GH Short Recap Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

This special episode is dedicated to Bobbie’s funeral and honoring what Bobbie meant to her family and friends and to the city of Port Charles.

Laura gives the eulogy and remembers her friend and sister-in-law.

Scott tells everyone that he realizes today that they were meant to be best friends and he will miss her very much.

Elizabeth remembers how much Bobbie helped her through rough times. She tells everyone that she will do her best to honor Bobbie’s legacy at the hospital.

An associated press reporter arrives to finish a profile on Bobbie. The reporter tells Carly that while Bobbie was dealing with Luke’s affairs, she also volunteered for a non-profit helping women who were victims of sex trafficking get asylum in the United States. The reporter tells Carly that the last time she talked to Bobbie she told her that she was trying to get asylum for women to come into the United States, but the reporter isn’t sure if the woman made ii into the country.

Carly asks Tracy to help her find Bobbie’s contact in Amsterdam so she can find out if the woman Bobbie was trying to help made it to the United States. Tracy tells Carly that Bobbie spent a lot of time at a cafe that was near Luke’s house. Tracy thinks that Bobbie might have been meeting her contact there. Carly and Felicia decide to go to Amsterdam together to try and find Bobbie’s contact and get the woman to the United States as a way to honor Bobbie.

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