Days Short Recap Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chanel ran into Talia when she was leaving Sweet Bits. Talia was crying. She said she went to the courthouse for Colin’s trial. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison. She said Colin told her she was just as guilty as he was and should be going to prison too. Chanel said he was wrong. She said even thought Talia made mistakes she wasn’t like him. She said Talia didn’t belong in prison. Talia asked if Chanel could buy her dinner. She said she missed Chanel and their friendship. Chanel said she missed Talia and agreed to go with her. Eric and Nicole ran into each other at the pub. He said Sloan told him the good news about the test results. He said he was happy for her and EJ. Nicole said she was confused as to how Sloan got her test results. He said Sloan didn’t tell him how she ended up with her test results. She asked him about the test results for his baby. He said the results weren’t in yet. Nicole said she didn’t understand how Sloan ended up with her test results if Sloan’s weren’t ready yet.

Paulina brought Abe home, but he didn’t remember anything. She told him she was going to be patient with him. She said she made all of his favorite foods. He said he wasn’t hungry. She suggested they watch a movie. She kissed him. He wasn’t happy about her kissing him. She said she was trying to get him to remember something. Steve showed up. Abe asked him if he could stay with him because he wasn’t comfortable at Paulina’s place. She was upset about it. Steve agreed to let him stay. Nicole showed up at Paulina’s to see Abe. Paulina told her Abe moved out. Melinda comforted Sloan about Colin’s sentence. Melinda would have bought her a drink, but she had plans. Sloan asked if she was going on another date. Melinda told her about her date with Alex. She said she was going out with Li again. Sloan was about to tell her about changing Nicole’s test results when Eric called her. He told her they needed to talk. Melinda wanted to know what she was going to say, but Sloan said it was nothing. Sloan went home and met Eric. He comforted her about Colin’s sentence. He asked her why she didn’t tell him he got Nicole’s test results. She tried to say it was a mistake, but he wanted answers. She said he knew how worried she had been. She said his questions were upsetting her. He apologized to her.

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