Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, February 28, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Michael: Knock, knock. I got your message. You wanted to see me?

Claire: Yes, thank you. Come in.

[ Michael chuckling ]

Michael: I love what you’ve done with the place.

Claire: Yeah, it’s hard to make this place homey.

Michael: Hm. Maybe some other art? Perhaps a colorful throw.

Claire: I’ve decided I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get out of here. I want to take victor up on his offer.

Michael: Wow. Oh. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon.

Claire: There’s no reason to wait. The sooner my aunt’s dealt with, the better. Do you think you can arrange my release?

[ Michael chuckling ]

Michael: I’ve already got the ball rolling.

Claire: But I’ve only just decided.

Michael: That’s true.

Claire: Victor told me to call you if and when I was willing to go along with his plan. He said it was my decision to make. Is that a lie?


Claire: My therapy doesn’t have to stop. I can keep doing it outpatient. I will not miss this room or the food.

Cole: Wait a minute, I thought you loved the pudding.

Claire: There is one thing I’ll miss. Visiting the kids in the children’s ward.

Cole: Well, I don’t see why you can’t keep that up. I mean, you could visit after your therapy sessions. I think that’s something we could figure out.

Claire: I’d love that. It’s the highlight of my day right now.


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