Days Opinions For The Week Of July 8, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Connie and LI

It was a week of flashbacks. For some reason, the writers drowned the episodes with flashbacks. Most of the week was filled with flashbacks of Connie and Bobby. Connie kept thinking about Li and everything that happened after the murder. Bobby flashed back to seeing Connie after she murdered Li. We know the writers wanted to show the audience what happened when Li was killed, but they didn’t have to go overboard with the flashbacks. There were only two days out of the week that didn’t feature flashbacks which means there were too many shown.

Speaking of Li’s murder, we felt completely ripped off by the outcome. We didn’t really care who killed him in the first place, but the writers made the killer someone who was on for about two episodes. Connie went out with Li one time and suddenly became obsessed with him. The woman who plays Connie won a role on the show and became part of a major story for the week. It was such a waste of time because she’s an insignificant character. Thankfully we didn’t invest much interest in the mystery, but other fans might have liked the story. It’s a letdown for the killer to be a minor character. Bobby’s involvement in the story makes even less sense. Let’s get to that now.

Bobby suddenly had the answer to who really killed Li. He conveniently saw Connie in the park the night she stabbed Li. Connie was stupid enough to admit out loud that she stabbed Li. It’s convenient how he knew to keep that information to himself until he approached Jada with it. There was no need for him to know that information when he wasn’t in town at the time it happened. The writers clearly want to make Bobby’s role bigger by tying him to Li’s murder and to Connie. His role doesn’t need to be any bigger than it is. He and Connie are now in cahoots with each other. Connie suddenly realized that he was Jada’s ex and heard them talking about the investigation. She put two and two together to figure out that he was the one who saw her in the park. Connie suddenly knows everything about everyone in Salem. She told Bobby that Jada went home to Rafe every night. Connie had no way of knowing about Jada and Rafe, but she threw them up in his face like she did. She offered to take care of Rafe if he stopped talking about the murder investigation. Bobby jumped at the opportunity. We’ll get into that in the next section.

As we said, Bobby jumped at the opportunity to take Connie’s deal. He did his part by pretending that he was Everett again to get out of Bayview. As Everett, he wouldn’t have any memories of what Bobby saw in the park. His plan worked, and Marlena made sure he was released. Marlena clearly needs to think about getting out of psychiatry if she couldn’t tell that Bobby was pretending to be Jude. On a side note, she didn’t cure John of the brainwashing that Konstantin did to him. She allowed Bobby to get out of Bayview. Connie had to get rid of Rafe. She is the town stalker, so she found him at the cemetery to stab him. The woman has lost her mind and needs to be stopped before she goes crazy. We’re surprised that she didn’t target Gabi since Li loved her.

Jack was upset about Abby’s body being exhumed. It was strange that he wouldn’t want to know if it was possible that his daughter was alive. For some reason, he had a hard time believing that Abby could be alive. Did he forget that he was presumed dead at one point? His organs were donated, and he came back to life. There are several people in Salem who have come back to life, but he had trouble believing it. Kayla had trouble believing it too. She just came back to life but thought Abby had to be dead. We think that the citizens have taken a selective amnesia pill because they forgot that people come back from the dead on a daily basis in that town.

As Days fans know, the truth about Jude’s paternity has finally been revealed. Gabi announced that Eric was the father of Nicole’s baby at EJ’s press conference. She was supposed to keep quiet about the truth, but she told it anyway. Gabi claimed that she did it because Eric had a right to know the truth. We have a hard time believing that. If that were true, she would have called Eric and told him the truth. She wouldn’t have announced it publicly. Gabi clearly forgot that Stefan asked her not to say anything. She had the gall to be smug about revealing something that would make EJ target them. Stefan showed his anger towards Gabi, and we cheered him on for doing that. Gabi had the nerve to get mad because she thought he was siding with EJ. Stefan had the right to side with EJ because she violated a trust. He shouldn’t have told her the truth in the first place because she didn’t hesitate to open her mouth. We are hoping that EJ goes after Gabi for opening her big mouth. EJ needs to go after her with everything he has left because he has nothing to lose, so he can destroy her without blinking twice.

The confrontation between Nicole and EJ happened this week. Nicole found out the truth (thanks to Gabi), and they had it out at the mansion. EJ tried his best to explain why he did what he did, but she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. She told him that he didn’t get to say that he loved her again. Nicole had a right to be upset, but she always forgets that she has done things too. She forgot that she cheated on him to conceive Jude in the first place. EJ felt like she would run to Eric if she knew the truth, and he was right. We were surprised that Nicole didn’t yell at EJ. She had a subdued performance. We’re not sure what we expected, but we thought it would be bigger than that. Nicole went running to Eric and forgot about Holly. She didn’t tell Holly the truth about Jude. EJ had to tell her the truth. Nicole proved that she was only worried about Jude and didn’t care about Holly at all. She showed up to give him the rings and to get a divorce. It must have been too much to ask that she remember to take her daughter with her.


EJ and Nicole

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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