Y&R Short Recap Thursday, January 18, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Nikki talks to Seth who admits to her that he drank yesterday. So, she tells him to go to a meeting and call his sponsor. Nikki also tells Seth she can’t be around him because her sobriety is too precarious right now.

Jack tells Diane about his addiction to pain killers and that he wants to help Nikki regain her sobriety. Jack later talks to Nikki and offers to help her get sober again. Nikki thanks Jack for the offer and tells him she will think about it. Nikki later calls Lauren if they can meet to talk.

Audra tells Tucker she wants nothing more to do with him personally or in business.

Kyle tells Diane she should be co-CEO of Jabot and Jack has the same idea.

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