Days Short Recap Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Wendy talked to Li at the apartment. He told her he signed the divorce papers. He asked if she was going to tell Johnny that she was back. She said she wasn’t sure. She said she believed Johnny’s story about the biscuits, but she was interested in someone else. She told him about Tripp. Li didn’t seem interested in hearing about Tripp. She said she wasn’t sure if she wanted Tripp or Johnny which was bothering her. Li said they would wait because she was worth the wait. She went to the DiMera mansion to see Johnny. She told him she liked him but liked Tripp too. She apologized to him. Seh said she didn’t mean to be abrupt, but she wanted to see where things went with both of them. Johnny was able to accept her decision. Gabi went to see Li. She told him she signed the divorce papers. She told him she was engaged to Stefan. She said they were both free. She said it was time for them to move on and forget the past. He said he apologized for hurting her but losing her was the worst thing to happen to him. She said she felt like it could last forever. She told him she hoped he met the right woman. Rafe was on the phone and demanded that Colin be found. When Kayla showed up, Rafe got off the phone. She asked what happened to Abe. She went to check on the surgery. Rafe got a call about the Salem Inn.

On the roof, Talia struggled with Colin. Jada told her to get out of the way. Jada and Colin went over the edge and landed by Eric and Sloan. Sloan went to Colin. He was bleeding on the ground. He said she did it when Jada showed up. Jada asked Talia why she did this. They all went to the hospital. Chanel brought Paulina in. Paulina wanted to know what was going on with Abe. Rafe told her what was going on. She was upset. Rafe said Abe was in good hands. Paulina got upset again when Eric and Sloan showed up. Rafe told Sloan to leave the hospital. Eric yelled at Rafe. Eric apologized to Paulina. Paulina asked if he was sorry after what Sloan and her brother did to Abe. Paulina calmed down and started praying. Eric took her to the chapel. Chanel gave her statement to Rafe. Rafe said Talia saved her life. Chanel said she didn’t. She said Talia was responsible for this. She said Talia was the reason why they were on the roof. Chanel told him not to let Talia go that easily. Sloan went to see Colin. The doctor said he was lucky to be alive. He woke up and asked what happened. She asked what happened too. She said he was supposed to leave Paulina and Chanel alone. He said he did what he had to do. He said he had them where he wanted until Talia and Jada showed up. He said Talia pushed him over. Sloan asked why he didn’t leave. She said she missed their parents but there are limits. She said he couldn’t kill. He said she couldn’t get the job done, but he could. He said he would do it again. Kayla checked on Talia. Kayla told her she was lucky except for the broken arm. When Kayla left, Talia asked Jada how Chanel was. Jada said Paulina and Chanel were fine. Talia said things got out of hand. Jada said this was Colin’s plan all the time. She asked Talia why she cared about him. Jada told her to forget about Colin and to be glad it’s over. Talia asked if she could see if he was okay. Jada went to see Colin so she could handcuff him. Jada went to the waiting room. She said she arrested Colin. Chanel wanted to know if Talia was going to be arrested too. She threatened to call the DA and the media if Talia wasn’t arrested. Rafe told Jada to go home and get rest. She said she had an arrest to make. Eric brought Paulina back to the waiting room as Kayla was telling everyone Abe’s surgery went well. Kayla took Paulina to see Abe. Eric told Rafe that Sloan had nothing to do with what happened. Eric ended up yelling at Rafe. Colin asked if Sloan was for or against him. She said he was her brother. She said he didn’t need family. She said he needed a lawyer to help him. She said she would help him. Jada went to Talia’s room. Jada told Talia that Colin wasn’t dying. Jada said he was getting arrested. She said she had to do the same thing to Talia.

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