Days Short Recap Monday, January 8, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

While Chad and Everett were at the Spectator, Everett told Chad he wasn’t getting anywhere with the investigation. He said he had a conversation with Chad’s brothers. Everett said he saw them arguing, but they stopped, which made him suspicious. He said he found out EJ was involved in drugs. Chad said it was what got him killed. Everett said he found out the Bistro appeared to be the drug central in Salem. Chad said he didn’t think Stefan was involved with drugs. Stephanie showed up with food. She said she and Everett had a meeting. Chad left so they could be alone. Maggie showed up at the hospital to see Holly. She let Nicole know Holly was going to survive. Maggie said Holly reminded her of her father. Nicole promised to be grateful to Holly once she gets better. She said they should pay attention to the people they love. Nicole asked if Maggie noticed any signs that Holly was using drugs. Maggie said she didn’t notice any signs. She said addicts were able to hide their addictions. Maggie said it was possible Holly wasn’t an addict. Nicole said she didn’t blame Tate for what happened. She said she blamed herself for not realizing what Holly was going through. Paulina showed up at the hospital. She promised to do everything she could to get the drugs off the streets. When she started coughing, Nicole and Maggie got her water. They wondered if she was okay. Paulina promised to get to the bottom of things.

Tripp told Ava he wasn’t going to China. He said he was worried about her and wanted to be there. Ava said nothing was going on. She told him it was okay with her if he wanted to lose the woman he loved. When Ava said she was going to bed, he asked her why she was happy about him leaving town. He said he felt responsible for keeping her safe. Wendy came back and said she couldn’t leave without him. Ava left them alone to talk. They talked about her staying in Salem. Ava showed up at the DiMera mansion to tell Stefan that Tripp and Wendy didn’t leave Salem. Chad showed up and wondered why she was there. Stefan said they had work to do. Chad asked if it had anything to do with the drug exposure in Salem. While Chad was questioning Stefan and Ava, she said she and Stefan were involved. Chad let Stefan know that it would end badly for him if he was involved in the drug cartel. When Chad left, Stefan and Ava talked about not taking their relationship too far.

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