Days Short Recap Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Everett went to see Marlena but thought it was a mistake coming. Chad went to visit Abby’s grave. He talked to her about the kids. While he was talking to her, he told her they were at the Kiriakis. He said the Horton house was going to be done soon. Chad said he missed her. He apologized for Clyde escaping and blamed himself for it. While Stephanie and Julie were at the Horton house, they talked about Everett. Stephanie changed the subject to talk about the time capsule. Julie said her grandfather wanted the family to solve the puzzle together. She said she was going to devote her time to fixing the Horton house. Chad told Abby that it was his fault. He said Clyde wouldn’t have retaliated if he didn’t put the interview in the paper. He said he put the whole thing in motion. Chad said he wanted to make Clyde pay for what he did to her. He said Clyde sent someone to torch her grandparents’ house where she spent her happiest days. Chad said he let her and her family down. He said Clyde escaped, but he was going to make it right. Marlena talked to Everett about his memories. Everett said part of him wanted to know what happened while the other was afraid to find out what happened. She said he would be safe with her because they would stop if he didn’t want to go on. Everett agreed to hypnosis. Stephanie told Julie that she was thinking about dropping the Spectator as a client. Julie asked why. Stephanie said she had to find out if he used her while he was married to Jada. She told Julie that Jada was upset with her and accused her of ignoring the signs that Everett was married. Julie said Stephanie didn’t know. Stephanie wondered if Jada was right about her ignoring the signs.

Marlena put Everett under hypnosis. She asked him to tell her about his mother. Everett talked to her about his mother. Marlena asked him questions about his mother. She wanted to know if he wanted to ask his mother questions. Everett was uncomfortable with the question. Marlena told him to ask his mother a question. He asked why she did it. Julie told Stephanie not to blame herself for Everett’s lies. She said Stephanie was devastated when she found out. Stephanie said she was devastated because she thought he was the one. She said she thought they would have had a happily ever after until this happened. Stephanie thought she was being insensitive about Everett’s problem. Julie told her to forget about Everett. She said the family would get her through it. Chad showed up while Julie and Stephanie were talking. He said he was there to check the kids’ room. Julie told him he could her and Stephanie look through the fabric swatches. Everett asked his mother why she did it. Marlena told him he was safe. Everett said he wasn’t safe. He had a vision of himself smiling. When Julie left the room, Chad asked Stephanie about Everett. Stephanie told him that she was thinking about not working with the Spectator. Chad told her not to leave. He was willing to fire him so she could stay. Stephanie changed the subject by asking him about the house. Chad blamed himself for what happened. Stephanie said it wasn’t his fault, but he didn’t agree with her. He wondered what Clyde was going to do next. Marlena asked Everett what he was seeing. Everett said he didn’t see anything. She asked if he could find his way out, but he said he couldn’t. When he became agitated, she took him out of hypnosis. Marlena asked Everett to tell her what he remembered. Everett said he didn’t remember. Marlena told him that he said he saw darkness. Everett wasn’t sure what he saw.

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