Days Short Recap Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric talked to Sloan about overhearing Leo talking to her. He wanted to know what was going on between him and Leo. Alex talked to Theresa about running to Maggie about him closing down the magazine. While EJ and Kristen were making small talk, they talked about DiMera Enterprises. EJ told her to be prepared for him to take over the company. Kristen told him she was prepared. While they were talking, she brought up EJ letting Stefan walk. Kristen said people talk. She said it would have been in his best interest to let Stefan go to prison because he wouldn’t be a threat to his power at the company. EJ didn’t answer her and told her he was late for a date. Sloan admitted to Eric that she called Leo because he owed her. Eric wanted to know why Leo owed her. She said she wanted to help his photography business. Theresa told Alex that she didn’t run to Maggie about the magazine. She said she needed her sponsor. Alex told her he was stuck with Maggie working at Titan but on his terms. Theresa told him it could be a good thing having Maggie back at Titan. Holly promised Nicole that she was going to be a better person. While Holly and Nicole were talking, Holly’s friend Sophia showed up. Holly and Sophia showed up at the pub while Tate was working. Theresa was upset that she couldn’t fix the magazine. Alex said it wasn’t her fault. She told him about the things she was willing to do to save the magazine. Eric told Sloan the numbers weren’t adding up. He said there was money that was not accounted for. Eric said he was starting to figure out what was going on.

Brady went to the DiMera mansion to pick up Rachel. Kristen told him Rachel went to school early. He said she could have called him. She said she got caught up with EJ, but suggested they have breakfast. Brady said he wasn’t interested in eating with her. He suggested picking Rachel up, but Kristen said she had a tutor. Brady was upset that Kristen didn’t tell him that Rachel had a tutor. When he said he was about to leave, she brought up telling Alex about the tutor. Kristen said Alex and Rachel were like two peas in a pod. Brady said he would talk to Rachel and find out if she and Alex were close. While Theresa was talking to Alex, she brought up Maggie being engaged to Konstantin. When Alex was shocked by the news, she asked him not to say anything. Sloan told Eric that he was off based. Eric said he counseled couples and thought she had a problem. He said they could get through it together and wanted her to tell him the truth. Sloan told him he wanted to stay at home with the baby. She said he was projecting his finances on her. He said that wasn’t what it was about. Sloan said she could pay for everything. Eric told her not to make herself out to be the martyr. She wanted to take Jude out for a walk before she said something as hurtful as he did. Kristen told Brady that Rachel would complement Alex. Brady said her plan wasn’t going to work. Kristen said everything wasn’t about him and told him to let himself out. Theresa told Alex that Maggie was probably holding on to her connection to Victor through Konstantin. Alex said he didn’t like the idea of Konstantin getting his hands on Victor’s money. He said he didn’t know what Maggie was thinking marrying a conman. When Eric got the mail, he found a past due notice for Sloan. He opened the envelope. While he was looking at the statement, he wondered what was going on when he saw charges for the Salem Inn.

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