as you know anything, right?

I will call you as soon as we make an arrest.


[sighs] Whoever did this to Sarah better hope, better pray that you find them before I do.

[door slams]



But, Brady, we’re not even sure that you hit Sarah.

I don’t know, it’s looking pretty obvious right now. Don’t you think?

No, I don’t. For all we know, the person who took the car could’ve been the hit-and-run driver.

Why–why would they do that?

The point is, you don’t remember anything that happened that night. And there is no use in you sitting around thinking about what you may or may not have done. It is not gonna help Sarah.

[dramatic music]



Here. To calm your nerves.

Okay, all right.


No, it’s not better. It’s–it’s not better. Xander and Sarah, they just got married, right? They have a daughter, Fiona. They had their whole lives in front of them. It’s not better.

[knock on door] – Fiona, it’s Maggie. Fiona, are you in there?

Fiona, it’s Maggie and Victoria. Are you there?

She can’t see me here.

Well, hide, and take the vodka too.

[tense music]


Oh, good. I was starting to think you had gone out.

No, I’m sorry. I was just resting.

Well, I hope you’re well rested, um, because you’re on grandma duty.

Oh, grandma duty?

Uh, I mean, a-assuming that is okay with you. I need for you to watch Victoria for a while. I’m heading back to the hospital to visit Sarah.

Yes. Of course. Any change in her condition?

Um, no. No news to report, as far as I know. Sarah’s, um– she’s trying to be brave and stoic. I can only imagine how terrified she must be feeling thinking about her future, that she may not be able to walk.

Please tell me that you see something that Kayla and I missed, like a miraculous and speedy path to recovery from spinal cord ischemia.

Sorry. But like Dr. Johnson, I’m optimistic that if anyone can come back from this, it’s you, Sarah.

And I totally agree with that. But I should get going.

Okay. I love you.

I love you, too. Bye, Aunt Sarah. I’ll visit soon.

Okay. Thank you for coming.

And I’ll bring you more donuts.

Yes, please.


[chuckles] Bye, Dr. Greene.

Good to see you again, Holly. Oh, and if you happen to connect with Aaron before I do, tell him to, uh, ask the camp photographer to meet the real Tate Black.

Will do.

[tense music]

[door closes]

Put your clothes back on.

What’s the matter? You don’t think I look good like this?

That’s not the point.

I think it kind of is.

No. Look, okay, if– if you’re not gonna leave, then one of us should put our clothes on.

Why bother?

Sophia, can you stop? I don’t want this.

Why not? I won’t tell if you won’t.

Okay, I don’t want to pressure you, but is there anything else you can remember?

Um, I–

[sighs] I don’t think so. I–my memory just came in like a flash, and then it just disappeared. And I–


I’m sorry. You’re disappointed, I know.

No, no, no. No, no, no, no, I’m not. I’m not disappointed. Are you kidding me? This is–this is– this is a hu– this is a huge first step, yeah? If you’re able to remember the most terrifying moment of your life, it’s only gonna be a matter of time before you start remembering all the good times that we shared together.

You really think so?

Yes, I do. And believe me, you and I, we shared a lot of good times together.



We did.



I am putting too much pressure on you, I think. Don’t you?

No, no.

No, I am, I am. And I’m–I’m– I’m–I am really sorry. I’m just– you know, I get a little– a little impatient.

I know. I get it.

You want to spend the day together? I’ll have the chef make us some breakfast, and then– and then we can go take a ride to the lake or something.

[soft dramatic music]

Agh, that sounds lovely. I just– I think what I need is a little time alone to process what just happened.

Okay, yeah. That’s not a problem. Here I’m talking about putting too much pressure on you, and then I just– I go ahead and ramp it up. So yeah. Way to go, Chad.

It makes me feel hopeful to see the hope on your face. I just want to go for a walk around town.

But you don’t even really know where you’re going.


[chuckles] I have a GPS on my phone. I’ll be fine.

Okay. Where you gonna go?


[sighs] I think I’ll go to that cute little park you showed me when you brought me to Salem. Maybe it’ll help jog some memories.

You know, it’s so strange. After everything that Sarah’s gone through, I thought that this was finally her time, that she was gonna be happy and settled. And then out of the blue, this random person just takes it all away from her and–and leaves her there and then just–just– just flees like a coward.

That’s awful. That’s just awful.



[sighs] And you must be anxious to get back to the hospital.

Yeah, I am. And–and thank you again for watching Victoria.

No, it’s my pleasure.

Well, I appreciate it. And I know I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. I’m so happy that Sarah tracked you down. I know it’s a blessing for Xander to have his mother here, especially given what he’s dealing with now.

Well, we’re all in this together, right?

We are.

Give Sarah my love. I’ll be sending good thoughts.

Yeah. And send good thoughts that they find the driver too.

[tense music]

Well, that was excruciating, hearing how Maggie is suffering about her daughter, and because I’m most likely the– the cause of all the pain to begin with–


I know, I know, I know.

For the last time–

I–I know. We can’t say for sure that I am.

No, we cannot. So just– let’s stay the course, okay?

Okay. Are you up– are you up for babysitting? You sure?

Yeah, of course. It’ll do me some good to spend some time with this gorgeous little creature.

I’ll let you to it.

And, Brady, it’s gonna be okay.

[door closes]

Oh, hello.

Hi, baby. Uh, this is Dr. Mark Greene. Mark, this is my husband, Xander.

Nice to meet you.

Same. Uh, I assume you guys work together.

Uh, we do. Yeah, but Sarah’s not just a colleague. She is also my friend, which is why I’m taking a personal interest in her case.

Well, I’m very glad to hear that.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call. Sarah has my number.

I appreciate it. Cheers.

Bye, Mark. Ooh, these are beautiful.

As are you, my love.

Oh, yes, I’m sure I look wonderful right now.

You’re always perfect to me. Dr. Greene brought you donuts?

No. Holly brought me donuts. She was here earlier.

That was nice of her to come visit, wasn’t it?

Mm, it was. She was actually giving you props for being protective of me.

She was?

Mm-hmm. She said that she would do the same thing for the person she loves, which I assume is Tate Black.

Oh, she’s still pining after him?

Yeah. Well, with Nicole gone, maybe they’ll get to spend some time together when he gets back from camp.

Right, but you don’t really think that’s a good idea, do you?

I don’t know, they seem like they like each other, so…

The boy is Theresa’s son. I mean, if he even inherited…

[buzzes lips] Half of her miserable personality traits– not to mention Brady. He’s bad news. Give him a chance, and he’ll break her heart.

[tense music]

I don’t know why you’re resisting. I can tell you want this.

Sophia, please.

Please what? You know what they say. What happens on Smith Island stays on Smith Island.

Uh, literally no one has ever said that.

Fair, but how about this one? What Holly doesn’t know won’t hurt us.

Oh, you are so wrong about that.

Holly, I swear it’s not what it looks like.

Oh, really? So you didn’t just sneak up here all desperate, trying to make a play for my boyfriend?

You can’t exactly stake claim on a guy you haven’t even gotten past first base with.

Oh, my God, Sophia, whether Tate and I get off first base or he scores a touchdown is none of your damn business. You’re a lying skank.

Look, just because I’m sex-positive–

Get the hell out of here.

[tense music]

Fine. Screw this! Tate, try not to think too much about what you could have had.


See ya!

Oh, and don’t be late for work.

[door slams]

So do you want to tell me what I just walked in on?

Holly can do a lot better than Theresa’s son, if you ask me.

Oh. And is that what people will say about Victoria?

As if I would ever let our precious princess date just anyone– or anyone, for that matter.

Oh, yes, sure. Just lock her in a tower. That’s a really good plan.

Okay, I won’t do that. But I’m not gonna let anyone or anything hurt that little girl or her mother ever again.

Well, now, that’s what I like to see.


[chuckling] Hi, Mom.




Hello. Oh, my darling, my darling, how are you feeling this morning?

I’m all right. Where’s Victoria?

I dropped her off with Fiona. Any news?

Oh, well, there’s nothing new medically, but there is an update on the investigation.

Did you find something out at the police station?

Well, I don’t want us to get ahead of ourselves, but–

Well, what is it? What is the news?

According to Commissioner Hunter, they do have a lead.

They–they think they know who hit me?

Not yet, but, uh, they do have a partial license plate. And right now, they’re in the process of tracking down possible matches in the area, so with any luck, soon they’ll be knocking on the door of the bastard that put you in this hospital bed.



[soft dramatic music]

– There, there, my darling.

[baby fussing] Your mummy will be home soon, safe and sound… if I can just keep Brady, with his bloody conscience, from ruining everything.

[tense music]

[knock on door]



[knock on door] Just a minute.

Commissioner, uh, what can I do for you?

I am investigating Sarah Horton Kiriakis’s hit-and-run, and I need to see your car.

It won’t be long. You’re finally coming back to me.

[dramatic music]

Don’t see you. Where the hell are you?

Relax. I’m right here.

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