Days Update Thursday, December 14, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Xander brings baby Victoria to the hospital which excites Sarah, who says she missed her so much and that it’s hard to be away from her for two days. Xander relates to it being hard for him too to be away from her for the next two days, but admits he likes seeing Sarah.

Marlena is in her office and finishes a call with a patient. John then arrives to surprise her.

Johnny and Holly come in to the DiMera Mansion after practicing fencing. Holly credits Johnny for being her teacher. Johnny goes to get them some water as Holly smiles at him.

Chanel asks Paulina which dress she should wear as she and Johnny are going to dinner at the Bistro. Paulina comments on them spending a lot of time together these days. Paulina hopes they are not getting too serious too fast. Paulina likes Johnny but thinks Chanel needs to guard her heart a bit more. Chanel states that they have been very honest about everything that’s happened and they both think there is something between them that may be worth fighting for. Chanel then informs her that Johnny is planning a surprise for what would’ve been their second anniversary and she can’t wait. Chanel declares that it feels so good to put all the drama and dark days behind.

Nicole and EJ eat together at the Bistro. EJ jokes about Nicole not wanting dessert but then eating it. EJ says it warms his heart to see her smile. Nicole admits that bringing a baby gift to Eric and Sloan did lift her spirits. EJ tells her that he admires her strength and resilience. Nicole admits she’s starting to feel like she’s coming out of the dark a little.

Sarah thanks Xander for bringing Victoria to the hospital and saving her a trip. Xander mentions her being welcome to come over any time. Xander adds that Victoria slept through the night which surprises Sarah. She asks what his secret is. Xander admits he sang a Scottish lullaby which she calls so sweet and jokes that she will have to learn that. Sarah talks about being wiped out from work. Xander says he’s there to help and for whatever she needs.

John says he got Marlena’s text that she’s working late so he came to see if she wanted dinner or anything else. Marlena wishes she had more time in the day. John understands it’s hard for her to say no to people who need her help. Marlena knows she needs to find a balance between her patients’ needs and her needs, but says it’s so hard at this time of year because people are depressed, anxious, and struggling.

Nicole wonders if they should’ve got a Christmas tree and says she needs to remember to be grateful for what she does have like Holly. Nicole feels Holly deserve a good birthday and Christmas and she hasn’t been there for her. EJ is sure she understands. Nicole comments that Holly is a kid and wonders how much a kid can really understand what an adult is going through. Nicole adds that she is glad that Holly has had Johnny to lean on, but he’s older so she wishes that Holly would get out and hang out with people her age. EJ mentions that Johnny said something about something brewing between Holly and Tate which surprises Nicole.

Johnny adds some scotch to his water. Holly jokes that she’ll take some too but Johnny says maybe in about five years. Holly then gets a text from Tate, asking if they are on for tonight. Holly responds not tonight because she has plans. Holly suggests she and Johnny order food but Johnny informs her that he’s taking Chanel to dinner at the Bistro.

Paulina tells Chanel that she couldn’t muster up the strength to walk to the kitchen. Chanel asks if Abe’s memory is coming back. Paulina says no, but she did invite him to join them for Christmas and he said yes. Chanel is glad to hear. Chanel decides she’ll invite Johnny too and if they have Eli, Lani, and the kids coming home, it will be the best Christmas ever. Paulina then informs Chanel that she has some bad news. Paulina reveals that she called Eli today and found out that Lani’s release has been delayed because of paperwork being backlogged, so he doesn’t think she’ll be out before Christmas. Chanel calls that BS. Paulina complains about Lani being kept in prison when she should be free and being kept away from her family at this time of year. Paulina cries that it’s so wrong as Chanel hugs her.

Holly tells Johnny that EJ and Nicole are going to the Bistro tonight, so it might be a little weird to have a hot date with Chanel when they are in the room, so maybe he could go another night. Johnny says he doesn’t mind EJ and Nicole being in the room and figures they’ll be done by the time he gets there anyway. Johnny suggests Holly call Tate and hang out with him, calling him a pretty good kid. Holly remarks that boys his age only think about one thing and she prefers a guy that’s more mature. Johnny says he has to shower or he’s going to be late, so he’ll see her later. Johnny then heads upstairs. Holly pulls out her phone and texts Tate that plans have changed and suggests they have dinner.

EJ and Nicole head home to the DiMera Mansion. Nicole calls it a beautiful night and EJ points out the mistletoe hung at the door, so they kiss.

John tells Marlena that he’s been waiting for her to come home to give this to her but decides maybe she wants to keep it in her office as he presents her with a framed photo of baby Jude. Marlena is excited and talks about being so happy for Eric and Sloan. Marlena mentions Eric having the baby at the hospital the other day for the DNA test. Marlena says she feels for Nicole but claiming to be the baby’s mother caused so much upheaval. John says maybe the DNA test put all that to rest since there’s no arguing with facts. Marlena thinks Nicole is accepting it, so she hopes she gets the help that she needs to see this through.

Xander tells Sarah that he can hang out for a bit if she needs more time to finish up. Sarah informs him that she just signed out so she is good to go. Sarah comments that Victoria is starting to look like Xander. Xander jokes that he’d rather her look like Sarah. Sarah holds Xander’s hand but then pulls away and says she has to check on a patient real quick so she’ll be right back.

Paulina tells Chanel that she’s fine and just feeling overwhelmed between the news about Lani and work. Chanel decides she will call Johnny to come over so they can order in because she doesn’t want to leave Paulina alone. Paulina insists that she’s fine and tells Chanel to go out with Johnny and have a nice evening while she goes to bed because she’s so tired. Chanel asks if she’s sure. Paulina says she’s positive that she just needs a good night sleep and tells Chanel to go get ready for her date.

John tells Marlena that they never forget those they loved and lost, especially the little angels as he hugs her. Sarah walks in and hopes she’s not interrupting but they tell her to come in. John offers to get them coffee as he steps out. Marlena asks Sarah what’s going on. Sarah responds that she’s just terrified that she’s making a huge mistake.

Xander talks to baby Victoria about her looking more like Sarah. John approaches, so Xander greets him but John just walks on to the coffee. Xander goes to John and says he can tell him to get lost, but asks if he can ask him for advice.

EJ brings Nicole in to the living room where he surprises her with a Christmas tree, explaining that he had the staff set it up while they were out. Nicole says they will have to get an extra holiday bonus. Nicole thanks EJ and says it’s beautiful. Holly and Johnny come back in, surprised to see the Christmas tree. Holly thought they weren’t doing that this year and that Nicole cancelled Christmas. Nicole says she didn’t and explains that she just thought she couldn’t do Christmas like they normally do this year and admits that this Christmas didn’t turn out like she thought it would, but she knows she is incredibly blessed to have Holly in her life along with Johnny and EJ. Nicole declares that they have each other and they are all together as a family. Johnny hates to cut the moment short but says he has a date with Chanel. Holly mentions that she has her own plans too. Nicole tells her to be home by 10. Johnny remembers that a package was hand delivered today and points it out on the coffee table. Johnny and Holly then exit. EJ bets they got their first Christmas present and goes to look but finds out that it’s from the funeral home. EJ says they don’t have to do this but Nicole asks him to just open it. Nicole pulls out the box that is believed to be their baby’s ashes.

Sarah tells Marlena that she’s allowing herself to get sucked in by Xander again. Sarah talks about how many years they’ve known each other and how her stomach feels when he looks in to her eyes. Sarah says she would think she learned her lesson after always regretting letting her guard down, but now they have a child together so the stakes are so much higher. Sarah points out that they work so great together as friends and are successfully co-parenting. Sarah asks why she would change any of that and wonders if she should just stick to the status quo. Marlena asks if that’s what she wants to do.

Xander tells John that he knows asking him for advice is out of the blue but talks about how John and Marlena have been through so much, reunited after being torn apart, and their history is the stuff of romantic legend. Xander hoped maybe John would be willing to give him some tips since he’s heard that John wasn’t always the man he is today and had his dalliance with the dark side. Xander says that most people think he’s a bad person, including himself sometimes. John admits he thinks Xander is an ass and a screw-up, but he’s also a firm believer that people grow and change because he did.

Holly joins Tate in the town square. Tate says he’s glad she could make it and she looks great. Tate asks what happened to her other plans. Holly claims that she decided she’d rather hang out with him. Tate tells her that she’ll be glad she did and mentions having the Basic Black gold card. Tate tells Holly they can do whatever she wants, joking that they could jet off to Paris or San Francisco or take a limo to Chicago. Holly sees Johnny and Chanel walking through the town square and then tells Tate that she can’t just jet off somewhere since she has to be close to her mom with everything that’s been happening. Holly then suggests they just have dinner at the Bistro. Tate feels that’s not too exciting. Holly claims they’ll work up to something for next time. Holly mentions hearing the Bistro just opened and has a new menu so she’d kill for a shrimp cocktail. Tate tells her whatever she wants as the sky is the limit and they walk off together.

Chanel and Johnny sit down for dinner at the Bistro. Tate and Holly then arrive. Chanel questions what they are doing here as this is not exactly a hopping teen hang out. Johnny figured Holly would’ve mentioned that when he told her they were coming. Chanel says that would explain it. Johnny thought they had finally accepted that Chanel was wrong about Holly having a crush on him. Chanel says she’s now not 100% convinced. Johnny insists that Holly is like his little sister and she’s on a date with Tate, so he thinks Chanel is reading too much in to this.

Nicole tells EJ that every time she feels like there’s light at the end of the tunnel, she gets another big blow. Nicole talks about how just tonight she was feeling better and like maybe she could go back to work but now she can’t do it. EJ tells Nicole that maybe this is God’s way of helping them, by showing them a way of having a sense of closure and laying their baby to rest. EJ offers to arrange a service in the DiMera Mausoleum, surrounded by family but Nicole says she wants it to just be the two of them and she wants to spread his ashes somewhere where he feels close by. EJ responds that he knows the perfect place.

Sarah tells Marlena that the status quo is not what she wants and questions how she could ever be just friends with Xander when there’s so much history between them. Marlena asks if he feels the same way. Sarah says she thinks so as she’s getting all the familiar signals. Sarah feels she knows Marlena will tell her to make a mental check list of the pros and cons of getting back together which she’s already done. Marlena states that she’s clearly aware of the situation so it sounds like she’s taking this very seriously. Sarah assures that she is and thanks her for listening. Sarah wishes she knew what the future held. Marlena suggests that Sarah do what she can to stay in the moment as she has an amazing life right now with a baby girl. Marlena encourages her to enjoy her baby because it goes so fast.

John tells Xander that he and Sarah have created a beautiful child together, so they need to do right by that child which means he has to turn over a new leaf and for good this time, not just for his sake but especially for Sarah and Victoria. Sarah comes over and apologizes for interrupting again. John says he was just telling Xander what a precious daughter he has. Sarah thanks him and agrees. John decides he will go see if Marlena is ready to go, so he tells them to enjoy their evening. Sarah thanks John as he walks away. Xander asks Sarah if she’d be okay with him walking her and Victoria home. Sarah responds that she would like that very much.

Johnny tells Chanel to just forget about Holly and Tate and everyone else in the restaurant as he just wants tonight to be focused on them. Johnny asks how her day was. Chanel says it was actually really crazy with all the Christmas cookies she was decorating at the Bakery. Johnny asks if Paulina can help. Chanel says Paulina is even more exhausted than she is with Abe, her job, and Lani’s prison release being delayed so she won’t be home for Christmas. Chanel says that Paulina was excited to have the whole family together, so she’s pretty down about it. Johnny offers to ask EJ to pull some strings. Chanel points out that EJ is the district attorney of Salem so she doesn’t think he can do anything about Lani being in federal prison in Washington DC. Johnny says he doesn’t know since EJ always says to never underestimate the DiMeras as they have their ways.

Holly and Tate sit down for dinner at the Bistro. Holly comments on Tate not eating. Tate angrily tells her that he knows what’s going on, complaining that he offered her anything in the world and she chose the Bistro because of Johnny. Holly claims that she had no idea he would be there.

Chanel tells Johnny that if there’s anything he could do to get Lani released, he can go for it since Paulina’s connections don’t spread as far as she needs and she could use any help she can get. Johnny responds that he’s happy to help his former mother-in-law, especially because she might be his future.

EJ and Nicole exit the DiMera Mansion with the box of what they believe is their baby’s ashes. EJ suggests a spot next to the mansion which Nicole calls perfect. Nicole asks EJ to go inside and get her scarf because she’s cold so he heads back inside. Nicole begins to talk to God and says she knows it’s been a while since she’s checked in and she’s sure he’s not thrilled with all the sins she’s committed and the people she’s hurt. Nicole asks for God’s forgiveness and prays that he gives her the strength to heal. Nicole begs him to look after her baby until the day they reunite. Nicole declares that she will see her baby again along with his brother and sister. Nicole cries that until then, he will always be in her heart. EJ comes back out with her scarf and apologizes for taking a minute to find it. EJ then asks if they are ready, so they open the box and EJ removes the bag from inside. EJ takes Nicole’s hand and then scatters the ashes.

John returns to Marlena’s office and mentions just seeing Sarah leave, so he hopes she’s ready to do the same. Marlena responds that she has a lot of paper work. John thinks she’s finished for today. Marlena jokes that he’s in charge of her work. John says he’s not but if she decides to come home with him now, she’ll discover a few surprises waiting for her. Marlena says she’d be glad to come home with him as they hug. John calls her his everything. Marlena declares that they are so lucky.

Xander and Sarah walk through the town square with Victoria. They joke about Victoria crying during her first photo with Santa. They talk about learning from the past. Sarah spots a beautiful dollhouse. They both state they are going to buy it for Victoria. Sarah tells Xander that he should but Xander says Sarah should, so they compromise that they can both get it for her from mom and dad. They agree that they would like that very much. Sarah says Victoria is too small to play with it, but they can put it in her room as a symbol of family.

Tate asks if Holly thinks he’s stupid. Holly says of course not but Tate declares that he’s done with her using him to get closer to Johnny. Tate remarks that he can’t wait to get back to school. Holly asks if he really has to go back. Tate says it beats living here and questions why she’d care anyway. Holly comments that not that many people in Salem get her. Tate questions if she’s saying she actually likes having him around. Holly says she does a little, but reminds him that he did say he would help her with Johnny. Tate declares he’s now saying he won’t anymore. Tate tells Holly to wake up because it’s never going to happen between them and is just some crazy fantasy. Holly brings up Johnny spending two hours teaching her fencing today. Tate argues that Johnny looks at her like a sister and that’s all she will ever be to him. Tate adds that Johnny is too old and storms out of the Bistro.

Johnny reminds Chanel that there are certain perks to marrying into a rich and powerful family. Chanel reminds him that she comes from one as well with a rich and powerful single mother at least. Chanel says she’s grown a lot since coming to Salem and she realizes it’s not material things that make her happy. Chanel feels she needs to be courted and romanced. Johnny asks if she’s saying she doesn’t need to live like a queen, but just to be treated like one. Johnny jokes that he bows down to her as the ruler of her heart as they kiss. Holly watches on in disappointment.

EJ and Nicole go back in to the living room. EJ asks if she’s alright. Nicole says she thinks so and that being outside under the stars gave her peace. EJ feels their baby is one of those stars. Nicole feels he’s closer than that. EJ then surprises Nicole with a gift of a Christmas ornament representing their son. Nicole tells EJ that she doesn’t know how she would’ve gotten through this without him. EJ feels the same as they kiss. EJ and Nicole hang the ornament on the tree and declare that every year they will hang it for their son and they wil never forget him.

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