Y&R Best Lines Monday, June 19, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chance: [ Sighs ] Okay, why don’t you two step back just in case?

Nick: No way, man. I have the light.

Sharon: And I have Faith’s hand, and we’re not going anywhere.


Chance: Movies are seldom accurate.

Faith: That’s not a no.

Chance: All right, can I get you over here with the light?

Nick: Yeah. Yeah. You know, Faith, you’ve been gone at school so long, you missed some of my new material. Two guys walked into a bar, third guy ducked. Get it?

Faith: Dad.

Nick: Right, right, you’re not supposed to laugh or even move.

Faith: That’s not why I didn’t laugh.

Sharon: No one would laugh at that.

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