Y&R Best Lines Friday, June 30, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sharon: Who’s there?

Nick: It’s nick. Morning.

Sharon: New job, delivery man?

Nick: Oh, yeah, nick’s courier service. On time or we keep it.


Nick: You know, I always did love that necklace.

Sharon: Well, you gave it to me a million years ago.

Nick: Well, I have excellent taste.

Sharon: You do. You know, you didn’t have to come here and check on me. Which I know is the reason why you’re here. I’m fine. Just like I was last night when we spoke on the phone.

Nick: Well, you did that thing where you politely blow me off because you don’t want me to worry about you, so I figured the best thing I can do is just crash your place and eyeball you and see how you’re doing. So, how are you?

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