Days Transcript Thursday, September 28, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Madam Mayor, DHS. What a surprise. That’s good job. You’re working late. I need to talk with you. Well, I’m actually glad you stopped in. I haven’t had a chance to congratulate you personally since your appointment as mayor. I got your email. I want you to know how happy I am to be working for you. I think you were an inspired choice to fill your husband’s position.

And I want you to know that I am your humble. Are you done? I guess so. Good. Cause you’re fired.

Hey. I

thought you were the man from Foo Walks In. I’m sorry to disappoint. I ordered some dim sum. It should be here any minute. Are you going somewhere? Yeah, here. Here? We’re still moving in together, right?

There you are. Sorry I’m late. I assume I missed dinner. Yes, you did. But, Cook is keeping a plate warm for you. Oh, lovely. But, I could use a drink first. Tough day? Tedious. I was sorting through resumes. What position? Head of IT. What about Wendy Shin? Oh, I fired her. What? Why? You were there the day that she stopped by with that report she wanted me to read.

Yeah, I remember. Well, I caught her trying to get the goods on me. Get the goods on you? What do you mean? Why would she do that? To prove that I hired a hit on Eva Vitale.

Susan was really married to a guy named Edmund Phineas Crumb, huh? Looks like it. Look, I’m, uh, I’m new to this whole, uh, supernatural thing, okay, but, but the crumbs did come off the scone into the shape of a knee, and it’s pointing right at this guy right here. Crumb. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Listen. You know that I am desperate for anything to get EJ off of my back, but come on, how’s that gonna help us?

Huh? That article is from way, way back when. I mean, even if this crumb is still alive and around. What does he have to do with Susan escaping an exploding car back in Salem? I don’t know, but it’s worth looking into. Yeah, I guess. I guess, since he definitely has a connection to her. But is he gonna be able to tell us whether she’s alive or dead?


no! Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

You’re firing me? Damn right I am. See? See, I’m sure you’re aware, D. A. is not an elected position. Now, you serve at the pleasure of the Queen, and she is not a muse. But, Mayor Price, I mean, regardless of your personal feelings about me, you know how much, how hard I’ve worked for this town. I have devoted myself completely to my job.

It is my life! This is not about job performance, Miss Trask. I just don’t like you, and why the hell should I? Considering all the time that you’ve spent being Sloane Peterson’s errand girl, making life miserable for my daughter and me for weeks, arresting Chanel and me at my husband’s election day celebration.

Shirley, you can understand that at the time I felt that It’s what I needed to do. A Sloan presented me with what I believed was evidence of your guilt. Oh, well, you had the choice of how and when to make that damn arrest. Okay, look, I know you and Mr. Carver were very upset. Upset?! We were horrified and mortified, but you, you were having yourself a rip roaring time, weren’t you?

That night was fun for you! Look, I I may have acted a bit overzealous and and hasty, but I A BIT?! But that is exactly how you are reacting right now! Overzealous and hasty in your decision to let me go. And and and I’m telling you, it is a mistake, Mayor Price. It’s to to get rid of me when I have something I can offer you.

Something you can offer me? And what exactly is that? A high profile conviction. Now I’m sure you are aware of your precarious position right now as mayor. And your husband’s intervention may have put you in this office, but you are going to have to run on your own merits in a short amount of time. Now, we both know that Clint Rawlings is gunning for your job.

And I don’t have to tell you that he’s going to campaign on any of your perceived missteps. Now, I am sure that you don’t want to risk giving him that kind of ammunition, huh?

I guess closing a high profile case… Wouldn’t be the worst idea. Who’s conviction do you have in mind? I

mean, you know I want you to move in, I just… I didn’t think it’d be tonight. Didn’t really give me any notice. Sorry about that, it’s just… You know, it just hit me that I need to give my dad a few extra days to find a new tenant before the end of the month. And I got to packing and, you know, loading the car and…

No, it’s just, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain. Really, just… What? Honestly? Yeah. I just didn’t expect a former priest to be so eager to live in sin. Well, considering that I was, um, kicked out of the priesthood for performing an exorcism cohabitating as small potatoes. That’s a good point. Yeah, besides, we won’t be living in sin for very long.

We are engaged to be married. My wife to be. Oh, yes, we are. Question is, for how long? When are we tying the knot? Has been to be.

Wait, so Wendy figured out that you sent that hip woman after Ava? But how? Trip Johnson must have put the idea in your head. He and Wendy are an item now. And that young man seems to adore his gangster mother. He must have convinced Wendy to do his dirty work. By getting the goods on you. Right, so she had the temerity to try and hack into my phone, which I caught her doing.

Grounds for dismissal, don’t you think? Absolutely. But she didn’t, she didn’t get anything on you, did she? I was way ahead of her. I purposely left my phone behind so I could catch her in the act, which I did, and then I gave her the sack, told her to clear out her desk and leave immediately. Yeah, come to think of it.

Hmm, what is it? I should have had security escort her out, because God only knows what else she could have gotten into while she was walking through the building, but I was, I was distracted by something she said. Okay, what did she say? She said that my mother was still alive.

What is taking so long? How many Edmund P. Crumbs can there be in London? Uh, there’s none, so far. Not a single one? No, because this internet is so dang slow. Okay. Harris, even if Susan was married to this guy, what’s to say they have any connection now? I don’t know. Maybe she was desperate and went to him for help.

All the way here in London? Ava, this guy is our only lead. We need to track him down. Finally. What? I got a hit. Yeah? There is one Edmund Crumb in London. And his address is right here. Great. Let’s get that phone back to the waiter and then get out of here. Okay. Lee Shin.

I’d say that’s a pretty big fish, wouldn’t you? Depends what you’ve got on him. Well, uh, Mayor Price, I’m sure you’re aware, he tried to have Stefan DiMera killed, and yet, he is still walking around free. Because there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him. But there will be, very soon. You see, I’ve been working on him.

And once he’s lulled into a false sense of security, It’s just a matter of time before he confesses. And, uh, well, uh, how exactly are you working on him? Oh, you know, never mind. Never mind. I can get it. Please don’t look at me like that. Surely you’ve used your feminine wiles on occasion to get what you want.

Just, you know, but let’s just stay on topic, okay, Ms. Drafts? Now, just how long is it going to take before this, this unsuspecting fool is lulled to a fare thee well and confesses to his crime? Actually, I, I’m having dinner with him tonight in the square. Tonight? Tonight. And, oh, he is, is ready to crack. And when he does, I promise you, I am going to nail Lee Shin to the wall.

But if you’re, if you’re playing him, how do you know that this confession will stick? I’ve read the law. I know what I’m doing. Uh huh. Yeah, well, you better. Otherwise, you’re out.

Hey, Lee? It’s me, Melinda. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

I’m sorry, I just haven’t really given much thought to when or where. Wait, what are you thinking? Uh, well, I’m definitely not having the wedding at the pub, because I will not be married in a place that smells like chowder. My brother and his new wife didn’t have a problem. What does that mean? Rex and Sarah got married there today.

What? And your fiancé wasn’t invited? I wasn’t either. You’re kidding. Are you and your brother on the outs? No, Rex and I are good. It’s just… It’s just that Sarah and I have a history. Oh. One of your exes. Something like that. Listen, you… You don’t have to worry. I won’t insist on us getting married at the pub.

Alright? Because I don’t want to either. And why is that?

Well, because I’ve already… Had a wedding there? Let me guess, uh, Nicole? Yeah, with Nicole.

Wait, so Wendy just blurted out that your mother’s still alive? Of all the Hail Mary passes she could have thrown to keep her job, I never saw that one coming. Well, she couldn’t have just come up with that idea on the spot, so why would she say that? Where would she have gotten that from? If I were to hazard a guess, I would say she got it from Ava.

But Ava was in the car with Susan, so she knows what happened. Apparently, she now claims that she suddenly remembered that my mother stumbled clear of the car before it exploded. Ava has stated unequivocally that my mother didn’t die that night. Well, I’m… That’s amazing news, right? Mm. It would be if it were true.

You don’t believe it? Uh, for a minute. Ava obviously came up with that lie in a desperate attempt to save her own skin.

So, uh, this is it, huh? Yeah. Room 17, according to the search results. This is Edmund Crumb’s current address. Okay, well, uh, here goes nothing.

At his age, I doubt that he’s out clubbing. He’s probably asleep, so… Should we get another? Yeah. We got another job. Why are you ringing the bell in the middle of the bloody night? Um, sir, we are sorry to disturb you. Yeah, and we wouldn’t have, except this is quite urgent. Um, are you Edmund Crum? Yes, Edmund P.

Crum, that’s me. How may I help you? Well, we certainly hope you can help us. Yeah, we were hoping to talk to you about a woman named… Susan Banks.

Hey. Ooh. You read my mind. I think I’ve gotten to know you quite well. Cheers.

Uh, I, uh, hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long. Oh, just long enough for me to order us both drinks. I have to admit I was, uh, kind of surprised to get your call. What’s the occasion? Does there have to be an occasion? I’ve missed you. You’ve been on my mind.

A lot. Oh,

really? Really. I keep thinking back on all the good times that we’ve had together. How no one has ever turned me on the way you do. Ever made me feel so, um, alive. And not just sexually. I, I, well, I love hanging out with you and I don’t want to jinx anything, but I guess I’m just trying to tell you how happy I am that we’re seeing each other.

And this is where you say you are too.

Actually, um, I was thinking we should call the whole thing off. What? Why? I thought everything was going so well. Yeah, I thought it was too. And then, I heard this. I am going to nail Li Xin to the wall.

Kate? Hi. Hey. Just looking at a picture of baby Victoria. Rick sent me a few photos before we knew the truth.

I’m so sorry. I know how much you and Romano were looking forward to a new grandbaby. We, we really were looking forward to it. For the extent of the deception. Anyway, did you come by for some chatter? Oh no. I was on my way home. I just thought I’d stop and check on Eric. Is he around? Oh, uh, I don’t, he must not have told you he’s, uh, well, he doesn’t live here anymore.

He moved out. Oh.

That’s right. I forgot you and Nicole had gotten married at the pub. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up. No, it’s okay. You were just explaining to me why you thought you and I shouldn’t get married at the pub and now I understand. Yeah. Yeah. And aside from my aversion to the smell of clam chowder, I sure as hell am not going to get married anywhere where you have already gotten married.

So. I didn’t think so. But wherever we do decide to do our numbskulls, we probably should not wait too long because, you know, adoption agencies are going to prefer married couples. Right. Yeah. We shouldn’t wait too long. So, is Belle willing to represent us in the adoption? Actually, I don’t think that’s going to be such a good idea.

Yes, I heard the news about Dear Susan. Such a senseless tragedy. They said on the telly that some deranged woman drove off the side of a cliff. Actually, that woman, uh, she was, she was mentally ill. Huh. Regardless of her state of mind, she cost the world a beautiful and gentle soul. Actually, um, that’s the reason we’re here.

We believe that may not be true. Not true. What are you saying? We believe that Susan may have actually gotten out of the car. And, uh, she might be alive. Whatever would give you that idea? Well, um, we think that because the woman who drove Susan off the cliff is now saying that she saw Susan get away before the explosion.

I must admit, Wendy using my mother’s supposed return from the dead as a way to mollify me, it makes a certain amount of sense, but to Ava it’s a no brainer. So you think Ava just made it up to get you to back off? Well, isn’t it obvious? Ava must have found out there was a contract out on her, and suddenly remembers that my mother survived the explosion.

The timing is rather convenient. Yeah. But, don’t you think maybe there’s a chance Ava could be telling the truth? She’s not. How could you be so sure? I am sure because if my mother was still alive, she would have made sure I knew that. Unless… Unless what? Unless your mother was so afraid of Ava that she went into hiding.

Not able to get to a phone, not able to get to you. EJ, what if your mother is still in danger? Can’t you even consider the fact that Ava is telling the truth? Nicole, this is my mother we’re talking about here. She doesn’t require something so mundane as a phone. I mean, she’s on a first name basis with everyone in the spirit world.

Look, if my mother was still alive, she would have found some way to send me a sign.

Hmm. Huh. You were saying?

Where did you get that recording? Remember last week when I showed up at your office? Yeah, and you said you couldn’t wait to get your hands on me and we had sex on my desk? Yeah, I remember. Hmm, yeah, well, I also gave you a cute little teddy bear. Told you he’d tickle you when I was away. No. Yes. There was a bug inside that thing?

Are you tickled now? Shhh. Dammit, how could I be so stupid? You know, I actually asked myself the same question. I was kind of surprised I got away with it. Why’d you do it? What tipped you off? I didn’t need any tipping off. I knew from the beginning you were out to get me. Although I thought I could sweep you off your feet with mine.

Reika’s charm and, um, sexual prowess. But on the off chance I was wrong, I took out a low insurance policy. I can’t believe you played me like this. Amanda, give it up. We played each other. You don’t care about me any more than I care about you. The only reason you’re upset is because you lost. It’s

me, isn’t it? I’m the reason she won’t represent us. She still can’t stand me. No, Song, it’s not that. It’s just… Oh, she’s going through a really hard time in her personal life. And I just think it’s best for all three of us if we… You know, just found another attorney. Okay. Yeah, well… I mean, even if family law were my specialty, you know, I obviously can’t do this by myself.

Of course not. Look, it can’t be that difficult to find an attorney that we both like. I mean, you know what, we can even start working on it tonight if you like. Tonight? Yeah, or we can just make a potential list of lawyers. I mean, yeah, we could, but you just, you haven’t even unpacked yet. Sure. It’s just that I’m excited, I mean, knowing that we both want to adopt and I just can’t wait to get started.

What? What’s up with that look? Oh, it’s just, I was thinking how this was all my idea and, Eric, are you sure this is really what you want? Definitely. I’m sorry, I thought I made this clear to you, Sloan. A child doesn’t need to share my DNA to feel like my own child. And I’m sure you feel the same way, of course you do.

I mean, this was your idea, like you said. Yeah. You know, there’s a kid out there who desperately needs a mom and a dad. And we can be those two people. I mean, like I said, I’ve just always wanted to be a father.

There we go. I’ll dine by a candlelight tonight, that’s better.

That’s it? That’s all you have to say? Well, I know you’ve already eaten, but I thought you wouldn’t mind keeping me company. Hey Jay, this isn’t about dinner. You said if your mom was alive, she would show you a sign and then bam, the lights go out. Oh, come on. What? Come on, if that’s not a sign, okay, then what could it be?

Uh, a faulty circuit breaker, a minor inconvenience. You are her son. You have seen what Susan can do. I have, and she’s not subtle. A sign from her would be a… Sky writer, spelling… Elvis, I’m alive. Or a Ouija board pointing to yes. Well, you’d actually have to get a Ouija board out in order for that to work.

Fine, fine. Then it would be the morning crossword clues being King of Rock and Heywood actress in I Want to Live. But the power going out… No, Nicole, that is not a sign from my mother. It’s… It’s just the power going out. Okay. If you say

so. So, this woman… That caused the crash. It’s saying that she saw my Susan escape before the cars burst into flames. Yes. But didn’t you say this woman was mentally ill? How do we know this is not the ramblings of some deranged person? Well, I, I know this woman and she’s had a lot of treatments. Yes, and, and she recently remembered.

I’ve seen Susan get out of the car just in time. Well, it’s my understanding that this accident happened months ago. And if Susan’s alive, if, where has she been all this time? That’s what we’re trying to find out. Yeah, that’s why we’re here to see you. You think I might have some knowledge of Susan’s whereabouts?

Whatever would give you that idea?

Well, um, recently, it’s, it’s, well, it’s kind of a long story, but we, we feel like Susan’s been trying to reach out to us. It’s what actually brought us to London in the first place. And then today we got another clue, um, that was sort of… Crumb related. Yeah, I, look, we did some research and we, uh, discovered that you’d been married to Susan.

Uh, that’s… Really why we’re here. Uh, to see if maybe you have gotten any signs from her at all. Signs? Yeah, I’m sure you remember Susan had some supernatural gifts. And, uh, we were just wondering if maybe you got a, uh, a message? Anything? Messages? No. But then again,

Why would she need to send me messages? When she’s chained up to the floor of the back bedroom.

Hey there.

How’d your dinner go? Not how I planned. Oh. I figured.

Back up to your office. You’re out.

Almost unpacked, and I left you enough hangar space. Oh, that’s great. Something wrong? Oh, Melinda just texted. She got some bad news tonight. I’m sorry to hear that. Yeah, me too. You

two are friends now? Because it wasn’t too long ago that you weren’t. I mean, our rivalry, we tried to leave to the courtroom, and… Plus, since I got to town, I’ve found that female friends are pretty hard to come by, so. Would you mind if I went and checked on her? No, of course not. And I promise I won’t touch the leftover dumplings.

That’s not what I was gonna say.

I’m just really excited about the baby, too. About the adoption process

and… I love you too. I’ll see you soon. Okay.

Um, if there really is a power outage, maybe you should save your battery. This can’t wait. Mirror Enterprises desperately needs an IT department head. By tomorrow? By yesterday, but I’m sure the power will come back on soon. I, I don’t understand. How, how are you being so calm about this? Why get worked up?

There’s nothing we can do until the power company repairs the damage. Oh. Still going to go with the power outage theory, huh? Oh, as opposed to your completely logical hypothesis that it was caused by my deceased mother who might be alive because Wendy Shin said so. No, I’m sure that the lights will come back on any second.

As much as I hate saying I told you so, I told you so. Oh, very mature. See?

You, you, you were just joking. Oh no, Susan’s right in there. I mean, why would you, why would you ever change?

I’m feeling, I’m feeling dizzy.

Me too, hello. What, what, what, what the hell is wrong with me? That would be the poisoned tea.

Poisoned tea? What? Oh, no, no. Oh, no, no. Oh, God.

He passed you?

That takes care of that.

Hey, Lee. You there? I just want to let you know something. You know, I finally figured out why Gabby Hernandez dumped you. It’s because as a lover, you suck! And I don’t mean that in a good way.


how you’re doing, but I got a pretty good idea. Coffee? I can’t believe we dumped him. Damn! Damn! Damn! I hate that creep! God, did he give you a reason? Yeah, a good one, actually. I found out I was only dating him because I wanted to make a case against him. Yeah, I mean, that’s kind of a good one. Yeah, and because I failed to make said case, Mayor Price just fired me.

What? Why? Because she hates me. And because it is entirely in the authority of her as mayor.

What are you thinking? Oh, it’s just that, um… This kind of works out for me. Well, as long as you’re happy. No, it works out for you too. How so? Well, I mean, you’re in need of a job, and I’m in need of an attorney. No, I’m serious. How would you like to help Eric and I adopt a baby?

Mom! Hey! Hi! Thank you. So, so this is your new home? It is. How’d you know where to find me? Well, I stopped by the pub to see you and Kate said that you had moved in here. Yeah, I did. I’m, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you myself that I was moving in. It’s just, I got so busy and… He was quite all right. I understand.

I was just, well, I was surprised, I guess. I know that you and Sloane were serious. I didn’t know that you were this serious. Yeah, we are. And we love each other, and we’re compatible. And it just seemed like the logical next step for us. Well, you know that I’m happy if you’re happy. I am. And you know as well as I know that I’ve gone through a really rough patch recently.

But I think I’ve made the turn around the corner, you know? And Slo and I, you know, committed to each other and I… I think that I’m ready. You know.

I hope it works. Yeah. Me too.

Yes. Yes, thank you very much. That, that explains it. A car ran into a utility pole and knocked out the power in the area. The uh, electric company just… Finished repairing the damage. So, I think you would agree that the only sign here is that the drivers in this neighborhood need to keep their eyes on the road.

Okay, this neighborhood is made up of this mansion and the acres of grounds around it. You think the dorkers at the power company were having me on?

The only liar in this scenario… is Ava Vitaly. And may she soon rot in hell for all eternity, so that my mother may finally rest in peace.

Hey, what do you mean? What the heck do you think you’re doing?

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