Y&R Best Lines Thursday, January 26, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Ah. Thank you. Hey, Daniel.

Daniel: Tucker McCall. Yeah, I heard you were back in town. I’m sure that so many just love having you here.

Tucker: [Chuckles]

Daniel: How’s the reception been?

Tucker: Nice to see you, too.

Daniel: [Chuckles]

Tucker: Actually, the timing couldn’t be better.

Daniel: Why is that?

Tucker: Oh, I’ve been hearing great things about your new gaming venture. I must say, it sounds intriguing.


Sally: So, you were thinking of me here in L.A. And didn’t want to send a text like a normal person?

Nick: Me? No way. I’m old school. I wanted to hear your voice. In fact, I’m so old school, I’m calling you from a rotary phone built in 1973.

Sally: [Laughs]


Nick: Hey, what’s that groan about? Is that because of the joke, or are you still having morning sickness?

Sally: A little of both.

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