Days Short Recap Thursday, December 14, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Sarah talked to Marlena about Xander. She told Marlena that she was afraid of making a mistake with Xander. Although she and Xander make great co-parents, she’s concerned about her daughter. She didn’t want to make the same mistake again. Marlena suggested she stay in the moment and enjoy watching Victoria grow up. John and Xander ran into each other at the hospital. Xander asked John for advice since he and Marlena had a successful marriage. John told him he wasn’t a good person, but he believed people had the ability to change. He encouraged Xander to change for his daughter. When Sarah showed up, Xander suggested he walk her and Victoria home. She agreed to do it. Johnny and Holly spent time together. While they were talking, Tate sent her a text asking if they were going out. She let him know she had other plans. Holly asked Johnny if he wanted to order out. He said he had plans with Chanel. After he told her his plans, she suggested he and Chanel go out another night. He didn’t agree with her and told her to go out with Tate. She said boys like Tate had one thing in mind so she wanted a mature man. When Johnny left to take a shower, she texted Tate and told him her plans changed and they should have dinner together.

Chanel asked Paulina about her opinion on her dress. Paulina said she was happy for her but hoped she wasn’t moving too fast with Johnny. Chanel said Johnny planned a surprise for her. She asked Paulina if Abe got his memory back. Paulina said he didn’t but she invited him over for Christmas. Chanel said she would invite Johnny over too. She said Eli, Lani, and the twins were coming too. Paulina said she had bad news. She said she talked to Eli. He said Lani’s release was delayed because of paperwork. Chanel decided to call Johnny and tell him they were ordering out instead of going out. She didn’t want to leave Paulina alone. EJ told Nicole he was happy to see her feeling better after giving Eric and Sloan a gift. She said she felt like she was coning out of her darkness and needed to be grateful for Holly. She said she wished Holly would hang around kids her own age. EJ said Johnny told him something was going on between Holly and Tate. When they went home, Johnny told them they got a package. The package came from the funeral home. Nicole wanted to open it but EJ didn’t think it was a good idea. Despite his objections, she opened the package. They found their baby’s ashes. She said whenever she feels better something makes her feel worse. He suggested they lay their son to rest. It might give them closure. He wanted to arrange the funeral service and have their son in the DiMera mausoleum. She said she wanted it to be just the two of them and wanted to spread his ashes. Holly and Tate were about to go out when she spotted Johnny and Chanel going to the Bistro. Holly suggested they go to the Bistro. Chanel was surprised to see Holly and Tate at the Bistro. She told Johnny she thought she was wrong about Holly being interested in him but now she wasn’t sure. Johnny suggested they forget about Holly and Tate and have a good time. Tate realized why Holly wanted to go to the Bistro. He accused her of using him. She said she didn’t know Johnny was going to be there. Tate said he was done playing games. He said Johnny would never see her the way she saw him. Tate walked out leaving Holly alone. She saw Johnny and Chanel kissing.

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