Days Transcript Monday, August 5, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


All I want is for us to be on good terms again, to possibly have a relationship, a fresh start. Xander, you’re my son. And I love you. So please tell me you believe me. Tell me you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

[soft stirring music]

What the hell is that?

Whose knickers are these?

Go out the bathroom window.

We’re three stories up.

Yes, you look very fit. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Now go! Oh. Oh, oh. Here, here. How do you know they’re not mine? Okay, fine. As you seem to have surmised, Mumsie had a little dalliance last night.

Really? Even though the only man that you know in this town is me?

Mm, that was true until I met a handsome stranger in that delightful bakery, Naughty Bits.

Sweet Bits.

Oh, yes. Right. Well, anyway, he and I bonded over beverages. Our lattes got mixed up, and he returned mine, and I returned his.

And before you knew it, you were swapping more than lattes.

[laughs] What can I say? He was a very charming gentleman.

Well, maybe I know him. What’s this charming gentleman’s name?

[tense music]

[upbeat music]

What’s up, cuz? How’s it goin’?

Oh, Alex. Hey, man.

You mind a little company?

Actually, uh–

Oh, come on. Nobody likes drinkin’ alone. [groans] Although that’s exactly what I’d be doing if I didn’t find you sittin’ here right now. Last few days knocked me on my ass, as you can imagine.

Yeah, I know.

You know. Thinkin’ I was Victor’s son, CEO of Titan, heir to the fortune, marrying the woman I love, only to have her screw me right over. As, I’m guessing, she also did to you.

I think you know the answer to that one.

Yeah. Actually, I do. Which is why I’m also guessing why you’re back on the bottle. Am I right?

[mysterious music]

Baby. Oh–oh, my goodness. What–what’s going on?

I-I-I came in– I came in with Everett.

Everett? Well, what happened? Is everything all right?

You haven’t heard. Mom… Everett’s dead.


Uh, Steve, wait a minute. Wait a minute. You need to tell me what’s going on here. Did John not come back from Greece with you?

He didn’t.

Well, then where is he?

I’m sorry, Marlena. I’m afraid John is missing.

Did you hear that?

Someone’s in there.

Okay, let’s call the police.

Okay. No, no, no. If Abby’s behind that door, I’m not wastin’ another second.


Move, Jack.

All right. Oh, my God.


I’m so sorry, Marlena. I shouldn’t have kept you in the dark.

Well, wh–when I– when I saw you here, I assumed you had found him.

I wish I had. But when I finally found Catharina’s grave and then the blood–

So what you’re saying is, not only do you not know where he is, you don’t even know if he’s alive.

[mysterious music]

John? John. Hey, hey.

Hey, John, it’s Chad. How badly are you hurt?

I’ve been worse.

Well, what are you doing here?

Ah, I could ask you two the same question.

Yeah, well, let’s focus on you.

Hey, Steve’s looking for you in Greece.

So I’m not in Greece?


All right. So where the hell am I?

Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

Missouri? How the hell did I get here? And what the hell are you two doing here?

Baby, I– I didn’t even know that Everett was brought in tonight.

That’s because they took his body straight to the morgue. He died in his hotel room.

What happened?

He OD’d on some pills.



A cardiac medication? Well, what did he– was it an accidental overdose?

No, Mom. He left a note.

It’s okay, baby.

He was still alive when Jada and I got there. I watched him die. I know you’re used to seeing death every day, but I’ve never– [sniffles]

I know. I know. I’m sorry, so sorry.

Everett took his life because he was in so much pain. And I can’t help feeling like I let him down, like I didn’t do enough to save him.


I doubt you know the gentleman with whom I spent the night. And for the record, this is a very uncomfortable conversation to be having with one’s son.

Agreed. So I’ll just give you these, in case the very charming gentleman decides to claim them.

Why are you looking at me like that? Men have casual sex all the time, and no one so much as bats an eyelid. Is your judgment because I’m your mother, or simply because I’m a woman?

I’m not judging you, Mom, at least not about that. Actually, look, can we just change the subject?

Hmm, excellent idea. As I was saying, Xander, I know how devastated you were when I disappeared out of your life. But you need to know it was truly not by choice. And I’ve dedicated years to working on my sobriety and improving my mental health. My motivation has always been the hope that one day I might have the opportunity to be the mother that you so deserve. So I need to know that you believe what I’ve told you is the truth.

I believe you.

Xander, that makes me so happy, so happy. And does that mean that you forgive me?

No, no drinking. This is just club soda.

Oh, what a relief. I was going to have to call little Maggie on you. Still going to your meetings?

Yeah, Alex, I’m going to meetings. But hey, I’m not about to discuss sobriety with a man who’s got scotch on his breath.

Oh, touché. I am glad it wasn’t Theresa that drove you to drink, though.

Yeah. I’ve been tempted. I can tell you that.

Man, I thought I was the chosen one. In reality, I’m just another loser, not even worth a mention in Victor’s will.

[clears throat]

No offense.

None taken. Well, hell, to the losers.

Hey, losers tonight, winners in general. And to Theresa. If I never see that woman again, it will be too soon.

We better call Marlena. She needs to hear your voice so she knows you’re okay.

Oh, I got nothing–

That’s all right.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Thanks, Jack. [phone ringing]

Jack, this isn’t a good time.

It’s me, Doc.

Oh, John. John, are you all right?

Yeah, I’m fine.

Oh, I-I’m– I’m here with Steve. He said that he went to Catharina’s grave. And he found your letter with blood on it. Tell me what’s going on. What is happening there?

Sweetheart, you cannot blame yourself with anything about Everett. You–you called an ambulance. You stayed with him.

I should have realized sooner that Bobby was still in control. He faked his re-emergence to get out of Bayview.

You think it was Bobby who took the pills?

Jada and I figured out that he had something to do with the attack on Rafe. So Jada questioned him. And he felt cornered. He must have felt there was no other way out. I just don’t see how Everett, any part of him could have done what Bobby did. God, Mom, maybe if I’d been more compassionate, more understanding.

Would you stop? Stop right there. He pushed you away. He did not want your help.

That was Bobby talking. And Mom, after he took the pills just before he died, Everett came back, and he told me that he loved me. But I didn’t get a chance to say it back.

Baby, baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

And I loved him too, Mom. I really did.

It’s okay. It’s all right. It’s okay.

So you–you know what you’ve got planned next?

Not a clue, my man. Never close out the lease at the old apartment, though. So I might crash there.

I’m sure Justin would welcome you with open arms back to the mansion.

Yeah. Sure. Maybe. The place just has too many bad memories for me now. I moved back in there thinking it was going to be my new home. And, you know, just like I did at the nice, plush corner CEO office at Titan, and I thought it was all my birthright, being the favorite bastard son of the great Victor Kiriakis. Turns out that doesn’t belong to me.

Nope, belongs to Xander, who has not made a move to take over the family business as of yet.

Yeah, maybe that’s because I haven’t given it up yet.

Alex, I don’t think that’s going to stop him if that’s what he wants. I’m sure Xander has some very complicated feelings about the truth coming out, you know.

Yeah, maybe his feelings are complicated. But the facts are not. Xander is Victor’s son and heir, and everything that I thought was mine belongs to him now.

I just wish I’d known the truth from the beginning. My whole life, I believed I was just the black sheep son of black sheep Titus, shoveling black sheep manure, figuratively and literally.

I’m so sorry, Xander. In AA, they tell us to make amends to the people we’ve harmed, but perhaps asking for your forgiveness is asking too much.

I’ve also deeply hurt the people I love. And I’ve had to ask for more than my fair share of forgiveness. And more often than not, I’ve– I’ve received it. And I know that you suffered too for this lie, mom. But you went to treatment, and you’ve worked really hard, apparently, on your sanity and your sobriety. And I respect that, and I really appreciate it. So yes, I forgive you.

[tense music]

Oh, my goodness. I am so sorry you’re going through this. Listen, baby. I have an idea. Why don’t you come back and stay with me and your dad for a while? You know we would love it.

No, it’s okay. I just got settled back in my old apartment.

I know. But I just don’t like the idea of you being home alone.

I’ll be fine. I know where you are if I need you.


And it’s good for me to be independent again.

Yeah. Well, I had reservations about you moving back to that place, where you’d been with Chad, and his kids, and all those memories.

At least they were good memories, mostly. Chad just wasn’t ready to move on from Abigail.


Even back then… Maybe there was a part of him that knew that she might be alive.

Unless we were the cameras hiding, based on the angle of the video, it’s the only place it could be.

Oh, John, you have no idea what a relief it is to hear your voice. I’m getting on the next plane.

Not necessary. I’m coming home.

Oh. Listen, does this mean the whole thing is over?

I’ve made my peace with Catharina’s death, Doc. I’ll tell you about it when I get home. I love you. Miss you. Can’t wait to see you.

All of the above.

So John’s okay? Where is he? What’s he doing with my brother?

Thanks, Jack.


You know, I’m a little confused. You said Steve went to Greece to try to find me. So what the hell are you two doing looking for me here?

We weren’t looking for you. You were the last person we expected to find.

So who are you looking for?


Look, Alex, I know you probably did a lot of inner soul searching recently. I know I have. But you’re still a Kiriakis, right? You found out Justin’s your dad. I mean, that’s a win, right?

Definitely. Justin, my dad, he’s been great through this whole thing, man. And look, I know how lucky I am to have all that I have. I’m just–

Sad, mad, frustrated. Trust me, I get all of it.

Yeah. How about you, man? I mean, you told me a few weeks ago you weren’t interested in Theresa at all. But I always had a feeling you were always protesting that a little too much.

All right. Me and Theresa, here’s the deal. My head and heart have never been on the same page with her. I’m just glad that my– my head took the lead this time, so I didn’t get in too deep with her.

Yeah. Well, I happen to have been completely submerged in the deep end.

You know what I’m doing? I’m laying off women. Done.

Oh, yeah? No–no chance of getting back with old Kristen?

Bite that tongue.

Oh, that woman is the devil.

Yes, she is. And that’s why hell is going to freeze over before I get together with her.

I don’t know.

Not gonna.

She’s dedicated to getting back with you.

Yeah, I’m well aware of that.

And now she thinks she’s got like a clear path. For sure.

Alex, let me draw this out. Theresa and I, toxic, right? Kristen and I, radioactive.

Hey, okay. Okay, okay. All right, forget it. Forget I even mentioned it. All right. Who knows? Maybe I’ll even take a little break from women.

That’s it. Yeah, that’s going to happen soon.


Yeah. Good luck with that.

Some things are easier than others. Bad habits are hard to break.

Hey, put–put the wallet away.

Oh, come on.

This is on–this is on me. I know your wallet took a little hit this week.

You know what? Thank you.

You’re welcome.

All right. I got you next time. Yeah, drink up.

See you, bud.

I’ll see you.

Xander, you don’t know how much this means to me.

Well, it’s better for me too. So much easier to focus all of my ire and resentment on one parent, you know.

You’re upset with Victor. I know. And how could you not be? But darling, he tried to make amends too, in his own way. He gave you his fortune. He wanted you to control Titan. By the way, when do you think you’re going to claim your birthright?

I don’t know, maybe never.

Why not?

Look, Victor gave me that CEO job once. And then he ripped it away from me. The guy treated me like dirt for years.

He’s always had very high standards for himself. And I’m sure he imposed those same standards on you, because he wanted to push you to be equally successful.

Mm-hmm. And wherever he is, he must be terribly disappointed.

I’m sure that’s not true. Victor was more proud of you than he ever let on. So tell me what you’ve been doing since you left Titan.

Oh, well, I– I’ve been involved in a variety of ventures, both licit and illicit. Most recently, I owned half of a newspaper, although I gave up my interest in it just the other day.

In exchange for what?

Repairing a relationship with an old friend.

How very noble of you. And now you’re considering rejecting the offer of running a multinational corporation? Don’t you have a fiancée, and a beautiful baby girl to provide for?

I mean, yeah. But Sarah is a doctor. She does just fine all by herself for both of us. And when it comes to Victoria, well, I’m more than happy to spend as much time with her as possible.

Is that a dig at me?

No, Mom. I-it’s just the truth about the kind of parent I want to be. I know that the opportunity was taken from you.

So now you’re going to be Mr. Mom. Doesn’t sound very like you, Xander.

I’ve wanted to be a father for a long time. And now that I am, and I’m loved by a good woman, it’s changed me. You don’t really know me anymore, Mom.

I do know that in the past, you have put yourself at a disadvantage– been self-destructive, if you will, out of guilt, or for whatever other reason. And I–believe me. I’m not saying this because I want my son to be rich and powerful. I’m saying it because Xander, I know how it killed Victor to keep this secret, how he really wanted to make amends for all the many ways in which he had failed you. You may call yourself Xander Cook, but you are Alexander Kiriakis. And you deserve to take your rightful place as Victor’s heir. So go, claim what’s yours.

Chad’s jealousy of Everett– that really hurt any chance that Chad and I had. And if I’m being honest, I was just as jealous of what Chad had with Abigail. Do you think there’s really a chance she could be alive?

Well, I think that stranger things have happened here in Salem. But I will say I would not believe anything that comes out of Clyde Weston’s mouth.

Chad and Uncle Jack are chasing down a lead.

Well, I hope they find the answers, one way or the other.

I do too. But what if they don’t? What if they never do? Chad could be stuck in limbo forever.

How did John end up in Missouri?

Well, he was in the cemetery in Greece, leaving the note for Konstantin’s daughter.

The one I found.

Yeah. And then–and then someone hit him from behind.

That explains the blood on the note.

The last thing he remembers is being dragged away before he blacked out.

Well, did he see who did it, who attacked him?

No. But thank God Jack and Chad found him. I mean, it was such an unlikely place.

Thanks, Jack.

So here’s the video. We had it enhanced.

Clyde claims that it proves that Abigail is still alive. But we don’t know when the thing was shot.

Yeah, we can’t even tell if it’s her.

Well, you know, he’s stringing you along, right? It’s his MO.

Well, it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

No, I suppose it doesn’t.

We located this place by identifying, locating the billboard outside. Every other apartment in this place is empty.

And look, it looks like the same room, doesn’t it?

Well, judging by the angle of this video, I’d say, yeah, this is the room.

Okay. How long have you been here?

I don’t know. I’d have to say no more than a couple days.

Have you seen anyone?

Or anything that can lead us to Abby?

I’m–I’m glad we talked. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

Xander, I am so grateful for your kindness and your understanding.

I would still like for you to be there when Sarah and I get married, assuming you can get over your objection.

I don’t have an objection. I just wanted to make sure you were in the right frame of mind to make such a huge decision.

Well, I love Sarah. She’s the one that keeps me grounded and sane. So it’s in everyone’s interest that I marry her as soon as possible.

And if you take over the Kiriakis empire?

And if I do, I can multitask.

Of course you can. You can do anything you set your mind to. I’m sure of that.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mom. And when Sarah and I do tie the knot, feel free to bring a plus one. [phone beeping]

I had a feeling you’d be back.


Forgot something?

Yeah. Actually, you forgot to throw these at me with the rest of my clothes when I made my escape out the third story window.

Yes. And how was your descent?

Dicey. But I’m fine, as you can see.

Well, Xander would have never known anyone was here if he hadn’t found your skivvies.

Skivvies. Skivvies, I like that. I like that. What’d you tell him?

I told him the truth– that I met a handsome stranger who I found quite charming.

I’m flattered. But if you don’t mind, I think I’m going to– I got to put these back on, actually.

Well, as a matter of fact, I do mind. I mind very much.

Alex, sorry. I didn’t think anyone would be here.

Oh, it’s–no, no, I was just cleaning up my desk. I’ll get out of your way.

It’s no worries. I know, it’s just awkward.

No, it’s not your fault. It’s not anybody else’s fault either, other than Theresa and Konstantin. This is all yours now.

Yeah, I’m just not sure if all this is where I belong.


Well, Alex, if you want to stay on in some capacity, I–

No, thank you.

Are you sure?

I am sure. You know, Xander, I know how much it upset you that Victor didn’t include you in his will.

Oh, I just wanted what you had. Now that I’ve got it, God knows what I’m going to do with it.

Well, you had a good run here once. So I’m sure the company is in good hands. And if you need anything, you know where to find me.

I appreciate that.

Sure. Uh, I almost forgot. It’s Victor’s watch. This belongs to you. Maggie gave it to me for Christmas.

I can’t accept that.

Xander, Maggie wanted his son to have it. That’s you. I’ll see you around.

I keep thinking about how Everett followed me here to Salem. How I wish he hadn’t.

Baby, don’t go down that path, all right? Look, you were willing to wait for him. You would do anything to help him to get well. And listen, I am– I am really sorry about what happened to him. But I’m also relieved that you won’t be stuck in limbo like that. Baby, baby, baby. I just love you so much. Come here. Come here, oh, baby. Oh, my gosh. I’m so sorry. I-I love you.

You know, I didn’t even ask John what Jack and Chad were doing there. Why–why were they in Poplar Bluff?

I bet they were looking for Abigail. Poplar Bluff is where Clyde Weston is from.


Sweetness, got good news.


John is okay.

What? Where is he?

Baby, you’re not going to believe this.

I’m afraid that I’ve been pretty out of it the last couple of days here. Everything is just a blur.


Someone, they brought in food for me when I was out cold. But I didn’t see anybody come or go. I don’t–I have no idea how I got here, or who’s holding me here.

Well, you probably already had a head injury. And it looks like they worked you over pretty well after that.

Yeah. Well, I’ll tell you what, Jack. When they come back, I will properly thank them for their hospitality.

No, no, no. I don’t think–we’re not sticking around for that. And you need medical attention.

Oh, yeah. On second thought, you’re right. Besides, I don’t want you two here when my captors come back.

What do you mean? No, I’m not going anywhere.


No, I’m going to sit around and find out who these people are, see if they know anything about the woman in that video.

Wow. Wow. Thank God John is safe.

And I have so many questions for him.

I want to get some answers. I’m going to go home and wait for him.

Wait, before you go, there’s something about one of your patients you should know.

All right, which patient?

Everett Lynch.

Didn’t we say earlier that the third time in my bed is a charm?

We did.

Well, then Brady, I think this is our moment.

Maybe. [chuckling]

No, no, no, no, no, no, Chad. I don’t like this idea, Chad. And I’m going to tell you why. Number one, you’re unarmed. You don’t have a weapon. And number two, you have no idea who you’re dealing with.

I agree. I agree with John. Think about Thomas and Charlotte.

That’s what I am thinking about. Their mother could be alive and close by.

Look, let’s just call the police, all right?

No, I don’t want to risk scaring them away.

All right. Then I’m staying with you.

No, no you’re not. You’re not. You’re not. I’m giving you some immediate medical attention, all right?

Get him out of here. I’m good.


Jack, you know I have to do this.

All right. All right. You be careful. You call me as soon as you know anything.

I hope you get the answers you need.

This is Abigail’s.

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