Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Summer gets angry with Kyle for letting Harrison feed the ducks with Claire at the park and they have a long argument about the situation.
Phyllis tries to get Diane to ask Kyle to respect Summer’s wishes about Claire, but Diane thinks Claire deserves the benefit of the doubt and she also thinks that she and Phyllis should stay out of Kyle and Summer’s business.
Victoria asks Victor to talk to Summer and try and persuade her to let Claire be Harrison’s nanny. Victor tells Victoria that he won’t do that because Claire shouldn’t be a nanny she should be her assistant when she returns to work at Newman Enterprises. Victoria tells Victor she doesn’t want to return to work anytime soon because she wants to spend time with Claire. Victor is upset about that because he thinks Victoria and Claire should work at Newman Enterprises.
Diane and Jack continue to argue about what Jack did to help Nikki. Jack promises Diane he will go to meetings even though he insists his sobriety was never at risk because he only took pills one time to help Nikki.
Victoria worries that Victor will do something to Jack because of what happened with Nikki. Victor assures Victoria that he won’t do anything to Jack, but Victoria knows her father too well.
Victor goes down to the wine cellar to give Jordan a bottle of Vodka. Victor tells Jordan that he will decide when or if she goes free. Jordan offers to do any dirty work he needs done in exchange for her freedom.
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