Days Short Recap Monday, April 1, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady let everyone at the mansion know that he was about to see Tate. He was about to leave when Holly stopped him. She apologized to Nicole for the drugs. Holly admitted the drugs were hers. EJ wanted to know why Holly confessed now. Brady yelled at Holly for lying about the drugs. He told her that Tate was in trouble and she didn’t say anything. Holly let it slip that Eric knew the truth. Nicole wanted to know why she told Eric the truth and not her. Holly knew Eric wouldn’t judge her and thought Nicole would blame herself. EJ wanted Nicole to tell them everything. EJ wondered if Tate was her dealer. Brady yelled at EJ, but Eric wanted him to calm down. Holly reminded Nicole about what happened when she recovered. She knew Nicole would blame herself because she was grieving over the baby. Holly thought it would be too much for her. Nicole comforted her. Tate told Theresa that Holly wasn’t a bad person, but she didn’t believe that. Theresa reminded him that he broke into the DiMera mansion and the DA was after him. He wanted her to keep her voice down. Theresa didn’t care who heard her talking. She told him that Holly wasn’t a good person. Theresa said Holly was bad news and she despised her. Nicole wished Holly confided in her. EJ wondered if she went to Eric because he was a priest. Eric told them how close he and Holly were. Brady yelled at Holly because Tate was at a halfway house because of her. EJ thought she was lying again. Holly said she had proof in her room. She wondered if Nicole was ashamed of her. Nicole told her that she wasn’t ashamed. She wished she went to her about what happened. Holly thought she wasn’t strong enough to handle it. She showed her the drugs that she had in her room. Nicole wanted to show everyone the drugs. Holly showed everyone the drugs. She said that Tate tried to stop her. Brady couldn’t believe she let Tate take the fall for everything.

Paulina and Abe went to the hospital to see if she’s cancer free. Sarah arrived to give Paulina her test results. Tate wanted Theresa to stop yelling. He didn’t need her getting mad at him on top of everything else. She realized that she shouldn’t lash out at him. Theresa thought Holly should have come forward if she cared about him. Tate believed Holly thought she did the right thing. Sarah told Paulina that she was cancer free. Paulina, Abe and Sarah were excited about the news. Sarah explained everything Paulina would have to do in the future. Brady called Holly out for ruining his son’s life. He demanded that EJ get Tate out of the halfway house immediately. EJ let him know that it wouldn’t be right away. Brady threatened him with a civil lawsuit if he didn’t fix the situation. He stormed out of the mansion. Holly blamed herself for what happened. Eric comforted Nicole after Holly stormed off. Nicole wanted to know how long he knew the truth. He told her that Holly told him that day. Brady arrived at the halfway house and told Tate that he could pack his bags. Tate and Theresa were excited. Brady told them that Justin was going to get the charges against Tate dropped. He let them know that Holly confessed to everything. Brady said that everyone would know that he told the truth all along. Nicole asked EJ if he had the charges against Tate dropped. He said it was a done deal. They talked about how Holly felt about everything. EJ realized that Holly cared about Tate very much. He knew Nicole wondered where Holly got the drugs. She wasn’t sure, but she knew they had to question her about the drugs. Tate was relieved that Holly came through for him. He wanted to call Holly. Theresa didn’t want him to go overboard thanking Holly. He admitted that he told her that she didn’t have to tell the truth about the drugs. Brady couldn’t believe he was going to continue to take the fall for Holly.

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