Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Chad, Julie, Doug, and the kids went to the Kiriakis mansion. Maggie tried to calm Julie down. Julie questioned why the house burned down. Chad said it was his fault. Goldman, Rafe, and Jada talked about Harris and how he was doing. Jada told Rafe what was going on with Lucas. Wendy showed up at the police station. Jada wanted her to scrub traffic cam footage. Wendy wanted to talk to Jada and Rafe for a minute. Maggie asked Chad how the fire could be his fault. Chad said he got a call from an unknown number. He told them what the caller said. Chad said it was a payback for writing a story about the drug ring. He said Clyde threatened him. Julie was upset that he didn’t pull the story. Wendy told Rafe and Jada that Ava admitted she was in danger and didn’t want her and Tripp involved. She said Ava said she couldn’t trust the cops. Wendy said she thought Stefan was involved. Rafe appreciated Wendy talking to them. He asked her to be their ears. Wendy said she felt weird spying on her boyfriend’s brother. Jada tried to convince her to do it. Wendy agreed to do it. Rafe said no one else would know what information she gave them. Stefan tried to comfort Ava about Harris. He wanted to know why she slept with him if she loved Harris. Ava couldn’t believe he asked her that. Julie told Chad he should have said something about Clyde’s threat. Maggie told Chad that it wasn’t his fault. Julie told him it wasn’t his fault. Chad said he wanted to make Clyde pay for what he did to Abby and the kids. Julie asked if he was sure Clyde was the one who called. Chad said he wasn’t sure but wondered who else it could be. He said the number was blocked but it could be unblocked. Chad wanted to give the police his phone to see what they could do. Goldman said she found a cell phone. Rafe told Wendy to check the phone. When Wendy left, Jada wanted to know what happened at the pub. Kayla told Ava and Stefan about Harris’ condition. She said they had to remove the bullet. Ava asked if Harris was going to be okay. Kayla said he lost of lot of blood. She said they would know when they performed surgery.
Julie was upset that the fire ruined her family’s legacy. Maggie said the fire didn’t take away the memories. Kayla said Harris would do better than most because he was in excellent shape. She said Ava’s quick thinking was why Harris stood a fighting chance. Rafe couldn’t believe Harris was keeping Lucas safe at the pub. He said they had to do whatever they could to find Harris’ killer. Rafe believed Clyde was behind it. Jada hoped the phone could tell them something. She said Lucas was safe for now, but they had to get him out of the pub. While they were talking, Chad showed up. Jada asked if everyone was okay. Chad said everyone got out. Rafe asked if he knew how the fire started. Chad said it was Clyde. He told them about the phone call. Chad said Clyde threatened him because of the story. He said he thought Clyde was getting revenge because of the story. Rafe said if Clyde was responsible that made three incidents. Chad wanted to know what the was talking about. Rafe said it was confidential, but he promised to take him down. Chad wanted the police to nail Clyde. Ava told Stefan they had to end what they were doing after tonight. Stefan said they didn’t have a choice. He said they saw what happened to Harris. Ava threatened to make Clyde pay if anything happened to Harris. Stefan said she couldn’t show up at the prison and kill him. He said to let it go. She asked if he expected them to let Clyde hurt the people they loved. Rafe and Jada talked about Clyde and wondered how the mole knew what was going on. Wendy came in and told them about the numbers she found on the burner phone. Goldman showed up with the search warrant. Jada asked her if she was okay. Goldman said she overdid it at the gym. Ava asked Kayla about Harris. Kayla said they removed the bullet, but he had a collapsed gun. While they were talking, Ava asked to see him. Kayla said she could see him for a few minutes. Ava went to see Harris. She wanted to tell him she loved him.
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