Y&R Best Lines Monday, September 11, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Father.

Victor: Hi, son.

Adam: To what do I owe the pleasure? Let me guess. You’re here to take a victory lap after exiling me from newman media. Well, go ahead, dad. I probably deserve it.

Victor: That is not why I’m here.

Adam: Then you’ve had a change of heart and you’re here to apologize to me?
Victor: I’m not here to apologize, nor am I here to gloat. I’m here as your father to see how you’re doing.


Adam: I don’t know. Where we go from here is anyone’s guess. Water?

Victor: Thank you, son.

Adam: I, uh, I already made amends to Nick and Sharon and I know that my life probably needs a complete reset before I self-destruct. Probably sooner rather than later.

Victor: Be more specific.

Adam: Always a stickler for the details, huh?

Victor: Son, the devil lies in the details.


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