Y&R Transcript Friday, May 10, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Claire: They were so big, I couldn’t believe it.

Summer: This is unbelievable! It’s exactly what I told kyle I didn’t want. Claire all over harrison.

Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, they’re feeding ducks. Maybe it’s harmless.

Summer: That is so not the point. Kyle knows how I feel about her being around him. And– and so does she.

Claire: They were fighting.

Phyllis: Yeah, I get it. I get it. What do you wanna do?

Summer: I’m definitely not going to walk away.

Jack: Wait, you want to leave?

Diane: I don’t want to leave. I just don’t see any other way to get through this. I’m so angry at you, jack. For the risk you took for to your sobriety, and your life, and I won’t take the chance that that anger could push you back into a bottle of pills.

Jack: I will say it again. I’m not going to relapse.

Diane: You don’t know that.

Jack: You’re really thinking of leaving because of what happened to nikki? I made a judgement call that saved her life.

Diane: Yeah, and you almost lost yours.

Jack: No, I’m very much alive.

Diane: You were unconscious! You overdosed! The emts needed to revive you. The only life that needed saving was yours. And thank god nikki was sober enough to call.

Jack: It could just as easily have been nikki who was unconscious in that room. I knew I could come back from the pills. Nikki might not have been so lucky had alcohol poisoning set in.

Diane: Oh, please. You could have taken away her vodka bottles.

Jack: No, that’s not the way it works.

Diane: Oh, really, jack? Then, tell me. Is swallowing a bunch of pills in front of her how it works?

Jack: It was a last resort.

Diane: What if you walked into an aa meeting and you shared what happened? What do you think the members would say? That you did the right thing or that you made a horrific mistake?

Jack: You’re right. I’m willing to accept that taking pills was foolish. If I had thought it through, perhaps another, safer option for help nikki might have presented itself to me. I did not have time. It was an emergency. I made a choice. In the moment. A hail mary. And it worked. I’m sorry I put you through this. I mean that. I wish– I wish I could make it up to you.

Diane: So, is that what this is? An in the moment hail-mary?

Jack: What are you talking about?

Diane: You will say whatever it takes to keep me from leaving.

[ Jordan laughs ]

Jordan: I knew it. You need me. You’re not just let me rot in here when I have something that I can offer you. I have a skillset that you need.

Victor: I don’t need you. I’m merely considering my options right now.

Jordan: Okay. Okay. Okay, victor. Then, you tell me. You tell me, okay? Whatever it is, I’ll do it.

Victor: It’ll be at a time of my choosing.

I have type 2 diabetes, but I manage it well

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Summer: What a surprise!

Harrison: Mommy!

Summer: Hi, buddy!

Victoria: Well, we were having such a lovely day.

Summer: How are you doing?

Harrison: Having fun.

Summer: I bet you are.

Phyllis: Hey, do you have one of those hugs for me? Oh, my goodness! Oh! You have grown like three feet since I last saw you.

Harrison: I was kidnapped. So was claire. By a witch.

Phyllis: Whoa! You are so brave.

Harrison: Claire says I’m the bravest boy she ever met. Right?

Claire: Brave and amazing and strong.

Harrison: Because I had my lucky charm. Claire found it for me.

Summer: Honey, you didn’t need a lucky charm to be the brave boy you are.

Harrison: Claire used to have a lucky charm when she was little, but she lost it. We could give her a new one, right, mom?

Phyllis: So, how did this little get-together come about?

Kyle: A happy coincidence.

Summer: Really?

Victoria: Claire and i were just out enjoying the beautiful day.

Claire: And we were lucky enough to run into these two.

Harrison: Claire and i fed the ducks.

Victoria: It’s nice to enjoy a little bit of nature.

Summer: Really nice you could fit all this in before going to the office.

Phyllis: I’d like to introduce myself. I’m harrison’s very protective grandma.

Jack: What do I have to say to you to convince you I regret what I did? The last thing I wanted was to upset you.

Diane: Oh, stop it, jack. You weren’t thinking about me at all. You acted so recklessly. You put yourself in so much danger. Without thinking about to the consequences to your family, or to your wife.

Jack: For which I am profoundly apologetic.

Diane: [ Sighs ] You know what? Your apology is hindsight. Your instinct was to put nikki first. Not me. Not your life. And I– I don’t know what to do with that.

Jack: And the answer is running away?

Diane: I am not running away. I’m doing what is best for us. I don’t want my anger to cause you to relapse.

Jack: What happened was a one-off. It was intentional. We don’t have to worry about me being hooked again. The only thing I am craving right now is a chance to regain your trust!

Diane: How can I not be concerned about your sobriety moving forward?

Jack: What, my word isn’t enough?

Diane: No! You say it was a one-off!

Jack: It was!

Diane: Yeah, but what if it wasn’t? What if you liked that feeling? Being high on pills.

Jack: Oh, come on, don’t do this.

Diane: Oh, no, no. Maybe saving nikki was just an excuse to feel that again. Or, maybe a test to see how strong you are against your old demons.

Jack: You are taking things out of context.

Diane: Well, what if I’m not? You keep saying how strong you are, but jack, this is unknown territory. And what– what if this tension between us is too much, and it puts a crack in all that strength of yours?

Jack: I get my strength from you. Your love gives me strength.

Diane: What about my anger? Hm? I don’t want to do anything that could put your sobriety at risk.

Jack: I had–

Diane: So, I think the best thing is for me to remove myself from this situation.

Jack: Diane, I–

Diane: I need my husband. And harrison needs his grandfather, healthy and present after everything he’s been through.

Jack: And your answer is to walk away?

Diane: No, I just… I just need time. To– to think about what’s happened. And to figure out what’s ahead. And you do too.

Jack: No, I don’T. I don’t need time. I know what I want. I want the two of us to find a way to work through this together.

Claire: It’s wonderful that harrison has so many people who love and protect him.

Phyllis: That’s what family does, right?

Victoria: I assume you’ve heard that claire is family as well?

Claire: Yes, I’m victoria’s–

Phyllis: I know who you are.

Victoria: I was telling clair earlier about all of the interesting characters around genoa city like katherine chancellor. But, I guess I failed to warn her about everyone in town.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Well, that’s the thing with warnings around here, not everybody’s really paying attention to them.

Jordan: “Your choosing?” What, is this a damn chess game, now? Why don’t we just sit down and play some checkers? Get on with it.

Victor: I call the shots.

Jordan: Oh, that’s abundantly clear. But I would settle for just a little hint.

Victor: I don’t know. Considering the various options, you know. If I even decide to… go ahead with the project.

Jordan: Oh, surely. Surely, you don’t doubt my capabilities. My ability to take risks, push the limits. I have a special talent for you. Only I can do… what I can do. You know that. I can smell fear, I can manipulate it, I can weaponize it. Just ask your lovely wife.

Victor: You’re a delusional, vicious bitch. And don’t ever mention nikki again.

[ Jordan laughs ]

Jordan: Whatever the great and powerful victor newman wants. But I think that you want me to do your dirty work. And I think… I’m right. I mean, what is it? My hands are already awash in blood. What’s a little more? ()

Victoria: I’m just happy that claire’s made a real friend.

Harrison: Let’s go to the playground!

Summer: Uh, you know what, honey, I actually think that we need to get you home for lunch.

Harrison: Can claire come too?

Claire: Uh, oh, I would really like to, but I have plans already. Maybe we can do it some other time.

Victoria: Yeah, we should get going.

Claire: Well, I will see you later, alligator.

Harrison: After a while, crocodile.

Victoria: Kyle, please just think about what we discussed earlier.

Phyllis: Well, harrison, why don’t you show me the playground? What do you think of that?

Harrison: Okay.

Phyllis: All right.

Summer: How could you do this to me?

Victor: I’ll let you know what I decide.

Jordan: Don’t you turn your back on me after dangling my freedom in front of me.

Victor: Just… a little distance away. Like your freedom, yeah?

Jordan: Oh, you’re a damn cruel bastard.

Victor: You make it easy. Now, isn’t that pretty?

Jordan: I need food! Not more vodka! Oh!

Victor: I decide what you’ll get. Now, cheers.

Jordan: Damn you, come back here!

[ Jordan panting ]

Diane: I hate that we’re even having this conversation.

Jack: I am totally to blame for this. What can I do to reassure you that I am– that I am okay? That our future together is safe?

Diane: All right, well, why don’t you go some 12 step meetings? No matter what the reason, you broke your sobriety. And you keep saying you have it under control, but you let that poison back into your system. And there’s no telling how, or when, it could become a craving that you can’t say no to.

Jack: You’re right. I will go to a meeting today. And tomorrow and the next day. Will that change your mind?

Diane: Jack, you can’t do it for me. It has to be for you, or what’s the point?

Jack: I know, it is for me. But I would be disingenuous if I didn’t say it is also for us, for our happiness.

Diane: You’ve always been very good at knowing exactly what to say.

Jack: It kills me that I have hurt you this deeply.

Diane: It’s going to take more than an apology for me to be okay with what happened.

Jack: Okay, I understand, but loving you and being loved in return have brought me more joy than I– I knew existed. That I would do something to destroy that… crushes my heart. Please, I’m asking you please, don’t leave.

Victoria: Oh, good, you’re here.

Cole: Hey. I didn’t expect you back from the park so soon. All the fun that claire and harrison were having, I thought that that would’ve spilled right over into lunch.

Victor: Yeah, well, then summer showed up and that was the end of that.

Cole: So, is she still tense with claire?

Victor: That’s putting it mildly.

Cole: What did she say?

Victor: Summer didn’t have to say anything. No, no, not at all. She was perfectly and excruciatingly polite. But she couldn’t wait to get harrison away from claire. It was infuriating, and insulting, and it didn’t help that phyllis showed up with her dragon breath to play back-up.

Cole: How did claire take all this? You know, I just– I just hate the thought of our daughter feeling unwelcome.

Victoria: She tried to take it in stride, but she shouldn’t have to.

Victor: Well, this is a pleasant surprise.

Cole: Hey, victor.

Victoria: There you are, daddy. Hi. Good to see you.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Victoria: You know, I saw joan when I walked in, and she said that you were here, but she hadn’t seen you. Where were you at?

Victor: I just went down to the stables. To feed califa some carrots.

Victoria: Aw, that’s so nice. That’s something that you and mom would love to do on a day like today.

Victor: And hopefully, will do soon again, you know.

Victoria: Yeah. You know, I know that she needs to be in rehab right now, and I want nothing more for her to get better, but I miss her so much.

Victor: So do I. It’s very, very upsetting. Anyway, the two of you wanted to talk to me about something? Please sit down.

Victoria: Yes, thank you. Yes, cole and I, we were talking and we wanted to discuss something about claire’s future. We wanted to run it by you.

Victor: Sure.

Cole: Victor, I think that you’re aware of how much it meant to claire when she helped with the children at the hospital.

Victor: I heard that she read to some child.

Cole: Yes, yes. Exactly.

Victor: How sweet.

Cole: Yeah. You know, it gave claire such a sense of purpose. And she enjoyed it so much, she’s talking about finding a job working with kids.

Victor: Huh, wow.

Victoria: And as luck would have it, kyle and summer happen to be looking for a new nanny for harrison. Who adores claire and she loves the idea of working with him. And actually kyle seems very open to the idea as well.

Cole: It just seems like a perfect fit.

Victor: Huh. So, what’s the problem?

Victoria: Summer, actually. She’s still wary of claire and she’s having a problem overlooking her history. And I was thinking that maybe if you could, you know, talk to her about it. I know that she would listen to you and maybe if you could vouch that maybe, maybe summer would change her mind about it.

Victor: Hm. Well, I won’t do that.

Victoria: Why not?

Victor: As much as I would love to help claire, every which way, I do not want her to be subject to the toxicity of the abbott household.

“The darkness of bipolar

depression made me feel like

Diane: I’ve gotta get to the office. I have that presentation.

Jack: No, not like this. You’re upset.

Diane: You know, it’s just too much, okay? Harrison being kidnapped, and then all this mess with ashley. And then all–

[ Diane sighs ]

Jack: And then what?

Diane: Nothing. Nothing. It’ll work itself out.

Jack: No, let me help.

Diane: I– I’ve got it covered. So jack, you’ll– you’ll go to that 12 step meeting?

Jack: I will go to the meeting.

Diane: Okay.

Jack: Diane… please reassure me that we are in a slightly better place than we were when we started this conversation.

Diane: I still need time.

[ Door closing ]

Victoria: Okay, dad, I know there’s no love lost between you and jack, but claire would mostly be dealing with harrison.

Victor: Okay, I understand that, but she’d be in close proximity to both jack abbott and diane jenkins. Jack abbott’s a fool. Diane jenkins is an opportunist. Nothing more.

Victoria: Jack wasn’t partying with mom. He took those pill to shock some sense into her.

Victor: Cole, were you filled in on what happened?

Cole: Victoria told me everything.

Victor: Do you know how close they were to it becoming a total disaster? No, I don’t want claire to be subject to that, okay? I don’t want any of my family to have anything to do with the abbotts ever again.

Victoria: Okay, well we both know that summer is never gonna go along with that.

Victor: That’s another story, okay? Claire has no reason at all to involve herself with that family. Ever.

Kyle: Again, seeing claire was unplanned.

Summer: I got it. But you didn’t have to let him run off with her alone.

Kyle: Harrison was so happy to see her. He wanted to feed the ducks with her.

Summer: Oh yeah, and nothing bad could possibly happen to a small child near a large body of water.

Kyle: Okay, you’re blowing this out of proportion. They were barely out of sight.

Summer: The last time claire was barely out of sight with harrison, he was kidnapped.

Kyle: Summer, you can’t tell me you’re still holding onto the idea that she was involved in that.

Summer: I get it. She was a victim. But she’s still a reminder of everything that harrison went through, and he’s still recovering from the trauma.

Kyle: Yeah, and outings like today will help get things back to normal. Today, I saw a very happy little boy who totally bonded with someone who shared and survived a difficult experience with him.

Summer: Kyle, I was very clear on how I felt about claire spending time with our son.

Kyle: Yeah, and I couldn’t just blow her off once harrison saw her.

Summer: So, you blew me off instead? Just completely disregarded my feelings?

Kyle: Come on, summer.

Summer: No! Negotiating custody with you was difficult enough. I… I don’t know why you’re fighting me on this.

Kyle: I am not fighting you on it.

Summer: You are! I asked for one thing. That you keep claire away from harrison. I didn’t even insist that it be forever, even though that would suit me just fine.

Kyle: That’s hardly fair.

Summer: Do you realize that harrison’s not the only one that’s dealing with trauma? Kyle, every time I see her, I am right back in that place. Terrified that I’m never gonna see my son again. Desperate to find him. Maybe I need to not see claire’s face so that I can recover from the trauma too. I just, I really didn’t think that that was too much to ask. But did you– did you even try to respect my wishes?

Kyle: Summer, I wasn’t–

Summer: No, it was one day ago that I requested this of you. Were you even gonna tell me about this if I hadn’t run into you?

Kyle: I honestly didn’t think it was that huge a deal.

Summer: Right, so my feelings, what I want, just not a big deal to you.

Kyle: Okay. Don’t you think it would have been more upsetting to harrison if we ignored the friend he adores? That if we somehow treat claire as a villain, that it would be confusing to him?

Summer: It’s not that hard. All you had to do was say hi and keep moving.

Kyle: Understood. It’s over. Can we please be done talking about this?

Summer: Yeah, sure. We can be done talking about it. As soon as you tell me what victoria meant before she left. What was that about? (Vo) it’s shrimp your way.

Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.

Kyle: Uh, victoria just wants people to give her daughter a chance.

Summer: That’s great. Doesn’t have to be us.

Kyle: You say that like we’re two random people on the street. You two are cousins, family. I mean, after everything claire’s been through, victoria’s just trying to protect her daughter like you were trying to protect harrison.

Summer: Harrison’s a child, kyle. Claire’s an adult. She can take care of herself. She has the entire newman family to show her love. She does not need you getting involved and dragging our son into it.

Kyle: At the risk of you shoving me into the lake, you’re overreacting.

Summer: So, that’s just it? You’re making unilateral decisions now? No more co-parenting, no more respecting each other’s wishes when it comes to raising our son? You’re just gonna ignore all of my boundaries when it comes to harrison from here on out?

Phyllis: Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt. Um, this little guy wants lunch. I’ll take him if you’d like.

Kyle: No, I’ve got it. How about a dad-style grilled cheese?

Harrison: Yeah.

Kyle: Yeah, let’s do it. We’ll finish this conversation later.

Summer: Oh, I’m gonna come to the house with you just in case claire decides to stop by for another surprise visit.

Victoria: I don’t think we should just dismiss this idea of her being harrison’s nanny just because you’re angry with jack.

Victor: Look, I have my own idea about my granddaughter’s future, all right?

Cole: You do?

Victoria: Oh, yeah, of course. I should have seen this coming.

Cole: Uh, well, does someone want to clue me in?

Victoria: Dad wants for claire what he wants for his children and his grandchildren, of course, to be a part of his legacy.

Victor: My idea is that the best use of claire’s intelligence and skills would be to follow in your footsteps. So, whenever you return to newman, she could become your assistant.

Victoria: Well, there’s a major problem with that.

Victor: What’s the problem?

Victoria: I haven’t decided if or when I will even return to newman.

[ Diane sighs ]

Diane: Not today.

Phyllis: I haven’t even said anything.

Diane: Yeah, well, whatever it is, I don’t want to hear it.

Phyllis: I want to talk to you about kyle.

Diane: What is it?

Phyllis: I just saw him at the park with harrison and claire. I got a problem with kyle.

Diane: Well, stand in line.

Phyllis: Are we possibly on the same side? Do you share summer’s concerns?

Diane: Summer’s concerns?

Phyllis: Yeah, with claire, victoria’s daughter. Um, I thought at first summer was being a little overprotective and high-strung about the whole thing. But, uh, yeah, I just saw them at the park with my own eyes. Claire’s being all palsy-walsy with harrison is very inappropriate. This is, you know, right after harrison was kidnapped by her aunt. I just think it’s weird. That’s all.

Diane: Well, claire was just as much a victim of jordan’s as harrison.

Phyllis: Um, yeah, whatever.

[ Phyllis sighs ] Don’t you think it’s weird? Someone with claire’s history. She just got out the psych ward, diane. That she’s spending so much time with harrison, a sweet, vulnerable little boy. I mean, what exactly is that about? (Vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma

Victor: You’re not returning to newman? You can’t mean that.

Victoria: Not anytime soon, at least.

Victor: Don’t you realize that claire’s just in the process of finding herself? And you should damn well come back to newman, for heaven’s sake.

Victoria: Daddy, I want to focus on claire. I want to get to know her better. I mean, this is all just still so new.

Cole: With jordan dead, along with her threats, this is a chance for us to really help claire settle in with her new life. To help her figure out just what her purpose is going forward.

Victoria: The kids are going to be home soon. I want her to know them. I’ve got to prep her for that.

Victor: None of that prevents claire from working at newman enterprises. And none of that prevents you from coming back. I want claire to have a structured life. A job where she has fun, where she’s excited, she’s challenged. That’s the way you have felt at newman enterprises ever since you’ve worked here.

Victoria: But claire isn’t me and I want her to do what makes her happy.

Victor: Oh, come on now. This damn nanny job, what the hell kind of job is that? That’s not a long-term job. That’s not how you plan your future. She belongs at newman. With you. As your assistant. And I don’t want her anywhere near jack abbott.

Cole: Why not?

Victor: Because I said so.

Victoria: Dad?

Victor: What?

Victoria: Are you planning some kind of retaliation against jack for what happened to mom?

Victor: That son of a bitch almost ruined your mother’s life.

[ Summer chuckles ]

Kyle: Oh. You really didn’t need to come.

Summer: Well, there’s no place I’d rather be. Hanging out with my favorite little guy.

[ Summer laughs ] Jack. Didn’t expect to see you home on a work day.

Kyle: Dad’s working from home today. You all right?

Jack: Yeah, how could I not be? My favorite grandson just walked in. How were things at the park?

Harrison: We fed the ducks.

Jack: Oh, lucky ducks.

Harrison: You’re funny.

Summer: And now I think it’s time for someone to feed himself. Ready for that grilled cheese?

Harrison: Yes.

Summer: Let’s go.

Kyle: Dad, are you sure you’re all right?

Jack: Yeah, I’ll be fine.

Kyle: Hey, you know I know you pretty well. Putting me off only makes me try harder.

Jack: I don’t want to drag you into all this.

Kyle: Too late. I’ve never seen mom this upset with you. I want to help.

Jack: Your mother’s dealing with a lot of stress right now. Harrison’s kidnapping took a lot out of all of us. She’s still struggling. She’s on edge.

Kyle: That might be part of it. But you did almost die last night.

Jack: And I’m sorry she told you about those details.

Kyle: And I’m glad she did. The idea that we almost lost you… dad, thank god we didn’T. It makes sense that mom’s upset, but her anger towards you… the hurt? I mean, it’s next level. Is there something else you need to tell me? Is your relationship in trouble? Because if it is, I hope you know you can talk to me about it.

Diane: Phyllis, I just don’t want to get into this with you right now.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. Okay, I’m sorry. I’m expressing concern about our youngest family member, our grandbaby. So how awful of me, right?

Diane: No, you are stirring up trouble because you just can’t help yourself and you’ve decided that claire is your latest target.

Phyllis: We could have a situation on our hands.

Diane: We don’T. You have no restraint, no boundaries. Well, I am drawing one right now.

Phyllis: Claire could be a threat to harrison.

Diane: Or not. You know what? My family just went through a terrifying ordeal, and we’ve had enough drama, so why don’t you just stay in your own lane?

Phyllis: Um, summer’s my daughter, so I’m very much in my lane. She needs to know what her kid is up against.

Diane: Well, apparently you and your daughter have already decided that claire is a problem. Why don’t you give her the benefit of the doubt?

Phyllis: Are you kidding me? Her aunt is a lunatic. In and out of the psych ward? This girl could be a psycho in training for all we know.

Diane: Oh, my god, phyllis, do you hear these words coming out of your mouth? You and I have both been seen as psychos at different points of our lives. Oh, yes, we have. So all this finger pointing, it’s not a good look for either of us. ()

Phyllis: Listen, you, before you go off on me, from somebody who’s been epically demonized and criticized for my truth, I really wanted to see claire’s point of view.

Diane: It all comes back to you.

Phyllis: I understood claire. You know, empathized with her. I really did. And I told summer, stop being so overreactive, take a step back, don’t judge her, but… honestly, this girl… tried to kill her family. She’s a wild card.

Diane: She was brainwashed, and she’s gotten help, and the newmans have welcomed her with open arms.

Phyllis: Yeah, but the newmans are adults who can fend for themselves with a wild card. Harrison cannot do that.

Diane: Yeah, but it’s not up to you.

[ Phyllis sighs ]

Phyllis: Listen, I wish, I wish that claire’s completely rehabilitated. I really do. But that doesn’t mean she has to be involved with our grandson.

Diane: I really don’t see that happening.

Phyllis: Hey, did you know that kyle thought it was a super-duper idea to have claire be harrison’s nanny?

Diane: What?

Phyllis: Yeah!

Diane: Kyle wouldn’t put his son in danger.

Phyllis: Oh, really? Well, listen to this. Summer wanted to err on the side of caution, so she politely requested to kyle to keep that woman away from her son, and guess what happened?

Diane: I don’t know, but you’re dying to tell me.

Phyllis: Yeah, I was just at the park, and um, kyle was there with harrison and claire. They’re out there looking at ducks or something, despite summer’s very, very reasonable request to keep claire away from harrison.

Diane: All right, phyllis, this is up to kyle and summer to figure out.

Phyllis: I know, but you see, kyle doesn’t really care what summer has to say, so now we have to intervene. You and me, and possibly jack.

Diane: No, no, no, no, that’s enough. We are not going to intervene about any of this, and I am not about to tell jack about it either.

Phyllis: What is going on with you?

Diane: Nothing. I am– I am late for a meeting at the office.

Jack: Your mother feels I went too far, chose to put my life on the line to save nikki, of all people, and needless to say, that didn’t sit well.

Kyle: You saw a friend who needed help. You did what you thought you had to do to save her. I understand why you did it, even if I hate you took the risk.

Jack: I know it seems extreme, but I just felt I had no options.

Kyle: Mom doesn’t feel that way.

Jack: No, she does not.

Kyle: And she’s really broken up about it. Playing into all the what-ifs, how it could have gone wrong, even if it didn’T.

Jack: I understand her upsets. I regret hurting her, I really do, but some part of me wants to think she will eventually understand why I did what I did.

Kyle: What if that doesn’t happen?

Jack: When I walked in on the two of you earlier, you seemed to be dealing with a lot more than her anger toward me. When I talked with her later, she brought up another thing that was bothering her. Could you perhaps be that other thing?

Kyle: Mom’s convinced herself that I am trying to undermine her at work. I try to help her when she makes mistakes, but instead of seeing it as teamwork or showing gratitude, she accuses me of being out to get her.

Jack: She’s not making mistakes, kyle. Her work has been impeccable. You are the one creating this scenario.

Kyle: That makes no sense.

Jack: It makes sense if you are still feeling resentful about my choosing your mother over you for the ceo position.

Victor: I am not planning a damn thing, all right? I want to protect my granddaughter as I protect everyone in this family. Jack abbott is this far away from being addicted again. What if he starts popping pills? Do you think I want claire near that?

[ Victoria sighs ]

Cole: Okay, well, I guess we know where he stands.

Victoria: Classic dad.

Cole: Now listen, is this really about jack being sober or not?

Victoria: I think this is about jack being the reason that mom is serious about getting sober.

Cole: All right, is it passive resentment or is it something else?

Victoria: There’s definitely nothing passive about this. Dad can deny it all he wants, but he is definitely planning something and he doesn’t want us anywhere near the abbotts when it happens.

Jordan: Victor! Victor! Tell me what you want and let me out of here!

Announcer: Next week on the young and the restless…

Sally: How do you know when it’s finally time to cut and run?

Alan: Well, I’m afraid it’s worse than I thought. There’s obviously more than one personality at play here, and the one I just spoke to is… rather concerning.

Lily: I have been very loyal to jill, and this is a complete betrayal. So, we have to respond accordingly.

Nate: You do realize she’s going to explode when we do this, right?

Devon: I don’t care. She dropped a bomb on us and we’re going to return the favor.

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