Y&R Transcript Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Knock on door ]

Daniel: Hey. Is this a bad time?

Lily: What are you doing here?

Daniel: Well, I texted you asking if I could stop by, but I never heard back, so…

Lily: Well, I’m busy.

Daniel: Right. But I checked with esther and she seemed to think that you might have some time in between your meetings.

Lily: Well, she thought wrong. I don’t have time for whatever this is.

Daniel: I wanna discuss the lawsuit. The arbitration date’s coming up.

Lily: Yes, I am aware of that.

Daniel: I think that if you and I could just talk one-on-one, you know, before this all gets completely out of hand–

Lily: There’s nothing to talk about. You’re suing chancellor-winters and we’re gonna fight back.

Daniel: Lily, you know this isn’t right. I’m not asking for everything. I am just asking for the pieces of omegasphere that are closest to my heart.

Devon: Gosh, dominic’s gonna be a little mountain climber, isn’t he?

Abby: Oh, my gosh, he’s obsessed with the monkey bars. It took a while for him to get the hang of ’em, but now he is a pro.

Devon: I know. Nothing stops him either. He’ll fall down, scrape himself up, get blisters and bruises.

Abby: Oh, yeah, he just dusts himself off and gets back up again.

Devon: Where do you think he gets that stubbornness from? You or me?

Abby: Hm. Okay, I might be a little bit stubborn, but you…

Devon: I know. I can take it to another level.

Abby: I think it’s a good thing, though.

Devon: Really?

Abby: Yeah. So, before you mentioned that there were some things going on at work? No, what is it? Was it mamie?

Devon: No. It’s, uh, billy, actually.

Abby: Billy, yeah. Of course. What did he do this time?

Devon: He told lily and me that jill handed over all of her power at chancellor-winters to him.

Abby: Wait, what?

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: All of her power?

Devon: All of her power. She’s taken a step back and he has control.

Abby: Okay, well that doesn’t make any sense.

Devon: No, it doesn’t make any sense at all. Which is why I don’t think jill made this call on her own.

Abby: What do you mean?

Devon: I mean that this feels like a move by billy to assert his control over us. And I’m not gonna stand for it.

Ashley: Hi. Well, hi. Fancy meeting you here.

Audra: Oh, look who it is.

Ashley: Yeah, so please tell me you’ve wised up about tucker.

Audra: Oh, my god, we’re back to that?

Ashley: I know, I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I really can’T. I mean, I just don’t understand why you’re so taken with him. Oh, well. I guess everybody has their blind spots.

Audra: Um, of the two of us, I’m the one with the issues here.

Ashley: You know what, here you are all by yourself, right? A grown woman ready to take on the world. So maybe you really have ditched that snake?

Audra: Sorry to disappoint you, but tucker and I are solid. We’re connected.

Ashley: Aw.

Audra: We’re actually leaving town for a bit.

Ashley: Travel? I love that. Where to?

Audra: You know where.

Ashley: No? Seriously, you’re going to… what? I mean, oh, I know, because tucker’s relationships always work out so well for him in paris.

Tucker: Hey, doc.

Alan: Ah, alan will do. Good to see you, tucker.

Tucker: Good to see you too. Leaving so soon?

Alan: Um, yes. I have business elsewhere.

Tucker: So, you’re just gonna leave your friend, ashley, in the lurch here?

Alan: Is that how you see it?

Tucker: Yeah. That’s how I see it. She needs help. Desperately. You gotta do something about it. Hellmann’s real mayonnaise.

Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by… -you got this buddy.

-During an asthma attack,

Alan: And what kind of help do you think I can offer ashley?

Tucker: You’re the psychologist. You’re her friend. I am asking you to stay on top of this. Don’t go on your merry way now.

Alan: This matters a lot to you.

Tucker: It’s not really about me, though. Give her some insight. Give her some guidance. Be her therapist. Be her friend. Whatever. Just do something.

Alan: Look, I don’t think ashley would be very comfortable with me discussing her with her ex.

Tucker: All right, then consider me a concerned friend.

Alan: Okay. Well, what makes you so certain that she needs psychological therapy? There must be some kind of signs you’ve seen to bring you to this conclusion.

Tucker: Oh, man, I could give you a play-by-play of all her disturbing and bizarre behavior since our honeymoon in paris.

Alan: I know. I understand that didn’t end too well.

Tucker: No, it did not. She convinced herself that I would behave violently toward her. And it took her months to realize she was mistaken about that. But ever since, it’s been one wild personality swing after the other.

Alan: Well, people are entitled to their emotions.

Tucker: It’s deeper than that. I mean, given your profession and how well you know her, you have to have seen that. And her family is absolutely terrified for her. Has, um, uh, traci or jack approached you?

Alan: Do you think it’s possible that some of what ashley’s going through might be a result of your behavior, or…

Tucker: I will admit to you that I was not the perfect husband in the short time we were married. And I’m very sorry for the ways we hurt each other. We both made mistakes. Um… and I probably could’ve been a little more supportive.

Alan: Have you told ashley that?

Tucker: Alan, whatever is going on with ashley is not gonna be solved by a kind word from me. So, you can catch your flight or you can stick around and do something to help her. She is not gonna get well if left on her own.

Audra: Do you find this entertaining? Because I find it boring.

Ashley: Oh, I’m just trying to make friendly conversation.

Audra: Well, maybe you can find someone else to have it with. You know, someone you haven’t insulted a dozen times.

Ashley: I totally get that.

Audra: Look, lady, I am not trying to be rude, but I just don’t see the point. I– I don’t know what you want from me.

Ashley: I don’t want anything from you. I really don’T. I just– as you know, I think you can do better. I mean, tucker’s not worth the trouble. That’s all.

Audra: Yeah, for you, obviously. But tucker isn’t trouble for me. We have something real and honest and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever had before.

Ashley: Unlike anything you’ve ever had and that’s a good thing?

Audra: You know, you either don’t want to see how solid tucker and I are or you just can’t understand. But I don’t give up on him when things get tough. I don’t give him mixed messages or patronize him. That’s the difference.

Ashley: Wonderful. Love should be cherished and celebrated and I wish you only the best.

Audra: You know, maybe that visit from your therapist friend is helping. You seem a little more even-keeled.

Ashley: Alan, mm. He’s a charmer, isn’t he?

Audra: You might wanna be careful there.

Ashley: Oh, why?

Audra: Well, you know, the whole doctor-patient thing. Might not be the best idea to get involved with your therapist.

Ashley: Look at you. You’re gonna give me dating advice? Now, that’s adorable.

Abby: Okay, yes. I understand why you would be suspicious of billy. The method and the timing of the announcement is quite strange.

Devon: Yeah, I’d say so. Especially since jill hasn’t mentioned a word of it. And we’ve been on calls with her and in meetings about the daniel lawsuit and about mamie and nothing.

Abby: Okay, so what’s jill’s explanation?

Devon: Oh, we don’t get to hear it. You know why? ‘Cause billy told us she’s unreachable while traveling.

Abby: Okay, that is odd.

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: So billy drops this huge bomb and jill’s not even around to corroborate it?

Devon: Nope. It’s classic billy. To do something that’s underhanded with an ulterior motive.

Abby: Okay, look. Let’s say that billy is telling the truth and jill has handed her role over to him. Is it so she can focus on her personal life instead of business? She has earned the right to do that.

Devon: Sure she has, but she wouldn’t do that without talking to me and lily first. We’re her partners.

Abby: Well, that would’ve been a much better way to handle it instead of having it come through billy.

Devon: You think so? Yeah. And also, if she did do this, why blindside us? Why blindside lily? Those two are close. She put lily in charge of chancellor industries. Just gonna pull the rug out from under her like that?

Abby: I don’t know, but she must have a good reason.

Devon: But she also is aware of the tension between me and billy. So to just hand him power like this, a grenade like that, without warning me? Come on.

Abby: Jill is smarter than that. So she’s either being careless or…

Devon: Or she wants to go to war.

Lily: I don’t know why you don’t understand this, but omegasphere is not yours. It belongs to chancellor-winters.

Daniel: That platform wouldn’t exist without me. It was my vision and my direction that made it successful.

Lily: Yeah, your vision and your direction because of our offices and our capital and our resources.

Daniel: I made princess louisa for my daughter. I made it so I could feel close to her when she was far away from me. I–I made it to prove to her that I loved her. To prove to her that I deserve to be her father. Are you really just not sympathetic to any of that?

Lily: Just because you want something doesn’t mean that you’re entitled to have it.

Daniel: Well, I was hoping that maybe you had changed your mind.

Lily: Why would I do that?

Daniel: I don’t know. You know, I thought maybe just with a little bit of time, things would’ve cooled off between us.

Lily: Oh, you mean after you cheated on me?

Daniel: What happened between us–

Lily: No, nothing happened between us. I was gone, remember? Helping my daughter in california while you were sleeping with heather behind my back. And now you want me to do you this very expensive favor? For what? Old time’s sake?

Daniel: So you think it would be better just to punish me by taking away everything that I made?

Lily: You didn’t make it on your own. And you definitely don’t get to keep it.

Daniel: Okay. You know, I am sorry that I hurt you. I am. But we need to keep this separate.

Lily: It is separate.

Daniel: Is it? Because it doesn’t feel that way. It feels like you’re only gonna be happy if you crush me. It feels like this is just all about revenge.

Hey! Asthma’s

got you going through it?

Lily: We really shouldn’t have this conversation without lawyers present.

Daniel: Okay, look, if it’s not about revenge, then tell me. What is it?

Lily: Fine. I mean, I’ll– I’ll tell you, even though I don’t owe you anything.

Daniel: Please. Thank you.

Lily: You wanna maintain a portion of omegasphere and I’m not gonna allow that for the good of the company. It’s nothing personal.

Daniel: Okay.

Lily: And you signed a contract. You agreed to the terms in the deal.

Daniel: I am not hurting the company by asking for what I deserve.

Lily: Well, you kind of are, because we’ve invested a lot of time and money and resources into omegasphere and the games on it.

Daniel: No one’s disputing that.

Lily: And it’s of great value to the company.

Daniel: It is to me, too.

Lily: And per the contract, we own the ip. So, if we hand you back bits and pieces for free because you can’t afford to buy us out, that undercuts our bottom line.

Daniel: Okay. That’s what it’s about, right? The bottom line.

Lily: Yeah. Gotta start over from scratch. It’s gonna decimate what you created. I mean, is that what you want?

Daniel: I get it. You’re just looking out for the company.

Lily: Yeah. It’s my job.

Daniel: You know, you have a lot of logic and the law behind you, but it’s also something for you to hide behind.

Lily: Okay.

Daniel: Lily, I’ve known you almost my entire life. We’ve always had each other’s back. We’ve always been there for each other. We’ve even loved each other, and now I’m coming to you as a friend, and as someone who adored you, and I am begging you. Please do not take this from me.

Abby: Okay, I don’t think we should jump to conclusions or make any assumptions about what billy and jill are up to.

Devon: It’s kind of hard not to, given the circumstances, ’cause I know that jill has no reason to give up control.

Abby: And the way this whole thing was delivered, I mean, it’s definitely very odd.

Devon: Yeah. To say the least.

Abby: So, if it’s true, if jill really is handing all of her power over to billy, what do you wanna do?

Devon: I don’t wanna let my mind go there until lily and I actually have a conversation with jill. That’s what I’m gonna do.

Abby: You’re frustrated.

Devon: If this is real, yeah, I am.

Abby: I know– I know there have been a lot of changes at chancellor-winters recently, and it has been chaotic, to say the least.

Devon: Yeah. And it all started when lily went out of town. And billy was brought in, and then chance was brought in, mamie started causing issues. We’ve just never found our footing.

Abby: At least chancellor-winters has remained profitable.

Devon: Yeah, but how long can that last? You can’t do good business when management is unstable like this. What?

Abby: Through all the changes and the tension that it’s brought, how do you think neil would’ve handled it?

Audra: Believe me, I have no desire to interfere in your romantic life.

Ashley: Hm, much appreciated.

Audra: You know, not that I’m an expert on ethics, but isn’t it unethical for a therapist to be involved with this client?

Ashley: Alan’s not my therapist. We’re friends.

Audra: Oh, of course.

Ashley: Oh, don’t tell me you don’t think men and women can be friends.

Audra: Well, I’ve seen you with him, and it definitely looked more than just friendly.

Ashley: You think so?

Audra: I do. And I think I know what you’re after.

Ashley: What’s that?

Audra: You lure alan in, charm him, flirt with him, maybe even try to get him to fall in love with you. But it’s all a distraction, you know, because he’ll be too busy crushing on you to focus on your psychological problems. But it’s a con, and he’ll never see it coming.

Ashley: That’s quite the juicy plot you’ve cooked up, sister.

Audra: I don’t know, it can’t be easy to hide whatever is happening to you. Not with a psychologist hovering.

Ashley: Okay, look, is alan brilliant at what he does? Yes. And is he attractive? Yes. And have I noticed? Of course. But see, we’re not involved in a professional way, so nothing to be concerned about.

Audra: Well, I’m not concerned. But does that mean you– you won’t pursue him?

Ashley: Well, I’m always open to whatever the universe has in store for me. Bye.

Tucker: Ashley’s attitude towards me is constantly shifting. Uh… one minute, she will approach me and wanna reconnect with me and she’ll intimidate audra, telling audra that ashley’s the one that should be with me. And then the next minute, she’ll just reject me outright. She’ll lash out, she’ll imply threats.

Alan: You mean threatening violence?

Tucker: Yes, uh, audra told me about an incident where ashley seemed to be talking about herself in the third person, saying that she was out to get me. So, yeah, something needs to be done, and immediately. Someone needs to step up here, whether it’s you or her family.

Alan: Well, all of this, um, it does sound concerning, but it could be just a misunderstanding.

Tucker: I bet you’re good at poker. What hand am I holding right now?

Alan: I’m afraid I don’t follow.

Tucker: What am I thinking?

Alan: I don’t do parlor tricks or play games, tucker.

Tucker: Humor me.

Alan: All right. You’re guilty.

Tucker: As in, I’m to blame?

Alan: You’re worried that ashley’s suffering from severe trauma, pain she’s carrying from how you treated her, and you’re hoping she will seek help.

Tucker: Mm-hmm. And that would benefit me how?

Alan: Well, if ashley does get help from me or from someone else, then, well, you’re off the hook for having hurt her. A lot of new dry eye patients

Tucker: That’s an interesting take, doc.

Alan: You don’t agree?

Tucker: I’ve already accepted my responsibility for hurting ashley. I’m not entirely to blame here.

Alan: I’m sure that’s true.

Tucker: I really want her to get help and get better for her own sake and for her family. Oh, and by the way, I’ve moved on from her romantically. And I sleep very well at night.

Alan: Well, obviously, I’m not as good at reading people as you thought.

Tucker: But what about ashley? How do you read her?

Alan: I’m not prepared to discuss ashley with you.

Tucker: But…

Alan: Thank you.

Tucker: Did you forget something? Or have you decided to stay and booked another room?

Alan: Well, my business can wait. I’ve just arrived here in genoa city. I see no reason to rush off.

Tucker: Love it. So, you have decided to stick around and help her. That decision was made before I sat down, wasn’t it?

Alan: Was it?

Tucker: You’re good, alan. I sat here and gave you all this information and you just ate it up with a spoon, didn’t you? I like your style.

Alan: I wish you well, tucker.

Tucker: You too.

Devon: Neil would tell us that we need to cut through our issues and figure out how to work together or walk away.

Abby: But you don’t wanna walk away. You already tried to do that.

Devon: I would love to walk away. I really would. But I can’t do that. I can’t do that to lily. And our partnership is too important to us. And I– I would feel awful taking a step back and just watching everything that we worked for fall apart.

Abby: So, there’s no way that you and billy can work on things?

Devon: I don’t know how because billy’s not interested in changing his ways.

Abby: No way for the two of you to just hash things out?

Devon: Honestly, I don’t want to. I really don’t want to ’cause I feel like he is a threat to the company and he needs to be gone.

Abby: But if jill wants him in that role…

Devon: Then we need to figure out a clever way to get him out.

Abby: Now, I’m worried.

Devon: The only thing you need to be worried about is the damage that he could do if he stays. ‘Cause what billy’s doing is underhanded and I need to figure out how to undercut him in return.

Abby: Devon, that is not who you are. You do not play dirty.

Devon: Well, I am gonna do whatever it takes to protect the company, all right? ‘Cause this is war that billy’s declared. And if I don’t do something, we could lose everything.

Lily: Well, if I didn’t know any better, I would say that sounded like a guilt trip.

Daniel: I know that I’m pushing, but I cannot walk away from this.

Lily: There is nothing I can do.

Daniel: Just give me princess louisa. That game is like a love letter to my kid. Let me hang on to that and–

Lily: It’s not my call. The board voted to keep all of omegasphere’s intellectual property. I can’t just undo that.

Daniel: I understand that, but if you backed down, said you changed your mind, then other members might follow.

Lily: Well, there’s no guarantee.

Daniel: Oh, come on. Devon and nate, they’ll do whatever you think is best. Jill, she respects your perspective. So does billy.

Lily: There are more factors at play.

Daniel: Okay. They know this is about you and me and they are just trying to make this easier on you.

Lily: That might be your perception, but it’s not true. It’s about the company.

Daniel: Okay, well I still think other board members would follow your lead.

Lily: Listen, we have enough things on our plate right now.

Daniel: You’re stressed about something. You wanna talk about it?

Lily: With you? No.

Daniel: Fair enough. Look, I know I am asking a lot, but this is as big as it gets for me. I believe that we can figure out a solution.

Lily: Look, no promises, okay? I can revisit it with the board when it’s convenient and that’s all I can tell you.

Daniel: That’s all I can really ask for then. Thank you for that much. Right. Good luck. With whatever else it is that you’re dealing with.

[ Lily sighs ]

Jill: Hello, lily. Sorry for the delay.

Lily: Jill, what the hell? Did you really give billy all of your power behind our backs? It was one thing when my mom got alzheimer’s,

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Audra: You won’t believe this.

Tucker: Try me.

Audra: Ashley just wished us well.

Tucker: As in, I wish you well as I watch you plummet to your deaths after I push you off a cliff?

Audra: She said she hopes we have a wonderful life together.

Tucker: And how did this come about?

Audra: Well, I– I ran into her at society. At first, she told me that I could do better than you.

Tucker: No question about that.

Audra: Well, after I defended our relationship and connection, she backed down. She said she was glad that we were happy and had each other.

Tucker: I’m sure she is.

Audra: You know, it’s such a weird switch from before. When she insisted she was your one true love, you know?

Tucker: Mm-hmm.

Audra: You know, she’s all over the place emotionally. Well, I don’t wanna make it worse by giving her a hard time.

Tucker: Aw, such a kind person.

Audra: You know, maybe this shift has something to do with her therapist friend. Maybe he really is helping her.

Tucker: It’s possible.

Alan: Ah, hello.

Ashley: There you are.

Alan: I am so sorry. There was a delay in getting into my new room.

Ashley: No, that’s okay. I’m just so happy you’re sticking around.

Alan: Oh, me too. You know, um, I had a little bit of a run in with your ex-husband.

Ashley: Ah! He’s just such a selfish pig. Don’t you think? I mean, honestly, he just likes to hear himself talk and yap, yap, yap, yap, yap.

Alan: Well, he did seem genuinely concerned. I think he carries a lot of guilt over what happened between you two.

Ashley: Please. Tucker does not do guilt. He doesn’t do any emotion, really.

Alan: But he may care about you more than you realize.

Ashley: Well, poor him. I am only interested in better things.

Tessa: Can I help you?

Daniel: No. Uh, I’m– I’m sorry. I’m just a little distracted.

Tessa: Oh, that’s okay.

Daniel: I recognize you.

Tessa: Um, we have mutuals on social media. You’re summer’s brother, daniel. I’m tessa, mariah’s wife. Uh, cassie’s sister.

Daniel: Yes. No, all of that is true, um… what I meant is I am a fan of your music. I’ve actually played some of your songs on repeat.

Tessa: Oh my gosh, thank you. I– I really appreciate that.

Daniel: I appreciate it. It’s helped me get through some rough times.

Tessa: Well, that’s what music is for. Not to be pushy, but is now a rough time?

Daniel: That’d be an understatement.

Tessa: Well, I mean, I can’t play a song here, but there’s drinks and food to cheer you up. I’ve also been told that I’m a good listener, if you need someone to talk to.

Daniel: That’s okay. I’m sure that you’re busy. I didn’t even realize that abby had hired you on staff.

Tessa: Well, I’ve been told I’m a fabulous manager and also a good listener. So, I don’t know… why don’t you give me a shot? I might surprise you.

Jill: I assume that billy explained to you what’s happening?

Lily: Yes, but I wanna hear it from you. You’re stepping back and just giving billy control?

Jill: That’s right.

Lily: But why would you do that? Why– why now?

Jill: Because devon is determined to push billy out of the company.

Lily: Jill, I wouldn’t have let that happen.

Jill: Please, lily. Devon is determined to get him out. And I had to make sure that that wasn’t possible. And that’s why I didn’t warn you and devon about my decision.

Lily: Oh, so you just blindsided us. I mean, I thought we trusted each other.

Jill: Devon forced my hand. He has never given billy a chance. He’s never taken him seriously. Well, now he has to.

Lily: Because billy is the new you.

Jill: This move is binding, lily. And I believe it will help the company.

Lily: How?

Jill: By limiting arguments. Billy now has my role and my power equal to that of you and devon.

Lily: So where does that leave you?

Jill: I’m not walking away. I will still be available as an advisor.

[ Lily scoffs ]

Lily: And that’s that?

Jill: That’s that. So, now you and devon and billy will all be forced to work together. And we can get back to business.

Lily: No, jill. You are wrong. This is not a solution. You have made things so much worse. When you have chronic kidney disease,

Tessa: And for the record, I am a fan of yours, too.

Daniel: Really?

Tessa: Yeah. Princess louisa is the best. And it’s all your vision, right?

Daniel: It was.

Tessa: I heard you named the character after your daughter. Such a cool tribute. I write songs for aria, but it’s mainly about bath time and important things like that. But someday, I would like to write an album for her, about how much we love her.

Daniel: A love letter? I was talking to lily about the game earlier and that’s what I called it. A love letter to my kid.

Tessa: And that upset you?

[ Daniel sighs ]

Daniel: Well, I don’t know if you’ve heard or not, but I am no longer working for chancellor-winters. And since they own all the rights to omegasphere and its games, they are no longer mine.

Tessa: Oh, no. I’m so sorry.

Daniel: Mm-hmm. Lily and I aren’t together anymore. That ended badly between us.

Tessa: How badly?

Daniel: I cheated on her.

Tessa: Oh. Ouch.

Daniel: Basically, I don’t have a leg to stand on, but you know, I just– I don’t wanna let go of the work that I created. Everything’s pretty much just a giant mess and it’s all kind of my fault.

Tessa: Hm. I can relate to that feeling.

Daniel: So, you’ve ruined your own life, too.

Tessa: Um… yeah, I mean, it felt that way, but, ah, it all worked out. I’m just saying that I have plenty of experience of causing trouble for myself and the ones around me.

Ashley: I wanna make you a promise. I am never gonna scare you off again because I want you to stay around as long as possible.

Alan: Well, that sounds lovely.

Ashley: Good.

Alan: You know, tucker seemed intrigued that I was staying in town, too.

Ashley: Oh, yeah? Intrigued how?

Alan: Well, he seemed to think it was for professional rather than personal reasons. Started asking a lot of questions.

Ashley: Oh. Did you humor his curiosity?

Alan: I didn’t see a need to.

Ashley: Ah, good answer.

Alan: Tucker is the kind of man who, um, well, if he wants something, he thinks he deserves it. He’s entitled. And I, uh– I’m not inclined to help.

Ashley: I like that about you. But I don’t care what tucker says or what he does. I just wanna focus on what’s right in front of me.

Tucker: We have to move on from the issue of ashley. It won’t seem to move on from us.

Audra: Yeah, she’s suddenly all up in my face. I never know which attitude I’ll get next.

Tucker: All right, let’s let it go. Right now, okay? Let’s– let’s make a conscious effort to drop the subject of her. No more. Now and forever, right? ‘Cause I– I just wanna concentrate on us. And I wanna get the hell out of this town. Let’s book an earlier flight, right? ‘Cause we’re ready to– yes! We’re ready to go. We’re packed. Let’s do it. You dis– what, you disagree?

Audra: About this trip? Uh… you’re not trying to run away from something, are you?

Abby: I really don’t wanna think the worst of billy. And I hope his intentions aren’t as bad as you think they are.

Devon: Yeah, but what if they are?

Abby: If billy is doing all this without jill’s approval, then he would essentially be gaining more power and control for himself.

Devon: Exactly. And if he gets exposed, then jill will be pissed and lily will never trust him again.

Abby: Okay, but what would billy have to gain from that? He’s smarter than that. So before you draw up battle plans, you need to figure out what he’s really up to.

[ Phone buzzes ]

Devon: Well, this is lily. Hey.

Lily: Hey. Jill finally called me back.

Devon: And what’d she say?

Lily: Everything billy said is true. She handed him her control.

Devon: Wow, wow, wow. Um, okay. Uh, there’s something that I need to take care of first and then I’m gonna come straight to the office.

Lily: Well, make it fast. We don’t have time to lose.

Devon: All right.

Abby: Yeah, uh, go. Dominic and I will be fine.

Devon: I’d much rather be spending time with you guys than dealing with this.

Abby: I know. But what’s so urgent that you have to do that before you stop by the office? Please don’t do something that you’ll regret.

Devon: I won’T. I promise. I love you.

Abby: I love you too.

Devon: Gonna say bye to dominic.

Abby: Yeah.

[ Doorbell rings ] You must be isaac.

Tessa: Work and romance can definitely be messy when they intersect. Picture it. An awesome trip to san francisco to a music festival. Me and noah newman. Mariah and devon.

Daniel: Not you and mariah?

Tessa: No, we were very much not a couple back then. I was seeing noah. Mariah was seeing devon. And there was chemistry between mariah and me. But I was signed to devon’s label. Not selling well. And in some really deep denial about mariah. And in a truly brilliant move, I used her journal for inspiration without her permission. Yeah, that mistake cost me a job, a friend and a boyfriend.

Daniel: Wow. Yeah, no, that is a mess.

Tessa: Yeah. My whole world fell apart.

Daniel: But it didn’t stay that way.

Tessa: Hm. But I had help putting the pieces back together for the best life possible.

Daniel: Well, you know, if you could tell me how to do that, step by step, if possible. I would forever be in your debt.

Ashley: This is so pretty. Definitely one of my very favorite places.

Alan: Ah, it’s absolutely lovely. I– I saw that it was named after a woman named, uh, katherine chancellor. Did you know her?

Ashley: Yeah, I did. Somewhat, sure.

Alan: Then she must’ve been quite a powerful figure in town.

Ashley: Quite the mogul. Why can’t I remember ashley’s past?

Ms. Abbott: Because I want you to fail, you dumbass.

Alan: Are you– are you okay?

Ashley: Yeah, I’m just enjoying the sunshine. The company. It’s been a while since I’ve been so at ease, you know.

Alan: Ashley, I, uh–

Ashley: I really wanna kiss you. I’ve been wanting to kiss you ever since you first came to town.

Audra: You know, you never answered my question.

Tucker: Audra, I am not running away from anything. I just– I wanna get away. With you. Focus on you. You’re all that matters.

Devon: Hey. Do you have a second? ‘Cause I can use your help.

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