Y&R Best Lines Thursday, September 14, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Well… that was a triumphant return, if I do say so myself.

Audra: Yeah, you know, five minutes ago, you were bitter and miserable. You know, I might prefer that, uh, to obnoxiously cocky.

Tucker: Five minutes ago. I guess time flies when you’re having fun, huh? And I didn’t hear any complaints from you. You poor thing. Having to spend your nights with Kyle Abbott. No wonder you came to me.

Audra: Like I said, obnoxiously cocky.

Tucker: Well. I appreciate the revival, nonetheless.

Audra: It wasn’t a revival, tucker. Okay? It was a one-time thing.

Tucker: Mm. No ulterior motives? No hidden agendas?

Audra: Are you questioning my heart of gold? Look, I told you. Look, I– I was worried about you, okay?

Tucker: You’re always thinking two steps ahead. You’re on a fishing expedition. You want to know more about what happened with me and Ashley. Huh? Want to have some pillow talk about my marriage?


Tucker: Unfortunately, Ashley and I just have different priorities. And as it turns out, irreconcilable differences.

Audra: That sounds like divorce talk.

Tucker: Yeah, uh, don’t– that’s all I want to say about her.

Audra: Fine.

Tucker: I’m gonna do what I should have done when I first moved back to town, what I originally planned.

Audra: Um, you were gonna target jabot?

Tucker: I’m gonna do more than target it. I’m gonna take the sucker. Right from the Abbotts. In its entirety.

Audra: Bold.

Tucker: Does it worry you?

Audra: Why would it?

Tucker: Your relationship with Kyle?

Audra: Hm. You know, we– we’re having so much fun together. Even, you know, if we now have to keep our– our affair a secret.

Tucker: You do? Is that some kind of new Audra game?

Audra: It’s an edict from Nikki Newman.

Tucker: Oh, did she drop the hammer on you? She doesn’t like the idea of you sleeping with her granddaughter’s husband?

Audra: Anyway, um, if we were to resume our connection, I’d want something in return.

Tucker: Yeah, there it is. There’s that old black magic. Make a deal with the devil.

Audra: Okay. You taught me everything I know. Well, you know, almost everything.

Tucker: Okay, what you got in mind?


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