Days Short Recap Thursday, August 3, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric apologized to Sloan for questioning her about Nicole’s paternity test results. He wanted to focus on their baby. They talked about Roman’s reaction to her pregnancy. He assured her their baby would be loved. She reminded him that they weren’t married and wanted to know why he assumed the baby would have his last name. Eric thought they should be married. Sloan wanted to know if he was proposing to her. He said he was proposing and wanted to know her answer. She wasn’t happy about it and turned him down. He wanted to know why she turned him down. She wanted the proposal to be more romantic. Melinda and Nicole ran into each other and talked about Sloan and her pregnancy. Nicole didn’t care and didn’t want to talk about her. She did tell Melinda about the mix up with the test results, but chalks it up to an innocent mistake. After Nicole left, Melinda thought about her conversation with Sloan. She wasn’t so sure the mistake was innocent. Melinda left a message for Sloan to meet for lunch.

Chad brought cigars for EJ to celebrate Nicole’s pregnancy. They talked about Chad’s problems with Alex. EJ advised him to think of what their dad would do and take a stand with Alex. Chad appreciated his advice. He was determined to follow it. Chad left just as Nicole arrived. She told him about her conversation with Melinda. She thought Melinda was trying to live through them since she was lonely. Alex brought Chinese food for Stephanie and Chad to thank them for letting him go with them to the pub. She thanked him for the food and offered him a beer. He told her about his date with Melinda. She left to check on the kids just as Chad came home. Chad put Alex on notice about being around Stephanie. He let him know that he’s not welcomed there. Alex got the message. Stephanie invited him for dinner, but Alex said he had to work. She was confused when Alex left. Chad pretended to be confused too. Marlena gave Harris a tour of Bayview. After she left, he was approached by Eve. They were shocked to see each other. They talked and he apologized for the way he treated her in high school. She accepted his apology and they talked about how they ended up there. Roman and Kate talked about Sloan’s pregnancy. She thought he should give Sloan another chance. She compared Sloan to her. He felt that things were different with her. He told her that they trust each other. She felt bad because of the secret she’s keeping. Roman picked up on it and wanted to know what she was hiding. She confessed that she hired Harris to kill Megan for her, but he turned her down. They talked about it and he was shocked that Kayla knew about it. He understood and still loved her.

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