Y&R Transcript Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Faith: Mom, no.

Sharon: What?

Faith: You did my laundry.

Sharon: I’m happy to.

Faith: I’m in college now. Technically, an adult. I can wash my own clothes.

Sharon: Did it occur to you that it makes me happy to have my little girl home, where I can cook for her and do her laundry and pretend that she’s not technically an adult yet for a few more weeks? And based on the mound of clothes you had, you’ve been saving them up for a while.

Faith: Well, I’ve been a little distracted.

Sharon: Oh, I know you have been, sweetie. I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time.

Faith: Is that why you’re doing all this? Because Moses dumped me?

Sharon: No, not at all.

Faith: Because it would make me feel even worse if you were taking pity on me because of that, that, I don’t even want to say the word.

Sharon: This is an act of love, not pity.

Faith: Well, good. I love you too.

Sharon: I’m glad we got that worked out.

Faith: I’m almost totally over him, anyway. I refuse to let him ruin my summer any more than he already has.

Sharon: Well, I admire your resilience and your independence, Faith. But don’t run away from your feelings. I have done that too many times myself, so take it from me, a broken heart can’t heal overnight and pretending that it does, only delays the healing.

Nick: This seat taken?

Phyllis: Uh, no, sit down.

Nick: So?

Phyllis: So?

Nick: I haven’t seen you in a while.

Phyllis: Yeah, I’ve been busy, you know, trying to keep a roof over my head.

Nick: Yeah, anything positive on the job front there?

Phyllis: Um, you know, I’m formulating a plan.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay?

Nick: Yeah. Was I supposed to say something else?

Phyllis: I mean, well, you don’t have to, as you usually interrogate me, so.

Nick: Yeah, I’ve learned how to mind my own business.

Phyllis: Really? Are you messing with me?

Nick: I’m absolutely messing with you.

Phyllis: Don’t mess with me. I’m so vulnerable right now. I’m so, so sensitive, please don’t do that. I’m unemployed.

Nick: Phyllis, I am convinced there is something out there for you post-Chancellor-Winters. So, what are you doing, what’s the plan?

Phyllis: Don’t wanna bore you with what I’m doing, you know?

Nick: If you tell me what it is, I’ll bet you anything I can help you with it.

Phyllis: Just say that, you know, I’m working on something. Um, my job search will go full circle and land me closer to home, just say that.

Nick: That tells me absolutely nothing.

Phyllis: Well, I can’t get into specifics with you, Nick. But let’s just say that if everything goes the way I want it to go, I’ll be able to deliver karmic payback to Chancellor-Winters.

Daniel: So, how was the job interview?

Heather: Pleasant, polite, and unsuccessful.

Daniel: How do you know, did they say that?

Heather: They don’t need to, Daniel. I’ve been to enough of these things to know when I’m getting hired. And when I’m not.

Daniel: Sorry.

Heather: It’s okay, there are still a lot of law firms out there.

Daniel: Sure, but maybe they’re all skittish because they heard your significant other sued one of the most powerful companies in town.

Heather: Well, they wouldn’t say that.

Daniel: But it’s still there, right?

Heather: Definitely there. Anyway, let’s talk about Lily. How did it go with Lily? How’d she take the news?

Lucy: Wait a minute, what about Lily? What news?

Daniel: Um, you know, I probably should have said something to you before, but–

Heather: Your dad went to see Lily about dropping the lawsuit.

Lucy: Oh, you did? How come?

Daniel: Signed a pretty firm contract for one thing.

Heather: Which we could have still challenged in court.

Daniel: But none of that matters. I didn’t want to fight with her anymore. I just wanted to get past this, put it all behind us so we could just move on.

Lucy: So, what does this mean?

Daniel: It means that Chancellor-Winters is gonna keep Princess Louisa.

Lucy: Oh, you’re giving up Princess Louisa?

Daniel: Luce, I’m sorry. I know that I should have said something to you sooner, and if you’re upset, I totally get it.

Lucy: No, no, I’m– I’m actually not upset at all. I think it’s a hundred percent the right move. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

Nate: So, this must be it. Lily’s plan is happening. [ Devon sighs ]

Devon: Looks to be that way.

Nate: Time to act surprised when she and Billy tell us they’re breaking up the company.

Devon: Hm.

Nate: You okay?

Devon: Yeah, I’m good.

Nate: No last minute doubts about Lily following through?

Lily: Hello.

Nate: Hello, hey.

Billy: Hey.

Lily: Thank you for coming so quickly. I’m sorry for the late notice.

Devon: Yeah, no need to apologize. I’m just wondering why we’re here.

Nate: Yeah, yeah, what’s happening?

Lily: Well, this is about moving forward. I think it’s no secret there’s been a lot of tension in the office lately.

Devon: Yeah, sure has been.

Lily: Yes, so I think the infighting has been stopping Chancellor-Winters from growing. And I think that Billy and I have come up with a scenario that will stop the constant fighting and conflict.

Mamie: Now this, I’d like to hear. it still hurts.

Sharon: I know it does.

Faith: I guess I just didn’t want to give Moses the satisfaction of knowing that.

Sharon: Well, you don’t have to give Moses anything at all. As far as he’s concerned, you happily moved on with your life. With me, you can cry all you want to and we can eat ice cream.

Faith: Is that what you did when you got your heart broken?

Sharon: I did a lot of things, some of them pretty embarrassing and stupid as I think back on it, but time heals.

Faith: I just wonder if all the pain is worth it sometimes.

Sharon: Hey, remember that conversation your dad and I shared with you about all of our ups and downs? Our relationship was a mile-high roller coaster. We loved each other fiercely and at times we hurt each other just as much, but in the end, we settled for a friendship that means a lot to both of us.

Faith: Do you regret it didn’ )t turn into more than that with Dad?

Sharon: Um, I try not to linger on feelings of regret about anything.

Faith: You didn’t answer my question.

Sharon: Faith, your dad and I are exactly where we are supposed to be.

Faith: Alone? I know that a woman doesn’t need a partner to be happy, but I also don’t like to think of you being all by yourself here.

Sharon: Well, thank you, sweetie, that’s nice of you, but I don’t want you worrying about me and besides, it’s not like I’m poor mom rattling around the house with nothing to do. I’ve got my businesses to run, I’ve got my friends, my family, and I have my very grown-up daughter home for the summer.

Faith: I know you’re super busy and you have tons of stuff to do, but I also know that you’re a complete romantic. You light up when there’s someone special. The last time I saw that was when you were with Rey.

Sharon: That was special. He was special.

Faith: I know. You seemed relaxed together, easy, effortless. You were completely yourself.

Sharon: That kind of thing doesn’t come along every day.

Faith: Except I see that look on you a lot of the time. Always when you’re around dad.

Nick: Don’t.

Phyllis: What? I’m not even doing anything. Why would you think something like that?

Nick: Karmic payback? It sounds like revenge to me.

Phyllis: Well, it’s not revenge. It’s not even remotely underhanded.

Nick: Then, what are you doing?

Phyllis: You know what? I’m just sitting back. I’m doing nothing. I’m just watching everything happen, waiting for the stars to align, and then I’m gonna make my move.

Nick: Move where? Move when?

Phyllis: I just hear there is some upheaval.

Nick: At Chancellor-Winters?

Phyllis: Yes. I’m just waiting for everything to explode. Then, there’ll be opportunities for me and I won’t even have to lift a finger.

Devon: Aunt Mamie, we’re having a private meeting here.

Mamie: Yes, but you’re talking about keeping the peace. That’s what I want, too.

Devon: I understand that, but the reason that you weren’t invited to this meeting is because you’re no longer a part of the decision-making process. And that’s something that I thought we all agreed on, including yourself.

Lily: Yeah, we even offered to buy you out.

Mamie: You know I’m not interested in selling, Lily.

Nate: Aunt Mamie, you still promised to stay in your lane.

Mamie: Yeah, but I thought that with some time and introspection, I wouldn’t be banished forever. But everyone would soon realize I was only trying to make sure that you don’t make any foolish decisions that could harm the company.

Devon: Well, you know what? It’s a good thing we haven’t made any foolish decisions today.

Mamie: Is that so?

Devon: Yeah.

Mamie: Then, can someone please explain to me what happened with OmegaSphere’s flagship property?

Lily: Daniel and I settled. So, there’s no more lawsuit, and no one has an issue with the settlement, right?

Devon: No, not me.

Nate: Or me.

Lily: Exactly. So you see, nothing for you to worry about.

Billy: I’m sorry, excuse me. Can we please get back to the subject at hand? Mamie can stay or she can go, but I don’t think we should be distracting.

Devon: No, no, no, no. We’re not gonna do that. We’re not gonna have this meeting with Mamie here, okay? Daniel: Thank you. Um, so let me get this straight. You are not upset that I gave up Princess Louisa?

Lucy: It’s just a game, Dad.

Daniel: It’s not entirely just a game.

Lucy: Okay, yes. I know I was your inspiration for it and everything, but you know, I’m older now. I don’t need some game to be sure that you love me. I know that you do. And besides, I really hated that you and Lily were fighting about it.

Daniel: I hated it too.

Lucy: And you know, I might have wanted you and Mom to get together, but that doesn’t mean that I wanted Lily to get hurt. Now, I have everything I could have ever wanted. So, let them have the game.

Daniel: I’m sorry, who– who is this? Do you recognize this person?

Heather: This– this kind, generous, compassionate person is our daughter.

Daniel: You know, I was dreading breaking the news to you. It’s probably why I waited until after it happened. Um… thank you for understanding. You are an amazing, one-of-a-kind young lady, and I am so very proud to be your dad.

Lucy: Stop, Dad, you can’t do that. Be so nice. I’ll cry.

Daniel: Well, then someone better say something funny or stupid fast because maybe I’m gonna cry too. [ Lucy chuckles ]

Sharon: I think what you’re seeing between your father and me is comfort. It’s family. Something that we will always have and I’m content with that.

Faith: Okay.

Sharon: What, you don’t believe me?

Faith: You two used to have more, Mom. Used to want more before Cassie died, before Phyllis went after Dad. You had it, you had everything.

Sharon: Well, dredging up old hurts and bad memories is not the message your dad and I wanted to share with you.

Faith: And I don’t want to dredge them up either, but it still sucks, right? It still happened. I mean, I feel terrible over some dumb guy that dumped me, but you and Dad had a life together, you had a family.

Sharon: You’re getting all worked up about ancient history. Yeah, we did some destructive things, including myself, when we were young and in pain, but we’ve moved on.

Faith: Even with Phyllis?

Sharon: Yeah, even with Phyllis. I mean, we’re never gonna be best friends or anything like that, but we are cordial and respectful with each other, and you know, it wouldn’t surprise me if your dad ended up back with her at some point.

Faith: Really, you think that’s possible?

Sharon: Well, there’s just this connection, and it’s very different than what your father and I share, but it’s there. And maybe, that’s all you need to really move on, is knowing that the person that you loved so much you cared about, has someone else in their heart.

Nick: So, what is this vibe you’re getting from Chancellor-Winters and where is it coming from?

Phyllis: I’m sorry, I can’t reveal my sources.

Nick: Oh, really?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: How about off the record, then?

Phyllis: Well, off the record for sure. You know, I have a lot of friends there still, and they’re telling me that there’s a lot of infighting going on.

Nick: Infighting with who?

Phyllis: Who do you think? Lily, Devon.

Nick: That’s it? I noticed you left out one other key name from the Chancellor-Winters’ masthead and that would be Billy Abbott.

Phyllis: Oh, did I? Really?

Nick: Yeah, you did, which makes me think Billy is the one behind the trouble, which makes sense because I never thought he was a good fit there. So, I’m guessing that Billy is the man behind the plan. Is that right?

Devon: I really don’t mean to be so blunt about this, because you’re our family, and we love you, but I’m just talking about business here. And like we’ve all agreed, you can’t be around when we’re talking about the future of the company. And I can understand you being angry about it, but it doesn’t change anything.

Mamie: Listen to yourself, Devon. There’s just so little compassion or forgiveness. You know, it makes me wonder if the wedge that’s between you and Tucker wasn’t as much your fault as it was his.

Devon: Well, I think you know the reasons for that.

Mamie: No, I thought that I did, but now I’m not so sure. You know, he may be disreputable, and maybe even untrustworthy, but one thing I know about your father is that he really was genuinely wanting to set things right between you. But, you know, you don’t need him as you clearly do not need me now. Oh, my goodness. Were you thrilled to hear that Glissade was just sold right from underneath him?

Devon: What do you mean it was sold from underneath him?

Mamie: Your father has lost everything. But, you know, c’est la vie. It doesn’t affect you. So, who cares? You know, when you push your family away, Devon, you’re pushing away the only constant that you can probably get in this lifetime. I’d be careful if I were you. You’re making a lot of causes for regret.

Faith: I don’t know, Mom. I’m having a hard time comparing what you and Dad had to whatever happened between him and Phyllis.

Sharon: Well, then stop comparing it. It’s just different, that’s all. Anyway, I let go of all that pain and animosity a long time ago.

Faith: I don’t mean to keep bringing it back up, I’m sorry.

Sharon: Um, my mind wanders back to that time every so often, but I don’t let myself spend too much time there. It’s– There’s a lot of pain there.

Faith: Because of Cassie?

Sharon: Yeah.

Faith: So horrible. What happened?

Sharon: It is the worst thing that a parent can experience. I, uh, I don’t blame your father for spinning out the way he did. Um, we were both just so lost.

Faith: Do you think of her all the time?

Sharon: Not every day, but there are moments, like a song will come on the radio that she liked, or Mariah will have this expression that brings Cassie back to me. But she’s always gonna be in my heart. And, you know, your dad and I still bring her flowers every year on her and Mariah’s birthday. Of course, we’ll never forget the day we lost her.

Faith: The anniversary was last month, right?

Sharon: Mm-hmm. And your father and I celebrated her like we have every year since it happened. You know, we, uh, we embraced life and our future to honor her and all the love that she brought into the world.

Faith: I wish I’d known her.

Sharon: I do too. You would have had the best big sister.

Faith: I love you, Mom.

Sharon: I love you.

Heather: What did, uh, Lily actually say when you told her about dropping the lawsuit? [ Daniel exhales ]

Lucy: I’m sure she was relieved too.

Daniel: Actually, she felt the same way I did.

Heather: What do you mean?

Daniel: Well, she didn’t want the game either. She was willing to give it back to me.

Heather: Without going to court, and you still let them have it?

Daniel: Yes.

Heather: Daniel, you completely failed to mention that part to me earlier.

Daniel: That is because I didn’t wanna talk to my lawyer about it. I wanted to talk to the woman that I love. Look, I needed to let this all go, Heather. One of the main reasons being guilt for what I did to Lily. And it felt good to get rid of all of it. I mean, it felt cathartic. The game is our past, not our future.

Heather: I bet she was thrilled.

Daniel: Lily understood. And um, I didn’t say that I gave Princess Louisa away for nothing.

Nate: Did you know about Tucker losing Glissade?

Devon: I did not. No. Victor mentioned to me that he suffered some kind of loss in business, but I didn’t know it was that.

Nate: Well, how did Aunt Mamie find out?

Devon: Because she’s clearly been paying more attention to Tucker’s business than I have.

Lily: Well, I think it’s also her way to keep a connection to us.

Nate: I still feel for her.

Devon: I do too. I just didn’t want her to cause any issues today. I wanna hear whatever you two have to present to us in peace.

Billy: Great, so we remember why we’re here.

Nate: We’re all here.

Billy: Yeah.

Nate: It’s your show.

Billy: Fantastic. So, I think it’s time, it’s actually past time, we face the fact that we will not find a working common ground here at Chancellor-Winters. The divide between Devon and me is too deep and insolvable that we can’t continue the way that we are right now. And I, for one, will take my share of the responsibility for that.

Devon: Wow, that’s very generous of you.

Billy: On a larger scale, the merger, although we did attain some good things, ultimately feels like a failed vision. It has suffered from the same problems and tension and Lily agrees with me.

Devon: Do you really?

Lily: Yes, I– I do. You know, I didn’t wanna face the reality for a long time that this merger just isn’t working and I think it’s time to split the companies.

Nate: Um, how do you see that happening?

Lily: Well, you and Devon would take back Winters and all of its original divisions and Billy and I will run Chancellor and their divisions and then whatever we acquired during the merger, we’ll just split fairly. We put together a preliminary list already, but obviously we’ll want you two to have some input.

Devon: That’s it. That’s, wow. Um, I’m having a difficult time wrapping my head around that or even believing you. You just wanna walk away from Winters?

Heather: So, what is Lily giving you in exchange for just about everything else?

Daniel: Princess Louisa is going to be made a part of OmegaSphere’s new classic games library.

Lucy: What does that mean?

Daniel: It means no spin-offs. They can’t alter or change anything that I created. Princess Louisa ˯ will remain pristine forever.

Heather: And this is being put in writing?

Daniel: Lawyers are gonna be sending over new contracts in a few days.

Lucy: Well, that’s something, right, Mom?

Heather: It’s more than something, honey. It means that your dad’s work will always have your name on it and this is what you wanted, isn’t it? Your love letter to your daughter staying intact.

Daniel: Nothing else really mattered to me.

Heather: I know.

Lucy: Well, you know what? I think that we should celebrate.

Heather: We definitely, we need to celebrate.

Daniel: Okay, hold on now, I didn’t say I was finished.

Lucy: Wait, there’s more?

Daniel: There is more. In exchange for letting Chancellor-Winters keep the game, Lily has agreed to make sure that they make a sizable contribution to your college fund.

Lucy: Wow, are you serious?

Daniel: I am very serious.

Heather: What? That’s–

Lucy: Well, I guess Lily’s just as cool as I thought she was.

Daniel: Are you happy?

Heather: I’m very happy and this– this was the right decision. I’m very proud of you.

Sharon: So, any idea what you wanna do on your first day back home?

Faith: I don’t know. I thought I might hook up with some friends from Walnut Grove. But I can cancel them if you wanna hang out.

Sharon: We will have plenty of time to spend together. Why don’t you go and see your friends?

Faith: Thank you, Mom.

Sharon: For what?

Faith: For making a home a place I always wanna come back to. I thought it would be harder this time after, you know, all the Cameron stuff. You and Dad have been so patient with me. You make all the good memories wipe out the bad ones. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that.

Sharon: Thank you.

Faith: Anyway, I’m off. I will check back in with you later.

Sharon: Okay, bye-bye.

Faith: Bye.

Sharon: Have fun.

Nick: So, what’s Billy been feeding you?

Phyllis: Billy’s not feeding me anything. I mean, this is from my own observation. Billy is truly, he’s the only one who’s interested in growing the company.

Nick: Well, that’s not giving Devon and Lily much credit. They’ve been there a hell of a lot longer than Billy has.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, their leadership is stale.

Nick: Oh, really?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Did you get that from Billy?

Phyllis: No, it’s what I see. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the huge chip that Devon has on his shoulder because Billy’s even there in the first place.

Nick: Why are you defending Billy?

Phyllis: I’m not defending Billy.

Nick: It sure as hell sounds like it.

Phyllis: I’m just calling it like I see it.

Nick: Oh, this is from your observation?

Phyllis: Are you making fun of me?

Nick: No, Phyllis. I’m just trying to protect you and make sure you don’t step on some landmine because Billy Abbott is trouble. He always has been, he always will be.

Phyllis: Duly noted.

Nick: I hope so. Because if I’m reading this right, you’re just sort of waiting for things to implode at Chancellor-Winters and then Billy Abbott’s gonna end up on top. Then, he’s gonna have a place for you there. Is that the angle?

Lily: Yes, Devon. It was a difficult decision to leave the Winters divisions behind.

Devon: I would hope it was a difficult decision because you’re essentially just throwing away Neil’s company and the legacy that he left behind for us.

Lily: I mean, I think that’s a misrepresentation of what’s going on here.

Devon: I’m just being honest. That’s how it feels.

Lily: No, I am doing this for the very practical reasons of helping both companies grow and not get bogged down by petty arguments and power plays.

Devon: And you think you can achieve that by teaming up with this guy here?

Lily: Jill handed me the reins of Chancellor. It’s been my responsibility for a very long time. And I also think that it just makes good business sense.

Devon: Mm. So, you’ve already been discussing this with Jill?

Billy: Actually, no, I brought this up with Lily, not Jill. And yes, Devon, she was reluctant at first, but I think now it’s pretty clear this is the solution to the problem. And maybe, hopefully, once you stop being so pissed off and territorial, you’ll come to the same conclusion.

Devon: Oh, I have a question for you, Billy.

Billy: Sure.

Devon: Why don’t you just take Chancellor and run it yourself? What do you need her for?

Faith: Hi, Daniel.

Daniel: Faith, I didn’t know you were back.

Faith: I just got back.

Daniel: Oh, you remember Heather?

Faith: I think we met a long time ago.

Heather: It’s okay, you were just a kid and you’re all grown up now, you look wonderful.

Daniel: She’s in college now. How’s that going, by the way?

Faith: Let’s just say I’m ready for summer break.

Heather: Well, it’s good to see you again.

Daniel: This is our daughter, Lucy.

Faith: Hey, Lucy.

Lucy: Wait, oh, my God, you’re that– that girl.

Faith: I don’t know, what girl?

Lucy: The one that got kidnapped by one of your mom’s exes. Is it really true that you had a bomb strapped to your waist?

Heather: Lucy.

Lucy: I just, I heard a lot about it, that’s all.

Daniel: Yeah, and I’m pretty sure that Faith doesn’t wanna sit here and relive it for you, okay?

Lucy: Right, I’m sorry.

Faith: It’s okay.

Lucy: Um, my friends and I, we just, we read a lot about it and you actually lived through it. It must have been really horrible.

Faith: It was pretty bad, but I’m mostly past the whole trauma thing.

Lucy: I’m really glad. You were really brave.

Faith: No, just lucky. But I would be fine telling you about it sometime.

Lucy: Really?

Faith: Sure. [ phone pings ] Uh-oh, plans have changed. I’m meeting somewhere else now, I gotta go. But I’m home for most of the summer, so maybe we can grab lunch or coffee sometime.

Lucy: Yeah, that– that would be great.

Lily: How can you say that? Do you have such little respect for me that you don’t think I’m an asset?

Devon: I didn’t say that you wouldn’t be an asset at all. I’m just making sure that he’s not using you.

Billy: Well, why am I not surprised you’d go immediately there?

Lily: How would he be using me?

Devon: By convincing you of what a great team you are when really all he needs is your influence over me and Nate to make this whole thing happen.

Lily: Oh, okay, so now I’m unqualified and naive.

Devon: Did I say that? I think you’re twisting my words a little bit.

Lily: No, no, no, I think I’m hearing you pretty clearly.

Billy: I think what we’re all hearing, Devon, is you’re the problem. It’s always gotta be your way, and if you don’t agree, you’re either dumb, stupid, or both.

Devon: Is that how it made you feel, Billy? I’m sorry. You know what, I have one more question for you. What happens the first time you and Lily have a big disagreement? Are you gonna treat her like an obstacle instead of a partner, the way you’ve been doing with me?

Billy: So insulting.

Devon: It’s not. It’s a question. I mean, really, are you gonna stand there and not admit that this whole thing, this whole big idea is not just you wanting to take a hold of Chancellor and rename it to Abbott, or Abbott-Chancellor, or whatever the hell you want it to be?

Billy: Devon, just shut up. Just stop talking.

Lily: Okay, okay, okay, please, both of you, stop. Devon, I am going into this because I believe it’s the best move. No one is pulling my strings. Are we clear on that?

Phyllis: If I were to talk to Billy about a job, would it be so bad if I did?

Nick: Depends.

Phyllis: On?

Nick: You not pushing yourself into a situation where you’re not really wanted.

Phyllis: Wait, why would that be the case?

Nick: I’m not saying it is.

Phyllis: But you kind of are. I mean, I’m– I’m very good at what I do. I’m very smart and– and I have value and skills.

Nick: Nobody is disputing that.

Phyllis: Well, you kind of are right now. You’re sort of saying that– that I don’t have value and I’m not good, and I have to, like, beg for a job of some sort.

Nick: Nobody is more impressed with your talents than I am. I just wanna make sure that the next place you go is the right one.

Phyllis: Well, what makes you think this wouldn’t be the right one? Nick, I’ve been trying to get a job. I’m banging on a bunch of doors and nobody is opening their door to me. And I know it’s because of me. I have a lot to do with it. I realize that, so shh. Don’t remind me of that. It’s really hard and I’m starting to get desperate. I mean, something has to happen soon.

Nick: That is what I’m worried about, okay? That you’re gonna go rushing into the situation without really thinking about it. I mean, should I put together a list of all the times that you have acted impulsively and it’s blown up in your face or other people’s? Just please, I beg you, take a breath. Just really think about it. Make sure that the next place you go is the right one.

Faith: Change of plans. I’ve got to rush. Love you, Mom.

Sharon: Oh, okay.

Heather: Thank you.

Sharon: Hi.

Daniel: Hey, Sharon.

Sharon: Did you see my social butterfly daughter who just ran out of here?

Daniel: We did. We got a quick chance to say hello to her. She and Lucy actually hit it off, it seemed.

Sharon: That’s great.

Daniel: I was hoping they could maybe hang out this summer.

Lucy: Dad, you don’t have to set up play dates for me. I’m not eight.

Daniel: Oh, is that what I was doing? I’m sorry.

Lucy: Kind of.

Heather: Are you here to eat? Do you want to just join us?

Sharon: No, thank you. I came to get some takeout. I have a lot of work to do, but maybe another time. Hi, I’m Sharon. I came to pick up my order.

Nick: Listen to me, you little punk. Do you have any idea how seriously my daughter’s hurt?

Sharon: Are you still here? What part of go away don’t you understand?

Daniel: Mrs. Newman, I–

Sharon: Listen to me. Our whole family is watching over that child in there, praying that she survives, and you are the cause of it.

Daniel: You have no idea how sorry I am.

Sharon: I could just kill you for what you have done to this family. You don’t even deserve to live.

Nick: Sharon, Sharon, stop.

Sharon: Get out of here.

Nick: Get out.

Sharon: Oh, thank you. eather: Well, you seem lighter, like a burden has been lifted from your shoulders.

Daniel: More like a boulder.

Heather: I’m glad. You deserve it.

Lucy: I am, too, Dad.

Heather: It’s a consensus.

Lucy: So, what’s next?

Daniel: Ah, yes, that is the big question, isn’t it? The big mystery. What is the next adventure?

Heather: Ooh, I like the sound of that, adventure.

Lucy: Hm, well, we could go to Africa, sail around the world.

Daniel: What about school?

Heather: Right.

Lucy: Online classes.

Daniel: Yeah, you know, it could be that or it could be right here in Genoa City. But you know, whatever, wherever it is, I know that it’s gonna be great because I have the two of you to share it with me. I’ve got my family.

Lucy: I love you guys.

Nick: Okay.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: I am ending my sermon right now.

Phyllis: Okay, it was a good one.

Nick: I just really feel like you pinning your hopes on Billy Abbott is a recipe for disaster.

Phyllis: So, you keep on saying.

Nick: All right, definitely done now.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: Unless, of course, you want me to keep going and I will.

Phyllis: No, no. Thank you for always looking out for me.

Nick: Are you surprised by that?

Phyllis: No, I’m not. I really appreciate it. If anyone looks out for me, I hope it would be you. So, thank you.

Devon: Well, uh, this motion is gonna require a board vote, right?

Billy: Yeah, fine. Let’s have one.

Devon: Okay. Well, Abby is on her way to Paris right now to check on her mom. So, we should probably wait until she gets back, don’t you think?

Billy: Why do we have to wait? I mean, she’s got a phone. She can vote via video chat. Why don’t you give her a call and see if she’s available?

Devon: She is literally on the plane right now, Billy. And she probably would need to take some time to digest this, like the rest of us probably should.

Nate: Yeah, that’s right. What’s the big rush?

Lily: Yeah, I agree. This is a massive decision for the company. So, let’s just marinate on it. Give it a day or two, right?

Billy: Great. Sounds good.

Lily: What the hell were you doing?

Devon: I don’t know what I was doing. I was selling the plan like we talked about.

Lily: Really? Because it kind of felt like you were trying to sabotage it.

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