Days Transcript Monday, July 1, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[phone ringing]

Brady. What can I do for you?

I’m calling to see if I can take Rachel to the fireworks tomorrow night. I know how much she loves them, and I just happen to have two passes for the VIP viewing section.

And no one else to bring except Rachel? Did a date fall through or something?

No, Kristen. I just miss my daughter. And in the future, by the way, I’d love to spend a little more time with her, now that you’ll be very busy running DiMera.

Well, not so busy that I don’t have time for my daughter, if that’s what you’re insinuating.

I’m not insinuating that at all. I just know that Rachel means everything to you, as my kids do to me.

Well, Brady, you caught me at a very good time. So yes, you can take her.

Thank you very much. I will be there around : to pick her up.

Well, then I’ll see you then.

Hey. There he is.

Guess you didn’t get me a VIP ticket.

I didn’t think you’d wanna hang out with your old man and your kid sister.

It’s not like I have anything better to do, thanks to Mom.

Tate, I’d be happy to get you another ticket.

No. It’s okay. Fireworks aren’t really my thing. However…

However, what?

I just– I just heard you tell Kristen that I mean everything to you?

Yeah, son. You do.

Okay. Then prove it. Stop Mom from ruining my life. Let me see Holly.

Eric. Hey.

Holly. Hey, how are you?

Okay, I guess. Things have been a little crazy at home lately.

Yeah, I guess having a new baby at the house can really turn things upside down.

That’s one way to put it. Oh, my gosh, Jude, he’s so adorable. I’m so happy for my mom and EJ. But Eric, I just wanted to say I’m really sorry that you had to give up your son.

DA DiMera.


Your butler let me in. I just wanted to thank you for the immunity deal.

Oh, the immunity deal you didn’t deserve, you mean. Don’t mention it.

Oh, but I’m terribly grateful. And I just needed to, you know, gush and tell you how much it means to me and how liberating it is, especially now that there’s nothing you can do to me when I tell Nicole that Eric is Jude’s father. [tense music]

Why would you do something like that?

Mm, spite. You forced Mayor Price to move me out so you could take my job. You blew up my life without a second thought, so now I’m gonna blow up yours.

Uh, what’s going on here?

Do you wanna tell her, or should I? [soft music]

How long were we kissing?

Not long enough. Where the hell did Rafe go?

He’s gone. So is that annoying guard. I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to touch you without someone barking at me to stop.

Oh, that’s never gonna be a problem again because you can touch me whenever and wherever you want. Because we are finally getting you out of here.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

I tracked down Rafe. He’s with the warden.

Is there a problem with my release?

No, they’re just finalizing the paperwork, and then you’re out of here.

Thank God. I wanna be anywhere but here.

Yeah? Tell me where you wanna go. We can stroll the Montmartre in Paris.


We can go whale watching off the coast of Norway. Double cheeseburgers at Buddy’s Burger Barn.

Ooh. Sounds like a full day.


There is one place I wanna go more than any other in this world.

You name it.

Home. Take me home, Stefan. [soft music]

EJ seems struck dumb, so I guess I’ll tell you.

Melinda was– she was just thanking me.

Thanking you for what?

The immunity deal I gave her.

You gave her an immunity deal?

EJ gave me immunity from prosecution in the state’s case against Sloan Petersen. Anything I may or may not have done–

Oh, my God, may or may not have done? Are you–are you out of your mind? You stole my son, you bitch!

Nicole, please.

You stole him, and then you gave him to that psychopath. And then you led us to believe that he was dead and then cremated. How could you do that to someone? How could you be so cruel? Do you have any idea how much pain and suffering I’ve been through?

I know that you and EJ have been through a lot.

And Eric. He had no idea Jude was our son, and it almost killed him when he had to give him up.

Yeah, it must have been a nightmare for poor Eric. But maybe there’s something I can do to make it up to him. [groaning in disgust]


Oh, hey.

Thank you for inviting me to dinner.


Did it have to be here?

I know this place holds some bad memories, but it’s the only place you can get a great steak au poivre, unless you go to Chicago.

Yeah. You know, they also have a very nice cassoulet. But I’m sure that you did not invite me here to discuss the menu.

Mm-mm. No, actually I didn’t. Um, I was just thinking about our conversation earlier, and I wanted to see you in person to let you know that I’m really sorry that Harris left to hunt for my erstwhile sister.

Well, I think Harris leaving wasn’t just about finding Megan Hathaway.


Look, he wanted to put some distance between us.

Why would he wanna do that?

Maybe because of all the lies I’ve told.

You did what any mother would do to protect their child. Clyde Weston threatened your son. I mean, you had no choice but to run the drugs out of this restaurant.

Yeah. Okay, maybe that was true. But Clyde didn’t force me to sleep with Stefan. God. You know, I– I just–I have so many regrets in my life, especially around the men that I have loved.

Well, I know exactly how you feel.

Your mom is not trying to ruin your life.

Wow, for someone that’s not trying, she’s sure doing a really good job of it, Dad.

You snuck out of the prom and you got a room with Holly Jonas, for God’s sake.

Dad, I have told you so many times, we just wanted to be alone somewhere, somewhere we could be together without someone busting down the door to interrupt us. But you and Mom, you sure found a way, didn’t you?

You’ve got plenty of culpability in this, by the way.

I’m sorry, no.


No, I don’t. I don’t think so. What did I do that was so wrong?

You lied! You defied your parents, son.

Yes, because I felt like I had to or I was gonna go crazy. Dad, come on. I’m gonna be next year. . I’m gonna go to college. Is Mom gonna follow me around when I go there? What, is she gonna check my dorm, make sure no one’s in there? Is she–what, stalk me forever?

She’s not gonna stalk you, okay? She’s trying to protect you, all right? No, it’s not gonna last forever. Listen, Holly jeopardized your future when she let you take the blame for her overdose. You could have gone to prison for a really, really long time. We wouldn’t be talking about college at all.

Dad, she apologized. She made a mistake. Look, I feel like I’ve been really responsible lately, okay? I’ve been looking for jobs to pay back the money that I still owe you. In fact, I just put in an application to the club. You know, you make really good money in tips there, much better than I make over at the–what?

The club. Is that the–is that the club that the DiMeras have a membership to? The club that most likely Holly Jonas will be at the pool every day? That club?

[stuttering] No. Yeah, but yeah, maybe her mom and EJ belong and she doesn’t. I don’t know. Maybe she’s not–

Son, come on. Come on.

Okay, Dad, fine.

All right.

My God. Come on.

Now we’re talking.

Well, maybe she’s gonna be there sometimes, and maybe I’ll see her.


But do you realize the more that you try to keep us apart, the more we’re gonna want to be together? And I don’t wanna go behind your back or Mom’s. So please, please, Dad, can you just talk to Mom? Just talk to her and get her to let up about me seeing Holly.

I can’t do that.

I can’t even imagine how hard this has been for you. I mean, I saw you with Jude. You were always so awesome with him.

I appreciate you saying that. You know what helps is knowing that Jude has an amazing big sister like you.

Yeah, well, my mom sure doesn’t think I’m so amazing, except at one thing, actually–disappointing her.

Holly, that’s not true. She’s so proud of you and how amazingly smart you are, how kind.

Yeah, well, maybe you can remind her of that, because right now, she acts like I’m the worst daughter in the world. And honestly, I don’t know how much longer I can take it.

How the hell are you gonna make this up to Eric? I don’t even know what that means. [laughter]

Gabriella! You’re free! How wonderful.

Not feeling it, EJ.

Yes, well, I understand how overwhelming this all must be, but so uplifting to have you back where you belong. So how about I open a bottle of champagne to celebrate your homecoming while I escort Melinda out?

I think I’ll stay for the bubbly, actually, since I was about to say something very important.

Whatever it is, it can wait. This is a family gathering, Melinda.

Let go of me.

You’re leaving, Melinda. We don’t want you here.

Damn you, get your hands off of me!

That duplicitous shrew is lucky EJ dragged her out of here. I was about to scratch her eyes out.

It’s good to be home.

How dare you manhandle me like that.

Easy now.

Get the hell out of my way. I’m going back in there. I’m gonna tell your wife everything.

I see that you’re upset.

Upset doesn’t even begin to cover it. I lost my job because of you.

What if I could offer you a better job? [tense music]

Holly, I’m really sorry things are so hard for you right now with your mom.

It just keeps getting worse and worse. You should have seen what happened last night.

Actually, I was at home when Brady and Tate came home from the prom.

Oh, so then you know how crazy Tate’s and my parents have been about all this then, right? I mean, Theresa acts like I’m this demon seed, I swear. And then my mom grounded me again, which means there’s been exactly one day I haven’t been grounded or in a coma in the past six months. Like, seriously, this is no way to live.

I’m sorry, Holly. I really wish there was something I could do.

Maybe there is. Eric, my mom, she listens to you. She respects your opinion, so… I don’t know, maybe you could talk to her for me?

You know, I thought I could talk to you about stuff, that you would be on my side.

Hey, it’s not about sides. Come on. I have differences with your mother, but when it comes to co-parenting, we have to have each other’s backs.

Even when one of you is completely wrong?

[sighs] Look, I’ll admit, in my opinion, I think your mother overreacted to what happened last night.

Okay, thank you.

Don’t thank me yet. I still think you were dead wrong. You lied to your parents and you were sneaking around.

Yes, because what you guys are doing is completely unfair.

This isn’t– you know what we need? We need a reset.

A reset?

Yeah, a reset.

What does that even mean, a reset?

Basically what that means is, we all need to take a step back. And we need to go to our neutral corners. We need to breathe a little bit and chill out, okay? Number one–number one– you can forget about the country club job because I’m not going for it. I know your mom is not gonna go for it.

This is great. This is so great, Dad. You know, I knew this was gonna happen. Seriously, what am I supposed to do all summer then?

Here’s an idea.

So what are your regrets?

[chuckles] God, too many to list. Look, my point is, is that we all have them. And no one knows that you and Stefan slept together. So come on, I mean, why don’t you just pretend like it didn’t happen?

I can’t do that. I already told Harris.

I–I thought that he understood that you were in a bad place, that you were under a tremendous amount of pressure from the threats of Clyde, that you were protecting him. And that’s why you had to keep him at arm’s length.

Yeah, I mean, that’s what he said. He said he understood. But he tried to get past it, I’m sure, but I just– look, I’m not sure I buy it, it’s just– Kristen, I have made an absolute mess with all the men in my life.

Okay, you know what? Stop beating yourself up about it. Just stop. I think there is something else to consider here.

I’m listening.

All right. You were engaged to Stefan’s identical twin brother, Jake, before he was tragically killed. So it makes sense that there is this underlying attraction to a man that has the exact same DNA. And, not to mention, you said that you were totally wasted when that, um, attraction happened.

All right. Maybe I can buy a little bit of the twin thing here, the resemblance, of course, but… it was such a big mistake. And nobody, nobody else can find out about this, especially Gabi. [soft music]


Oh, I’m not in the mood to celebrate. No offense.

None taken. Melinda turns my stomach too. But even she can’t ruin this day for me. I’m back home with the man I love. I’m so grateful you waited for me, my darling.

I would have waited forever, but I am grateful I didn’t have to. To you, mi amor.

And I–I just wanna say that I– I know that there’s been some bad blood between us, and I really hope we can move forward now.

I hope so too.

So congratulations, Gabi, on your freedom. I’m really happy for both of you. I am.

Thank you. It’s very generous of you. And I’m happy for you and EJ that you got your baby back.

Thank you.

I can’t wait to see my little nephew. I bet he’s a charmer.

Oh, you have no idea. He is. And lucky for him, he looks a lot like Nicole and nothing like EJ.


Now, if you’ll excuse us, my wife has been dying to take a hot shower.

I have. I might need some help, though. Someone to, you know, wash my back, et cetera.

Duty calls. Excuse us.

– [scoffs] What better job? The only job that I’m interested in is the one that you stole from me, unless you’re considering giving it back.

Look, I would be more than happy to relinquish the role of district attorney, but I’m quite certain Mayor Price would take issue with that. The optics of what would appear to be a game of musical chairs would be quite unfavorable.

Got it. So since I understand that you’ve been ousted from your position of power at DiMera, you have obviously nothing to offer me. So I’m gonna go back in there, and I’m gonna destroy your life. [tense music]

Lacrosse camp in upstate New York. Is this a joke?

No, this is not a joke. As a matter of fact, this could be a really great experience. It can also get a lot of those top college recruiters to get their eyes on you, son.

Dad, I’m not, like, bad at lacrosse, but honestly, no one’s gonna want to recruit me.

You’re selling yourself short, because I actually had a chat with your coach, and he said your son has natural ability, natural talent. He said he’s getting better every day.

When did I even say that I wanted to play college lacrosse?

We talked about it.

Yeah, we talked about it before I rode the bench all of last season. Like, have you– have you read this?


Seriously? You have to pay all of this money for me to live in an all-guys’ dorm, eat–I’m sure– bad cafeteria food, and work out for hours a day. hours.

Excuse me, I’m sure the food is fine. There is nothing on there that says you have to work out for hours a day. And by the way, this will give your mom time to cool off. And then maybe in the fall, we can talk about you and Holly Jonas getting together once again. Come on, it’s a great idea. Just–will you please just– son, give it some thought, okay?

Well, I’ve thought about it, and there is no way that I’m doing this.

Holly, after everything that’s happened with Sloan, I think I need to give your mom some space.

What do you mean?

Well, I already told her, but I’m– I’m thinking about leaving Salem.

What? No, Eric, you can’t leave Salem. We’d all miss you so much.

That’s very nice of you to say.

No, I’m not being nice. It’s true. Especially for me. Especially since things just keep getting worse and worse. I mean, Eric, my best friend, she’s not even talking to me, not that I totally blame her for that. And I can’t even leave the house unless it’s to pick up takeout.

It’s really that bad?

It’s totally that bad. I mean, my mom’s literally tracking me as we speak. My phone, she knows exactly where I’m at at all times. I don’t even know who lives in my own house, let alone which DiMera is trying to stab the other one in the back. And then my mom’s so preoccupied with everything else besides me, until she remembers to take the time to make my life miserable. And Eric, if you leave, I’m just going to cry.

Holly, I promise things will get better.

No, they won’t. Eric, I don’t need to tell you what it’s like to not be able to be with someone you really wanna be with. So could you maybe please talk to my mom about letting me see Tate?

Holly, it’s– it’s really not my place to give parenting advice. Whether or not you can see Tate, that’s gotta be up to your mom and your stepdad.

Melinda, if you tell Nicole that Jude is Eric’s baby, you’ll be outed as a baby napper and you’ll never work again. Have you thought about that? Well, you damn well better think about it now. Because yes, you may be destroying my life when you waltz back in there and blurt out the truth, but you’ll be destroying your own as well.

What’s your job offer?

General counsel at DiMera.

You want me to work for Kristen? She killed my daughter!

My–my sister was out of her mind when she thought her baby had died. You know that she didn’t mean for Haley to fall down those stairs.

Whatever the hell she meant, it would be my worst nightmare to work for that woman. But even if I could bring myself to accept your position, you are in no position to be offering it to me.

I’ll speak to Kristen.


I’m certain she will agree to it out of guilt over what happened with your daughter, if nothing else. Plus, I know that my sister knows that you despise me, which is incentive enough for her to employ you.

What about Belle Black? I thought she was general counsel.

Belle is on leave to work on her marriage. The attorney who has taken her spot is just a placeholder. [suspenseful music]

Melinda, I’ll see to it that that job is yours if you want it. Think about it this way. Sure, the DA has power, but you’ll be working for a multinational company that has power. Plus, you’ll be earning a hell of a lot more income. Your alternative is to be poor and jobless… while destroying both our lives.

What the hell is she still doing here?

Listen, your secret is safe with me. Now, let’s raise our glasses to my new job as the new CEO of DiMera. [laughter]

Congratulations, my friend. Oh, goodness. No, no, no, one is my limit tonight. I’ve got an early morning shift at the pub.



You ran a multinational crime organization, and now you’re slinging hash for Roman Brady. [laughs]

Okay. My employment prospects were not so great after the drug debacle here at the Bistro.

Well, then why don’t you come work for me?

Well. [suggestive music]

I’ve been dreaming about this for months.

So have I.

It’s like I’m washing away everything– the stink of Statesville, the distance between us, the time apart.

But you can’t wash away all the pain you suffered.

You know what will help, what I want more than anything?

For you to shave off that damn mustache.

Oh, really?


You don’t like it?

Hate it.

Wow. Well, in that case. Okay, then.

Do you want a personal chef, or are you interested in my skills as a mafia boss?

Ah. Neither. I would just love to have a friend come work for me, especially one who shares my worldview. And frankly, I need an ally in that snake pit. [laughs]

EJ would lose his mind.

Oh, yes, and that is another reason to have you come on board. My little brother needs to be knocked down a notch or . Not to mention, getting under his skin is one of my favorite pastimes.

I completely understand why that would be.

So Ava, come on, this will be great. Hmm? Woman power? Hmm? [laughs] Oh, and then you can say goodbye to that sad little pub room with the lingering smell of clam chowder. What do you say?

I say you’re making me an offer I can’t refuse.

Well then, Ava Vitali, welcome to DiMera. [glasses clink] [chuckles]

I don’t–I don’t think you understand. I’m not giving you a choice.

What? [soft tense music] You literally just told me to think about it. Oh, my God. Wow. Wow, you really don’t care about what I think or what I feel, do you?

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

You are worse than Mom.


Do you know that? Because at least she is straight with me about her crazy rules. You–you– I mean, does she know that you’re trying to send me away again?

Tate, I’m trying to make this as easy for you as I can. You know where your mother wants to send you for summer, most likely? She’s gonna call Grandpa Shane, and your butt’s gonna be in military school for the whole summer.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Seriously? This is probably my last free summer ever, and you get to decide how I spend it.

It looks that way.

You know something? It doesn’t take a shrink to figure out that you just can’t stand to see Holly and me happy because you and Mom have no idea how to be happy, together or separately.

Tate, don’t go there.

Why? Why not? It’s the damn truth, isn’t it?

You wanna know the damn truth?


The damn truth is that you have had two dates with this girl that I know of, and they’ve both ended up in disaster.

And whose fault is that?

You’re not helping your case at all. By the way, I put down a deposit for the camp. It’s gonna be great. You’re going, whether you like it or not.

EJ, he’s just gonna go along with whatever my mom has to say. He’s crazy about her. He couldn’t care less about me.

Holly, that is not true. EJ arranged for you to have treatment in Italy, which saved your life.

Yeah, I guess. But still, I’m not as important to him as his own kids. I mean, the way he looks at me sometimes, it’s like– it’s like he totally disapproves of me.

Holly, you could be imagining that, couldn’t you?

Yeah, I guess.

Try to keep an open mind. Okay? It’s best if you try to get along with him.

What’s the point? My mom’s gonna divorce him, probably soon. I mean, in fact, they’ve gotta be close to their expiration date by now.

What are you talking about?

I mean, it’s true. They never work out. It’s only a matter of time before one of them does something to blow it all up. Eric, sometimes I just wish that she’d stayed with you forever.

I’m sorry I can’t do any more to help.

It’s okay. It’s not your fault anyways. None of it is. Okay, well, I’d better get my food and go before my mom sends out a search party. And Eric, please don’t leave Salem. Okay? Please.

Holly… I love you. And I’ll be praying that things get better for you.

Thanks. Love you too.

Melinda and I were just discussing the disposition of a few important cases.

One in particular.

Which we resolved, did we not?

We did. Thanks again. [tense music]

Why did you do it, EJ?

What do you mean?

After everything that woman put us and our baby through, what possible reason could you have for giving her an immunity deal? [suggestive music]

So, better?

So much better.


You know, this robe, it feels really good after all that time in those prison clothes. But I don’t wanna wear it right now. I wanna feel nothing against my body. Nothing but you.

Dad, look, just please, is there anything that I can do to change your mind about this?

Tate. Tate. It’s a done deal. You’re going. [soft tense music] The summer will be over before you know it. I’m sure you’re gonna have a great time. I want you to give it a chance. Please.

[line trills] [phone rings]

Hey, what’s up?

Hey, you okay?

Not really. You?

Not even close. How would you feel about running away together?

Look, I hated helping Melinda. If it were up to me, I would have nailed her to a wall. But I had no choice, sweetheart.

Oh, no choice? Why the hell not?

Rafe was desperate to help his sister, claiming that Gabriella was suffering greatly in solitary confinement. And Stefan was playing on family loyalties.


As laughable as it is, given what happened with Kristen at DiMera, I thought it would be advantageous to put my brother and his wife under our debt. And the truth is, Gabriella was innocent.

Yeah, but Melinda was not.

I know. It’s galling, sweetheart.

No, it’s more than that, EJ. It’s sick, actually. And you know– [sighs] I just–I need some time out here alone.

Of course. Of course. I’ll be inside.

Mm-hmm. [pensive music]

I thought you weren’t coming in today.

Yeah, I wasn’t going to. I–there’s something I need to tell you.

Okay. What is it?

I might be leaving Salem.

Mmm. “Mr. Brady, we reviewed your portfolio “and would be happy to offer you a position in our Paris office.” [soft tense music]

Well, is the little prince asleep?

He is.

Mm. Well, I am off to bed. I have an early morning conference call with Hong Kong.

Before you turn in, may I– may I ask a favor? It’s about a potential hire.

Roman, hey. It’s Ava. Listen, thanks for everything that you’ve done for me, but you’re gonna have to hang up that Help Wanted sign again because I just got a new job.

Oh, Ari, I can’t wait to see you, either. Tell Will and Sonny I’ll be taking the DiMera jet to Phoenix first thing in the morning. I love you too, my sweet girl. Till tomorrow. Bye.

I bet Arianna is so thrilled that she gets to see you tomorrow.

Not as thrilled as I am. You have no idea how good it feels to be held after all this time.

To me too. [soft music]

I’m sure it was really hard for you, us being apart for so long. You must have been so lonely.

Lonely for you, my beautiful wife. Oh, God, I missed you.

And yet, even with all the beautiful women out there in the world, you didn’t give in to temptation. [panting] Not a chance. You are the only woman I wanna be with, now and forever.

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