Days Transcript Monday, April 8, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Alright, partner, you got anything? Bad news. I did several deep dive searches and nothing’s come up yet. Wherever Weston is, he’s definitely off the grid. God, I still can’t believe that son of a bitch got away. I damn well should have known that Ava would double crosses. Yeah, you know, I’m not gonna make excuses for her, but obviously she wasn’t thinking straight.

Worried about her son’s life and all. Yeah, well, her going rogue let Clyde and Goldman get away, which could have cost Tripp and Wendy their lives anyway. Yeah, yeah, it was a big league screw up, but you know I’ve been thinking. Yeah, what have you been thinking? How do we know that Ava doesn’t know more than she’s letting on?

Alright, you let me sleep in. Ah, well, you know, when the body speaks, you must listen. When you’re tired, sleep. When you’re hungry, Mmm.

Mmm. I was gonna say eat, but that works too. Mmm.

How you feeling? Slightly flushed. Elevated. Heartbeat. No, I meant What? I meant, I meant today. Oh. Oh, okay. So you mean, um Since I quit my job at the bistro.

You know I feel free.

The first time and I, wow. I don’t even, I don’t even remember. I feel like my life belongs to me again. It’s a great way to start a day. Yeah. You know, I can think of an even better way to start it. A penny for your thoughts. But

I always thought the price was a measly sum. Given inflation and Are you okay, Maggie? What is it? Oh, it’s just something I’ve been grappling with before. You know, I’m trying to reconcile in my mind the many sides of Victor. We, we all have our pasts, Maggie. Some more troubled than others, but what is important is that we are here in the present.

You are truly a remarkable man. I’m inspired by the woman that stands before me.

Now that is the very picture of being in the zone. What can I do for you, Alex? Nothing, I just wanted to tell you that your performance in the status update meeting was excellent. Very impressive. And I want to tell you that it’s very good to have you back here in the flesh. Not just on the screen. Oh, yeah screens just don’t cut it, huh?

I’d have to say it really is great to be back in the office. Seeing ad inventory go down while sales go up. Oh my god, it’s true. What? Uh, the word on the floor was that, uh, T Boss, uh, is back in the office, and here you are. Oh, yeah, you’re gonna have to find me a better nickname than that. No, no, it’s flattering.

If the marketing department doesn’t like you, they don’t give you a nickname. Okay, well, it doesn’t improve the name, but it does blunt the cringe, so Hey, um, I was gonna call you, but now that you’re here, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute. It’s about Tate and Dolly. What? What did you do to our son now?

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Mmm, now I’m gonna say this, and I can’t even believe I’m gonna say this. Vegan bacon? Vegan bacon, you made me a believer. Okay, well, I will just tell you that in my humble opinion, Tempeh is the undisputed king of the soybean genre. Well, it does, uh, it does taste good. Oh, you should check that. It might be about the audit.

Yes, it is. And? They wrapped it up. Hold on. Everything checks out at the bistro. The books are clean. And there’s nothing linking you to any illegal activity at all. Oh, thank God. Oh my gosh. Well, you know, Stephan taking responsibility for what happened. I mean, that was huge, obviously. Yeah, I mean, he had no choice.

It was either that or he was going to take the fall for attempted murder of a cop. Yeah, but I mean, the fact that he actually took responsibility, I mean, he took the fall. He did. Yeah. And it’s over. But from that look you just gave me, I’m not sure you really believe that. Look, Harris, I want to. I do, but too many people know that I was involved.

They know that it wasn’t just Stefan acting alone. Yeah, Clyde, and Steve, and John, I mean, even Tripp and Wendy suspected it. Yeah, but nobody’s gonna say anything. I mean, if Stefan doesn’t, you think, you think Clyde cares who takes the fall? And anything you did, you were forced to do. And nobody’s gonna say anything that contradicts Stefan’s statement because they all want to protect you.

Tripp, Wendy, Steve, and John.

Clyde has no power over you now. You’re free. You’re free to live your life. And you’re free to plan your future.

So what do you think, partner? Does Ava know something she’s not telling us? It’s hard to say. I do know she wants Weston to pay for what he did to Tripp. Yep, but this is Ava. Exactly. As soon as you think you can trust her, this, this time, and she won’t do something reckless or destructive, you’re quickly reminded that you’re nothing but a gullible fool.

Yeah, that’s a fact. All right, let’s talk to her again. Maybe she will remember something new that will help us put that Animal back in his cage because if Wesson hurts anybody else while he’s out there on the run, that’s on us Yeah, and I know that neither one of us can live with that What can’t you live with The tate showed up at holly’s yeah after we told him over and over again not to he just defied us He lied!

Were EJ and Nicole there? They were. They were. And after we all got over the shock of seeing him there, I told them, I said, you got to keep your daughter away from our son. Period. Well, it’s obvious that they see what we see. That these two kids are totally toxic for each other. But what just boggles my mind is, why does Tate still want to spend time with this girl after everything that she’s put into it?

Because this, this, this teen infatuation thing, it’s powerful. As, you know, as we know. But as long as the parents are aligned, and all of us agree that they should be a part, I think this thing will settle down. It’s all good. Brady, thank you so much. Oh, it’s okay. so much for handling this the way that you have.

Honestly, just so maturely, and you’re just so sensible. If I had been there, I would have completely lost it. Lisa, I almost lost it. Trust me. But, hey, we have to do what’s best for our, uh, our boy, right? Yeah. I’ve got to do what’s best for our son. I am still processing.

Your relationship with Victor. I mean, how did the two of you develop a friendship over the years? Considering our history as mortal enemies, I suppose it does seem rather implausible, but even in our darkest of moments, we both understood that there was a feeling of being a kindred spirit with one another.

And as I have told you, Victor became a very important part of my life. Yeah. As in yours, obviously. Obviously.

I didn’t think that I would ever fall in love again. When I lost Mickey. But I did. Victor was my second chapter.

I couldn’t have been more surprised. And he couldn’t have been more surprising. He had a heart as big as the cosmos. He was. And deep devotion for his family.

And that’s the Victor. That I, uh, knew and loved. Well, that is the Victor that you should remember. That we both should remember.

Sweetness. It’s a surprise. I thought you were going to work. Uh, well, I thought I’d pick up a little takeout on my way. So I parked in the back, came through the kitchen, and What can’t you live with? I can’t live with, uh, the thought that Clyde Weston got away. Or the fact that he’s still out there. Barney, we better get a move on here.

We don’t want to be late to that client meeting. Right. Hey, baby, can we talk later? Of course. Okay. I love you. Yeah. Love you. Bye.

You’re very kind, Constantine. You bring out the best in me, Maggie. As you did with Victor. You were his rock, clearly. His guiding star, if you will. We needed each other. We adored each other. And I’m still struggling with what I know about Victor’s past. Constantine. Talking to you and seeing how you’ve chosen to move forward with your life and, and you found peace.

Well, it’s given me hope. Hope is what holds us together. Hope is the light that shines on what may come. This place is turning into a manhouse! I beg your pardon. Am I interrupting?

Uh, look, I will be the first to admit that I was a fool when I was a teenager. But, uh, Holly and Tate, I did not bat in their league. Uh, me neither. But, um, however we handle this, we have to be united. Agreed? Yeah. We can only pray that EJ and Nicole are on the same page. Yeah. Oh, Roy, let me see that. What? I have to go.

I have a meeting in, like, ten minutes. Oh, hey, Teresa. By the way, on my way home, I was thinking about grabbing some chicken, making my world renowned chicken piccata for dinner. Oh, yeah, yum. I love your chicken piccata. Mm, good. Uh, what? Did I miss something? Oh, you didn’t tell him? Theresa moved back in with me.

Alright, speaking of what’s next for you, what do you want to be when you grow up, Ava? Oh, well, you know, when I was a kid, I had some crazy career aspirations. Fashion designer was at the top of the list. Okay. You know, when I was a kid, I used to just cut out all these images from magazines and put them on a board, kind of like a vision board.

I can see you doing that. But, you know, it was pretty obvious that wasn’t in the cards with my family, so. It’s all good. Because, you know, if I had gone to some elite fashion institute, I probably wouldn’t have found my love of cooking. And you know that’s my passion. I do, so maybe culinary school is the next move.

Mmm. Yes, it could be my calling, huh? Yeah. But whatever you decide, I just want you to know I’m, I’m gonna be there for you. I’m cheering you on. And eating the homework. And devouring the homework. Yeah. I believe in you.

That means more to me than you know.

That’s probably my groceries.

We need to talk about Weston. Maggie I’m not complaining. I’m

just a little tired. I love Thomas. I love Charlotte. They’re wonderful children. When does spring break end? Please, Julie, relax right here. It is time for my morning walkabout anyway. Maggie, I would like to continue our conversation if you will indulge me. Afternoon tea in the garden, perhaps? That would be lovely.

What did I walk in on?

Huh. I’m just surprised, that’s all. You said you were going to be staying at the Salem Inn. I was, and then I, I ran into Alex. Yeah, and I pointed out that she never really moved out of my place. I mean, half of her belongings are still there. Yeah, so, yay, we’re roomies again. Uh, okay, I really, I really, I gotta go now.

Um, so, see you at home? Yeah, you got it, roomie. Rumi, really? Oh,

didn’t realize you had company. We can come back another time. No, no, this is about Clyde. I’d like to hear it too. Why? Well, we were going over everything we knew about him. We got to thinking that maybe you have Remember, it’s something new that could trigger lead force. Hmm. Yeah, I wish I did. You know, it’s not like I was Clyde’s confidant.

I, um, I want him caught and put away just as much as anyone else. Yeah, and you guys know, law enforcement’s putting a lot of resources into finding him, and you guys are really great at your job, so the more eyes looking for Clyde, the better. Definitely. Yeah, and obviously this, I don’t even have to say this, if you guys find anything, you just let us know, because I wouldn’t want you taking things into your own hands if, uh, if you know what I mean.

Wouldn’t dream of it.

Well, we’ve taken up enough of everyone’s time. But, uh, no stone unturned, right? Right. Well, look, I’m gonna go, uh, pull myself together, get ready to start my day.

Let’s, uh, let’s keep each other in the loop. Hundred percent. Hey, Why don’t you go on ahead? I want to pick Harris brain about a couple things. Alright then. I’ll see you back at the office. Yeah.

Well, so now that we’re keeping each other in the loop, Any chance I can get a look at Goldman’s personnel file? We, we scoured everything we have on her. Ah, fresh eyes can’t hurt. John, you know, come on, it’s against policy. You already know that. Well, what I know is it might help put Weston behind bars.

Come on, Harris. You and I have both worked outside the proverbial lines from time to time.

Goldman’s personnel file, is that all you need? Yeah, that and I’ve got a question for you, and it’s personal. I mean, if it’s, you know, if it’s about No, no, no, no, it’s got nothing to do with that. This is about you and me. Something that we both have in common here. Let’s, um, let’s call it a shared experience, and I’m talking about what Megan did to you.

Yeah, I just, uh, you know, I try not to think about that. Yeah, and how’s that working out for you? In the beginning, that wasn’t good. Until I went to Bayview, and that helped a lot, mostly thanks to your wife. Yeah, well, she’s the best at what she does, but I wonder if, if it’s enough sometimes. What do you mean?

Well, what happened to you, what, what? What happened to me?

Aren’t you afraid you’re nothing but a ticking time bomb? And somehow, someway, at any time, it can happen all over again. How

terrible for him to lose his daughter that way, and what, what agony for John to think he was in any way responsible. Well, it’s been traumatic for him, obviously. And for me, too, frankly. Knowing that Victor played a part in it. I’m sorry, darling. You know, I’ve had to dig deep into my feelings about who Victor really was.

Well, Victor was, uh, complicated. A paradox. But then again, so is Doug. I mean, Doug certainly has a past. And look at him now. A model citizen, honest as the day is long, full of empathy for everyone and The most loving man I ever met. He is that. And Victor Victor’s great virtue was falling in love with you.

Aww. Because you brought out the best in him. Well, I don’t know about that. But I do know That you have a gift for saying just the right thing and lifting everyone’s spirits. Well, I try. Let’s have a toast. Okay. What are we toasting to? Oh, to us. Okay. Because. Yes. We know how to pick them. Okay.

So just like that, you and Teresa go from being almost engaged to roommates again. Why not? It was the chance for Teresa to find a place on her own. And there’s no hidden agenda here. If that’s what you’re wondering, Brady, okay. I just want what’s best for her personally and professionally. And I think she has the ability to make some serious waves here within the company.

You sound like granddad right there. Oh yeah. Yeah. You know, when it came to business, he always strived for excellence and he always wanted to set his people up for success. And I’m glad that you are pushing that legacy forward, Alex. I like it.

You know, when I found out Victor was my father, it just put this whole other level of pressure on me when it comes to the family business, so Just want to make him proud. I think if you stick to who you are and know that what you’re doing is right, yeah, I think Victor would be very proud. Appreciate that, man.

Speaking of father and sons, I’m happy to hear that Tate was exonerated. It’s gotta be a huge relief for you and Theresa now that he’s home, right? Yeah. Despite some challenges that may be coming with it. I assume you overheard most of what we were saying and Yeah. You get the gist of the challenge, right?

I do. I mean, aside from just wanting my son to be, you know Stable and healthy and generous and kind. I want them to know what a healthy relationship is. There’s nothing more important. Agreed. Which is why I want the same thing for Teresa. The mother of my son. Which is why I’m going to say this to you again.

Told you in Greece when you two were getting to know each other. Alex, don’t screw with her.

Oh. Damn it, Constantine, you are like a bad penny. I have been trying to reach you. You never respond. Yeah, well, I’ve been busy and this is going to surprise you. But the world doesn’t revolve around you. I’m in a rush. Actually, I would like an update on your relationship with Alex Kiriakis, if you don’t mind.

Given the fact that you made a rather rash and idiotic breakup. Okay. You’ll be pleased to hear that I have moved back into Alex’s apartment. I am pleased to hear that. Yeah, but don’t get too excited because I’m keeping it strictly platonic. Just roommates in separate rooms. For now. I’m not moving fast enough for you, huh?

Actually, Theresa, what I’m about to say might surprise you.


Ah, what did you do?

Can’t I just bring my wife some flowers? Uh uh. No, ma’am. I don’t think so. Unless you’ve done something that you know I’m not going to be happy about. And since I already know something’s going on with you, it was so obvious at the pub. Talk to me.

I hate keeping secrets from you, baby. Well, then don’t. But I don’t want to put you in a position of having to lie for me. Come on. After all these years, you know that I have your back, and I will do anything for you. So tell me what’s going on. I think you might want to sit down. It’s a long story.

I’d be lying if I said that didn’t cross my mind. That it could happen all over again, as you just put it. But, working with the doctors, I Working on myself, that saved me. I still have to live with what I did, that’s, that’s never gonna change. And John, in the beginning, I, I, it was tough, man. Like, I was so, so overwhelmed from the guilt.

How’d you deal with it? I just kept reminding myself, like I do now every day, that those actions were not committed freely. That my will was not my own. Therefore, I was not responsible for those actions. We’re still struggling. I can, I can see it. And look, it took me a long time to come to terms with my past.

And I hope I’m not making it sound like it was easy. No, no, you’re not at all. Okay, John, you, what happened to you? You have to tell yourself over and over every single day that it was not your fault. It was not your fault. You got to put the blame where the blame belongs on the people who try to control you.

Because you and I were victims. But to continue not to be victimized by them,

you have to forgive yourself.

Look at this straight. You, John, and Ava created this whole hazmat incident as a cover for, what’s the word you use? Um, an extraction, an extraction of Clyde Weston from Statesville. So many words, yeah, that’s about right. So you’re telling me that you broke a dangerous criminal off? A, uh, convicted murderer.

In fact, the man who murdered our niece, Abigail, out of prison. What the hell? I was desperate, Kayla. Tripp and Wendy were missing. I was afraid I would never see my son again. So you essentially negotiated with a terrorist. What choice did I have? I knew that Weston would kill Tripp and Wendy without batting an eye if he didn’t get what he wanted.

I had to do something. Oh, so breaking him out of prison was your only course of action. And oh, how shocking that Ava double crossed you. John and I should have anticipated that. Yeah, maybe you should have. I mean, how on earth did you I can’t believe that you would trust her. Listen, everything was moving so fast.

Time was not on our side, and I thought I was going to lose my son. I knew it was dangerous. I knew it going in. But you still went in. My God, Steve. How could you do something so stupid? You

know, Brady, you’ve given me a lot of insight to Teresa, and a lot of, um You know, advice. The past few months. From making sure she feels accepted at work, to being aware that she’s fragile and needy, and that a recovered addict is always on the verge of a relapse. I never said that. Well, it was a subtext of everything you said.

And now you’re telling me not to screw with her. Alex, I don’t want things to end badly for her. I just want her to be okay. Not just for her sake, but for my son’s sake. Right, you know? Right, absolutely. And I get your point on that concern. Right. It just seems like it goes further than that. You know, with this little intervention, if you will, as well as all your previous ones, it suggests to me that you are far more interested in Teresa than just being the mother of your child.

Not so. Are you sure? I’m very, very sure about that. Look, I, I want her to be happy, I want her to be stable. Her life is complicated enough without having to deal with Kristen. Now, why would she have to deal with Kristen? Alex, She’s gonna be around, right? I mean, since you and Kristen are, uh, dating? Right, right.

And that would be a plus for you, wouldn’t it? Because if Kristen is around, as you put it, that could just drive Teresa right back into your arms, wouldn’t it? We’re doing this again? I mean Alright, let’s, let’s do it again. Listen, I, I am not interested in Teresa that way. As I said, I want her happy, I want her stable.

That is the extent of my concern for her. That’s it. Done. Period. End of story. Truth be told, you’re not very convincing. I think you’re lying to yourself. And then I think I should probably just go. Okay, well, just know that Teresa’s back under my roof, Brady, whether you like it or not. And whatever happens, or does not happen, between Teresa and I is between her and I.

Notice served. Loud and clear. Cheers.

Allow me to provide a little insight into the mind of a man. How many times can I say no thanks? Nothing attracts men like Alex more than forbidden food. I have observed this type over the years. The forbidden fruit type, yeah, got it. A rare specimen among the male species. You know, I have to say, I really, really treasure your expertise, Constantine.

It truly, it is just revolutionary. Mock me if you like, but we both know that men like Alex, we want what they cannot have. So you must provide that, create that illusion for him. So he will run right into your arms. And your pet. Mm hmm. Yeah, I already knew that. And you’ll be pleased to know that my plan is to create a slow burn until Alex’s Oh, forgive the purple prose here.

Consumed by the flames of passion.

You think I’m proud of what I did? I wish I hadn’t agreed to it. But I’m telling you, baby, it was just this This awful, sudden convergence of events. Can you at least try to understand that? No, I can’t. I can’t understand why you ever trusted Ava. I keep telling you why because I was desperate. I thought my son was gonna die.

And yeah, things would have been different if Ava had come to me in the first place, as soon as Weston got his hooks into her. But she didn’t, did she? Because she is incapable of thinking about anybody but herself, or thinking about the possible consequences of her actions before it’s too late. I know that.

You don’t have to remind me of that. Well, obviously I do. Because you were deceived by her once again, and in the worst possible way. And every time we are sucked into Ava Vitale’s little dark vortex, we are the ones that suffer. And you and I both know that. No, no, actually, you know it better than I. You know it better than I do, or at least you should.

And yet And yet you let it happen again. And there is no damn excuse for that. None.

Hey, Dad. Hey, there he is. How you doing? Good, man. Where you coming from? Uh, work. Work. But I’m glad I ran into you, because I really actually want to talk to you. Everything okay? Yeah, with me, um, nothing to report, but, uh, I know that something’s been weighing on you, and I, look, man, I have not been that attentive.

I haven’t had the bandwidth to even like You’ve been totally fine here, so forget about me anyway. Let’s talk about something good for a change, like uh, Tate coming back home, huh? Yeah, no, it’s a relief. A big relief for him, huh? But um, we were thinking about going and checking out the Cubbies this weekend.

Their lineup is unreal, isn’t it? I know it is, I know it is. And I was thinking, why don’t you come? Come on, three generations in the stands. Hell yeah! Yeah? I love that. Alright, I’m so glad. I’m so glad you said yes. Legally it is. But, but, I want to know how you’re doing, seriously. Actually, I’m feeling a lot better today.

Yeah, I can see that. I see it in your eyes, it’s almost like you, I don’t know, you found some peace or something. Oh, kid, that’s what I’ve been praying for. I’m starting to think my prayers are finally being answered.

Have I told you lately how much you lift my spirits? Tell me more. I’d love to hear it. Well, it’s not just your words of wisdom and compassion, but it’s the way you keep that wonderful optimistic perspective, even, even in the darkest of times. Well, Maggie, what’s the alternative? Just to sink into despair.

Self pity is so unattractive.

Then I look at you and my whole faith in the human race rises up. You’re all heart, Maggie.

Speaking of heart, uh, how is your little granddaughter Holly doing? Um, she’s fine. Physically. Thank God! She confessed that the drugs she overdosed on were hers and not Tate’s. Oh, I’m so sorry. Yeah. On one hand, I’m relieved. I’m relieved that Tate’s home and free of the charges and Teresa and Brady have that weight lifted off their shoulders.

And on the other hand, I’m, I’m so sad to know that my granddaughter is using. Of course. Of course. You don’t have to shoulder this burden alone. You know Doug and I are here for you. Everyone is here for you. You’re not alone. Come to think of it, you’re not all that alone these days, are you? Because of Constantine, you mean?

Well You seem to be growing closer.

We are, actually. Um, He’s become a very good friend.

Hey. Oh, hey.

Getting some laundry done? Huh. Gave it away.

Did you, um, get the chicken? What? You know, the chicken you were going to make us your amazing chicken piccata. Right, yes, yes, I have the chickens right here. I’m going to bring it in the kitchen, and I’m going to take a shower, and then I’m going to start cooking.

Sounds good. Okay.

Mission close to accomplished. Is the coast clear? Commence. All clear. Good. We can do this. Okay.

What’s wrong? Nothing’s wrong. I’m just going to go to my place and grab some clothes. We don’t need clothes for what I’ve got planned. Oh, well I do need some for work. Okay, and assuming I’m going to stay the night. Oh, okay, right, right. Okay, I’ll be right back. Okay, well you know where I’ll be.


hello. Well, hello there, little bitty. I bet you thought you were rid of me, huh?

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