Days Transcript Friday, June 7, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[dramatic music]

[groans] Mm. Hey.


Whoa, whoa.


So against my better judgment, this happened, didn’t it?


Any regrets?

Surprisingly, no.

Me neither.

What about Alex?



This will show him. [laughs]

This will sh– this will show him? Is that what this was about, so you could show him?


You serious?



We talked– we talked about this. Last night, we talked about how Alex doesn’t want to be exclusive and he doesn’t want a commitment with me…


And he’s still fooling around with Kristen.

Yeah, no, I remember talking about all that. I do.

And we also talked about our connection.

Oh, yeah.

Our connection, Brady, yours and mine. Remember? And how we have this chemistry that’s… Been there for a really long time? I know you feel the same.

[sighs] You know what I feel right now? I feel used.


I feel used.

Come on, don’t go all emo on me now, Brady.

Emo, what– [knock at door]

Theresa, you in there? [intriguing music]

Yeah, I am. Come on in.

Hey, I was wondering if we could…


So since this wedding was scheduled for lunchtime, I assume there will be some sort of buffet?

Not sure.

Hmm, any chance the groom was involved in the catering?

I don’t think so.

Shame, could really go for some of that hot, flaming Greek cheese.


Excuse me?

That’s what it’s called, the cheese dish. And as much as I’d like to go over the menu for the reception, I’m a little busy helping Maggie with an important favor– the wedding. [dramatic music]

What sort of favor?

Oh, Maggie, if that isn’t bridal hair, I don’t know what it is. Did I not tell you that Jean-Kevin was a miracle worker?

You did, about times. [laughter]

Oh, Maggie, you’re gonna make a beautiful bride.

Oh, oh, thank you, Bonnie. Thank you. Oh.

Bonnie, we really, really appreciate you treating us to a day at the salon, but… you know that this is just a marriage of convenience, right? Mom’s only marrying Konstantin so he can stay in the country. So you don’t have to make a huge deal of it.

Well, can I help it if I’m a hopeless romantic? I mean, weddings, even if I know they’re a big mistake and that they’re never gonna work out, they always make me cry. [chuckles]

Oh, wait a minute. Well, you know what? I got to go.

What? No, no, no.

Got to go.

We got to pick up the bridal cape.

Well, I’m sure the two of you can do it for me.



Wait, but–

Thank you.

You sure–


Bye. Bye?

What the hell?

Talk about a runaway bride. [chuckles, sighs]

I appreciate the update, Ava.

Yeah, we’ll all sleep a lot better knowing that Weston is locked up again. Uh-huh. Well, keep me posted. All right. [phone rings] Hey, buddy.

Hey, partner.

Are you on your way to the non-wedding?

Yeah, I am, but the groom asked to meet with me first.

Where are you?

I’m on the Kiriakis grounds out by the mausoleum.

Did he give you any idea why he wants to see you?

Nope, he did not, but I’m sure it has to do with his next move, which involves The Pawn. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out the details.

All right.

Oh, there you are. So why did you want to meet?

To show you this. [tense music]

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your success on stealing back that prenup Maggie asked me to sign. And now I have a very… important job for you to do.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[intriguing music]

So what’s this favor Maggie asked?

She asked me to officiate at her wedding.

And you agreed?

Of course.

Why the hell would you do that, Justin?

You can’t honestly tell me that you are in favor of this marriage.

We both know that this is a marriage in name only. Maggie is only trying to help Konstantin stay in the country.

That’s all the more reason not to do this, Justin. The man’s scum. I mean, he swooped in on Maggie when she was vulnerable, when she was still in the throes of grieving Uncle Victor. And now he’s, what, tricking her into marriage?

Maggie knows how to take care of herself. Now, look, I wrote the prenup myself, OK? It is ironclad. So no matter whatever happens today, nothing will change on that front. Konstantin will not get one dime of Maggie’s money.

Do you think a piece of paper is gonna stop this guy? In the short time he’s been in Salem, he’s– he’s managed to worm his way into Uncle Victor’s house, and now he’s talked Maggie into becoming his wife. I mean, I’m damn sure he’s got a bunch of other tricks up his sleeve. [tense music]

And what do you want me to do with this?

It is an easy task. I need you to kill my wife.

Wow, Maggie. Did you run all the way over here?

I couldn’t wait to tell you. Everything is all set.

So you’ve initiated the transfer of funds from the Titan account?

I have indeed.

So the trap is set. [intriguing music] Are you sure you’re up for this, Maggie?

Yes, I’m–I’m sure. That man has lied to me from the moment he stepped foot into my house, thinking he could take my money. Now he’s the one that’s gonna pay.


This can wait. I’ll come back later.

No, no, don’t. Just give me minutes. Well, actually, I don’t know. I might actually need an hour.

Yeah, you know what? Actually– actually, there’s somewhere that I’d rather be– anywhere else, actually. [dramatic music]

[clears throat] [inhales sharply] So…

What’d you– what’d you want to talk about?

Here. Listen.

Oh, thank you.

I know that this is not a fairy-tale wedding for Maggie and Konstantin, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy all the bells and whistles, you know.

I suppose.

Oh, please, come on, the wedding. I mean, the flowers, the music, the vows, it’s all so beautiful. And, honey, you are next. This is gonna be a whole new beginning for you and Xander and this little angel there. [light music]

And speaking of my wedding…

I would love it if you came. I know that you and Xander don’t have the greatest history, but–

No, no, just don’t– not another word. Really, that’s all forgotten. And honestly, I was– I was secretly rooting for you guys ever since I saw you in Chicago with that baby bump. Oh!

Yes, yeah, when you– you tried to convince me to tell Xander that Victoria was actually his.

I tried very hard, and you wouldn’t listen. But, honey, the truth came out, and now you three– Xander, you, and the baby– can be as one as a family. And I’ll tell you something. I would be honored to be there the day you make it legal.

That would really mean a lot to us. It really would. [chuckles]

Oh, honey. Who else is on the guest list?

We’re just gonna keep it small, I think, just family, which I– I hope includes Xander’s mom.

This wedding cannot happen, mate.

It’s not up to us, Xander. Maggie has made up her mind.

Then change yours. Just tell her that you decided you can’t officiate. If there’s no one here to marry them–

I’m not going to do that. This is what Maggie wants, and I am not going to disappoint her. [footsteps tapping]

Is there coffee?

Yeah, there’s coffee. What are you doing here?

I’m here for the wedding, Xander. I assume that’s why you’re here too. By the way, why the hell does everyone have to get married in this house?

Someone’s in a mood.

You know, it’s like it’s the great white little chapel of Salem or something.

I’m guessing it has something to do with Theresa. Am I right? [intriguing music]

So talk to me. What’s up?

Maybe we should talk some other time.

No, no. Come on! You’re not upset ’cause you found me in bed with Brady, are you? Hmm? ‘Cause you were doing that with Kristen.

No, actually, I’m not seeing Kristen anymore.

What? Really? What, did she– she broke it off?

No, she just made me see what I really wanted.

And what’s that?

To be with you– only with you.

Come on. You’re just teasing.

I’m not teasing you. I’m dead serious. In fact, I am kind of crazy about you.



Then why did you keep pushing me away and just keeping me at arm’s length?

I don’t know, but Kristen was asking me that same question. I don’t really have an answer for it. But maybe I do.

What? Tell me, please.

I just have this feeling that you’re–

What? That I’m what?

You’re keeping something from me.

You want me to kill your wife?

After the wedding. As soon as my bride-to-be and I have been pronounced man and wife, you are to lead her outside and make certain that death doth us do part. [tense music]

After the wedding?

See, I will be a groom and a widower on the same day, and I will only have Maggie’s millions to console me.

So you are clear, Pawn, on what you are to do?

I’m clear.

Hmm. Xander has a mom, huh? I mean, it makes sense. I mean, it’s not like he was spawned from a set of bagpipes, right? [laughter]

Nope, nope. He–[chuckles] He definitely came into the world like we all do.

Well, so what did he say she’s like?

Not much, honestly. [clears throat] That she’s a– she’s an alcoholic, a very difficult woman, and she and Xander don’t get along at all.

And he wants her at your wedding?

Well– well, no, no, not technically. It was my idea. I just–he reluctantly agreed to it, but I don’t know. I think it would be nice to have her in our lives and, you know, for Victoria to get to know her other grandmother. And who knows? Maybe my mom could help her with her addiction.

Hmm. Mm.




Sounds like you had to twist your groom’s big, strong arm.

Wait, no. Xander needed a little bit of persuading, just, like, a little bit. Nothing–OK.


He just wants to do what’s best for our daughter. So he– he gave me her phone number. [light music]

What did she say when you called?

Well, I haven’t– I haven’t yet. I– I don’t know. I’m quite–I’m– I’m quite nervous about it.

What do I say? Like, hi, I’m Sarah Horton. I’m your son Xander’s fiancée– oh, and also the mother of your grandchild. You know, like, what if she– what if she’s very cold and distant? Or worse, what if she blows up at me? I mean, Xander said that she’s quite a tough woman.



I’ll tell you one thing– just some old advice. I’m not scared about it.



Don’t you–Bonnie, stop it.

No, shh, it’s ringing.

I really should be the one that’s calling.

Shh. [line rings]

Well, don’t keep us in suspense. What did Theresa do this time?

I’m gonna get ready for the wedding.

Wish I could tell him not to bother.

Xander, can you try and be just a bit positive about this?

Positive? What is there to be positive about, Justin? Maggie falling victim to the manipulations of a two-bit Zorba? She deserves so much better.

Gentlemen, what a lovely day for a wedding, is it not? Has anyone seen my lovely bride?

Your lovely bride whom you’ve been conning since the moment you first laid eyes on her? That lovely bride?

Maggie and I are very excited about our upcoming nuptials.

If Maggie is excited, it’s because you’ve brainwashed her into thinking you care about her. Everyone else can see right through you, mate, with the possible exception of your lovely bride. Isn’t that right, Justin? You want to jump in here?


Jump in and say what? Do you think I care about what any of you think of me, huh?

Well, you’re gonna hear it anyway.

[scoffs] You’re not fit to dust her figurines, Meleounis. And you sure as hell are a big step down from my Uncle Victor.

Oh, you think I’m not as good as Victor Kiriakis?

Not even close.

You know, Xander, you are like a blind man in a cavern, huh? You don’t realize how in the dark you are. [tense music]

Hey, buddy.


Just in time for our toast.

Yeah? What are we– what are we drinking to?

To exposing Konstantin for the fraud that he is.

Well, now, I will drink to that. [laughter] So I’m assuming that the two of you have got some news.

Yes, we do. We have that snake right where we want him.

Now we can expose him and have him arrested before the wedding actually takes place.

Oh, I’m glad to hear that, because that snake just summoned me to the mausoleum on the Kiriakis grounds, and he ordered The Pawn to kill Maggie as soon as she became his bride.

Oh, God.

Yeah, I know. I’m sorry, Maggie, but this really doesn’t come as a shock to any of us, does it?

No, no, it’s not a shock. It’s just that there was a part of me that was hoping that– that he wasn’t capable of doing something so awful.

Hmm, well, I taped our conversation, but I don’t know if there’s gonna be enough to use against him, so I’m thinking we just need to continue on with our plan here. Now, you’re gonna be safe. Doc has successfully deprogrammed me. Besides, we’re not gonna let you anywhere near that guy, not for a second.

No. That son of a bitch will never see it coming when we lower the boom.

OK, I’ll drink to that. [glasses clink]

I don’t understand. Why would I be keeping something from you?

[scoffs] I don’t know, Theresa. It’s just a feeling I have.

And this feeling is what? It’s just people talking around town, telling you that I’m a liar and a schemer?

I don’t think of you like that at all. In fact, I’m not influenced by what anybody would say about you or anybody else, for that matter. I’m sorry if it sounds like I don’t trust you.

Well, it does feel that way.


I swear, I’m not keeping anything from you.

OK. OK, I believe you.

What about Brady?

What about Brady?

Well, obviously something just went down when I walked in here, so…

Maybe it’s not my place to ask, but… are you gonna keep seeing him?

Why don’t you just mind your own business and worry about your own wedding?

No, no, no, but your wedding is my business, my dear, because after you become Alexander’s wife, you will generously share Victor’s fortune with me.

Yeah, thanks to the devil’s bargain I was stupid enough to make with you.

It was your idea to make it look like Alex’s name was on the letter instead of Xander’s, huh?

No, no. [chuckles] No, I was just doing that to upset you because I wanted to get back at you for what you were doing with Kristen.

Ah. Yeah. It worked. Obviously it upset me to see the two of you together… like that.

I’m sorry.

[scoffs] There’s no need to be. I was an idiot for getting involved with Kristen the way I did, and… I understand why you would try and get back at me.

Thank you. I’m really glad you understand.


[clears throat] And… now for some more honesty, if you’re ready for it.


Alex… I want to be with you too– only you.

OK. Well, now that we have both admitted how each of us feel…


Do you think maybe, you know, this would be a commitment that we make to each other? I don’t know, is “commitment” too strong of a word?

No, I think it works.

OK, good. Me too. Now that that’s established, will you do the honor of joining me as my date and the woman to whom I’m committed to Maggie’s wedding?

I would love that. [chuckles]


Just give me a bit to get ready?

Yeah. I’ll see you downstairs.

Mm-hmm. Brush your teeth.


[breathes deeply]

Do you want to be the Kiriakis heiress? This is what you have to do.

[knock at door]

Hi. I saw Alex leave, so I figured it’d be OK to come in.

Yeah, sure.

So was he upset to find out that you don’t want to be exclusive with him?

Actually… I do want that.

Wow, I mean, that was one hell of a , Theresa.

Yeah, well… [dramatic music] I thought about it a bit more, and… open relationship’s just not my thing. Like you pointed out, I’m not really good at sharing, so I hope you understand.

Sure, sure. But didn’t– [chuckles] Didn’t you tell me that Alex was seeing Kristen?

No, that’s over.

Oh, that’s–wow. That was quick, right? Predictable, I guess.

Yeah, well, they’re not really a match made in heaven.

No, no. To put it mildly, no. But I guess that means that this– I mean, you and I are, I mean– it’s over? Not that it–[chuckles] Not that it even began, because of what happened. It’s just, we weren’t thinking clearly, right? I mean, hey, I know I wasn’t thinking clearly. And it shouldn’t– I mean, come on, it shouldn’t have happened. It shouldn’t have happened. It did, but it shouldn’t have. I blame myself. Oops, I succumbed to your charms.

We both succumbed– both of us, Brady.

Look, like you said, I think– I think it’s best that we just keep things simple, for Tate’s sake.

Yeah, I recall saying that.

So are we cool or–

Yeah. Yeah, we’re cool. Now that you’ve used me to get exactly what you want, we’re cool.

Brady. Brady, don’t–

No, hey, I blame myself. I told you. I told you I blame myself for making the same mistake that I swore I’d never make again!

I’m sorry. I’ll see you at the wedding, OK?

Oh. [sighs] It’s OK. Just keep your eye on the prize, girl. Just keep your eye on the prize. You had no choice. You had to let him go. You had no choice.

Hello. This is Bonnie Kiriakis, and I’m– Oh.


Voicemail, one of those computer-generated voices. I have to wait for the beep. Oh, there–hello. Yes, this is Bonnie Kiriakis, and I’m actually married to your son’s first cousin Justin, which makes us– I’m not sure what that makes us but–

Just give it to me.

Oh, OK.

Hi. Hi. Sorry. [chuckles] Sorry. That was my–my friend. She was helping me get– well…[sighs] I was– well, I was…[chuckles] Just quite nervous about calling you. Hi. Sorry. My name is Sarah Horton. I–I’m engaged to your son Xander, and also, I’m the mother of… your grandchild, who’s just a beautiful little girl named Victoria whom we’d love for you to meet here in Salem. Well, Xander and I are getting married soon, and we would– we would really love it if you came to the wedding. OK.

Oh. Oh, no, don’t, don’t, don’t. [inhales deeply] Breathe. [tense music]

What do you mean I’m in the dark?

What the hell is it you think I don’t know?

That Victor detested you, his own flesh and blood, and he treated you like dirt.

You shut the hell up about my uncle.

He thought of you as nothing more than as a glorified gardener.

That is not true.

Really? Then why didn’t he even mention you in his will, huh? Huh? Why are you defending a man who thought you so– so worthless that he didn’t even leave you a single penny?

[light string music]

Hey, buddy.

Dad, Steve, didn’t I– didn’t I see you arriving with Maggie outside?

Yeah, actually, we ran into her when she was making sure everything was set up for the big event.

So we gave her a ride home. [chuckles]

Hey, Xander. Xander. Ooh, ooh. [chuckles] Hello. Anybody home? [chuckles]

Oh, Bonnie, hey.

Hey, hey. You were deep in thought. Everything OK?

Yeah, everything’s fine. Where’s Sarah? I know you were together at the salon all morning.

Oh, yeah, yeah, we were, and we were on our way over here, but her phone rang, and it was the hospital, and there was some sort of emergency, so she had to rush over there. Life of a doctor, right? [chuckles]

Always on call.

Yeah, on her mother’s wedding day too. So sad. But she wanted me to tell you that she would be here as soon as she possibly could. And she asked me to bring little Victoria, which, of course, I did. But she was sound asleep, so I put her in the porta-crib.

Thanks, Bonnie.

No problem. And I don’t think Sarah would mind me telling you this, but… we called your mother. [chuckles]

Did you speak to her?

Ugh, no such luck. I actually called because Sarah, she didn’t have the nerve to take the plunge, and got her voicemail. And I was leaving a message, and I was rambling on, as I usually do. So Sarah grabbed the phone, and she left the sweetest message. She told your mother that she would hope that she would attend your wedding.

I see.

[clears throat] Sarah also mentioned that you and your mother don’t exactly get along, that, well, she’s a bit of a boozer and kind of difficult. And I know it’s none of my business, but just for my two cents’ worth, I agree with Sarah. I think your daughter deserves to spend some time with her other grandmother.

Yeah, well, we’ll see if my mum actually calls back.

Well, I know Sarah’s hoping she will, but I’m guessing you’re hoping otherwise?

Sarah thinks it’s very important for my mum to be at our wedding, so… I’m not standing in the way. But if it were up to me, I’d be fine if I never saw that woman again. [tense music] [light string music]

OK, can we please take a seat and get started here?

You think Konstantin is ready for what we have planned?

Well, he has shown us his Pawn card, and he has no idea that we’ve already stacked the deck against him.

Family and friends, thank you for coming. We are gathered here today to unite this couple in marriage. So without further ado, do you, Margaret Horton Kiriakis, take this man, Konstantin Meleounis, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do you part?

I do.

And do you, Konstantin Meleounis, take this woman, Margaret Horton Kiriakis, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?

I do.

May I have the rings? [phone beeps]


I’m so sorry. I must have forgotten to silence it. Oh, wait. This isn’t right. [tense music]

Justin, what is it? Is everything OK?

Perhaps you could finish this after you marry us.

No, I just received an alert from one of Titan’s accountants. Apparently a large sum of money is missing from Victor’s charitable trust.

[gasps] Well, how is that possible?

There were several withdrawals made these past few days.

Do you know anything about this?

Of course not.

But, Konstantin, don’t you have to authorize every transaction?

Yes, he does. Konstantin, you had to know that this money was being moved.

But I didn’t.

Good God, man. It’s not enough for you to crawl out from under some rock and slime your way into my uncle’s house? You had to steal his money too?

Maggie, are you sure there isn’t anyone else who could have authorized these withdrawals?

I’m sure. I just–I don’t understand.

I’ll call the police. Maybe they can help get us some answers.

The police? I swear, I had nothing to do with this. I am being framed.

Framed? By who?

By this man.


You have made no secret of hating me.

Now, that’s true, but I don’t work at Titan anymore. I couldn’t have done this.

It was someone. [panting] It was him, Mr. Johnson.

Really? You’re blaming me now?

Why not? You had no qualms about hurting me. You and John killed my daughter! Maggie, you’ve got to believe me. I did not do this. You know what kind of man I am.

Well, apparently I was wrong about that, because the evidence is very clear. You embezzled funds from my family’s company, and you’re going to prison for it.

Oh, my–

Oh, my God! You are in on this too, aren’t you? And you as well!

I see. You are all conspiring against me. Well, you will all pay for it. Pawn! I command you to take out your weapon.

[gasps] Oh!

Now shoot Steve Johnson, and turn the gun on yourself.

They deserve it for killing my daughter!

Shoot! Shoot, Pawn! Kill them! Kill them all!

I’m not your Pawn anymore, and the only person I’m gonna kill is you if you do anything stupid. And you should know that if I killed Maggie as you just ordered me, you still would have wound up with nothing because the original prenup…

Is right here.


You weren’t expecting to see this ever again, were you?

Maggie, I can explain.

No, don’t even try. I don’t want to hear another lie out of your lying mouth. [tense music] You came into my home when I was grieving the man that I love. What, you thought you’d take advantage of that grief? You knew I needed someone to lean on, someone who understood how I felt about my husband. So you pretended to be his friend…

To know him like I did, to love him like I did. And, what, you hoped that I would fall for you?

You let me cry on your shoulder. You pretended to be my protector when my beautiful baby granddaughter was taken.

The kidnapping– you arranged that too, didn’t you?

That’s absurd.

I’ll be damned. You had Xander and Sarah’s baby kidnapped so Maggie would continue to let you live in her home, away from all those phantom Greek enemies who were after you.

You sick bastard. You’d better hope–


You’d better hope the cops get here before I kill you.

Dear God, that hooded person that took Victoria, that wasn’t one of your Greek enemies. That was your accomplice.

Who the hell was it, Konstantin?

What does it matter who it was? He’s already admitted responsibility for the crime.

You’re all a bunch of damn hypocrites! We all know that Victor was no saint, huh? He didn’t give a damn that my little girl was killed because of his need to punish me, huh? Well, I may not have got my revenge on you, but I did get my revenge on your dearly beloved late husband.

What are you saying?

It was me who was responsible for his death. I am the one who sabotaged his plane, sent him to a watery grave.

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