Young & The Restless Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
[ Knocking on door ]
Sally: Hi. I brought coffee and muffins. I figured you’d be exhausted from your trip.
Adam: That is very sweet of you.
Sally: Come here.
Billy: Lily? Hey.
[ Billy sighs ] Hey, lily, it’s billy. Uh, can we meet? I need to talk to you about something very important. Asap. Thanks.
Chelsea: Hey.
Billy: Hi. I thought you were going straight to the office.
Chelsea: Uh, yeah, I was going to, but I just– I need to talk to you, if you have time.
Billy: Yeah, of course. How’s connor?
Chelsea: Things are so much worse for connor than we thought.
[ Chelsea sobs ]
Nate: I haven’t seen aunt mamie that upset in a while, if ever.
Devon: I think she’ll cool down.
Nate: I’m not so sure about that.
Devon: What were we supposed to do? Just let her keep causing issues?
Nate: It had to be said, but by all of us at once? I see how she felt ganged up on.
Lily: I mean, she did seem surprised we weren’t willing to push out jill and billy.
[ Phone pings ]
Devon: Well, I mean, she brought it all onto herself.
Lily: Like, what’s the fallout gonna be? Is she gonna cause more trouble?
Nate: I’m gonna go with yes. She obviously felt betrayed and made it clear she wasn’t gonna take it.
Devon: I think the easiest solution would be to buy her out.
Nate: You heard her. She has no intention of letting go of her investment.
Devon: That’s right. Well, I thought we had to fend off tucker, but it’s the internal threats within chancellor-winters that we have to worry about.
Phyllis: Well, looky here. Shouldn’t you be working on your super important case?
Christine: Ah, shouldn’t you be minding your own business?
Phyllis: I guess you’re drowning yourself in coffee and muffins because danny’s about to hit the road.
Christine: You don’t have to worry about me. I’m getting plenty of cardio these days.
Phyllis: Hm. Slacking off, I see. You know, if I were your client, I’d be mad. I would think I wasn’t getting my money’s worth.
Christine: Well, you couldn’t afford me and…
[ Christine laughs ] …I would never defend you. So, actually, I’m doing exactly what I should be at the moment.
Phyllis: Oh, my goodness, so I guess your important case wasn’t really that important after all.
Christine: You’re right about that.
Phyllis: You didn’t really want danny, did you? You just wanted to make sure I didn’t get him.
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Christine: As usual, you’re shooting off your mouth without knowing a damn thing.
Phyllis: Oh, I know plenty. I know how to read you. You’re like an open book regarding danny and me.
Christine: Here he is, right on cue.
Danny: Hey.
Christine: Hi.
Danny: Hi. Phyllis, good to see you.
Phyllis: Good to see you, danny. I was afraid I wouldn’t get to say goodbye before you hit the road.
Danny: Yeah, finally hitting the road today.
[ Phyllis laughs ] In fact, I just said my goodbyes to daniel and lucy.
Phyllis: Oh, great, great. Well, I will let you guys say your goodbyes. You know, I bet it’s gonna be exciting going in front of all your adoring fans and washing the stink off of an old flame. Somebody who chose work over romance.
Danny: You didn’t tell her?
Christine: No, she was too busy reading me like an open book.
Phyllis: Tell me what?
Christine: Uh, a little plot twist. I turned down the case. I’m going with danny after all.
Nate: I don’t see aunt mamie as a threat to this company. Mad as she is, she wouldn’t do anything to hurt it. She’s as invested as we are, emotionally and financially. Her whole agenda has been to unite us.
Lily: [ Laughs ] Well, we were united, just not in the way that she hoped.
Nate: Look, aunt mamie doesn’t have the power to cause any corporate instability, even if she wanted to.
Lily: I mean, I feel bad upsetting her, but I think that, you know, we were right telling her to back down.
Nate: She came back to town guns blazing. Not just ready for a fight, but trying to pick one.
Devon: And?
Nate: And even though she’s on our side, she never really tried to work with you two. And I’ve tried to tell her that, over and over.
Devon: Yeah, she just came into town trying to call all the shots without ever getting our buy-in.
Lily: I think we were right to tell her that we all feel like she’s overstepped.
Devon: There is one thing that she said that I agree with, and that’s that we need to figure out how to get billy out of the company.
Sally: Talk to me. What happened?
Adam: The doctors at the residence are still trying to find the right medications for connor.
Sally: He has to be on more than one?
Adam: I don’t know. They’re– they’re not sure. You know, it’s trial and error. As they explained it, uh, they have to see how he responds. There could be side effects. You know, sometimes they augment drugs that they think could be helping, and then they have to take family history into account.
Sally: Sounds really scary. For connor and for you and chelsea.
Adam: Yeah, and it could be months before they know if it’s working. In the meantime, the drugs that he’s on are messing with his sleep. You know, there’s just so much at play, there’s so much that we didn’t understand. We were right there. We were so close. And we didn’t even get to see connor at all.
Chelsea: The doctor said connor is tired and groggy because of his new medication. It’s affecting his therapy sessions. He can’t concentrate.
Billy: It’s slowing down his progress.
Chelsea: His ocd is raging, billy. He’s not getting better. He’s getting worse.
Billy: Okay. Is that why they said that it’s not a good idea to see him?
Chelsea: They’re trying to understand the psychology of what’s causing these intrusive thoughts and then hoping that the medication will reduce them.
Billy: Yeah, I’m sure that’s a delicate balance.
Chelsea: Everybody keeps saying that. But if he’s this upset– we can’t even be in the same room with him. We can’t hug him, tell him that we love him. I mean, where is the stability they’re talking about?
Billy: It’s– it’s gonna come, okay? It’s gonna come. It didn’t get this bad overnight. It’s gonna take some time to– to work it out.
Chelsea: We are part of the problem. Adam and me. To know my son is in this much pain… that he would be worse if we’re with him?
Adam: The main reason why they couldn’t take the risk is because… connor started punishing himself.
Sally: Blaming himself for the thoughts?
Adam: Physically. He started punching his legs.
Chelsea: They said he has bruises… on his thighs.
[ Chelsea crying ]
Billy: Chelsea. I’m so sorry.
Chelsea: He’s in so much pain. So much pain. I mean, when is it gonna end? Is my son gonna be suffering every day for the rest of his life? Depression is a journey.
Lily: Look, I’m sorry, but I don’t think that ousting billy is the right move.
Devon: I bet you don’T. Why are you so loyal to that guy?
Lily: It’s not loyalty. But if we go after billy, jill’s gonna feel like we’re coming after her. And that’s gonna start a war.
Devon: So you really think that he’s more dangerous to us outside the company than inside?
Lily: Why do you always look at him like a threat in all the ways that he can hurt us? I mean, think about how he can help us. I know that you hate admitting this, but he actually has some good ideas.
Devon: Yeah, like putting his name on the side of the building. That was an awesome idea. How do you not see that the guy is just after more control and more power in the company?
Lily: Okay, you know, I don’t wanna talk about this right now. Billy actually texted me and said it’s urgent, so I have to go find him.
Nate: Just the two of you? No devon? What’s that about?
Devon: Yeah.
Lily: I don’t know, nate. I’ll find out when I go talk to him.
Devon: Huh. Well, that sounds like divide and conquer to me. I’m sure whatever it is, it’s not good.
Adam: I feel so powerless.
Sally: I get it. And maybe you can’t cure him, but you and chelsea are doing everything you can. He’s in a great place with leading experts on this. They will be able to help him. You have to trust that.
Chelsea: The doctors say if he continues like this… hurting himself, they’ll have to send him to this thing called “inpatient.”
Billy: But he’s in a residential facility already.
Chelsea: Well, they isolate him for weeks so they can watch him more closely. It’s– it’s what they do in cases of– of self-harm.
[ Billy sighs ]
Billy: Okay, look, well, um, it sounds like they’re on top of it. Okay, and– and I can only imagine how difficult it is for you, but there’s a treatment plan, so hopefully the medication kicks in and hopefully he stops hurting himself.
Chelsea: What if he doesn’t, billy?
Billy: I–
Chelsea: And they send him to this inpatient facility. His ocd doctor isn’t allowed to treat him there. So, he will be more alone and he will be more terrified. How does that help?
Adam: All of the advances that he has made so far… could backslide.
Sally: Hey, your job as his dad right now is not to jump to worst-case scenarios. Just try and remain positive.
[ Adam laughs ]
Adam: How can I do that? The doctors are already prepping us for this.
Sally: Does connor know what could happen?
Adam: No. No, not yet. But I already know if it comes to this, it’s just gonna make him feel even worse. I just– I know it. He already feels embarrassed and ashamed. They say he’s always trying to cover ’em up. He doesn’t want anyone to know what he’s doing to himself.
Sally: My heart breaks for him.
Adam: Yeah, and he told the therapist that he feels guilty that we have to pay for him to be there. As if that should even be a concern at all. He’s just– he’s terrified that he’s not gonna be able to fix what’s wrong with him. That’s how he puts this. As if he’s broken.
Billy: The doctors given you any sign of hope?
Chelsea: Just that they’re starting to get into the– the main manifestation of connor’s trauma.
Billy: Which is?
Chelsea: Basically that he has no self-worth. That he– he thinks he’s a burden on everybody else. I mean, how can he think that?
Billy: That’s the ocd talking. That’s not connor.
Chelsea: No, that is connor. Those are connor’s thoughts. Deep down. Haunting him.
Lily: Hey, I got your text. Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?
Chelsea: I’m sorry, I interrupted billy’s work day.
Billy: No, no, there’s no need to apologize. We can go somewhere else and keep talking.
Chelsea: Uh, that’s okay, I– I need to get to marchetti to approve some designs. Sorry.
Lily: Um, billy, uh, told me that you went to see connor, and I hope his treatment’s going well. I’ve– I’ve been thinking about him.
Chelsea: I appreciate that.
Lily: Yeah.
Billy: You sure you don’t wanna go get a coffee, anything?
Chelsea: No, I’ll be okay.
Billy: Sure.
Chelsea: I’ll see you later.
Lily: Are you sure you don’t wanna go with her? ‘Cause I’m sure what she’s feeling is more important than what you wanted to talk about.
Billy: Um, actually I think work would be a good distraction for her. And what I need to tell you can’t wait.
Phyllis: You’re going on tour with him.
Christine: It’s like you said, sometimes you have to put aside work for the people you love.
Phyllis: No, you didn’t put aside any work. The clients dumped you.
Danny: Uh, phyllis, I, uh, I would really love to go on tour, you know, on a good note. Right? You’ve come a long way. And I– I’ve seen the change. I’ve witnessed it.
Phyllis: I know you have. You see me, danny.
Danny: Yeah, and I’d like to go on tour with that phyllis in mind.
Phyllis: Is this for real?
Danny: It’s real. We’ve had more than one long talk about our lives, our dreams, our futures.
Christine: Our passions.
Danny: Yeah.
Christine: All night long, into the morning.
Danny: Some of the best and most important discussions of my life.
Christine: But our night was about so much more than just talking.
Sally: I wish I could take your pain away. And connor’S.
Adam: So do I. But I’m finally starting to get there is no easy fix. And the doctors keep saying it’s a long process. He’s gonna have to manage this for the rest of his life, and I just– I hate that. But the sooner that I can accept it, the more I can be there for him.
Sally: Sounds incredibly wise.
[ Knocking on door ]
Chelsea: Hey, sorry, I should’ve called, but I was on my way to work, and I– I just– I don’t know, I couldn’t face it. Oh. Hi, sally. You know what? I’ll just call you later.
Adam: No, you know what? Just stay.
Sally: I was just leaving.
Adam: It’s okay.
Sally: I’m so sorry for what connor’s going through.
Chelsea: Me too.
Sally: You two are doing amazing. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but you really are navigating this whole thing with a lot of courage. I know you’ll get connor through this. I will check in after my meeting.
Adam: All right.
Sally: Okay.
Adam: Sounds good.
[ Chelsea sighing ]
Chelsea: I’m a mess. Anyone says anything nice to me lately, I just– I just burst into tears.
Adam: Yeah, I get the feeling.
Chelsea: I’m sorry. I’m sorry to just, like, bust– bust in here like that.
Adam: Look, I– I– I’m glad that you came.
Chelsea: What sally said, I don’t feel brave. I feel just the opposite. You know, billy tried to give me a similar pep talk earlier.
[ Adam scoffs ]
Adam: It’s excruciating.
Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, it is. It just makes it worse because it’s obvious I’m falling apart when I should be keeping it together.
Adam: I know. We’re supposed to be seeing the big picture and staying positive for connor’s sake and believe he’s in the right place.
Chelsea: When really, I justwanna ream or crawl into bed and just cry.
Adam: Yeah, and I hate that I keep dumping it all on her. And I resent the words of encouragement because in my head it’s all lies, but that’s on me. That’s not on her.
Chelsea: I do nothing except cry to billy lately. I’m sure he’s run out of things to say to me. I mean, when does it get to be too much?
Adam: And I know that this is killing her. Not knowing how to help. The truth is we are the only ones who know exactly what we are going through. We have to talk to each other.
Chelsea: But we didn’T. We didn’t talk to each other the entire way back from maryland. You were silent. So, I’m– I’m here because I wanna ask. Do you blame me for all this?
Devon: I do not like this one bit, man. I wanna know what the hell billy’s up to.
Nate: Asking to see lily alone, it does back up your suspicion he’s trying to work her in some way.
Devon: Yeah. Maybe he heard about what happened with mamie, and he’s trying to figure out how to work that situation to his advantage.
Nate: How would he be able to do that? He hasn’t exactly been on aunt mamie’s side. He even told her that he agreed with jill, that they see her as trouble. And aunt mamie wouldn’t buy it if he suddenly tried to align himself with her.
Devon: Maybe not. I don’t know, I just wouldn’t put it past the guy to work any situation to his advantage. That’s what he does.
Nate: Maybe part of what aunt mamie’s saying was right. That there’s a level of paranoia that’s starting to infiltrate our thinking. And it’s doing more damage to us than billy can.
Lily: Is this personal or about work?
Billy: Work, mostly. But, you know, maybe a little bit personal. But everything is around here.
Lily: Yeah, family business comes with the territory.
Billy: Yeah. Didn’t mean to make light of it, because it is serious. Um, look, I wanted to tell you this first before I break the news to everyone else because I feel like I owe this to you.
Lily: Why do I feel like I’m not gonna like this?
Billy: Well, I hope you do. Because we’re gonna have to live with it. Jill made a very major decision. She has decided to step away. And she’s handing all of her decision-making power to me. I told myself I was ok
Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.
Billy: Well, I know you heard me, so you should probably say something.
Lily: I’m– I’m shocked. I mean, I– I didn’t know that jill was even thinking about something like this.
Billy: Neither did I.
Lily: Really? Are you sure about that? That’s not why you were trying to convince me to do a joint power grab with you?
Billy: Trust me, lily, I didn’t know this was coming, okay? I was just as surprised as everyone is going to be when they hear the news.
Lily: Okay, so, sorry. That– that’s it? She’s– she’s gone?
Billy: Well, I mean, it’s jill, right? She’s never going to really be gone forever, but she did hand the reins over to me. Of course, she’s going to keep her board seat.
Lily: And did she say why?
Billy: She did. She said it’s time for me to shine.
Lily: “It’s time for you to shine.”
Billy: I’m glad you find that funny.
Lily: I mean, this is– I– this is very, very suspicious.
Billy: Really? You think I’d make something like this up? You think I would lie about something like this, lily?
Lily: Billy, I don’t know. This is weird, right? It’s weird, why wouldn’t jill tell devon and me directly?
Billy: I don’t know.
Lily: I mean, this feels a lot like when mamie came to town with all of her secrets and the games that she was playing. I didn’t like it then, and I definitely don’t like it now.
Devon: Do you think I’m being paranoid to be suspicious of billy’s motives?
Nate: I’m not saying we shouldn’t keep an eye on billy, but now you’re all so worried about aunt mamie.
Devon: Well, we all are.
Nate: Yeah, and just a few days ago you were doubting lily, reading into her glances with billy. Upset that she voted against her and stating me on the board, thinking you were losing control of the company because she wasn’t necessarily agreeing with you.
Devon: Right, okay, I– listen, I get that you don’t mind that she voted against you, and you don’t think I should ever go against my sister. You’ve made that clear.
Nate: I’m just saying you spend an awful lot of time spinning conspiracy theories about internal threats. And I admit, I am guilty of that as well. I am not innocent here. But what if we put that energy towards building bridges instead of blowing them up?
Devon: Yeah, I mean, sure, I can admit that maybe I’ve gotten caught up in corporate politics.
Nate: Yeah, thank you. Thank you for admitting that.
Devon: For sure, yeah. I might be, you know, seeing threats that aren’t really there, or I’m exaggerating ones that are. Either way, though, I really would like to know what kind of bomb billy’s about to drop right now.
Nate: You and me both.
Devon: ‘Cause I doubt it’s about building bridges. So, why don’t we go stand side-by-side with lily, and hear what it is?
Adam: I– I don’t blame you for any of this. And I’m trying like hell not to blame myself either.
Chelsea: Well, the doctors tell us not to, but–
Adam: I’m– I’m doing my best to listen, okay? And I hope you are too. This is exhausting enough without us beating ourselves up. Oh, god, I’m sorry, I’m– that was a terrible choice of words, okay?
Chelsea: It– it used to just be a figure of speech.
Adam: I just don’t understand how this is happening. I don’t understand how connor is literally beating himself up.
Chelsea: His little hands– his little hands, they used to wrap around my– my fingers when he was a baby. The– the hands that we would hold while we’d help him cross the street. How can he be using those hands to hurt himself? And how is this not our fault?
Adam: Chelsea. Look, we can’t keep going there. I know it’s hard not to do that, but we– we can’t keep asking, “why connor? Why our son?” Blame is not going to get us any closer to figuring out how to help him.
Chloe: Well, I got your favorite, but you probably want to get a new one. It’s definitely cold.
Sally: Is that your way of saying I’m late?
Chloe: Well, look, I don’t blame you for wanting to put this off because you are busted. I found you out.
Sally: What are you talking about?
Chloe: I know that you have been paying our business bills from your personal account. Don’t deny it.
Sally: I had to. Do you want our company to flatline?
Chloe: We’re not there yet.
Sally: Our account will be tapped out by the end of the month. And look, I’m trying to buy us some time, so that we can survive, at least on paper, for a little bit longer. Maybe give us some time to find a solution.
Chloe: Look, I’m– I’m not angry. At all. I mean, I’m touched. But, you know, that is a really big sacrifice, investing your own money. So, this is going to be a loan. One that will be paid back.
Sally: I’m fine with that. I’m not looking to be broke and a failure. So… how do we find financing to save our firm?
[ Chloe sighs ]
Chloe: I don’t believe I’m going to say this, um… maybe adam’s idea is our best and last shot. Joining newman enterprises.
Sally: So, now you see the logic.
Chloe: Well, desperation brings clarity.
[ Sally laughs ]
Sally: It– it doesn’t matter. Victor shot it down, and he doesn’t seem to have reconsidered.
Chloe: Well, maybe we find a way to change his mind.
So tell me about
your heart attack.
Christine: After our amazing, earth-moving night together, I realized there was no other choice, and danny was so sweet. He kept asking me over and over again if I was sure. But I have never been more certain. There will be other cases, and I just didn’t want to lose out on our romantic momentum.
Phyllis: Seriously? You want to be a groupie?
Danny: Oh, come on, phyllis.
Phyllis: No, I mean, who’s gonna– who’s gonna know that you’re a hot shot lawyer? And you’re a do-gooder. Who’s going to know that?
Christine: I’ve been doing plenty of good for danny.
Phyllis: This is just a slap in the face for me. You know that I’m more than willing to show up for danny. And you’re trying to block me from doing that.
Christine: Phyllis. Me going with him has nothing to do with you. This is about us falling back in love.
Billy: Look, I don’t know why my mother does the things that she does, okay? But if you don’t trust me, why don’t you get on the phone, and call her yourself, all right? Might be a little bit hard to get a hold of her because she’s on a plane going to live her life.
Lily: Oh, that’s convenient.
Billy: Lily, do you really think I’m that stupid to try and make a move like this on you and my mother? I mean, what do I have to gain from that? In fact, I have everything to lose. Look, I get it, it’s a shock. But honestly, I’m not giving up on this opportunity. Especially when I believe that this company’s heading in the wrong direction with all the warmongering from devon and mamie.
Lily: Okay, please don’t go there right now.
Billy: Fine, not the best time to go there, because this news is going to be enough to process with everyone, and I get it, okay? Your brother, he’s not going to be happy about this.
Lily: I cannot believe that jill would make a decision like this without even discussing it with me first.
Billy: She should have, okay? But she didn’t, and we’re here now.
Devon: Hello. I mean, I assumed that me not being invited was an oversight. So, what’s going on?
Lily: Well, you might want to sit down, because um, it’s a shocker.
Chloe: There’s one way it could work. We enlist adam. Oh, my mouth even hurts just from saying the words.
Sally: Absolutely not. Adam is going through hell right now and I’m not about to pull him into our problems.
Chloe: Yeah, I know, chelsea told me about the troubles they’re having with connor. It’s terrible. But, I mean, it was adam’s idea. I mean, he may be up for the challenge. Maybe it would be a good distraction for him.
Sally: Not going to happen.
Chloe: Okay, so what about nick? He thought it was a great business move, and he could help us with victor.
Sally: That is the desperation talking.
Chloe: Okay, well, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m giving you all the solutions and you just keep on shooting them down.
Sally: You know what? Maybe this was a mistake.
Chloe: Wait, what do you mean? That we should just give up? That our partnership is over?
Chelsea: You’re right. We need a plan. A new one. Knowing connor thinks all of this is happening because he thinks he’s worthless, and not being able to tell him that’s not true because it’s not healthy for us to be in the same room with him right now. We have to figure this out.
Adam: Look, when I said that we need to get closer to finding an answer, I didn’t mean you and me. Okay, as much as I– I hate to say this, I don’t think that we are the people who can find that answer. We have to leave it to the people with the experience and the education in this.
Chelsea: Are you giving up?
Adam: No, I’m– I’m giving in to reality. Okay, our knee-jerk reactions and our parental instincts are not helping him. They might be making it worse.
Chelsea: So, it is our fault.
Adam: No, we are reacting the way any parent would, the way a parent does. Doctors have told us that. You know, they’re not surprised they have parents questioning their techniques all the time, because we want to help our son. You know, and I’m more guilty than you are. I mean, I’m the one who’s flown off the handle, and I wanted to yank him out of there.
Chelsea: Maybe you were right. Maybe he needs a new care team, a new facility.
Adam: No, chelsea, you were right. You’ve been right. Okay, you were the one that talked me down. You told me, “trust the process.” Well, I finally see it. Or I finally admit that I don’t know how to fix this, so we have to have faith in the doctors, and we just– we have to get the hell out of their way.
Chelsea: I know in my heart you’re right. Because I had to accept the same things, and trust that my doctors were going to help me.
Adam: Well, seeing connor go through this, it’s– it’s given me a better understanding of your struggle. And now I realize how much you had suffered before you got well.
Chelsea: That’s why I just want to take my son’s pain away. Because I’ve lived it. I can’t watch our son suffer anymore, adam. I really can’T.
Adam: I know.
[ Adam sniffles ] I’m jonathan lawson,
Phyllis: What? You’ve fallen back in love? Okay, I just, um– ah, great, I– I think I lost my appetite.
Christine: Are you sure you don’t want a muffin? You look a little pale.
Phyllis: No, trust me, I may never eat again.
Danny: Well, hey, um, you take care, phyllis.
Phyllis: Yeah, you take care. Listen, I’ll look after our son. I– I’ll try to stop him from making tremendous mistakes, unlike his father.
Danny: Oh, come on, please.
Phyllis: Really, no, no, it’s fine, it’s fine, at least, I know I’m not going to run into cricket any time soon. So, um, have a good tour. Have fun, um, what do you say? Break a leg. Ugh.
[ Danny sighs ]
Danny: Wow, I’m, uh– I’m really sorry about that. You know, obviously she doesn’t know you’re not supposed to say “break a leg” for a rock tour. That’s more of a broadway thing.
Christine: Okay, well, of course she knows. But, like, I don’t even care. Because nothing can spoil my excitement.
Danny: She is right about one thing, though, you know. Being on the road can be tough.
Christine: I am here for it. Our next adventure. On the road. And back. In love.
[ Danny sighs ]
Danny: Yeah. To the start of our next chapter together, my love.
Sally: No, you goof. Our partnership is not a mistake.
Chloe: Oh, okay. Well, thank you, geez.
Sally: I– I meant, maybe we made a mistake stepping outside our comfort zone. We know fashion. We’re great at it. Maybe we shouldn’t have drifted too far from our calling.
Chloe: Okay, wait a minute. Are you saying that we abandon our interior design business, and go back to fashion? Again? And– and with what capital? I mean, you’ve been dipping into your piggy bank. And what is nick going to think about losing his investment?
Sally: I– I don’t know, okay? I don’t have all the answers, I’m just starting to think about it.
Chloe: Okay, well, we’re running out of time, I mean, you said it yourself.
Sally: Yeah, which is exactly why we have to make a move fast or nick will lose his investment for sure, and we will be out of a job, so, we have to be proactive and we do not need nick or victor or adam to do it, okay? We are smart, we are experienced and we are creative. We can dig ourselves out of this hole on our own, okay? Are you with me?
Chloe: A hundred percent. But we are going to need damn big shovels.
[ Sally chuckles ]
[ Chelsea sighs ]
Chelsea: Sorry. Sorry, I lost it. I seem to be doing that a lot lately.
Adam: Well, your way of losing it is a lot better than mine. It’s a lot less destructive.
Chelsea: Yeah, I was actually impressed you really held it together when our visit fell apart. I was– I was expecting you to run past those doctors, find connor, and make a run for it.
Adam: Well, I may have checked the exits, and looked for a way to dodge security, you know?
Chelsea: Well, who knew? You were the calm one.
Adam: A rare occurrence. I really do mean it, though. We have to trust the doctors. Pulling connor out now would mean we would have to start all over, and that’s not fair to him. And I don’t think we could take it as a family. The only real option is forward.
Devon: So this is not a joke. That’s what you’re saying. Jill’s out, billy’s in, no one discussed it with her partners?
Billy: That about sums it up.
Devon: Is this another one of your power plays, billy?
Lily: Okay, let’s not make accusations until we talk to jill.
Devon: Well, apparently that’s impossible to do because she’s unreachable and traveling the world, right?
Billy: I get it, okay? I was just as surprised as you are. But it’s happening, so we’re just gonna have to make it work.
Devon: No, we don’t have to do anything, actually, until we speak to your mom. We’re not just gonna let you get away with this.
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