Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, May 30, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Have you seen your mother?

Kyle: No, but I’m sure she’s around here somewhere. House arrest humor.

Jack: Not funny. And don’t let your mother hear you joking like that.


Summer: Getting coffee?

Daniel: No. I’m picking up something for Lucy.

Summer: Let me guess, cinnamon bun?

Daniel: How do you know that?

Summer: We’re a family of cinnamon lovers.

Daniel: Must’ve skipped me.

Summer: Like so many other traits.

Daniel: Hm?

Summer: Let’s just skip it.

Daniel: Good idea. How are you doing?

Summer: I don’t know. My mom is in exile, Jack and Kyle just want to drag her back so she can be arrested and Diane is dying to be my bestie, so I’m pretty much living a nightmare.

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