Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Lucy surprises Daniel with a visit because she was worried about him and wanted to check and see how he was doing.

Summer tells Chance that she finally feels ready to move on from everything that happened to Phyllis and move on with her life. Summer invites Chance to ride a rollercoaster with her to symbolize her fresh start but he says he has to work.

Christine will plead guilty to the charges against her if she gets a written guarantee that she won’t press charges against Daniel and Summer and Christine agrees to Phyllis’ terms. Phyllis goes before the judge and tells her all the details of everything she went through with Jeremy Stark and then she pleads with the judge for leniency because she wants a chance to make amends to all the people she hurt.

Christine talks to Chance while she is waiting for the judge’s verdict and tells him Paul called her and asked her to go to Lisbon so they can talk about their future. The judge gives Phyllis six months community service and a year probation, but if she is anything less than a model citizen during that time, she will be back in her chambers and she won’t be so lenient with her.

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