B&B Transcript Friday, May 10, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Finn: Look, I know this is an enormous shock and that you can’t believe it. I mean, I couldn’t either. But it’s true. I mean, when deacon first told me about this sugar woman…

Steffy: Okay, deacon lost it. You said so yourself.

Finn: Yeah, I thought he had.

Steffy: Sheila’s dead. Don’t try to tell me otherwise. I killed her right there.

Finn: It wasn’t sheila. It was sugar. That’s who deacon saw at the crematorium. Sugar and sheila are identical in every single way except one. Sugar has ten toes.

Li: Why do you have that sheet over your face? What happened to you? I knew someone named sheila. She had a missing toe too. The middle digit. Black nail polish. Just like you. Who are you? Answer me. Who are you? Answer me!

Liam: Okay, okay. So… what you’re claiming right now is that deacon was– he was right the whole time.

Ridge: Not really the most important thing, is it? You’re saying that sheila is still alive?

Hope: I– I know it’s the last thing that you wanna hear. I just thought you needed to know. Sheila carter is alive.

Ridge: This is unbelievable.

Hope: Well, look, I– I told you–

Ridge: I know what you told me, I know. A little farfetched to think that– that sheila didn’t die that night.

Hope: Because she didn’t, ridge. It wasn’t sheila who broke into the cliff house. It wasn’t sheila who attacked steffy. It wasn’t sheila that steffy stabbed and killed. It was sugar. A woman who apparently looks identical to sheila.

Liam: Whose real name you said was janet webber?

Ridge: Janet webber, yes.

Liam: Okay, well, look. Apparently, she was released not that long ago.

Hope: That is exactly how I felt when I saw sheila face-to-face.

Li: That’s it. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I am not amused. I came in here to examine you because you asked for me, but I can’t do that if I can’t see your face. Take that sheet down right now. Show me your face!

Sheila: No!

[ Li screams ]

[ Sheila mockingly screams ]

Li: No.

[ Sheila laughs ] No.

Finn: Deacon was right about all of it.

Steffy: Deacon has been feeding you this garbage for weeks. His fantasy about his lost loved one.

Finn: Yeah, he didn’t wanna give up. He didn’t wanna lose her and it’s a good thing that he didn’T. Because sheila is alive.

Steffy: No, finn. I killed sheila. I stabbed her to death right there.

Finn: Honey, no. And that’s what I’m telling you, okay? You didn’t do that. (Vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma

Liam: Hope, you realize this is… this is crazy, this, uh…

Hope: If I hadn’t seen sheila with my own eyes–

Ridge: But, you did see her, right? Right after she was, uh, chained up in a warehouse?

Liam: By the person that steffy actually killed.

Hope: Yes. Sheila carter is alive.

Li: No. No. You– you died.

Sheila: Ooh, did I?

Li: This can’t be. This can’t be. You can’t be.

Sheila: And yet, here I am. You know, and I’d say I’m looking pretty good for a corpse, huh? Don’t you think?

Li: Oh, no, no. No, no, not possible. Steffy killed you. She stabbed you.

Sheila: Yeah, you would’ve liked to see me dead and gone, li. Hm. But I would think again. You– you– you really need to get control of yourself or you’re the one that’s gonna need medical attention. I was a nurse, remember? And I am sensing some hypersensitivity here.

Li: How? How is this happening?

Sheila: Well, I’d like to say it was dumb luck or maybe fate, but the truth is, it was finn. You all tried so hard to drive my son away from me, to drive a wedge between us. But you know what? Miracle of miracles. My wonderful son is the reason that I’m here. I am here…

Li: No! Because of my son, finn.

Li: How?

Finn: It’s okay.

Steffy: No. It’s not okay.

Finn: No.

Steffy: Do you hear yourself right now?

Finn: You’re stunned, all right? Of course, you are. I mean, I was too when I first realized all this.

Steffy: Okay. Sheila’s alive.

Finn: Yeah, it’s a lot to process.

Steffy: Yeah. And sugar looks exactly like sheila.

Finn: Yeah, she’s the one.

Steffy: Like they’re identical. Do you understand how ridiculous this sounds?

Finn: I know, but somehow it’s– it’s true.

Steffy: Oh, my god. Who told you this? Deacon?

Finn: No, my mother told us what happened.

Steffy: Li told you?

Finn: No, sheila. Sheila told us.

Steffy: Sheila. Your mother, okay. Did she tell you this from the grave? Because she is dead, finn.

Finn: Sugar’s dead. Yeah, she’s the one that wanted to hurt you. It wasn’t sheila.

Steffy: I saw sheila’s face.

Finn: I couldn’t tell the difference either. I couldn’t tell them apart. It wasn’t until deacon showed me the picture. Okay, that’s when I realized that what he’s been saying is true. That’s what convinced me. I mean, do you want me to show you?

Steffy: No, I don’t wanna–

Finn: Okay, listen. And the story that lauren fenmore told deacon about what happened all those years ago, that’s when I started to listen. And because, yes, it filled in a lot of the blanks. I understand that it’s crazy, but sheila tricked sugar into plastic surgery

Steffy: Oh, my god.

Finn: So that sugar would pay for all of her crimes. Okay, look, it was lauren fenmore who was the one that realized that it was sugar behind bars and not sheila.

Steffy: Okay, finn, you can’t take everything at face value. Like, where is the evidence? Where is the facts?

Finn: Sheila confessed this to lauren years ago.

Steffy: God.

Finn: Deacon, he wasn’t hallucinating. All right? He thought he saw ten toes going into the crematorium because he did. It wasn’t sheila’s body. It was sugar’S. And, sweetheart, I am not taking anyone’s word for it because I saw sheila. I saw her with my own eyes. Depression is a journey.

Li: What did you do to my son? What did you do to finn?

Sheila: You know, our son. Why do you always forget that?

Li: Where is he?

Sheila: He’s probably spreading the good news to his wife.

Li: Good news?

Sheila: Mama’s alive.

Li: You’re not his mother. You’re nothing to him.

Sheila: Then, why did he save me, huh? Let me tell you why. Because he’s a wonderful, strong, caring boy that loves his birth mother. That’s why I’m here.

Li: No.

Sheila: That’s why I have a second chance. Because of finn. And you know the best part, and you’re not gonna wanna hear this, but he’s happy. He’s happy to have me back in his life, and he never wants to be apart from me again. I wish you could’ve heard the beautiful things he had to say and the joy in his eyes. He even called me mom. You have no idea what that meant to me.

Li: No, no!

Sheila: Stop it. Li, remember your oath, do no harm.

Li: No!

Sheila: Stop. I don’t want to hurt you. Just stop it.

Deacon: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no! What the hell’s going on?

Nurse: Dr. Finnegan.

Sheila: You know, I think– I think I’d like to see another doctor. Because dr. Finnegan’s bedside manner is– is a bit harsh for me.

Li: I don’t know how you did it. I don’t know how you cheated death, but you will never do it again! I will kill you with my own hands! Sheila, I will kill you! I will kill you!

Liam: This is absolutely insane. I– I don’t– I’m sorry it’s taking a second to process this. It’s not a reflection on you.

Ridge: We’re on board with this now? This latest scheme? We’re buying this?

Hope: Well, look, it’s not another one of sheila’s schemes. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. And finn believes that too.

Liam: Finn knows? Hope?

Hope: Look, when my dad learned about sugar, he– he told finn. And then they found some credit card charges and– and that led them to a mini-mart, they started asking questions, led them to the warehouse and that’s where they found sheila. Chained up. It was finn and my dad. They rescued her. And just so you know, they are both happy that she is alive. And finn is excited to have another chance at a relationship with his birth mother.

Liam: What?

Ridge: Psycho birth mother. What’s steffy gonna do with this? Sheila’s back and finn is choosing her. Is that what we’re doing? Is that where we are?

Liam: How is finn celebrating this, hope? How– how could he possibly celebrate this?

Hope: He thinks that steffy might find some relief in it.

Ridge: Relief? Is that what you said, relief?

Hope: I mean, obviously there will be an initial shock.

Ridge: Relief how? What, just a mother with two kids in danger again?

Liam: Well, whoa, we’re gonna make sure they’re not in danger, first of all.

Hope: Okay, finn cares about that as well. He just thinks that steffy will be relieved to know that she didn’t kill his birth mom.

Ridge: I don’t think this word relief means what you think it means. No one is relieved. Nobody. And if that’s what finn thinks, he’s got another thing coming.

Steffy: You think you saw sheila?

Finn: No, I did see her.

Steffy: Like that night you had the nightmare and you saw her talking to you in her blood?

Finn: No, no, honey. We took her back’s to deacon apartment. We found her and we saved her.

Steffy: I don’t know what this is. Like, what is happening? What is going on right now?

Finn: My mother is alive.

Steffy: Finn, sheila is not your mother. Li is. Sheila is dead. Like, I– this is really starting to freak me out.

Finn: Do you want– no, no, hey, hey, sweetheart. No, there’s nothing to be afraid of, okay? And, look, this isn’t a bad thing. It’s a good thing for all of us. And I understand that this is hard to accept. It’s shocking, it’s– it’s confusing, but we just– we need to give it some time.

Steffy: Finn, this isn’t real. Whatever this is, it’s not true.

Finn: It is, though. And, look, it’s gonna make things better. Because we have been working hard, right? We have been struggling to accept this horrible thing that happened. But guess what? Steffy, it didn’t happen. At least, not how we thought it was. Steffy, my birth mother is alive.


Deacon: What are you giving her?

Sheila: That’s my protective fiancé.

Nurse: Just saline to help you rehydrate.

Sheila: Well, thank goodness. Who knows what dr. Finnegan would be giving me.

Nurse: Be back to check on you in a bit.

Sheila: Not to mention that she got the shock of her life.

Deacon: Hm. That was not very nice.

Sheila: Oh, come on. It was just a prank. Very harmless. Besides, she needed to know that finn’s birth mother was still alive.

Deacon: Mm-hmm.

Sheila: If you could’ve seen the look on her face.

Deacon: Yeah, well, wait ’til you see the look on everyone else’s face once they realize that sheila carter is back from the dead. Once again.

Ridge: My daughter’s gonna be horrified. Finn must know that.

Liam: What the hell is wrong with him?

Hope: What, finn can’t be happy that his birth mother isn’t dead?

Ridge: His birth mother tried to destroy this family.

Hope: That wasn’t sheila that tried to break into the house. That was sugar.

Ridge: This time. But what, all the other times, it was her. Any attempted murder. Any– any vicious attacks. Any of that, it was her. And if finn wants her back in our lives, I’ve got a problem with that.

Liam: It’s not just you. We’re all gonna have a problem. Including kelly, by the way, who lives over there. My daughter with finn and steffy. If sheila’s actually alive, none of us relax. Ever again.

Hope: Finn doesn’t believe that.

Liam: Because he’s an idiot!

Hope: Liam, sheila tried to stop sugar. She risked her life to protect steffy and the kids.

Ridge: Says who?

Hope: Finn. He believes that she is a changed person. That she is reformed.

Finn: I know it’s hard to believe. And you’ve been struggling with this for weeks.

Steffy: And so have you. More than I realized.

Finn: Yeah. I have been struggling. I mean, nothing has been the same since that night. And I was hoping that we could move past that, but it’s– it’s been there. It’s been in the back of my mind and I– I didn’t know why until I understood that deacon was right. My birth mother could be alive and I wanted to find her and we did.

Steffy: No, you didn’T. Sheila is dead.

Finn: Well, she could’ve been if we wouldn’t have found her in time. But we did. And she’s safe and I’m thankful.

Steffy: Huh? What? You’re thankful? After everything she did to us, we worked really hard to put her behind us.

Finn: Yeah, we have. It’s been difficult. Because the woman that I love killed the mother that I never got a chance to help.

Steffy: It was in self-defense.

Finn: No, hey, honey. No, no, no. Listen, I know, steffy. I know that it’s self-defense. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Can’t you see? We don’t have to worry about that anymore.

Steffy: Because I didn’t kill sheila?

Finn: That’s right.

Steffy: What? So, the woman who came in here, that wasn’t sheila?

Finn: No. Honey, no, look, and I’m not losing it. I’m not confused. And you know me. You know me better than anyone. And I’m– I’m telling you the truth.

Steffy: So… what? That was sugar. Sugar was in our home. Oh, deacon was right. That woman who came in here… that woman who came in here and attacked me, that was sugar? And– and this whole time, sheila was what? She was– she was in a warehouse and you and deacon saved her? Is this real right now? Sheila carter’s alive. Sheila’s alive.

Deacon: Here’s a look ahead.

Finn: Let me guess. Deacon wants me to come to the wedding too.

Hope: He wanted to know if you would be his best man.

Steffy: This sick, twisted tie that you have to finn, it ends today.

Luna: What does it say? Is it negative? Is it positive?

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