Y&R Best Lines Thursday, March 28, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: This is novel. A stress-free day with no surprises in store. Feels like it’s been forever.

Claire: I think maybe it has been forever for me. Being free of Jordan, not being worried about her next plan or when she might pop in again and try to ruin our lives. My whole life I’ve been on edge because of her.

Victoria: You don’t have to worry about that anymore. We’re free to go out and do things without looking over our shoulder constantly. In fact, I think that’s exactly what we should do. We should do something incredibly normal. Like, go for a long walk or a drive or a mother-daughter shopping spree. Or we could go see a movie. I think that we deserve that, don’t you?

Claire: Maybe we start by just going to lunch? Without security guards


Victoria: Wow, look at us. Out and about.

Claire: You do this with Nikki, right? Mother-daughter lunches?

Victoria: Absolutely. All the time. Now it’s our turn.

Claire: It’s still weird, the difference between researching you and actually knowing you.

Victoria: Oh, well, I don’t think I want to know what they say about me in the press or on social media.

[ Claire laughing ]

Claire: The press doesn’t know how silly you can be or how sweet or that you’re not the best baker?

Victoria: Oh, well, I’m sure that Johnny and Katie are gonna tell you all about that. In the meantime, there’s just so much that I want to know.


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