Y&R Best Lines Friday, January 20, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victor: I’m here to talk to Kyle about Harrison, alright? He’s part of the next generation of Newmans.

Adam: Mm-hmm. I have no doubt that you’re already planning the kid’s future. Are you hoping he’ll stick to the program better than I did?

Victor: For your information, he is being given the same opportunities that you were.

Adam: [Chuckles] So, he’ll succeed where i failed. Is that it?

Victor: Son, why does everything have to be an argument between us?

Adam: Look, I know that you hate that I am here at Jabot…

Victor: Uh-huh.

Adam: …Working for Jack.

Victor: Right.

Adam: And Kyle feels the same way. He would love it more than anything if I wasn’t here. I know you also believe Jack only gave me this job to stick it to you.

Victor: You’re correct about all the above. But I’ve often told you — and don’t ever forget it — that you are a very talented businessman.

Adam: And yet here you are. You’re gathering intelligence. Are you hoping to hear that I’m crashing and burning?

Victor: Son, what the hell are you doing here selling lipstick and makeup, for heaven’s sake? What’s the matter with you?

Adam: What are you trying to do? Are you trying to strong-arm Victoria into giving me some rinky-dink position so I can be under your thumb at Newman? It’s not gonna happen, okay?


Sharon: I’m sure there are all kinds of fields that you could explore. I mean, for instance, take all those quick, precision moves that you learned, you know, in the military. Just give them a little tweak, and soon you could be a — a dance instructor.

Chance: [Laughs]

Sharon: No, really!

Chance: Nice. That was nice. Good job.

Sharon: Or you know how you can drop from the ceiling on a wire? Cirque du Soleil would hire you in a heartbeat. And I can just see it now. You’d be juggling a ping-pong ball and a sledgehammer and a chainsaw.

Chance: Wow. Hmm. Would I have to wear sequins?

Sharon: Well, yeah. I mean, otherwise no one in the back would be able to see you.

Chance: No, that’s where i draw the line. I can’t do it. I can’t do it.

Sharon: That’s where you draw the line?

Chance: Yeah, no sequins for me.

[Sighs] Thank you.

Sharon: For what?

Chance: Making me laugh, distracting me. You are remarkably good at getting me out of my head.

Sharon: Well, I’m glad that you feel comfortable enough being silly with me.

Chance: Mm, it’s easy. It feels natural.

[Cellphone pings] Sorry. It’s Chicago PD. It’s about Stark’s arrest. I need to follow up on this. I, um… I wish I didn’t have to leave, though.

Sharon: Well, go. Take care of business. I’ll be here thinking about all the new career paths you can consider.

Chance: I cannot wait to hear what you come up with. See you.

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