Y&R Best Lines Monday, October 9, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Diane and I would like to thank you all for coming to this celebration of our recent marriage, but before the festivities really begin, we’d like to do something a little special, uh, with the help of our son. I love this woman so much, I wanna marry her all over again. Right here, right now, with all of you as witnesses.

Abby: Oh, yay!

[ Attendees clapping ]

Nikki: Oh, how fun.


Jack: You ready?

Kyle: Oh, I’m a licensed professional of the internet variety. Are you ready?

Jack: You bet.

Diane: All right. Let’s do this.

Kyle: All right. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and all of our family and friends and any wedding crashers to celebrate this couple, my parents, as they renew their vows. That’s your queue.


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