Y&R Short Recap Friday, January 19, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Claire continues to have nightmares about Jordan, but Victoria is at her bedside to tell her that she is safe. Claire admits that she is scared about what will happen when she leaves the hospital. Victoria tells Claire she and Cole will help her every step of the way. Victoria hopes that Claire will let her and Cole be her parents and she will get to know her family. Claire gives Victoria a hug which Victoria later tells Cole gives her hope that Claire will someday accept them as her parents.

Nikki tells Lauren that Victor’s feelings will be hurt if she tells him Jack wants to be her sponsor. Lauren advises Nikki to be honest with Victor and explain to him why she needs Jack to be her sponsor.

Victor tells Nikki that he is worried that Victoria and Cole will become romantically involved again and it wouldn’t be good for her because of what she has been through this past year.

Tucker tells Ashley that she invented a fantasy about their argument in Paris so she would have a reason to split from him and return to her family. Tucker thinks Ashley is afraid of commitment so she finds a way to get out of any serious romantic relationship.

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