Days Short Recap Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Nicole ran into Brady at the Town Square. Brady asked about Holly. Nicole told him she was out of her coma. Brady said he was happy to hear it. He asked when it happened. Nicole said it was yesterday. She said Holly was alert and talking. Brady said they were all praying for it. He said it was important for Tate. Julie and Stephanie talked about Everett. Stephanie asked if she told her about Jada. Julie said she believed Everett. Stephanie changed the subject. Everett went to see Marlena. Marlena wondered if Everett was still going by that name. Everett said he was still the same person. He said he would go to someone else if she didn’t believe him. Marlena said she wanted to explore Bobby Stein. She asked how he was feeling. Everett said he was trying to calm himself down. He said he knew she wouldn’t be judgmental. Everett said he was terrified about what he might learn about his past. Marlena said she wanted to help him. She said he suffered a brain injury and was in a coma. Marlena asked what his first memories were when he got out of the coma. Everett said he felt like he was in a fog. Julie talked to Stephanie about Doug’s memories. She said they meant the world to him. Julie told Stephanie that she wanted Everett to get his memory back. She said he was seeing Marlena. Stephanie said that scared her. Brady and Nicole got in an argument over Holly. He said Tate was going through a lot. Brady asked if she talked to Holly about the drugs. Nicole said he wouldn’t like what Holly had to say. Sarah brought Victoria to the police station to see Xander. She told him Harris was awake. Everett talked to Marlena about his mother. Roman and Chad showed up at the Horton house to help Julie and Stephanie.

Brady asked Nicole why he wouldn’t like what Holly said. Nicole said Holly said the drugs she took wasn’t hers. She said they believe someone slipped her the drugs. Brady said it wasn’t his kid. Nicole said EJ wondered who else would have done it. Brady said Tate wouldn’t push drugs. Nicole said she didn’t know what to believe but she needed to be home with her daughter. Brady said she needed to understand that his kid has been through it. He said Tate looked in his eyes and said he didn’t do it. Brady said he believed him. He asked to talk to Holly. Nicole said that wasn’t going to happen. Brady wanted to know why he couldn’t talk to Holly. Nicole said they didn’t want to stress her out. She said when Holly was stronger, they might be able to talk. While Marlena and Everett were talking, she told him Jada sent her a file. Marlena told him about his name. She asked him about his father. Everett said he couldn’t remember anything about his father. He asked if that was normal to forget about his father. Brady went to see Tate. He told Tate that Holly was awake. Nicole talked to Holly about running into Brady. She said Brady refused to believe Tate gave her the drugs. Holly said he didn’t. While they were cleaning the house, Chad asked Stephanie where things stood with Everett. Marlena told Everett that she wanted to hypnotize him. Everett agreed to do it if it would help. Tate asked Brady if Holly was going to be okay. Brady said she was going to be. Tate asked if Holly told everyone the truth. Brady said she didn’t. Nicole asked if Tate was the one who drugged Holly. Holly said he wasn’t the one who did it. Nicole asked who else could have done it. Holly said she didn’t know but she knew it wasn’t Tate. Xander told Sarah that he was afraid that he would still go down for what happened to Harris. She assured him that nothing was wrong. Chad told Stephanie that if the timing was better, he believed things would have worked out for them. Stephanie said it was hard to hear. They talked about their relationship. Everett showed up at the Horton house and saw Chad and Stephanie hugging. Nicole told Holly that she should be relaxing. Holly said she couldn’t relax when she and EJ accused Tate of drugging her. Nicole wanted to know who else it could be. Tate told Brady he didn’t drug Holly. Brady said he believed him. He asked if Tate had proof that he didn’t do it. Tate said he had his word against hers. Holly told Nicole she couldn’t remember anything, but she knew Tate didn’t give her the drugs. Nicole asked who it could be.

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