B&B Transcript Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by and proofread by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

[ Steffy gasps ]

Finn: What– what is it?

Steffy: I saw her. She’s out there.

Finn: Who?

Steffy: Sheila.

Finn: She– okay, then get– just, just come here, okay? Maybe– maybe, it’s just–

Steffy: Maybe, maybe what? Wait, you think I’m seeing things?

Liam: Sheila’s dangerous. She’s on the loose. And now you’re telling me that steffy has decided to– to go back to the cliff house with finn. Like, did she give you a reason why she would put the kids in that situation?

Ridge: She doesn’t have to give me a reason, I know why, she wants to put her family back together, go back to her house.

Liam: I know but– but being at that house could do more harm than good, ’cause sheila’s not gonna stay away. She can’t help herself when it comes to her son and her grandson. Now, you combine that with– with this soft spot finn has for his bio mom and I– I… this is why I’m worried something bad is gonna happen.

Rj: It’s almost concerning. I mean, you and thomas, you guys just can’t miss. Hope, this is– seriously, this is incredible. You– you’ve really– you’ve outdone yourself.

Hope: Thank you. I mean, we’ve put a lot of energy into hope for the future.

Rj: Forrester’s really investing in the new line, right? Speaking of forrester, have you shown any of the– the new sketches to my granddad? You know, like, just– just to get his two cents, he’d love it. I– I just hate to see him get lost in the shuffle, you know?

Hope: Lost in the shuffle?

Rj: Yeah.

Hope: Rj, eric is the face of forrester creations.

Rj: Do you think that’s all he is now? Like, do you think he’s just a figure head?

Hope: No, of– of course not. But at the same time, I mean, all companies do eventually have to evolve and grow.

Rj: Right, with you and thomas leading the way.

Hope: Um… what are you implying?

Rj: I am not implying anything, I’m just saying, I don’t think that the founder should be forgotten about in his own company. That’s all.

Hope: Okay, well, that is not happening. Are– is that really what this is about or, um, is this maybe more about thomas and me?

Rj: Wow. Oh– yeah. Actually, you know what, now that you’ve brought it up, yeah, I am very concerned about you and no, I don’t want to talk about him or what the situation’s done to your marriage. Hope, are you really done with liam or not?

Liam: I don’t like how this feels, ridge. I don’T.

Ridge: I gotta ask you, why do you think it’s necessary to tell me how you’re feeling about this? How awful this is?

Liam: That’s fair. I’m not– I’m not trying to alarm you–

Ridge: No, because I’m already alarmed, right? Because sheila’s running around free.

Liam: And I know how much you love your daughter, so–

Ridge: Yes.

Liam: I’m sorry.

>Ridge: Almost as much as you do, I bet.

Liam: Yeah. No. Yes, I love steffy. I always have. That’s not gonna change. That’s not– this is– this is about safety because wherever– wherever finn, is he attracts sheila like a magnet and so steffy and the kids are not safe when they’re around him.

Steffy: I swear, I just saw sheila. Wait, what– what are you doing? Where are you– finn, where are you going?

Finn: I’m making sure she’s not here.

Steffy: Finn, no, no. Be careful.

Finn: What are you doing here?

Sheila: I needed to see you, sweetheart. I– I miss my son. The virus that causes shingles is sleeping… With cirkul, your water is deliciously flavored at the turn of a dial, with zero sugar and zero calories. And cirkul has over 40 flavors, so your water can be as unique as you are. Try cirkul at drinkcirkul.Com oh

Rj: Listen, if you don’t want to talk to me about your marriage or the potential divorce, that’s fine. I just, I– I might have talked to mom and she might have told me that you went and– and talked to liam and fought for your second chance at the marriage and, um…

Hope: Ah, okay. Um, yeah.

Rj: Yeah?

Hope: I just wanted to make sure that– that we did everything we could. You know, I felt like liam and I reconnected at beth’s birthday party and then, you know, he had this great talk with me afterward about thomas and I just, I felt like, I don’t know, maybe he wanted another chance at us, at our marriage. So then, I went to him and I– I put all the cards on the table and yeah, he– he shot me down.

Rj: Why? I– why would he say one thing and then do completely the opposite? I mean, why– why was he leading you on?

Hope: Have you met liam spencer? Look, rj. He said he would always love me, but he just… he can’t forgive me.

Rj: He can’t forget what you did with thomas. So, that’s the key to this whole thing, really. I mean, he would have forgiven you if it was any other man, right? But because it was thomas, he can’t forgive you.

Hope: Yeah.

Ridge: I’m grateful. I really am. I’m grateful for the, uh, the concern that you’ve shown my daughter. But I have to wonder how much of that is based on this newly discovered love that you have for her. And I gotta wonder how that would change if your situation with hope were different.

[ Liam chuckles ]

Liam: That’s a good question. It’s a valid question and you deserve an answer.

Steffy: Finn! Are you okay?

Finn: No, I’m fine. Okay? I got her. I got sheila.

Steffy: Oh, my god.

Finn: You can’t be here.

Sheila: You’ve got to believe I just came to see you, not to do anybody any harm. I miss you more than you can possibly imagine.

Finn: You’re coming with me.

Steffy: No, no, finn. What are you doing? You can’t bring sheila into our house. Finn. Oh, my god.

Finn: We are finally putting an end to this right here, right now, once and for all. Thoughts, martin?

Rj: I feel awful, hope. I mean, if you ever need anything at all, you know you can always talk to me, right? I know that you feel alone. You must feel really lost.

Hope: Thomas, I just need to say one thing. Liam let me down and I’m hurting and I am going to need some time, but… that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you. Is that, um, is that something you can handle?

Rj: It’s just so unfair. It’s not like liam hasn’t hurt you in the past. You’re gonna get through this. I know you will.

Hope: Yes, I will.

Liam: My concern for steffy, it’s– it’s not born of some plot to undermine your daughter’s marriage, if that’s what you’re thinking. You’re– you– you’re right. You’re right. I love her. I do and I’m– and I am motivated by that love but that– that’s why I care about her safety.

Ridge: Okay. Happy to hear it. You gotta keep her safe, keep the grandkids safe.

Liam: Yeah. Yeah. And that’s so– I– I agree and– and so we– we have to figure out what to do here because honestly I’m worried that if– if steffy goes back to the house that something’s gonna happen and both of our daughters–

Ridge: Okay, let me ask you something. Do you know, the story of steffy when she broke her arm when she was a kid?

Liam: Uh, yeah, she thought– she thought she could fly.

Ridge: Mm-hmm. Yes. Well, there’s more to that story. We were in greece. We– we had rented this house, it’s a nice spot. Um, it was on a cliff, you know, and I was, uh, in the kitchen one morning I looked out the window and there was phoebe, uh, thomas and steffy, they were playing and then steffy started walking towards the patio. It was a bit of a drop off. So I went outside and I said, you know, “you gotta be careful.” And she gave me the look, you know the look.

Liam: The, um, “is that a challenge?”

Ridge: Yeah. That look. And she told me, she said, “I’m about to– to show my brother and my sister that I can fly and I’m gonna show you too,” she said. And the more I asked her to get away from the edge, the closer she got. And then finally, standing there, looked me right in the eye, didn’t break eye contact and she jumped. Boom, broken arm, humorous. Eight weeks in the cast. And we have a story that I’m gonna keep telling. Two things I learned that day. Number one, steffy can’t fly. Number two, if you challenge her, she will defy you. I thought for years if I hadn’t pushed her so much, then maybe she wouldn’t have jumped and she probably wouldn’t have. So, here’s a thing to remember. We can be concerned, we can be cautious, we can make sure she’s all right, but we can’t push her ’cause it makes things worse.

Liam: What if I can’t do that here?

Ridge: You have to. We have to. We think we’re right. She thinks she’s right. She wants to put her family back together. She wants her husband, her kids in her house on her terms. And even if we know it’s dangerous, it doesn’t matter because if we push her, she will jump, try to fly away.

Steffy: Finn, why is this woman in her home?

Finn: Look, let’s just settle this right now.

Sheila: I– I told him outside, I only came to see him, my son.

Steffy: Stop calling him that. He’s not your son.

Sheila: No, it’s true. I am his mother. I gave birth to him. You of all people should know about this, steffy. You know, it really doesn’t matter what you or anyone else feels about me. It’s never going to change the fact that I am finn’s mother. Baby, I– I am so sorry. I didn’t want to cause any kind of a scene. I didn’t even know steffy was here. The last thing I wanted to do was cause trouble for you. I– I just can’t stop thinking about the memories that we’ve shared recently. These moments. You embraced me again and again and we had a deep connection. I felt it. It’s– I’m right. I– I know that I’m right, so please just– just tell steffy. Will you tell her that I’m right?

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Rj: Hear me out because you know, when you’re in the middle of something, it’s– it’s very difficult to have clarity, yes?

Hope: Oh, I’m seeing things clearly.

Rj: Okay. Well, humor me then. Hope… I know what you want. You want to be happy, you want to feel loved and you want to be fulfilled. Yes?

Hope: Mm-hmm.

Rj: You also want to be a successful businesswoman and the best mother you can be. That is an incredibly tall order, right? But I know you can do it. You know how I know you can do it? Because you have done it before. But in order to achieve it, you had to put yourself first. Here. Just close your eyes for a second. Humor me. Just humor me, please.

Hope: Okay.

Rj: I want you to think of somebody who compliments you in those things. Somebody who makes you feel all of those things. Who is going to build you up and support you? Hope. I think we know the answer to that.

Liam: Steffy is steffy. But sheila is sheila and we know– we know the lengths she’ll go to to get what she wants.

Ridge: And what she wants right now is finn and hayes and her happily ever after.

Liam: Yes, yes. This, ridge, exa– this is my point, right? What if– what if sheila sees steffy as an obstacle to that? What does sheila do to an obstacle? What does she do? She gets rid of it.

Steffy: Sheila, I don’t wanna hear another word out of your mouth. Finn, I don’t understand why she’s here.

Sheila: He just told you. He’d like to put an end to this once and for all and quite frankly, so would I, steffy. I mean, there’s got to be a way as– as a family that we can move on from this.

Steffy: A family? What are you talking about?

Sheila: A family because that’s what we are. I am finn’s mother. You’re hayes’s mother. I am hayes’s grandmother. That’s a family.

Steffy: I don’t care if you gave birth to finn, you are never gonna be part of our family, sheila. Tell her.

Sheila: Look, sweetheart. Look, I know that I’ve made mistakes, mistakes that I’m gonna regret for a lifetime. But regardless of what has happened in the past, I am– I am– I am not evil. My god, I– I saved kelly’s life for god’s sakes. I– I saved your daughter’s life, steffy. I– does that mean anything to you at all? Please just give me an opportunity, an opportunity to show you all how I really have– I’ve changed. I– I can be a good, a nurturing mother, a– a good part of all of your lives. Just give me a chance. Please don’t turn your back on me, finn. Please.

Steffy: Finn, please do not listen to her. Don’t listen to what she’s saying. You vowed to protect us, me and the kids. We– we were gonna come back. Now, tell her. Tell this monster you want nothing to do with her.

Sheila: Oh, my son, I love you. You know that that’s not true. I am not a monster. Please don’t turn your back on me. I know that you feel what I feel. I can see it in your eyes, finn. We are so much more alike than you realize. I know you were raised by loving parents and– and they– they– they supported you. They– they were giving you all that– that you needed, but that wasn’t enough, was it? You still wondered about me, didn’t you? And you told me that. You– you told me when you first met me that you had this desire to know me, your– your birth mother, that there was this connection, this– this– this visceral connection that was just tugging at your heart. And believe me, baby, I– I know that feeling more than you could possibly know because I– I was your first love and your first home, your first everything. We have the same blood that is flowing through our veins. And now, we have an opportunity after all these years to– to finally be together again. So please, don’t cut me out of your life, finn. Don’t turn your back on your mother.


[ Dramatic music ]

[ Steffy gasps ]

Finn: What– what is it?

Steffy: I saw her. She’s out there.

Finn: Who?

Steffy: Sheila.

Finn: She– okay, then get– just, just come here, okay? Maybe– maybe, it’s just–

Steffy: Maybe, maybe what? Wait, you think I’m seeing things?

Liam: Sheila’s dangerous. She’s on the loose. And now you’re telling me that Steffy has decided to– to go back to the cliff house with Finn. Like, did she give you a reason why she would put the kids in that situation?

Ridge: She doesn’t have to give me a reason, I know why, she wants to put her family back together, go back to her house.

Liam: I know but– but being at that house could do more harm than good, ’cause Sheila’s not gonna stay away. She can’t help herself when it comes to her son and her grandson. Now, you combine that with– with this soft spot Finn has for his bio mom and I– I… this is why I’m worried something bad is gonna happen.

RJ: It’s almost concerning. I mean, you and Thomas, you guys just can’t miss. Hope, this is– seriously, this is incredible. You– you’ve really– you’ve outdone yourself.

Hope: Thank you. I mean, we’ve put a lot of energy into hope for the future.

RJ: Forrester’s really investing in the new line, right? Speaking of Forrester, have you shown any of the– the new sketches to my granddad? You know, like, just– just to get his two cents, he’d love it. I– I just hate to see him get lost in the shuffle, you know?

Hope: Lost in the shuffle?

RJ: Yeah.

Hope: RJ, Eric is the face of Forrester creations.

RJ: Do you think that’s all he is now? Like, do you think he’s just a figure head?

Hope: No, of– of course not. But at the same time, I mean, all companies do eventually have to evolve and grow.

RJ: Right, with you and Thomas leading the way.

Hope: Um… what are you implying?

RJ: I am not implying anything, I’m just saying, I don’t think that the founder should be forgotten about in his own company. That’s all.

Hope: Okay, well, that is not happening. Are– is that really what this is about or, um, is this maybe more about Thomas and me?

RJ: Wow. Oh– yeah. Actually, you know what, now that you’ve brought it up, yeah, I am very concerned about you and no, I don’t want to talk about him or what the situation’s done to your marriage. Hope, are you really done with Liam or not?

Liam: I don’t like how this feels, ridge. I don’t.

Ridge: I gotta ask you, why do you think it’s necessary to tell me how you’re feeling about this? How awful this is?

Liam: That’s fair. I’m not– I’m not trying to alarm you–

Ridge: No, because I’m already alarmed, right? Because Sheila’s running around free.

Liam: And I know how much you love your daughter, so–

Ridge: Yes.

Liam: I’m sorry.

Ridge: Almost as much as you do, I bet.

Liam: Yeah. No. Yes, I love Steffy. I always have. That’s not gonna change. That’s not– this is– this is about safety because wherever– wherever Finn, is he attracts Sheila like a magnet and so Steffy and the kids are not safe when they’re around him.

Steffy: I swear, I just saw Sheila. Wait, what– what are you doing? Where are you– Finn, where are you going?

Finn: I’m making sure she’s not here.

Steffy: Finn, no, no. Be careful.

Finn: What are you doing here?

Sheila: I needed to see you, sweetheart. I– I miss my son.

RJ: Listen, if you don’t want to talk to me about your marriage or the potential divorce, that’s fine. I just, I– I might have talked to mom and she might have told me that you went and– and talked to Liam and fought for your second chance at the marriage and, um…

Hope: Ah, okay. Um, yeah.

RJ: Yeah?

Hope: I just wanted to make sure that– that we did everything we could. You know, I felt like Liam and I reconnected at Beth’s birthday party and then, you know, he had this great talk with me afterward about Thomas and I just, I felt like, I don’t know, maybe he wanted another chance at us, at our marriage. So then, I went to him and I– I put all the cards on the table and yeah, he– he shot me down.

RJ: Why? I– why would he say one thing and then do completely the opposite? I mean, why– why was he leading you on?

Hope: Have you met Liam spencer? Look, RJ. He said he would always love me, but he just… he can’t forgive me.

RJ: He can’t forget what you did with Thomas. So, that’s the key to this whole thing, really. I mean, he would have forgiven you if it was any other man, right? But because it was Thomas, he can’t forgive you.

Hope: Yeah.

Ridge: I’m grateful. I really am. I’m grateful for the, uh, the concern that you’ve shown my daughter. But I have to wonder how much of that is based on this newly discovered love that you have for her. And I gotta wonder how that would change if your situation with hope were different.

[ Liam chuckles ]

Liam: That’s a good question. It’s a valid question and you deserve an answer.

Steffy: Finn! Are you okay?

Finn: No, I’m fine. Okay? I got her. I got Sheila.

Steffy: Oh, my god.

Finn: You can’t be here.

Sheila: You’ve got to believe I just came to see you, not to do anybody any harm. I miss you more than you can possibly imagine.

Finn: You’re coming with me.

Steffy: No, no, Finn. What are you doing? You can’t bring Sheila into our house. Finn. Oh, my god.

Finn: We are finally putting an end to this right here, right now, once and for all.

RJ: I feel awful, hope. I mean, if you ever need anything at all, you know you can always talk to me, right? I know that you feel alone. You must feel really lost.

Hope: Thomas, I just need to say one thing. Liam let me down and I’m hurting and I am going to need some time, but… that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you. Is that, um, is that something you can handle?

RJ: It’s just so unfair. It’s not like Liam hasn’t hurt you in the past. You’re gonna get through this. I know you will.

Hope: Yes, I will.

Liam: My concern for Steffy, it’s– it’s not born of some plot to undermine your daughter’s marriage, if that’s what you’re thinking. You’re– you– you’re right. You’re right. I love her. I do and I’m– and I am motivated by that love but that– that’s why I care about her safety.

Ridge: Okay. Happy to hear it. You gotta keep her safe, keep the grandkids safe.

Liam: Yeah. Yeah. And that’s so– I– I agree and– and so we– we have to figure out what to do here because honestly I’m worried that if– if Steffy goes back to the house that something’s gonna happen and both of our daughters–

Ridge: Okay, let me ask you something. Do you know, the story of Steffy when she broke her arm when she was a kid?

Liam: Uh, yeah, she thought– she thought she could fly.

Ridge: Mm-hmm. Yes. Well, there’s more to that story. We were in Greece. We– we had rented this house, it’s a nice spot. Um, it was on a cliff, you know, and I was, uh, in the kitchen one morning I looked out the window and there was phoebe, uh, Thomas and Steffy, they were playing and then Steffy started walking towards the patio. It was a bit of a drop off. So I went outside and I said, you know, “you gotta be careful.” And she gave me the look, you know the look.

Liam: The, um, “is that a challenge?”

Ridge: Yeah. That look. And she told me, she said, “I’m about to– to show my brother and my sister that I can fly and I’m gonna show you too,” she said. And the more I asked her to get away from the edge, the closer she got. And then finally, standing there, looked me right in the eye, didn’t break eye contact and she jumped. Boom, broken arm, humorous. Eight weeks in the cast. And we have a story that I’m gonna keep telling. Two things I learned that day. Number one, Steffy can’t fly. Number two, if you challenge her, she will defy you. I thought for years if I hadn’t pushed her so much, then maybe she wouldn’t have jumped and she probably wouldn’t have. So, here’s a thing to remember. We can be concerned, we can be cautious, we can make sure she’s all right, but we can’t push her ’cause it makes things worse.

Liam: What if I can’t do that here?

Ridge: You have to. We have to. We think we’re right. She thinks she’s right. She wants to put her family back together. She wants her husband, her kids in her house on her terms. And even if we know it’s dangerous, it doesn’t matter because if we push her, she will jump, try to fly away.

Steffy: Finn, why is this woman in her home?

Finn: Look, let’s just settle this right now.

Sheila: I– I told him outside, I only came to see him, my son.

Steffy: Stop calling him that. He’s not your son.

Sheila: No, it’s true. I am his mother. I gave birth to him. You of all people should know about this, Steffy. You know, it really doesn’t matter what you or anyone else feels about me. It’s never going to change the fact that I am Finn’s mother. Baby, I– I am so sorry. I didn’t want to cause any kind of a scene. I didn’t even know Steffy was here. The last thing I wanted to do was cause trouble for you. I– I just can’t stop thinking about the memories that we’ve shared recently. These moments. You embraced me again and again and we had a deep connection. I felt it. It’s– I’m right. I– I know that I’m right, so please just– just tell Steffy. Will you tell her that I’m right?

RJ: Hear me out because you know, when you’re in the middle of something, it’s– it’s very difficult to have clarity, yes?

Hope: Oh, I’m seeing things clearly.

RJ: Okay. Well, humor me then. Hope… I know what you want. You want to be happy, you want to feel loved and you want to be fulfilled. Yes?

Hope: Mm-hmm.

RJ: You also want to be a successful businesswoman and the best mother you can be. That is an incredibly tall order, right? But I know you can do it. You know how I know you can do it? Because you have done it before. But in order to achieve it, you had to put yourself first. Here. Just close your eyes for a second. Humor me. Just humor me, please.

Hope: Okay.

RJ: I want you to think of somebody who compliments you in those things. Somebody who makes you feel all of those things. Who is going to build you up and support you? Hope. I think we know the answer to that.

Liam: Steffy is Steffy. But Sheila is Sheila and we know– we know the lengths she’ll go to to get what she wants.

Ridge: And what she wants right now is Finn and Hayes and her happily ever after.

Liam: Yes, yes. This, ridge, exa– this is my point, right? What if– what if Sheila sees Steffy as an obstacle to that? What does Sheila do to an obstacle? What does she do? She gets rid of it.

Steffy: Sheila, I don’t wanna hear another word out of your mouth. Finn, I don’t understand why she’s here.

Sheila: He just told you. He’d like to put an end to this once and for all and quite frankly, so would I, Steffy. I mean, there’s got to be a way as– as a family that we can move on from this.

Steffy: A family? What are you talking about?

Sheila: A family because that’s what we are. I am Finn’s mother. You’re Hayes’s mother. I am Hayes’s grandmother. That’s a family.

Steffy: I don’t care if you gave birth to Finn, you are never gonna be part of our family, Sheila. Tell her.

Sheila: Look, sweetheart. Look, I know that I’ve made mistakes, mistakes that I’m gonna regret for a lifetime. But regardless of what has happened in the past, I am– I am– I am not evil. My god, I– I saved Kelly’s life for god’s sakes. I– I saved your daughter’s life, Steffy. I– does that mean anything to you at all? Please just give me an opportunity, an opportunity to show you all how I really have– I’ve changed. I– I can be a good, a nurturing mother, a– a good part of all of your lives. Just give me a chance. Please don’t turn your back on me, Finn. Please.

Steffy: Finn, please do not listen to her. Don’t listen to what she’s saying. You vowed to protect us, me and the kids. We– we were gonna come back. Now, tell her. Tell this monster you want nothing to do with her.

Sheila: Oh, my son, I love you. You know that that’s not true. I am not a monster. Please don’t turn your back on me. I know that you feel what I feel. I can see it in your eyes, Finn. We are so much more alike than you realize. I know you were raised by loving parents and– and they– they– they supported you. They– they were giving you all that– that you needed, but that wasn’t enough, was it? You still wondered about me, didn’t you? And you told me that. You– you told me when you first met me that you had this desire to know me, your– your birth mother, that there was this connection, this– this– this visceral connection that was just tugging at your heart. And believe me, baby, I– I know that feeling more than you could possibly know because I– I was your first love and your first home, your first everything. We have the same blood that is flowing through our veins. And now, we have an opportunity after all these years to– to finally be together again. So please, don’t cut me out of your life, Finn. Don’t turn your back on your mother.

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