Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Rafe went to the DiMera mansion. He had papers for him to sign to drop the charges against Eric and Brady. Rafe told him he shouldn’t have done that. Stefan said he was happy with how things turned out. Stefan wanted to know why Rafe was there. Rafe said he wanted to talk about Gabi. They talked about not wanting her to live with Li. Rafe said he doesn’t care for Stefan but he was better than Li. Rafe told him to be careful because Li was dangerous. Stefan said he had it. EJ told Nicole that he still planned to take Stefan down. He said Stefan felt the same way. He said he was going to stop Stefan and Gabi from teaming up against him. He told her about Li. He said he was using LI, but playing his cards to his chest. He said the plan Li had for Gabi might work. Nicole said Gabi may be happy with the fashion line, but she would never give up on Stefan. EJ told her about Li fidelity clause. Gabi heard Li talking about her on the phone. He was talking to someone about a meeting for her fashion line. They talked when he got off the phone. She agreed to take the meeting. When she left to change her clothes, her phone rang. Li answered her phone. It was Stefan. He reminded Stefan about the fidelity clause. Stefan was upset and threw the phone. EJ and Nicole walked in the room. Stefan told them what was going on with Gabi and Li. Nicole said she heard Gabi was starting a fashion line. Stefan said she would have told him about it. EJ brought up the fidelity clause Gabi had to follow. Stefan asked how he knew about it.
Eric and Sloan talked about him starting an art gallery. She said he could use Sweet Bits. He said he didn’t like her taking everything away from Paulina and Chanel. She said he wouldn’t be the one taking anything. She said she would be taking it. While they were talking, she found out that she lost her case. She started throwing things. He tried to comfort her. She broke down. She said they were murderers and won. She said it was never about the money. She said they tore her family apart. She said everyone loved them because they were cute and fun. She said she lost so much but everyone thought she deserved it. She said that was her last shot at justice for her mother. When Gabi was ready for the meeting, she told Li he wasn’t going. She checked her phone and noticed that Stefan called. She was upset that he didn’t tell her about the call. Li apologized and told her to call him back. He said it might make her late for the meeting. He said everyone was expecting both of them and he didn’t want to ruin her chances. She told him he was driving.
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