Y&R Transcript Monday, November 20, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Jill chuckling ]

Chance: Hey.

Jill: Oh. Oh… let me look at you. You are infuriating. Do you know that? You really are. Are you sure it’s okay?

Chance: Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. I promise you, for the fifth time. I’m fine. I’m recovering but I’m being a textbook patient too. Don’t worry.

Jill: Do you know how irritating it is to come into town and find out that your grandson has been in the hospital?

Chance: Well, I took that bullet just to annoy you. You know that, right?

Jill: Hey, hey, hey, don’t joke about nearly dying.

Chance: Come on, I didn’t almost die.

Jill: Stop arguing.

Chance: Okay. All right. Sorry. I promise you, I thought being chief would get me out of the line of fire more often, but clearly, I was wrong.

Jill: Oh, I’m just so happy that your injury wasn’t worse and that that bastard’s been caught.

Chance: Well, justice will be served.

Nina: Thank goodness for that. And it seems to have been maybe a much-needed wake-up call.

Jill: What does that mean?

Chance: Mom, mom, please. Not– not anymore. Come on.

Nina: Chance may change course and quit law enforcement.

Jill: Is this true?

Chance: Okay. Why don’t we all sit down, let’s take a breath. Sit down, sit. I’ve not made any kind of decisions yet. At all. I’m just simply… considering the possibility.

Jill: Wow. That would be a huge shift for you.

Nina: Yes. But then jill and I would never have to fear again getting one of those telephone calls saying that something’s happened to you.

Jill: Listen, if you do decide to quit the G.C.P.D, I have an idea.

Chance: All right. Let’s– let’s hear it.

Jill: Well, in my opinion, it is high time that you followed in the footsteps of your grandfather and catherine.

Chance: Meaning what?

Jill: Meaning come to work with me at chancellor-winters. Honey, I will teach you the ropes of the business world.

Nina: Jill, that’s a brilliant idea and a great opportunity.

Chance: That is a very generous offer. Thank you. But that is a big step and I have no experience, so.

Jill: Well, you don’t need experience. You have exposure. You have lived your whole life hearing about the business. And you’re smart and you’re dedicated.

Nina: You’re hard-working. You’re great with people. You have excellent instincts.

Jill: And I can always use allies within the company. Honey, I know talent when I see it. I think you’d be really good at this.

[ Chance sighing ]

[ Kyle sighing ]

Diane: Morning.

Kyle: Morning, mom.

[ Kyle sighing ]

Diane: Morning.

Kyle: Morning, mom. Where’s dad?

Diane: Uh, he’s still upstairs. I wanted to talk to you before he came down.

Kyle: What did you want to discuss?

Diane: Uh, have you given any more thought to what we talked about last night?

Kyle: Audra and I didn’t exactly end on good terms. Okay? And it would be a tough sell to convince her that I want back in on tucker’s plan to take over jabot.

Diane: Well, don’t you think it’s worth a try?

Kyle: I don’t know if she would believe me. And tucker was already pretty suspicious about my intentions in the first place.

Diane: All right. Are you honestly worried about that or is there something more going on?

Kyle: Mom, I’m torn. Keeping this from dad feels wrong. I almost betrayed him and the company. Doesn’t he have a right to know?

Diane: Would you please stop beating yourself up?

Kyle: How can I? I mean, I almost sold him out to tucker for my benefit. If I don’t come clean, what does that say about me?

Diane: It says nothing. You reversed course. Thoughts are not actions. If they were, we’d all be in trouble. Kyle, listen to me. You should tell your father when it’s the right time for you.

Jack: Tell me what?

Kyle: Uh, dad, I um, I’ve just been, you know, wrestling with how to tell you something.

Jack: You can tell me anything. You know that.

Kyle: Yeah. I just want you to know how sorry I am that I’ve been a jerk about your offer to come back to jabot.

Jack: No apology necessary. It’s water under the bridge.

Kyle: Dad, don’t cut me so much slack.

Jack: No. You’ve already taken steps to straighten things out with billy, with me.

Kyle: It’s not enough. I– I want you to know that I am now considering your offer to be C.O.O. Of jabot.

Tucker: Hey.

Devon: Hey.

Tucker: How are you?

Devon: Not great.

Tucker: What’s going on?

Devon: Well… I learned something new about you this morning and it’s just like you can’t help yourself, huh?

Tucker: I don’t know what you mean.

Devon: I’m talking about your latest lie. And I’m sure it’s tough to keep up with all of them. But this is one too many and I have had enough.

Devon: So my only question to you is, are you that arrogant to think that you were gonna get away with everything?

Tucker: What have you been told now? What is it you think you know?

Devon: It’s not what I think I know. It’s what’s been confirmed. We’re talking about your collusion with aunt mamie.

Tucker: Oh, devon. We’ve discussed this, haven’t we? I told you there’s no truth to any of those allegations.

Devon: I know what you said, I was there. And it was a lie. And you told it to me over and over again. It started with you saying that you had no connection to mamie whatsoever. And then after I pressured you, you admitted that you had been in communication with her. But it was to try and make things better with me.

Tucker: It was.

Devon: It wasn’t at all because you’re also using her firm to make investments into chancellor-winters behind my back. Right?

Tucker: Listen, I have no say in how mamie johnson chooses to spend her company’s money.

Devon: Okay. But you did conveniently choose not to mention that she’s using your money.

Tucker: Not all of it. Most of it’s mamie’S.

Devon: It doesn’t matter though. You understand that, right? Because you told me one thing and then I find out the complete opposite. So, what are you after?

Tucker: Nothing.

Devon: If it’s nothing, then why all the deception?

Tucker: The only thing I’ve ever wanted was just to be closer to you.

Devon: You gonna stick with that? Okay. Well, I mean, that’s pretty much out the window because I don’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth.

Tucker: Okay. Hold… first of all, where did you get this information? Was it phyllis? Because you know she hates me and she’s not above spreading lies to try to ruin me.

Devon: Tucker, the only lies are coming out of your mouth. They’re not coming from phyllis or anybody else.

Tucker: I have tried my best to be honest with you.

Devon: That’s your best? ‘Cause I would sure hate to see your worst. And I’m gonna make something really clear to you right now. Keep your hands off of chancellor-winters because that’s neil’s legacy and it’s your mother’s legacy. You’re not any part of it. And I’m gonna make sure it stays that way.

Tucker: Yeah. I– I think you’re blowing this a little out of proportion.

Devon: No, I think I’m being actually really nice about this. So please keep your distance from me and my family. I’m done with you.

Ashley hey, are you okay?

Devon: Yeah, good to see you.

Ashley: What the hell have you done now?

Jack: Wait, you’re serious? You’re considering the C.O.O. Role?

Kyle: It, uh, it took me an embarrassing amount of time to come to my senses. But, um…

Ashley: What the hell have you done now?

Jack: Wait, you’re serious? You’re considering the C.O.O. Role?

Kyle: It, uh, it took me an embarrassing amount of time to come to my senses. But, um… yeah, yeah. Yeah, I am.

Diane: I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that.

Jack: That is fantastic news.

Kyle: It feels good for me too.

Jack: Well, as thrilled as I am, I gotta say it comes out of the blue. Um, was there any one thing that prompted this change of course?

Kyle: I know I had numerous reasons of why I wasn’t interested before.

>Jack: Oh, you definitely were not interested. You thought I was giving you a token role.

Kyle: I guess I just needed some time to self-reflect. Starting after my confrontation with billy where he accused me of being a spoiled brat and trying to take his job.

Diane: I didn’t realize he said that to you.

Kyle: No, it was harsh, mom, but he was right. I needed him to call me out. It made me realize I need to back off and it set me on an entirely different path altogether.

Jack: Yeah, you implied you had something in the works.

Kyle: I did and– and then it didn’t work out.

Jack: And that’s when you realized you were interested in the C.O.O. Role?

Kyle: It gave me pause. But the final turning point was mom. She gave me some good advice on how to move forward.

Jack: Well, I am not surprised. She is a wise woman. What did she tell you?

Kyle: That I haven’t been putting us on the same level. I’ve been making demands and exerting pressure on you. And she made me realize that I need to prove myself to you as much as you need to prove your faith in me.

Jack: Seems like pretty sound advice.

Kyle: You know, getting what you want. It– it comes in stages, it can’t be rushed. So I have to be patient.

Abby: Hey.

Devon: Hey. Thank you for taking some time away from work.

Abby: Of course, you sounded riled up. What’s going on?

[ Devon sighs ]

Devon: It’s tucker.

Abby: Oh. What now?

Devon: So lily told me this morning that she and jill found proof that he is directly involved in mamie’s investment in chancellor-winters.

Abby: That bastard. So you have solid proof?

Devon: Seems that way. Yeah. Proving what we already suspected.

Abby: What’s he doing?

Devon: He’s using her financial firm to make investments. And one of which was to chancellor-winters. Which means he just flat-out lied to me about any collusion with mamie.

Abby: I am so sorry. I know that we suspected that there was something going on, but to know for sure? I mean, that’s horrible.

Devon: Yeah. And then when I went to confront him about it, he just doubled down and kept lying to me. So he’s done. I’m cutting him off.

Abby: I’m sorry, I hate that for you. You know what? Actually, I don’T.Beuse you de and tucker is just never gonna be that for you.

Devon: Yeah, I know. I’ve given him too many chances and he’s let me down every single time.

Abby: But if it makes you feel any better. I think he wants to be that for you. He’s just not capable of it.

Devon: Well, it doesn’T.

Abby: So, is tucker gonna back down now?

Devon: I don’t think he will. At all. I told him to keep his hands off of chancellor-winters. But I think he’s gonna do whatever he wants to do because he didn’t care about the fallout.

Abby: Even if the fallout is his relationship with his son.

Devon: Right. So, the only thing I can do is figure out how to protect my family and my company from whatever he has planned.

Abby: You know what? Let me talk to my mom. Maybe she knows something. There’s gotta be a way for us to find out what’s going on.

Devon: Yeah.

Devon: I think you just gave me an idea. I need to get a hold of the family because tucker does need to be stopped. And I think I know how to accomplish that.

Chance: So, the corporate world, huh?

Jill: Oh, my god. It’s your family legacy.

Chance: Mhm-hm. Did you two talk about this?

In unison: What?

Chance: Try to mix something up together again?

Jill: Absolutely not.

[ Text alert ] Ah, it’s devon. He wants to meet with– with me and lily. I really better get going. Please, please take seriously my suggestion.

Chance: I will, I promise.

Jill: Okay. All right, darling. I love you.

Chance: I love you more.

Jill: Both of you take care.

Nina: Bye.

Chance: Okay. I know you want to say something. So, go ahead.

Nina: Well, you know, jill and I never see eye to eye on anything. We don’t have the closest relationship–

Chance: And yet you’re already, like, wow, what a brilliant idea.

Nina: Well, it is. I was the first one to suggest it to you.

Chance: Yeah, I know. What a coincidence.

Nina: No, jill and i did not collude on this. I promise you. We’re both telling you the truth. It’s just, uh, synchronicity in the universe. Maybe it’s meant to be.

Chance: Sure.

Nina: Look, jill’s right. I mean, you’ve been around business all your life. It’s in your dna. I have no doubt that this would come totally naturally to you.

Chance: Even though I have zero interest in sitting behind a desk and crunching the numbers.

Nina: Yes, please. A nice, safe desk job. Something to help your mother sleep at night. What a novel concept. And you know, it wouldn’t just be crunching numbers. You gotta read people and set priorities. And see five steps ahead and weigh the pros and cons. It’s nothing you’re not doing anyway. Come on, this could be really great for you. Will you just think about it, please? For me?

Chance: Okay. I will, I promise.

Tucker: I’m really not in the mood.

Ashley: Clearly. I can see that. What’s got devon so upset?

Tucker: It’s a personal and private family matter. So it really has nothing to do with you.

Ashley: Unfortunately, whether or not we’re married, we share a grandson. Looks like you need somebody to talk to.

Tucker: Someone maybe, but not you.

[ Ashley sighs ]

Ashley: Can you afford to be so picky? Look at your life. I mean, it’s imploding. Our marriage is done. Your business is done. Looks like your relationship with your child is done. Well, it’s the truth and you do realize that whatever affects devon affects my daughter and our grandson. So, I mean… I’m willing to listen.

Tucker: Which accomplishes what, exactly?

Ashley: That’s a good question. Do you want to fix things? Because if you stop being such an ass, I might be willing to help.

Tucker: You’re right, devon is upset.

Ashley: Yeah. Why?

Tucker: Phyllis, I assume, uh… spreading lies and exaggerations about me. And apparently one of them got back to devon and it was the final straw for him and he has… cut me out of his life.

Ashley: So, what was this faux lie that destroyed your relationship?

Tucker: I made an investment in mamie johnson’s company and I didn’t tell devon about it.

Ashley: Interesting. So, she did get involved with you. Okay. So you had a business relationship with devon’s aunt that you didn’t reveal. Something else?

Tucker: Well, now mamie has invested in chancellor-winters. So devon suspects that she and I are colluding. And that my intention is to buy a stake in the company.

Ashley: Mhm. And I’m assuming he’s right?

Tucker: No.

Ashley: No?

Tucker: No.

Ashley: Well, that’s the only thing that makes sense. I mean, clearly, that’s one of the reasons you came back to genoa city, right? Is to get your hands on chancellor and jabot.

Tucker: Ashley, even if that were true. Why would i acknowledge it to you?

[ Ashley laughs ]

Ashley: Well, then don’T. You know, I don’t really care.

Tucker: Oh.

Ashley: Well, honestly, tucker, all this game-playing and lying. It’s exhausting even hearing about it. How do you do it?

Tucker: Wow. Your assessment of me is lovely as ever.

Ashley: It is what it is.

Tucker: We really have no common ground between us, do we?

Ashley: Actually, as I said, we share a grandson. There’s no greater common ground than that.

Tucker: So what?

Ashley: So… you’re a crappy romantic partner, right? You’re a barely decent father. But you do happen to be an excellent grandfather. I’ll give you that. So in the spirit of family peace, I’m willing to help you mend things with your son.

Tucker: Why would you do that?

Ashley: Well, definitely not for you. But I’m doing it for him and for my daughter and for that beautiful little boy.

Jack: You always have a way of saying the right thing. I am eternally grateful.

Diane: Well, I’m just relieved that I finally got through to our son.

Jack: And look, I’m grateful to you as well, for having the wisdom to change your position.

Kyle: Well, you and me both.

Jack: Listen, at the risk of pushing. I know it’s taken a while to get here. But is there anything I can say or do to lure you over the finish line?

Diane: I second that. What will it take?

Kyle: There’s nothing else you can say, either of you.

Diane: You know how much we want you back where you belong. With your family at jabot.

Kyle: I know, but… just talking it out with you has helped. Knowing the fact that you didn’t say it was too late and take the offer off the table. No, I– I don’t think I need any more time.

Jack: Wait. Does– does that mean?

Kyle: Yeah, I’m– I’m in. I’ll take the job. Back where I belong.

[ Jack grunting ]

Devon: So I wanted to update both of you as soon as possible.

Jill: What’s the latest?

Devon: I went to confront tucker about what you told me regarding his involvement in mamie’s investment.

Jill: And what did he have to say for himself?

Devon: What do you think he had to say? He denied it.

Jill: Oh, of course, he did. He wouldn’t reveal any of his cards to me either when I spoke to him. But I had this teeny little hope that he would be honest with his son.

Devon: Oh, no, he– he doesn’t care at all about that.

Lily: So he didn’t admit to anything?

Devon: Nothing about the collusion. But I believe he does have some kind of plan in the works. And we need to be ready for it.

Jill: Oh, we will be.

Lily: Yeah. I mean, now that we know he poses a threat, we’ll definitely take precautions.

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: But I’m really sorry that he let you down again. I really do believe you deserve better.

Devon: Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. I’m just glad that I know what I’m dealing with and how to move forward with him. ‘Cause he cannot be trusted. And he’s not worth any more of my time.

Lily: Well, look, I don’t want to make light of what you’re going through. But I’m really happy that you’re finally seeing who he really is.

Devon: I’m a little disappointed, more for dominic than anyone else in all this. But I don’t have a choice but to cut him off.

Lily: Well, maybe it’ll be a wake-up call for him.

Jill: No, I appreciate your optimism but I don’t think it’s gonna do him any good to have false hope. Tucker is tucker.

Devon: Very true. And in the meantime, we all need to pull together to figure out how to protect the company from whatever attack is coming.

Jill: Agreed.

Devon: In order to do that though, we need to know what tucker is up to.

Lily: Well, which is hard because he’s not honest about anything.

Devon: Exactly. But I have an idea of how to figure out what tucker’s plans are. That I’m hoping both of you will be on board with. You know that feeling of having to rewash dishesthat didn’t get clean? I don’T.

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Tucker: You’re serious? You would actually help me with devon?

Ashley: I think that devon wants and genuinely needs to have a relationship with you. And this hits me where I live, tucker. I know what it’s like to cut off a parent and live with so many regrets about the lost time.

Tucker: If you could actually do what you’re proposing, obviously, that would be great. But…

Ashley: But what? This isn’t a negotiation. It’s a yes or no thing.

Tucker: How much pull do you have with devon?

>>Ashley: Well, I have a lot of pull with my daughter and you know how much he loves her. I think it’s worth a shot. You either do or you don’t, so…

Tucker: And what is it you want in return?

Ashley: I– I just can’t do this.

Tucker: All right. There she goes, running away.

Ashley: You know what? Don’t you even start with me. You want to go there?

Tucker: If I accept this offer that doesn’t make us friends.

Ashley: I don’t want to be your friend. I see there’s no possibility in that.

Tucker: Have you ever seen otherwise? Why don’t you just tell me this whole thing has been a ruse since we got back from paris. I’ll respect you a little more.

Ashley: I don’t need and want your respect.

Tucker: Oh, gee. I thought you said we could be civil towards one another.

Ashley: Yeah, I did because I thought it would be nice to gush over our gorgeous grandson’s photos someday or maybe sit in a family dinner without causing a scene. Other than that, I want nothing from you.

Tucker: Okay. Fine. I accept your offer. Thank you very much.

Ashley: You’re welcome. Fantastic. Have a great day.

Tucker: You too.

Ashley: You too.

Nina: You’re placating your mother, aren’t you? You’re humoring her so she’ll stop pushing.

Chase: Yeah, maybe just a little bit. Because I’m not ready to upend my whole career a week after getting shot. I mean, does that make any sense?

Nina: No. Not at all. But okay. I’ll support you in whatever you decide. Whether it’s chancellor-winters or some other direction.

Chance: Well, thank you. It’s just– it’s a big change, mom. It’s like stepping off a cliff. I don’t even know if I’m gonna be good at it.

Nina: I know. We’ve had this discussion before about you changing direction. I’m well aware of how difficult it would be for you to change course like this.

Chance: Yeah. I committed myself to a life of service. To serve and protect. It’s a mindset.

Nina: A mission.

Chase: Exactly. In everything I’ve done, that has been the core.

Nina: But it’s not the first time you’ve ended up hurt. And in the hospital. Just fighting for your life. I mean, how many more times, chance? Haven’t you given enough?

Chance: I– I– I’m sorry. I know I– I know I scared you.

Nina: Surviving this last bullet should be a reminder of how lucky you are to be alive, sitting here and talking to me. I mean, I’m fun to talk to, right?

[ Nina sniffling ]

Chance: Yes. Yes, you are fun to talk to. I’m never not gonna be grateful for that.

Nina: You gotta stick around, chance, okay? For my sake. For everyone else that loves you.

Chance: Trust me, you’re stuck with me.

Nina: Good.

Chance: I’ll be honest with you. There’s just– there’s one thing that’s been… just eating at me about all this.

Nina: What? Tell me.

Chance: You know, my whole life, I just ran away from the chancellor legacy. I didn’t want anything to do with it. And I, uh– I wonder if it’s because i thought I wasn’t worthy enough. You know, I wouldn’t measure up.

[ Nina scoffs ]

Nina: Well, you know what I’m going to say about that. And I think jill would agree with me. In fact, she’d probably smack you upside the head just for thinking that way.

Chase: An injured man? She would never. You know, maybe it’s time for me to rethink my place as a chancellor, and… in the family business.

Nina: That would be my dearest wish come true.

Ashley: Well, what’s going on here?

Jack: Perfect timing, ashley. Please join me in welcoming kyle back to jabot as our new chief operating officer.

Ashley: Congratulations. So you’re not gunning after billy’s job anymore?

Kyle: So you heard about that?

Ashley: I did. Not your smartest move.

Jack: Ashley…

Kyle: No, no, no, she’s right. It uh, took a few smackdowns, but I finally got set straight.

Ashley: I hope so.

Kyle: Family is a priority and I’m determined to be a team player. Especially after whatever tucker’s next move is.

Ashley: Guess what? I just spoke with tucker at the club.

Diane: You mean an actual conversation with him?

Ashley: Yeah. A conversation. I walked in on a confrontation between him and devon.

Jack: What was devon confronting him about?

Ashley: Yeah. Apparently, devon found out that tucker invested in mamie’s company. And he’s convinced that tucker and mamie are going after chancellor now.

Jack: That man will do anything. And what– what is mamie doing being involved with a man like that? That’s not like her.

Ashley: Uh, think about it a second. You know how much mamie hates jill. So maybe she thinks it’s worth it to work with tucker, so he goes after jill. I don’t know.

Jack: Yeah. I suppose.

Ashley: Yeah. Well, anyway, tucker was really hurting after the fight. Of course, he takes no responsibility for anything, as usual. But I offered to help, I don’t know, mend things between him and his son.

Jack: He’s already made it very clear to you. He is not gonna fall for any effort to get closer to him.

Ashley: Yeah. It’s not about that, jack. Okay? This is about helping the man that my daughter is in love with.

Jack: You shouldn’t get involved. If all of that is true, devon needs to separate himself from his father.

Ashley: Jackie, come on. Stop, please. How is that your call?

Jack: It’s not my call. It’s not yours either. Look, I had this argument with billy. I– I was against it then. I’m against it now.

Ashley: Duly noted. Tucker is not my favorite person right now. Okay? But I do think that devon deserves to have a relationship with his father and I’ll do what I need to do to make that happen. That’s all.

Jack: No, you’re not helping. You’re just taking advantage.

Ashley: That’s your opinion. What do you need to hear from me? I promise you. I– I don’t have any intentions of reconnecting with tucker on any level. This is about a father and son.

Jack: Exploiting a parent-child relationship is wrong and you know that.

Ashley: I’m not exploiting anybody. I’m not forcing anyone to do anything. This should make sense to you because even though we hated what dina did to us and to our father. We all wish we had more time with her. Right?

Jack: Tucker is not dina. You are meddling and you should be walking away.

Ashley: Okay. Just hear me out. I know that tucker needs and wants devon’s love and approval more than anything. And devon needs and wants a relationship with his father. I don’t see anything wrong with nudging that in the right direction. And just listen. Full disclosure, if all this kumbaya means that tucker decides to back off of jabot. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Wouldn’t it? It could actually happen because nobody can tap into tucker’s humanity like devon.

Jack: I still think we should go with my plan. Release the dirt we have on him and let it destroy the man.

Ashley: The stakes aren’t high enough with your plan. So if– if you publish that article and it doesn’t stop tucker, we’ve got nothing left, jack.

Diane: Jack, I’m sorry but I– I have to agree with ashley. I mean, right now it could just inflame tucker.

Kyle: Yeah. I think we should go with ashley’s plan. See if reconnecting with his son changes tucker’s course.

Jack: Well, it appears I’m outnumbered.

Ashley: Oh. So? Does that mean you’re gonna back off of releasing that article?

Jack: Yeah, we can sit on it a bit longer. At least we know we have it if we need it.

[ Phone ringing] Sorry, I have to take this. Excuse me.

[ Ashley sighs ] Hello?

Ashley: Okay. Well, I need to go too. Thanks. I’ll see you both later.

[ Door shuts ]

Chance: Voicemail. Hey, grandma, it’s chance. Uh, when you get a minute, I’d love to meet up with you and talk. Call me back.

Nina: Thank you. For taking the first step.

Chance: Yeah. Well, we’ll see what happens. Okay?

Nina: Oh, my goodness. A suit and tie? That’d be so cute. I can’t wait to see that every day.

Chance: No, no, no. Don’t get ahead of yourself. I’m gonna meet with her. I’m gonna get some information and try to understand what this means. Okay?

Nina: Look, you’re not gonna talk me out of being happy about this. Okay?

Chance: Wait, wait. What was that? You said every day?

Nina: Yeah, it’d be terrible for you, wouldn’t it?

Chance: Well, no, I think it’d be– it’d be kind of nice to have you around.

Nina: Well, I don’t know all my plans at the moment. But you’re not getting rid of me just yet.

Chance: Okay. I’ll take it.

Nina: Yeah. You talk a good game. But if I was around all the time, you’d get sick of me nagging.

Chance: Ah, yes. I definitely would. It doesn’t mean I don’t want you around here, though.

Nina: Oh, I love you so much, my son.

Chance: I love you.

Jill: I’m not sure about this. This is risky.

Devon: But you do think it could work though, right?

Jill: Well, there’s no guarantee and I can tell you it requires a level of trust that I’m not feeling right now.

Devon: No. I– I understand that and I know we would be putting ourselves on the line. But I really do think that this plan is the best way to get the information that we need.

Jill: So, what do you think, lily?

Lily: I mean, I agree with the risk factor…

Jill: But is it worth it?

Lily: Well, I mean, it might be the only chance we have to figure out what tucker is really up to.

Devon: Yeah. And the first step is to uncover the threat.

Lily: And then once we know that then we can stop him in his tracks.

Devon: Right.

Jill: Boy, would that be a relief.

Devon: And I don’t know about both of you, but I sure would love to be able to throw tucker’s lies back into his face.

Jill: Oh, are you kidding? I would enjoy every second of it.

Devon: Yeah. And let him know that our company is not a toy to be played with.

Jill: Yep.

[ Knock on door ]

Devon: Are we all in agreement?

Lily: Yeah. Yes.

Devon: Yeah?

Jill: Let’s do this.

Devon: Okay, let’s do it. Hi. Come in you, two.

Nate: I was surprised to get the invitation.

Mamie: Pleasantly surprised.

Devon: Well, we all have something very important to discuss with you.

Diane: How do you feel?

Kyle: It feels good. I think I made the right decision.

Diane: I’m glad you took my advice to come back to jabot. It’s a good strategy and it will be wonderful to have you there.

Kyle: Taking the C.O.O. Position is one thing. The next, may not be as easy. I’m worried I’m out of my league.

Diane: Well, don’t second guess yourself. I have complete faith in you.

Kyle: I know what I need to do now.

Diane: Yeah. You are going to be the one to save jabot from tucker. Not ashley, not billy, but you. And once you do, you will forever have hero status and everything that comes with it.

Kyle: Mhm. Dad’s done so much for me. More than I deserve. I can’t let him down.

Diane: Yeah. And when your father finds out what you did for this family, he will be so proud of you. I already am.

Kyle: I need to talk to you.

Ashley: Have you spoken with devon?

Abby: I have, yes. He was just here. Why?

Ashley: I walked in on what looked like a very intense confrontation between him and tucker.

Abby: Yeah, he came here afterwards. It’s bad, mom. Devon is very upset.

Ashley: Mhm. Do you know what the fight was about?

Abby: Oh, you know, the usual. Tucker only caring about himself.

Ashley: Well, I know for a fact that tucker cares very deeply for his son.

Abby: Oh, really? Well, not enough to not lie to his son and secretly try to go after his company.

Ashley: Does he have proof of that?

Abby: Yes, he does, mom. I’m not sure what it is, but he has proof.

Ashley: Do you think there’s any chance of them recovering from this?

Abby: Devon says he’s done. And honestly, after this latest revelation, I think their relationship might be severed forever.

Ashley: Okay. Uh, yeah, I know that you’ve worked really hard at including tucker when it comes to dominic. And, uh, you did that when you didn’t want to. So how do you feel about this situation?

>>Abby: I mean, it doesn’t really matter how I feel about it. It’s devon and I see that he’s hurting. I mean, every time he trusts his dad he lets him down.

Ashley: So, how do you feel about maybe trying to mend things for the two of them?

Abby: How?

Ashley: I don’t know. Well, you could start by talking to devon. Just say exactly what you said to me and I’ll try to support you in any way I can.

Abby: Mom, devon is a big boy. I cannot make these decisions for him. And god forbid, I push him into a relationship with his father and he gets hurt again. I would never be able to forgive myself.

Ashley: Okay, well, isn’t he hurting already? Maybe there’s something we can do to ease the pain.

Mamie: So what are we doing here? Can I presume that we are ready to finalize nate’s return to chancellor-winters?

Devon: No. Not quite. We first need you to be honest with us.

Mamie: Okay, about what?

Devon: About your real intentions. Because we all know that you and tucker have some sort of plan in the works.

Jill: A plan that involves ousting me.

Lily: And there’s no point in denying it. We know the truth.

Mamie: Tucker has made some investments in my company.

Jill: Oh, please. This is not just about funds. You and tucker are colluding to exercise your mutual goals.

Nate: Wait. So then have you just been using me? As some part of your overall plan?

Mamie: Not at all, baby. I’ve been telling you the truth. I’m just trying to get you back into the family.

Devon: Yeah. But you were willing to lie to all of us to make that happen.

Mamie: I no longer have any affiliation with your father. And I told him that to his face when I became aware of some of his many transgressions.

Jill: Why should we believe anything you say?

Mamie: You can trust me. My ultimate goal has always been to unite our family under one corporate umbrella. That has never changed.

Devon: Well, mamie, if that is the truth, then we’re gonna give you an opportunity to prove it.

Mamie: Okay. Then just tell me how.

Devon: You need to tell us what tucker’s real agenda is. ‘Cause I imagine you have an idea. And if you can do that, we can start to consider bringing nate back to chancellor-winters. But only if you are honest with us.

Audra: Kyle is reaching out. You were right.

Tucker: Reel him back in.

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